Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 226 How long has it been since you opened your email?

When Taiyi walked in, he found that Dr. Oki's mood was calm, and his inner anxiety was slightly relieved.

If that researcher is still spreading elf viruses everywhere, the elf viruses may even mutate and are no longer limited to water elves.

The end of the elf world will come!

Although the Alliance has special medicines to treat the elf virus, these medicines are not cheap!

One or two potions is just a small matter for the Alliance.

But when the number increases, it becomes an astronomical number!

In fact, the Alliance did not know how much money it spent on the last Cerulean City elf virus incident.

This time, the foundation of the alliance was hollowed out.

Within the alliance, the people behind this incident are filled with hatred!

Once again, the alliance may not be able to support such a large expenditure.

Not to mention, the raw materials for the potion have also been consumed.

At least in the market, the prices of this type of things have increased!

At that time, Taiyi also came up with the idea of ​​hoarding a batch of raw materials for the medicine in advance.

Right? Now you don’t have to worry about lack of money!

From now on, we can know that the price of this batch of materials is very expensive.

Not all materials, just some of them are precious.

"Dr. Omu, what is going on? It has nothing to do with the last time in Cerulean City... right?"

Taiyi's voice was still a little uneasy, but Dr. Omu shook his head: "It's okay, it's a good thing."

After a pause, Dr. Omu decided to reveal part of the news: "The alliance has been investigating the last incident for a long time. As for the person behind that incident, the alliance has basically locked down. The Four Heavenly Kings will make some moves recently, you know this That’s it, don’t let it out!”

Dr. Oak is indeed a high-level executive in the alliance, and he can know the news about such things.

Only a few people at the top know about the actions of the Four Heavenly Kings.

Tai nodded, he was just a researcher and cultivator of the otaku system, and he didn't care about these at all.

Dr. Oak was very satisfied when he saw this.

Not everyone can control their curiosity and not ask too much about dangerous things.

What Taichi can do at this age is already beyond Dr. Ohki's expectations.

Dr. Omu waited for a while, waited for Taiyi to collect his thoughts, and then said: "That's it. At the beginning of the new year, the alliance's paper approval department asked me to submit a manuscript..."

Taichi understands that every paper published by a person like Dr. Ohki is very important.

At least, it can give trainers a lot of inspiration.

Every discovery made by Dr. Ohki will also promote many industries.

For example, the machinery industry, such as the cultivation of elves.

But Taichi is a little strange. Speaking of which, what did Dr. Oak ask him to do?

It can’t be the case. Dr. Ohki needs to write his thesis, right?

This is impossible. Dr. Ohki usually writes his own papers. The worst thing is that there are so many researchers in the institute!

Shuichuan just passed by without showing any envious eyes.

You know, this is impossible!

Dr. Oki won't do this either, which may be of some benefit to Taiyi!

But the atmosphere of the institute will be completely ruined.

Dr. Oki is very fair, at least in this part of the paper.

Whoever's idea belongs to him, and there will be no plagiarism or robbing other people's achievements.

Occasionally, he will take researchers to conduct research. At this time, he will support the researchers!

However, we try to be relatively fair based on the characteristics and expertise of each researcher.

This can be seen from the harmonious atmosphere of the institute.

Facing Taiyi's doubts, Dr. Ohki smiled helplessly and said, "How long has it been since you opened your mailbox?"

Taiyi was stunned. What was he doing when he opened the mailbox?

I originally applied for an email address because I wanted to send papers to the alliance paper review department.

Normally, he doesn't have the habit of sending emails to others.

Email is still too slow!

As soon as Dr. Oki saw him like this, he knew that Taichi had not opened the mailbox at all.

Dr. Omu smiled and said: "I'm afraid you are the only researcher in the alliance who doesn't open his email very often. Go back and open your email. The alliance's paper review department sent you an email requesting a manuscript, but you never responded. When they called me today, they asked me to ask what was going on. You didn't plan to respond, or you didn't see it. I guessed that you didn't open your email."

Taiyi is learning every day, and then cultivating elves.

At other times, there is little entertainment.

In other words, just play with the elves, and there is a high probability that you really don't care about things like mailboxes.

This made Dr. Omu dumbfounded.

It's a good attitude to have, study hard and don't care about what's going on outside the window.

But for researchers, they still need to pay attention to the alliance.

Taiyi touched his head and said sheepishly: "I have been too busy recently. I am planning to open my breeding house. No, I made some lists. In fact, after I went to Grandma Joey's place, I confirmed that Joe Some machines can be purchased by the Yi family on their behalf. Others still have to be redeemed on the alliance website. When the time comes, you must check your email."

This matter was a step too late, and as a result such an incident occurred.

Dr. Ohmu smiled, nodded and said: "That's right. Well, if the Joey family has machines that are unavailable, you can come and show them to me. I also have some connections. Finally, go to the alliance website to redeem. You know, Alliance merit is very precious, if it is not necessary, it is better to keep it.”

Taichi had thought about this before, but Dr. Ohki’s connections were very precious.

Taiyi didn't want to use it in this place, but now that Dr. Ohki proposed it himself, Taiyi agreed.

"Okay, then I'll go and ask Miss Joy first, and then I'll come back to you, Doctor!"

After saying goodbye politely, Taiyi left the research institute and went to the Elf Center.

Dr. Ohki touched his chin and laughed.

After he came back, he realized that his elf had actually become a thief.

At first, he was shocked.

Later I found out the reason, and Dr. Ohki also blamed himself.

But the thing belonged to Taiyi, and Taiyi knew it now, but didn’t point it out.

Dr. Ohgi probably guessed Taiyi's plan to some extent.

Dr. Oak doesn't want to interfere, everything depends on the elf's choice.

However, Dr. Ohki felt that his Raichu was actually not suitable for Taichi.

"Well, let's ask brother first. We've been talking for so long, but there's still no news. This guy has more and more elves, and if he sends them again later, people won't take them seriously."

Thinking of something he had promised Taiyi before, although he didn't explain it, Dr. Ohki still remembered it.

"Well, it's best to decide before the breeder exam!"

Thinking about it, Dr. Omu turned around, found the phone, and prepared to find his elder brother to ask about the situation.

Whatever it is, I'd better give you some definite news.

Thanks to book friend 151224081531999 for the 100 reward and Su Luojun for the 105 reward

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