Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 250 The Big Blue Qualified Milk Can, Mimikyu’s little trick

What made Taiyi a little excited and couldn't hide his eyes was the big milk jug in front of him!

This is a very high-quality, powerful milk tank!

Big Milk Tank: Cow Pokémon

Level: 25

Properties: General

Traits: Courage

Qualification: Qing

Gender: Female

Skills: Crash, Yell, Roll, Round, Healing Bell, Drink Milk

The moves are no different from those of the previous big milk cans, but the energy will be purer than those of the big milk cans.

Although his level is 5 levels lower than those four big milk cans, he has become the leader of these five big milk cans.

This can be seen from the fact that the other four milk cans are surrounding this one when they come out of the five.

The qualification is clearly cyan, about 30% full!

This is not ordinary!

Green qualifications are already one in a million, and cyan qualifications are even more rare.

What's more, it's an elf like Big Milk Can. In the elf world, there are very few people who use Big Milk Can as battle elves.

This one is because large milk jugs are still relatively rare, and most of them are monopolized by the alliance.

The other one is also a large milk tank used for farming, and will get more benefits.

Moo milk is the finest milk in the elf world and is expensive.

Partial trainers are still indispensable. It is essential to supplement the nutrients for the elves, and it is also the easiest to obtain.

Moreover, this kind of milk can also be used as an energy supplement when you are in a hurry.

Elves who fight continuously can restore their physical strength and energy by eating moo milk.

Although this may result in the loss of some of the nutrients in the milk.

But in battle, a little recovery of energy and physical strength may mean life.

The characteristic of this big milk tank is courage, which allows the big milk tank to no longer be afraid of ghost-type elves and can hit ghost-type elves!

This is also very rare.

"Very good!" Shu Lao nodded and praised.

This large milk tank with blue qualification is very rare.

I don't know how Yulongdu got it. Taiyi thought: "Could it be that Yulongdu took this from someone with his privileges?"

Taichi was right. At this time, there was an old man in Manjin City in the Chengdu area. He was very angry when he saw the news told to him by the alliance staff on the video phone!

"You're kidding me! I've reserved that big milk jug a long time ago!"

"Yu Longdu can't snatch my big milk tank!"

"That's the original elf I gave to my granddaughter!"

"Now where can I find such a high-quality big milk jug!"

"That's too much. Isn't the King of Heaven amazing?"

"What's wrong with whoever can't beat him?"

"Even if I exchange it for the merits of the Heavenly King, it won't work!"

"Tell me, what does he want a big milk jug for?"

Taiyi didn’t know that the big milk jug he received was originally a starter spirit prepared by a certain gym leader for his granddaughter!

As a general gym, Big Milk Tank is an excellent choice for the initial elf!

Many families will not all use the Yusan family as the initial elf!

For example, people in the Manjin Gym will use general-type elves as the initial elves!

Moreover, most of their main forces are general-type elves!

This is the pride and persistence of the veteran general gym!

Because they have the secret book for cultivating general elves, and can effectively cultivate powerful general elves!

Taiyi doesn't care about that. Even if there is such a thing, Taiyi will pretend not to know.

Anyway, the elf is already in his hands, and others will have to think of another way.

He didn't do anything illegal. This elf was found by Yulongdu. If he wants to cause trouble, he should go to Yulongdu!

Putting his thoughts away, Taiyi looked at the big milk jug after he had finished eating. The joy in his eyes could not be concealed.

I can't meditate when I'm so excited.

Taiyi simply brought the big milk jug into the world of the Book of Heaven.

There was a sudden change of environment, and the big milk tank was a little commotion.

But soon, he recovered under the comfort of Taiyi and Geely Dan.

Yes, the lucky egg saw Taiyi coming, and came over to meet Taiyi very happily.

"That Mimikyu keeps trying to get out, it looks so pitiful!"

The words of Geely Egg made Taiyi stunned.

Unexpectedly, this Mimikyu would show weakness to the enemy, pretend to be miserable, and ask for lucky eggs!

Taiyi felt a little funny in his heart: "If you want to get out of here with just this trick, then it can only be said that you are thinking too much."

Lucky eggs also have some privileges in the world of heavenly books.

You can go in and out of that restricted area and deliver meals to Mimikki.

Mimikyu has actually tried many methods, such as sneaking into the shadow of the lucky egg and trying to come out with the lucky egg.

But this technique is too weak for Tianshu.

Taiyi had already set rules before to rule out this possibility!

Besides, even if Mimikyu comes out of captivity, he will still be in the Book of Heaven world.

As long as he is in the world of the Book of Heaven, it is not difficult for Taiyi to catch Mimikyu again.

It’s nothing more than catching it again!

"It doesn't matter, you don't understand her temper yet? The instinct of the ghost-type elf allows her to absorb the vitality of other elves to improve herself. Bulbasaur has absorbed a lot of vitality from her. Don't be fooled by her!"

Taiyi smiled and said to Jilidan, Jilidan immediately remembered what happened before.

Bulbasaur also reported, and Gilly Egg immediately nodded and stopped talking about the matter.

Although Geely Egg is kind-hearted, he is not stubborn.

This kind of harmful spirit must be imprisoned first.

Taiyi added: "I just want to polish her character and get her to get rid of the habit of absorbing the life force of others. I will still let her out in the future!"

Hit a stick and give a sweet date.

Taiyi is now very proficient in using it, and the effect is really good.

Geely Dan accepted this result easily, and his eyes showed happiness again.

When it comes to elves, you can't be too rigid. If someone takes care of and cultivates elves exactly as written in the book, then this person's elves will definitely not be well cultivated.

Moreover, the relationship between this trainer and the elf is definitely not much better!

The relationship between humans and elves still has to come from the heart and adapt to changes!

Taiyi quickly introduced Big Milk Can to Jili Dan. He asked Ji Li Dan to teach Da Milk Can about some ways to take care of the elves!

Similarly, Taiyi has no intention of letting Big Milk Can be the main elf to go out and participate in the battle.

Just like Kechu, it can be used as a production elf.

Well, you still need to practice fighting.

If you don't attack, you must at least defend.

For the rest, just eat the grass and fruits here happily, so that you can produce more milk in the future!

Taiyi thought about it, and moo milk was produced continuously.

There will definitely be no shortage of dairy products in the future, and those snacks are so delicious. Taichi almost drooled.

It’s not that Taiyi is greedy, it’s really delicious!

Including ice cream, there are also cakes and mousses, which are really delicious.

Especially when the eggs laid by Geely Egg meet the moo milk produced by the big milk tank.

This chain reaction, one plus one, will definitely be greater than two.

It is far greater than that!

After some discussion, Geely Dan happily accepted Da Nai Can, and Da Nai Can also decided to learn from Geely Dan.

This is something that a gentle elf like Big Milk Can can easily accept.

Taiyi felt relieved, prepared to meditate, and then rested.

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