Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 258 Aloe Cream

"Let him make the potion! After testing it in practice, we will know the effect and the answer!" Mutsuko Tazawa said.

In fact, she was basically certain that this recipe was correct.

It is even more effective than many current burn medicines, and the price is cheaper!

This is Mutsuko Tazawa's understanding and basic judgment as a top breeder.

"Perhaps, the reform of pharmaceuticals is coming!" Mutsuko Tazawa thought to herself.

Joy nodded. Although Joy had thoughts on this matter, it was not suitable for her to speak out.

As both high-level breeders, she and Honda Ryuwei are equal.

At this time, if you have different opinions, you should speak out.

This is the essence of academic discussion. You cannot not bring it up just because of the other party’s face.

This is also the reason why the knowledge of cultivation in the elf world has been steadily increasing over the years!

But as a top breeder and the elder of the other party, Mutsuko Tazawa was very appropriate to bring it up at this time.

In this way, the two senior cultivators will not be at odds because of their differences and different opinions.

This is very good for the breeder association.

In this regard, although Honda Liuwei felt that it was unnecessary, because he believed that the formula was useless and there was no need to verify it at all.

This man is just sensationalizing!

Although Honda Liuwei has done such a thing before.

But Honda Ryuwei felt that he proposed the improvements based on solid elf knowledge and sufficient practical experience.

Although the final effect does not seem to be very good, it does achieve some innovation.

This is also the reason why Honda Liuwei became a senior breeder!

But the other person is just a ten-year-old child, what knowledge can he have? What operational experience can you have?

Maybe, this person is also from the Joey family?

Although this person's name doesn't seem to match Joey.

Well, the male Joey family name is not Joey.

Maybe, that's it!

But since Mutsuko Tazawa brought it up, Ryui Honda simply nodded.

It doesn't matter, there's nothing going on anyway, just treat it as a farce.

Naturally, someone came to inform Taiyi about this.

Taiyi was stunned and didn't care about anything.

He actually noticed the debate on the examiner's side.

But Taiyi didn't care about that. No matter what, it still had to be done in the end.

Only after actual practice can the test results be officially recognized.

Taiyi nodded lightly: "I understand, let's start immediately."

He first searched for suitable raw materials, and then the examination room provided special tools for refining pharmaceuticals.

Taiyi stood in front of the workbench, calmly took out the materials and put them into categories.

All the processing went smoothly.

This picture made Honda Liuwei stunned: "It seems that he is not completely inexperienced!"

In fact, Honda Liuwei is a bit tasteful.

Not only is he experienced, but the level of operation is much more stable than his own!

As we all know, when refining pharmaceuticals, the most important thing is the formula.

But in the refining process, the most important thing is stability!

Perhaps there are some very effective medicines that were created by accident.

But most of the medicines have excellent quality because they are stable!

"Not bad. Looking at the level of operation, it's quite impressive." Mutsuko Tazawa said with admiration.

She is an elder and a top cultivator, with a very open mind.

Because of her age, Mutsuko Tazawa's competitive spirit has become much weaker.

What supports Mutsuko Tazawa now is her love for elves and her love for the world.

These are the reasons that support Mutsuko Tazawa to continue on the road of cultivating a family!

Without any distracting thoughts, Mutsuko Tazawa could naturally see that Taichi was at a high enough level in refining potions!

Joey also nodded and said in response: "Actually, the paper that proposed these raw materials last year was proposed by Taichi Amuro!"

Mutsuko Tazawa glanced at Taichi in surprise and said, "So it turns out that it's not the same person, or the same person? It seems that the youngest mid-level researcher in the alliance can really stand on his own in terms of cultivation!"

Honda Liuwei was also stunned, and then his heart became sour.

Which big family is this? How could such a young person have such high achievements?

It’s probably because the elders of the family passed on the credit!

These big families just don't follow the rules!

Back then, Honda Ryuwei almost lost the qualification for the junior breeder exam because he was replaced by a member of a big family!

Taiyi didn't know this, he was already immersed in the process of refining the elf potion.

Whatever you do, if you can immerse yourself in it, the results will usually not be too bad.

At least, it will be much better than perfunctory!

Soon, Taiyi added the last medicinal ingredient.

The last herb is aloe vera!

This common herb is also available in the elven world, and it is not taken too seriously.

Taiyi felt that this medicinal material had a unique effect on sunburn.

When aloe vera is added, the potion enters its final stage.

When a tube of light green potion was successfully prepared, Taiyi smelled a faint fragrance.

This is a balm that can be applied on or taken internally.

Taiyi was very satisfied with his production this time. This was his first production and it was as successful as expected.

Taiyi was naturally very happy in his heart.

But now, it’s better to finish the exam first.

Taiyi took off the test tube, took out the balm, and put it in a box.

"This is my ointment, aloe vera ointment!"

Because the main material is aloe vera, it is named aloe vera cream!

Joey smiled and said: "It's very appropriate. When I smell this smell, I feel a refreshing feeling!"

Joey took the ointment, turned around and said to the referee team: "Everyone, come and take a look, and then give a score, and then decide whether to treat the walking grass!"

By this time, basically the candidates have made a judgment on the situation of walking carelessly.

Most people have written down their treatment plans, and this is also the time to hand in papers.

However, seeing that Taiyi had already finished making the ointment, many people looked envious.

If it were the case in the past, this would prove that the referee approved the plan and the ointment was completed.

This also means that Taiyi's qualifications as a cultivator have been basically determined.

But soon, Honda Liuwei's expression made many candidates strange.

"Could it be that this referee thinks this candidate's ointment is ineffective?"

Qiao Ran was also in the crowd. Her plan had been approved, and she was about to get the raw materials and make the potion.

Regarding Honda Liuwei's expression, Qiao Ran felt that the other party must be jealous.

Otherwise, how could Mr. Ether One fail to pass the exam?

Besides, Qiao Ran also smelled the ointment.

Joe Ran is very talented in potions and is known as the genius of the Joe family in potions!

Just by smelling it, Qiao Ran knew that the effect of the ointment was symptomatic.

It's just unclear whether the effect is good or bad.

But thinking of Taiyi's identity, Qiao Ran was convinced that this ointment was useful.

Moreover, for the junior cultivator exam, as long as the ointment is suitable for the symptoms, this is fine.

After all, it is just a junior cultivator exam. As long as the direction is right, qualifications can be given.

Mutsuko Tazawa applied some ointment on her hand, carefully identified it, and smiled: "Okay! The effect should be good!"

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