Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 228 Batch Exchange of Props

They discussed for a while, during which Grandma Joy came out and blamed Taiyi for not informing her when she came.

Taiyi smiled and said: "We will all be neighbors in the future. We can't bother our elders to come out every time we come here, right? Besides, it should be me who comes to visit you. The responsibility for this matter still lies with me!"

Grandma Joy smiled and did not continue to say anything to Joy Ying.

Grandma Joey also looked through the list of machines and added one of the more difficult machines that Joey Ying thought was unavailable to the list that could be purchased on her behalf.

There are three remaining items that the Joey family can't do anything about.

In other words, it’s not that there’s no way out, it’s just that it requires too much favor and it’s not worth it.

Taiyi can be exchanged for alliance merit. If the Joey family uses too many favors and passes them on to Taiyi, Taiyi will not be able to get them back!

He left the Joey family and agreed to come here to have some fun the day after tomorrow.

Then Taiyi went to Dr. Oki's research institute and talked to Dr. Oki again.

Dr. Oak looked at the remaining three pieces of machinery and crossed out another one.

"The Damu family has the ability to help you get this, so you don't have to exchange your merits for it."

Taiyi readily agreed. Dr. Omu was not very reluctant. It seemed that the effort should not be big.

As for Dr. Oki's contribution, he can repay it with vital vegetables and tree fruits.

Taiyi doesn't like to owe too many favors to others. Over the past year, he has been studying with Dr. Omu, and he has been very grateful.

Back home, Taiyi placed an order on the alliance exchange website and exchanged the remaining two machines.

Seeing that there was still a lot of merit points left, Taichi thought about it and browsed the redemption website again.

"The meritorious deeds are dead if they are left alone. It is better to exchange them for some useful things. Time is tight. If it can enhance the strength of the elves, that would be good."

Looking at the long list of props, Taiyi really wanted to redeem them all.

Just looking at his pitiful merit points, Taiyi knew that this was impossible.

Therefore, we can only choose the best among the best.

"First of all, let's give up on the others. No matter what, physical strength is a very important value that represents the combat power of the elves. So, let's get a Feather of Physical Strength for each elf first!"

Taiyi didn't give it to all the elves, he just gave one to each of the main team first.

"We already have Bulbasaur, so we don't need to think about the Feather of Strength. Then there are only a few elves left, including Casey, Slowpoke, Stipa, Bad Butterfly, Iron Dumbbell, and Starfish. That's six. !”

Although Starfish is still young, just hatched, not very strong, and hasn't even started training yet.

But despite this, over time, the level of Starfish has improved a lot!

Starfish: Star-shaped Pokémon

Level: 8

Attributes: Water/Superpower

Features: Analysis

Qualification: Green/Blue

Gender: no gender

Skills: telekinesis, sleep, wall of light, phantom light, reflective wall, salt water, self-regeneration

First of all, the qualifications have not changed much, but although the training has not started yet, the cultivation has already begun.

There is no change in the blue qualification that represents super power, at least Taiyi cannot see it with his naked eyes.

This is why Taiyi needs very sophisticated qualification testing machinery.

As for the green color that represents water qualifications, it has improved to a certain extent during this period, but the effect is not particularly obvious.

Cultivation is never achieved overnight, but is long-term persistence and gradual improvement with each passing day!

So even though Starfish's water attribute qualifications have not improved significantly, Taiyi is not worried at all and has no worries.

Although the qualifications have not changed much, there are two more moves.

Especially the self-regeneration move, when you have enough physical strength and energy, it will turn the starfish into an elf with particularly powerful endurance!

Moreover, the level has been raised to level 8, which is very close to the level of a novice elf.

It can be said that thanks to his strong qualifications, he will soon be out of the category of larval elves.

Therefore, you should also prepare one for the starfish.

Props should start from a young age.

After thinking about it, Taiyi bought another one for Paraster, who had learned a special move on the grass field.

This kind of spirit that takes care of the tree orchard is the main source of the family's economy and cannot be ignored.

Thinking about it this way, I would also like to get one.

"As a flying mount, it has one of the most powerful combat capabilities at this stage. Bi Diao should also improve his strength!"

With longer physical strength, you also have more time and energy to do other things.

For example, the training of moves, before reaching the gym leader level, is all about the accumulation of energy and the training of skill proficiency in moves.

But when he reached the gym leader level, Taiyi discovered that the moves required more precise control and tried not to waste any physical strength and energy.

In the terms of martial arts in the previous life, it is necessary to strive to start micro-management.

Or, it would be more accurate to describe it in detail.

Thinking of this, Taiyi seemed to understand how the gym master could be promoted to Quasi-Celestial King.

In addition to breakthroughs in energy and physical strength and improvement in level, what is more important is the ability to control energy.

Only by not wasting a single bit of energy and physical strength can one be promoted to quasi-king and king-level elves.

That's how it should be!

Well, there should be some other conditions, which need to be verified carefully in the future.

After thinking for a while, Taiyi thought: "It's better to buy one of Mimikyu Q first. This elf is the protective elf that will be chosen in the future, and its strength must also be taken into consideration."

Thinking about it, Taiyi added one more to the number, reaching nine pieces.

As for the horned goldfish, Taiyi has no intention of letting the horned goldfish participate in the battle. It is better to retire in the world of the Book of Heaven.

This way, you can save some merit.

"Well, you Geely Eggs, you should also prepare one!"

Although the physical strength of Geely Egg is long and it is logistical.

But Taiyi still thinks that he can buy one for the lucky eggs.

In this way, the physical strength of the lucky eggs will be longer, which is a good thing for the lucky eggs.

It’s also a good thing for Taiyi.

Besides, the lucky eggs deserve a gift for their hard work.

"Well, there are thirteen pieces. There are not many merits left. If I want anything else, it won't be enough. Ah! I really want it. There are so many props, various incense, and various attribute enhancements. Potions. Too many..."

Taiyi looked at those props and almost drooled.

It's a pity that after the merit is exchanged for machinery, it's not much anymore.

After exchanging thirteen more pieces of physical strength feathers, this meritorious service is almost used up.

There's just enough left...

"Well, here's another feather of physical strength. Use it as a reward. Whoever learns the special grass field moves or makes a great contribution can be rewarded to the elf!"

Tai placed an order, a total of fourteen physical feathers.

Seeing that only single digits of merit were left, nothing would be enough to exchange for it.

Taiyi had no choice but to close the alliance website and not look at those tempting things.

"If it weren't for the items exchanged by the alliance, which are much better than the items sold by Silver Company, I would really wish to use alliance coins to buy them!"

But sometimes, no matter how many alliance coins you have, the items you cherish are still too rare.

There are many things that cannot be purchased with alliance currency.

There is nothing Taiyi can do about this!

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