Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 212 The Forgotten Mimikyu Q

Of course Dr. Oki didn't want to slap Taiyi, what he meant was...

"Five?" Taiyi thought it was a little few at first, as he had made many contributions.

The amount of meritorious service rewarded by the alliance is really not much.

As for the vitality potion I saw last time, the worst grade can only be replaced by three or four bottles.

Although this thing is a luxury item, it is also considered a necessity for intermediate and advanced trainers.

Playing games or being in danger in the wild may cause the elf to explode. Does this loss of vitality require the use of potions to replenish it?

In addition, there are some ghost-type elves that can burn vitality!

The flame of the famous crystal lamp fire spirit burns the soul and loses vitality!

It can be said that the potion of vitality is not only a luxury product, but also a necessity.

But as soon as Taiyi thought about it, he realized that five was not a small number.

Dr. Omu laughed dumbly: "Five is still less? These are all green qualifications. The alliance did not know how much it cost to stabilize the qualifications of this batch of large milk tanks. The breeding of large milk tanks has the genes to inherit the qualifications. , almost stable. Based on this, five is definitely a lot."

Dr. Ohki explained it, and Taichi actually figured it out.

Although there are many elves with green qualifications, they are only for the rich.

It is very difficult for ordinary trainers to want one.

What's more, this is a big milk jug. Here are five elves, here are five golden eggs!

No, the hen that lays golden eggs!

The milk from the big milk can is called Moo Moo fresh milk. Not only is it rich in nutrients, but it also replenishes physical strength and energy.

Some Joeys even choose this kind of elf as their assistant.

In the wild, the power of a big milk tank is not even inferior to that of a lucky egg!

Moreover, the big milk tank also has a trick for drinking milk, which is a guarantee of the battery life of the big milk tank.

In this regard, even Geely eggs cannot compare!

The big milk jug is also one of the best choices for the assistant elf, and Taichi is very satisfied with it.

"Okay!" Tai nodded and agreed, then asked, "When will the big milk tank arrive?"

Dr. Omu said: "It was too little just now, but now I am urging you. Wait, it is the New Year these days, and the alliance staff also have to celebrate the New Year, right?"

In addition to a small amount of support, civil servants from the alliance also have to take a holiday for the New Year.

This is not an anime, this is a real world!

No one can work all the time without taking a break for many years.

Even the Joys at the Elf Center adopt a rest system in shifts.

That is to say, the Junshas are still fighting on the front line at this time.

It’s Chinese New Year, and many gangsters will come out to see if they have any chance.

At this time, Junsha's work will be even busier than usual!

After dinner, it was lively again.

Everyone also left and went to bed.

There is no custom of staying awake all night in the elf world, so there is no need to stay awake all night.

However, the fireworks and firecrackers set off outside are still the same as in the previous life!

It is not that easy to sleep peacefully.

Taiyi simply meditated with the elves first!

Although the noisy environment outside slightly affected the effect of his meditation.

But this meditation requires perseverance!

So no matter what the environment is, this meditation cannot be interrupted.

It was late at night that the noise outside calmed down a bit and quiet returned.

Taiyi shook his head helplessly: "No matter which world you are in, you still like to set off fireworks during this kind of celebration!"

In other words, there are many elves in this world, which can effectively remove garbage and pollution.

Otherwise, it will be another seriously polluted world.

Taiyi suddenly remembered that when he was in Cerulean City, Aunt Sakurako's restaurant was disturbed by a gangster with a smelly mud, wasn't it?

Stinky mud is a spirit that can purify the environment.

I wonder if it can improve the current situation of the orchard land being polluted by toxins?

With this idea, Taiyi seemed a little excited and wanted to experiment immediately.

If not, you can also ask Dr. Oak.

But seeing the dark environment outside, Taiyi realized that it was late at night.

If he doesn't sleep, others still have to sleep!

What should I do if I can't sleep after having an inspiration late at night?

Shu Lao was helpless and reminded: "I remember that you subdued an elf before. You actually forgot about it?"

Taiyi suddenly remembered the Mimikyu Q that he had conquered!

"Oops, that elf!"

Taiyi suddenly thought that it had been so many days since he had been back, and he had even forgotten to take a look at Mimikyu!

That elf, through the Book of Heaven, he saw a hint of purple.

That was probably the first time he saw a purple-qualified elf!

"After so many days, will he be hungry?"

With a flip of his hand, a Poké Ball appeared in Taiyi's hand.

But the strange thing is that the elf ball is open.

"It seems that the Poke Ball was destroyed. The Mimikyu Q broke free from the Poke Ball and came out of the Poke Ball!"

Shu Lao said angrily: "You must have been too busy these days! If Mimikyu hadn't come out, I'd be starving to death by now!"

Taiyi felt wrong, but still said in a firm tone: "When I came back, there were so many things. And I had to avoid Dr. Omu and the others. After I came back, the elves changed a lot, and something happened in the orchard. I immediately gave it to them. Forget, this is human nature!"

As he spoke, Taiyi felt that he was right, so his tone became more firm.

At the end, Taiyi complained: "Shu Lao, you are doing nothing every day. Since you know, why don't you remind me? Then where is Mimikyu Q now?"

Since Shu Lao didn't remind him, it means that Mimikyu is still there, probably in the world of the Book of Heaven.

Taiyi's consciousness was immersed in the world of the Book of Heaven, and it didn't take him long to discover Mimikyu Q in the shadow of an elf!

Most of these ghost-type elves feed on the vitality of elves.

Of course, ordinary ghost elves only eat the little bit of vitality that you and the elves can exude!

This is no problem for humans and elves.

The Mimikyu Q in front of me doesn't look too extreme.

Although he sneaked into the shadow of a Bulbasaur, he didn't have too much vitality to swallow Bulbasaur.

This doesn't do much harm to Bulbasaur.

Just this, Taiyi felt. This Mimikyu is not some evil elf.

I just don’t know why this Mimikyu Q wants to hypnotize and control Xiaozhi and help Team Rocket!

But first, what Taiyi needs to pay attention to is the qualifications of this Mimikyu Q!

Mimikyu: The Painted Skin Pokémon

Level: 34

Attribute: ghost/goblin

Features: Painted skin

Qualification: Blue

Gender: Female

Skills: Hypnosis, gavel, leap, shadow sneak attack, magic space, claw sharpening, round pupils, coquettishness

Taiyi opened his eyes wide, he had the promised purple qualification!

Why is he an elf with blue qualifications?

And the weird thing is that the level is only 34, but he is just a professional-level elf!

There are not many moves, except for the used hypnosis and magic spaces, there are only so many!

And there are several moves that seem useless!

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