Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 272 Slow King, get

"Next, let's see if the assumption is correct!"

Taiyi placed the two Slowpoke's Poke Balls on both sides of the exchange device. Among them, the green-qualified Slowpoke had already put on the King's Certificate.

The King's Certificate has been confirmed to be an elf prop that can be worn by elves and put into elf balls together.

It's just that I haven't found any use for this prop!

The purpose here is to increase the combat power of Slowpoke, or to increase its six-dimensional attributes, or to strengthen certain aspects of attributes, etc.

Therefore, this kind of props will be classified as ordinary items, allowing Taiyi to buy them at a cheap price.

"However, I believe that after today, the price of this kind of prop will increase exponentially!"

The King's Certificate is a tool belonging to ancient kings.

With the long history and vast land of the elf world, there were originally not many such props.

If it weren't for the lack of attention, I'm afraid the number of such props would have increased a lot.

"It depends on now!"

Taiyi pressed the exchange button, because they were all his own elves, so there was no thought of exchanging them, or any reluctance to part with them.

But Taiyi still felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Although many things have proved that the knowledge in the anime I watched in my previous life is correct, there are also certain deviations in the information.

That knowledge is not completely based on Taiyi's memory!

Taiyi can actually understand this.

Because the elf world is a complete and real world, many settings must be true if they are in line with the reality of the world.

After all, the anime is only a small space, and it is impossible to explain everything accurately.

In this way, there is a certain deviation, which is acceptable.

At this moment, the machine shows that the exchange has been completed.

Taiyi couldn't wait to pick up both pokeballs, and then released the pokemon.

"Really, it really happened!"

Taiyi's voice seemed a little trembling, even though he knew it in his heart.

But when it finally happened, Taiyi was still a little excited.

"King Dudu, please give me some advice!"

Taiyi started to smile, but he didn't notice that the door was opened at this time.

"Mr. Taiyi, huh? What kind of elf is this?"

The person who came in was Joy Xiang. She seemed to have heard Taiyi's voice just now, and then remembered what Taiyi had said before.

A new attempt, Joy Xiang is also very interested.

As a result, when she came in, she discovered that there was a strange elf in front of Taiyi!

"It looks a bit like Slowpoke! But shouldn't Slowpoke evolve into Slowpoke? What's coming in?"

Taichi laughed, put Slowpoke away, and placed it in the Book of Heaven world.

Now that everything has come out, let’s follow ourselves first!

In the world of the Book of Heaven, receive a period of cultivation!

He held Slowpoke in his arms and smiled at Joey Xiang: "This is the attempt I mentioned before, another evolutionary form of Slowpoke, Slowpoke King!"

The corners of Taiyi's mouth were wide open and he couldn't close them at all.

Slow King: The King Pokémon

Level: 44

Attributes: Water/Superpower

Features: Regeneration

Qualification: Qing

Gender: Male

Skills: Water gun, scream, impact, telekinesis, teleportation, telekinesis, sleep, snoring, wall of light, power stone, trick, water ring, water wave, bluff, rain

Slowpoke evolved and became Slow King, and its strength has undergone earth-shaking changes!

First of all, the most important thing is that the qualifications have changed from green to ten, breaking through the shackles of the seven colors of the rainbow and becoming cyan qualifications!

The fullness level is about 40%!

This is a huge change!

This is a qualification acquired in exchange for some life force after being infected with the elf virus in Cerulean City!

If it were other trainers, they would definitely think it was a very good deal.

Qualifications are really difficult to improve.

But compared to the long lifespan of elves, many trainers don't care about a few years of life!

In addition, the level has also been increased to level 44!

In other words, Slowpoke successfully reached the elite level!

And once you break through, you will be promoted by 4 levels, which is an unfilial promotion.

As for learning a few moves, relatively speaking, it is nothing.

Among them, Taichi hoped that Slowpoke would learn the water flow ring move, and he successfully learned it when he broke through.

In this way, Taiyi's plan can be taken a step further.

The rain-seeking move can change the weather. This is a difficult but very useful move to learn.

The environment has a great influence on moves.

If you are fighting against fire-type elves, then the rainy environment may be a help in making a comeback.

The Power Gem moves also give Slow King more options for combat moves.

Overall, this evolution is a big improvement for Slow King.

No matter from which aspect!

"Mr. Taiyi is so awesome!"

When Taiyi came out, many Joeys in the Elf Center were sincerely impressed.

Taiyi smiled and talked to them for a while, and said that his paper would be sent to the paper review department later!

Until then, please keep it a secret.

The Joeys all nodded in agreement. Even if Taiyi was not an ally of the Joey family, the Joeys would do the same.

Some researchers have bad character and will steal other people's papers.

But not the Joys, whose quality comes with years of credibility.

After saying goodbye to the Joeys, Taichi came out and walked towards Aunt Sakura's house.

He had actually prepared a paper, after all, he had known about this evolutionary path before.

It is missing some key links, such as some data about the King of Slowness.

These were all completed by Taiyi in the Elf Center just now.

It can be said that it is actually very difficult to steal this paper.

It’s just that one more thing is worse than one less thing. After Taiyi was ready to go back, he sorted out the paper and sent it to the paper review department!

To avoid long nights and too many dreams!

All the way to the restaurant of Aunt Yingzi's house, Taiyi found that the business here was still very good.

The price of various elf foods is written on the sign outside, and the prices are very affordable!

Aunt Yingzi follows the route of small profits but quick turnover, and her business seems to be good.

There is a special menu below, with several special elf food packages every day.

It's elf food made from vegetables and tree fruits in Zhenxin Town, and it's a specialty of Aunt Sakurako's restaurant!

This is also the reason why many trainers come to dine!

When building a restaurant, you also need to create unique features so that you can have a steady flow of customers!

Coupled with good service, there are many repeat customers.

It seems that Aunt Yingzi's family is doing very well!

"Welcome, we have a special set menu today, I don't know... Taiyi, why are you here?"

As soon as Taichi came in, he heard Aunt Yingzi's voice soliciting customers.

But then, Aunt Yingzi discovered that the visitor was not a guest, but her nephew.

Taiyi smiled and said: "I'll go back to Zhenxin Town and stop by to bring you some things. After all, I have already completed what some people asked me to do. I just didn't have the chance to bring it over!"

At this time, Taichi discovered Shinichi's cousin who was helping in the store!

Seeing himself, Xinyi's cousin snorted arrogantly!

Taichi couldn't help but tease Shinichi's cousin!

Sure enough, after hearing what Taiyi said, Xinyi's cousin didn't quite believe it, but he still came closer and shouted arrogantly: "Cousin Taiyi? Did you really get the signature of King Sirona?"

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