Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 232 Poison Rose is injured

Sirona's face turned ugly, obviously she was talking about a painful point.

But Sirona didn't say anything else, she just nodded and said: "Because it was the first time I encountered such a situation. Plus there were alliance investigators around at the time, so..."

A trace of anger flashed in Sirona's eyes, and she said: "At that time, if it weren't for Poison Rose..."

She stopped, paused, regained some of her emotions, and then said to Taiyi: "Speaking of which, I would also like to thank you Taiyi. If it hadn't been for the fact that Mian Xibao had stayed with you for a while before, her qualifications had greatly increased, and her level had also increased. I’ve been promoted to the level of a gym leader. I’m afraid this time it’s going to be more difficult for me!”

Taiyi was stunned. Unexpectedly, Poison Rose also entered the battle.

It seems that the Rockets really sent out strong people this time.

Over the years, the Rockets have kept their power secret and did not compete head-on with the league.

Even if there are violent incidents, most of them are fights between the lower-level personnel below and the alliance, and they cannot be brought to the stage.

Rockets leaders rarely play against the kings of the league.

This is why the league doesn't pay that much attention to the Rockets.

As for the reason why neither Sirona nor Dr. Oak mentioned Team Rocket, Taichi knew it.

Nonsense, if you still don’t know that Sirona’s mission is to Team Rocket, then Taichi is too stupid.

But Taichi didn’t know why Sirona went on a mission in Kanto.

Although the alliance is a large organization that governs all regions.

However, Sirona still belongs to the Sinnoh region. If Kanto wants Sirona to take action, it still has to go through some procedures.

Well, Taiyi's expression changed, maybe this was the case, and some information was leaked?

He didn't say it, but based on the experience of Sirona and Dr. Ohmu, they wouldn't have thought of this.

They didn't talk about it, and Taiyi didn't mention it either.

Taiyi waved his hand: "It's okay. In fact, even if Mianbao is not with me, as long as you continue to persevere, you will evolve. I don't dare to take credit for this."

Sirona shook her head: "No. If it weren't for Taiyi, even if Mianbao could evolve, it wouldn't be possible in a short time. In fact, Mianbao and I were almost desperate at that time. It's your words , played a role of encouragement and encouragement. With your cultivation, it is really good. Mimosa has evolved, and Poison Rose's qualifications have also been strengthened. Her strength is not only increasing day by day."

Sirona said with some fear: "Speaking of which, if Poison Rose hadn't improved in strength and blocked the attack for me, I might not have been able to survive!"

This may be an exaggeration, but it is not far from the truth.

As for whether Team Rocket dares to kill Sirona, they have been pushed to a dead end and no one dares to kill.

Taichi felt that with Sakaki's strength, even if someone below killed Sirona.

When the time comes for the Temple clan to retaliate, Sakaki will most likely not be afraid.

However, Sakaki will probably throw out a few people to vent his anger on the temple.

As for Sakaki himself, there is definitely no problem.

Now that Poison Rose was mentioned, Taiyi stayed back as he originally wanted to go back.

After all, we had been together for so many days before, and we might have to continue cultivating him here, so Taiyi stayed.

Sirona and Dr. Omu continued to talk for a while, and Dr. Omu went back to contact the alliance.

Sirona stayed and waited for her elf.

Taiyi was here, chatting with each other, but Sirona didn't seem to be very interested.

Taiyi shut his mouth and waited with Sirona.

More than an hour later, Joy Ying came out and said to Sirona: "Miss Sirona, your other elves have been treated. It's nothing serious, but you can't fight today, nor can you train with high intensity. You need to rest!"

Sirona nodded and thanked her, and asked hurriedly: "Where is Poison Rose?"

Joy Ying said: "Poison Rose's injury is a bit serious!"

Sirona's face looked a little heavy, and she bent down and said to Joy Ying: "Please. Miss Joy, please try your best to help treat me, please!"

Joy Ying nodded: "Even if you don't tell us, we will. Grandma Joy is inside, she did it herself, and Happy Egg is also inside, so everything will be fine."

Hearing Grandma Joey and Happy Egg, Sirona felt a little relieved.

Taiyi comforted him: "Don't worry. Grandma Joey is the best Joey, and Happy Egg's treatment level is also among the best in the world. Don't worry."

Taiyi once saw Grandma Joey's happy egg, which was a particularly powerful happy egg.

It is also the most outstanding happy egg that Taiyi has ever seen.

Sirona felt a little relieved, nodded, and thanked Tai.

Joyying gave the elf ball to Sirona and turned around to help.

But Miss Joy was also very busy. Fortunately, this place had just opened, and not many residents of Zhenxin Town came here for treatment.

Well, talk about Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here.

"Miss Joy, please help heal my elf!" An uncle walked in, saw Taiyi, and said hello: "It's Taiyi!"

"Uncle. Do you want your elf to be treated? Why don't you give it to my lucky egg?"

Taiyi also said hello and said to the lucky egg.

I came here with Xiao Chi just now, because Sirona brought many injured elves.

So when Xiaochi left, Taiyi asked the lucky egg to stay.

At that time, I was thinking that if I needed help, the lucky eggs might be able to help!

Now, it really helps.

The uncle also trusted Taichi, so he handed the elf ball to the lucky egg!

Taiyi did not go in. He said to Jilidan: "Jilidan, please help uncle's elf heal."

"Lucky!" Geely Egg agreed happily, took the elf ball, and turned around and went in.

Anyway, Geely Egg comes here often and is fairly familiar with this place.

Anyway, he was trained by the Joy family, and he is very familiar with Miss Joy.

Geely Dan walked in familiarly, and soon the elf was healed.

"Uncle, it's ready!"

The uncle was very grateful, took the elf ball, and invited Taiyi to be a guest.

Taiyi did not agree, said something else with a smile, and watched the uncle leave.

Sirona was very moved, Taiyi's elves were still very powerful.

Although the level is not too high, the combat effectiveness may not be as good as mine.

But Taiyi is really powerful in terms of cultivation and treatment!

After a while, Joey Ying came out with Poison Rose. At this time, Poison Rose was still lying on the hospital bed.

Joy Ying said: "Poison Rose cannot be discharged from the hospital yet and must be observed at the elf center."

Taichi could see that Poison Rose had burns and burn marks on her body.

And, it's serious.

No wonder, Poison Rose cannot be discharged from the hospital and must be observed in the Elf Center!

Sirona had no choice but to ask with concern: "Is Poison Rose okay?"

Joy Ying said: "There shouldn't be a big problem. Grandma Joy personally took action to help with the treatment, and the effect is still guaranteed. We are just afraid that the condition will relapse, and we will still have to go back to the Elf Center for observation! Don't worry about this Well. We will observe it 24 hours a day and always pay attention to Poison Rose's condition. Once it recurs, we will do our best to treat it. It will be fine."

Although Sirona was still worried and had a very solemn look on her face, she was relieved after Joey Ying said so: "Thank you very much, Miss Joey. I'll leave Poison Rose to you!"

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