Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 202 Return Dinner

At the same time, this poisonous rose has touched the threshold of evolution.

Although it has only been a few months, Poison Rose has accumulated enough experience to evolve again.

But this time, evolution requires the help of evolution stones!

Use the Stone of Light to evolve into the second stage Rose Redo!

The evolved Rose Redo will be more beautiful and more gorgeous!

But Taiyi will not provide the evolution stone to Poison Rose.

Because this is Sirona's business, not his.

Shu Lao rolled his eyes: "Actually, you are just poor and don't have an evolution stone!"

Taiyi has evolution stones and other things, but there is no light stone!

He really shouldn't worry about this matter, it's Sirona's business!

I believe that Sirona will find the best evolution stone to evolve Poison Rose.

Taiyi would not doubt that an active Four Heavenly Kings in the alliance and a future Four Heavenly Kings champion would not know about the ultimate evolution stone.

He thanked Poison Rose and saw Poison Rose in a somewhat shy state.

This poisonous rose is still a little shy. But once you get used to it, you'll still find it fun.

In the evening, Taiyi prepared a lot of elf food, as well as a lot of human food.

Taiyi invited all the elves and held a banquet next to the orchard.

Dr. Oak, Xiaozhi and others were also invited.

The elves were very happy, especially those who stayed behind, as they had not eaten with Taiyi for a long time.

Such a gathering makes the elves very happy.

Even Sirona's Poison Rose, I like it very much.

The raw materials used were from the World of Heavenly Books, and Taiyi did not dare to use those raw materials from the land of Zhenxin Town.

If it is really poisonous, then Zhenxin Town will make headlines tomorrow.

Including Dr. Ohki, a group of researchers from Dr. Ohki's institute, including the leaders of the younger generation, the young researcher Taichi Amuro who just played a decisive role in the large-scale incident in Cerulean City! They were poisoned to death together in their own tree orchard.

Thinking about it, this news should be quite sensational.

I'm afraid only Xiaozhi at the scene didn't know the situation, and he muttered: "Why is there no aromatic mushroom dish?"

This aromatic mushroom dish, which has been served every time before, is a dish that conquers everyone.

It tasted delicious and everyone, including all the elves, loved it.

But today, this dish is no longer available.

Vegetables and tree fruits can also be replaced with those from other places, although the materials in the Book of Heaven's World will taste much better.

However, based on human sensitivity, as long as you have good cooking skills and are willing to use ingredients, you will not be able to taste it.

But aromatic mushrooms are different. They are rarely produced elsewhere.

Taiyi just came back today. No one would believe that he bought aromatic mushrooms from Hualan City, right?

So, this dish was absent in the evening.

There was an embarrassed expression on Xiao Chi's face. It was hard to imagine that this was a young man who would receive the initial elf and go on a trip next year.

His face has a maturity and wisdom that belies his age!

Xiao Chi pulled Xiao Zhi over and muttered quietly: "I didn't see the surrounding environment!"

He still chose to take a slight turn. Any normal person would notice that something seemed to have happened in this orchard.

But the normal people here obviously do not include Xiaozhi, a hot-blooded idiot!

Xiaozhi may always have a bright moment of inspiration in battle.

But in other respects, he is a complete idiot of life and knowledge!

He can't even recognize the elves, and he can't remember all the moves.

How can you have such high demands on Xiaozhi like this?

When Xiaochi held his forehead, Taiyi admired his foresight!

He already knew that Xiaozhi, a hot-blooded idiot, would never understand it on his own.

Unless you tell him clearly and directly, maybe Xiaozhi will ask a series of questions.

Dr. Omu whispered to Taiyi: "I heard about what happened in this tree orchard. It's my problem. I sent the main elves to help in Cerulean City, which created a vacancy here..."

Dr. Omu obviously put all the pressure of Zhenxin Town’s defense on himself.

Taiyi waved his hand: "Doctor, you don't have to blame yourself. Anyway, it's just a few fruit trees, and the vegetable garden behind it actually doesn't have many problems."

Dr. Oki no longer felt sorry for himself, and discussed: "But I think the land here may be contaminated. The fruit trees must also be tested before... Well, these ingredients for tonight?"

Dr. Ohki was also oblivious. Taiyi could not help but roll his eyes: "I know. These ingredients are all bought from other places."

Now I think about it, if it is really poisonous, you will die!

The two discussed it and started testing all these fruit trees tomorrow.

Judging from the appearance of these fruit trees, many need to be replaced.

Taiyi actually wants to transplant some from the World of Heavenly Books.

In the World of Heavenly Books, those fruit trees grow very fast.

Pull some out, add some, and it will grow quickly.

But after thinking about it, Taiyi felt that it was better to forget it.

First of all, it is easy for people to find problems when it is transplanted from the world of heavenly books.

He didn't buy fruit saplings from outside. Where did he get the finished fruit trees?

Furthermore, the fruit trees in the Book of Heaven world are all high-quality fruit trees and can produce high-quality fruit.

Transplanting them from the inside and then replenishing the seedlings will create a gap for a certain period of time.

By that time, the loss of this part will exceed the value of buying finished fruit trees from outside!

In summary, it’s not worth the gain!

Taiyi is not short of that little money. Besides, that little money can be easily obtained from the output of Tianshu World.

Which one is more important, Taiyi can naturally consider it clearly.

Those fruit trees that appear to be mutated must also be evaluated.

Regardless of the quality of the fruit, whether it is toxic or not, and what kind of environment it is adapted to, all these must be tested.

But aren't these the strengths of this group of researchers?

Taiyi may not be very good at it, as there are too many fields for researchers.

No one person can master all directions!

Even Taiyi has a heavenly book that can help record things, but Taiyi's energy is limited. There is no way to master all research directions.

But it doesn't matter, there are many researchers in Dr. Ohki's research institute.

Among them, there are researchers who are proficient in this field!

Although Dr. Oki is not specialized in this area, his long-term research has given him a broad research horizon.

Dr. Ohki can also help in this regard.

Taiyi originally wanted to entrust Dr. Omu's Research Institute to conduct testing, and he could pay part of the money.

But Dr. Oak felt that it was because he failed to protect Zhenxin Town well, which led to the members of Team Rocket coming in to cause damage.

This is Dr. Ohki's responsibility.

So Dr. Omu rejected Taiyi's plan to pay money and decided to do this test for free.

Of course, the words "Team Rocket" did not come out of Dr. Oak's mouth.

He felt that Taiyi might only know the men in black and not know that the men in black were Team Rocket.

The two of them had a tacit agreement not to talk about this.

Thanks to book friend 151224081531999, peace of mind as before, 100 rewards from Biyou Zhushao, and 500 rewards from Nine Worlds Pursuit

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