Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 247 Please arrest and bring to justice as soon as possible

The street lights are gorgeous, but Kazuma Kosaka has no idea of ​​admiring them at all.

No matter how beautiful the neon lights are, they can't compare to the anxiety inside.

The cheating gang that has been running for several years was originally doing well. To describe it as prosperous is simply not too appropriate.

This is due to one of his talents, the affinity with bird elves!

I don’t know when, Kazuma Kosaka discovered that he seemed to be able to understand the words of the bird spirits.

Their joys, sorrows and joys, what they are busy with every day.

Kosaka Kazuma seemed to understand all of this.

So, Kazuma Kosaka firmly embarked on the path of being a trainer!

Unfortunately, after several battles, Kazuma Kosaka discovered that he did not seem to have the talent as a trainer.

Although the bird spirits cultivated are very good, many of them have reached the level of gym leaders.

It's a pity that he doesn't have a good grasp of the elf's moves, and he doesn't know much about their characteristics.

In several alliance conferences, they have always stopped outside the top 500!

A few times, it even stopped at auditions!

How can Kazuma Kosaka accept this?

The heart is as high as the sky and the life is as thin as paper. Perhaps this is how to describe Kosaka Kazuma!

Since discovering his talent, Kosaka Kazuma has been extremely excited.

He thought that he would soon reach the pinnacle of life, marry Bai Fumei, and defeat the Four Heavenly Kings!

But alas, all this is just a mirror image!

His command was really poor. It would have been better if he didn't command. With the elf's own performance, he could still win a few games.

Once, I even almost made it to the quarter-finals!

However, as long as Kosaka Kazuma takes command, it will be a real disaster.

It was obvious that he could escape, but when he gave the command, the elf obeyed his instructions and instead burrowed into his opponent's big net!

This is simply so heartbreaking.

This made Kazuma Kosaka very annoyed and frustrated!

Until an accidental opportunity, Kosaka Kazuma discovered that besides using his talent to cultivate elves,

In fact, elves can do many things according to their own instructions.

For example, cheating for other candidates in the cultivator exam!

Well, that's it, an accidental discovery put Kazuma Kosaka on the road of no return!

After several years of cheating like this, Kazuma Kosaka has sent no less than fifty people to successfully obtain the title of breeder!

This made Kazuma Kosaka famous in this circle, in the circle of exam preparation.

This year, more than a hundred people found Kazuma Kosaka, paid a deposit in advance, and asked Kazuma Kosaka to help them cheat!

Just to exchange for a junior cultivator certificate!

In the eyes of Kazuma Kosaka, this is a very simple matter!

Without him, he just needs to rely on his bird spirit to teach those candidates a set of gestures, and that's it.

Who knew that this year’s exam would cause Kazuma Kosaka to have a big fall!

The Alliance actually already knew the news and set up a dragnet, just waiting for him to get in!

Yulongdu and Sirona, neither of these two is a fuel-efficient lamp!

Especially Sirona, this young beauty is not only beautiful, but the elf is also extremely sharp!

Kosaka Kazuma didn't dare to face Sirona at all!

In fact, if Kosaka Kazuma hadn't changed places because of his temporary irritability, Yulongdu and Sirona would have been captured by him directly.

He hid under a pile of garbage, waiting for the alliance investigators to leave before he dared to sneak out!

Kosaka Kazuma originally wanted to leave directly.

The alliance's pursuit will not end so easily!

He wanted to hide for a while, wait until the news from the alliance subsided, and then think about how to continue this business.

Who knows, a confidant told himself.

This time, except for the alliance, except for Yulongdu and Sirona!

There is also a researcher involved!

This researcher named Amuro Taichi is a rising star who just emerged last year. He appeared on a TV show in Joban City once!

Published papers in the alliance many times!

In Kosaka Kazuma's view, this is purely because of Dr. Ohki's guidance. Couldn't Dr. Ohki, a ten-year-old child, be able to write a paper?

I’m afraid I don’t even know all the characters!

This made Kazuma Kosaka very angry, and he couldn't afford to offend others.

There are only elves at the gym leader level, and their own command ability has to be compared to the elves' strength!

With such strength, let alone Sirona, he is far from a match for the recently rising Yulongdu.

All the elves I have together may not be able to match the main elf in Yulongdu!

The gap between the King of Heaven and those below is really huge!

But, such a ten-year-old child!

Kosaka Kazuma couldn't vent his inner anger, and he was ready to take revenge.

First of all, we need to confirm whether anyone is casting a net secretly!

Kosaka Kazuma doesn’t want to fall into the alliance’s net again!

It took a long time for Kosaka Kazuma to confirm that this child named Amuro Taichi was really out for a walk alone!

Insidious and cruel eyes turned in Kosaka Kazuma's eyes: "If you want to blame, blame yourself! Although you are probably not the real cause of this incident, who made me unable to find anyone else?"

Kosaka Kazuma made an excuse for himself in his mind, and then he prepared to let the Bibi birds attack Taiyi!

Regardless of whether he attacked the trainer directly or not, whether Taichi Amuro could survive or not.

It doesn't matter, venting your anger is the most important thing!

Big deal, join Team Rocket!

I don’t believe it. If I have such good abilities, would the Rockets not want me?

But at this moment, Kosaka and Shinya suddenly heard a voice.

"Now! Mental strength!"

Several elves appeared out of thin air, and then Kosaka Kazuma was confused and fell unconscious.

Taiyi wiped his hands in embarrassment. He thought that the boss of this cheating gang would be a little difficult to deal with!

It can be seen that his elves are very powerful!

Surprisingly, most of them are at the gym leader level.

This is not something that ordinary people can cultivate!

There are even several who only have yellow qualifications, but have been trained to the level of gym leaders!

This is very rare!

At least Taiyi does not have this ability for the time being. Elves with green qualifications have only a certain probability of being promoted to the gym leader level!

These Bibi birds have actually been cultivated to this extent.

It can be seen that Kosaka Kazuma is very good at cultivating bird spirits.

It would be very beneficial for Taiyi to get the experience of Kosaka Kazuma.

Sirona walked over with a strange expression on her face, and her elf went to chase those Bibi birds.

Bite the land shark and shoot down several elves who want to attack Taiyi. This is not difficult for the elves at the level of the king.

Especially when the targets of these elves are only focused on other people, and there is basically no defense.

"Thanks to you!"

"Thanks to you!"

The two said at the same time, then looked at each other and smiled.

Sirona was talking about the capture of these people, and Taiyi was talking about how biting the land shark helped her.

Despite Shu Lao's presence, Taiyi shouldn't have any major problems.

Casey waited for a few elves and added a wall of light to protect himself.

But you still have to say thank you when it’s time to say thank you!

Yulongdu arrived late, and when he arrived, he saw Sirona and Taichi Amuro happily discussing this.

"Sirona, you are fast enough! As expected of you!" Yulongdu said pretending to be relaxed. Junsha had contacted him on the way just now.

"The boss of the cheating gang escaped, please help arrest him as soon as possible!"

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