Oddish in this piece of grassland life very pleasant.

they can feel, this piece of grassland inherent vitality, far more than the forest.

And this is a human farm, they no longer have to be afraid of suffering from demonic beast of the attack for no reason.

Just when they hide in the soil, leisurely enjoying the soil contains life, suddenly felt something fall on the body, which falls on the surrounding land.

In the next moment, they suddenly felt a surge of energy from not felt in the earth, they are beginning to attract subconsciously absorb it.

What is energy, really too comfortable ...... after absorbing the energy of chemical fertilizers, which Oddish all occupied.

Then we have to see Oddish soil are drilled from the inside out, looked towards the place is a fertilizer Aiwen.

without too much hesitation, these Oddish are drilled out from the inside, toward the place where Aiwen ran past.

all of a sudden, like a small Jizhuo Mi, Aiwen, and appeared in front of a group of Oddish, all lifts the head looked Aiwen, I would also like to say ...... I also.

Seeing this, Aiwen also slightly smiled, these Oddish for Growth fertilizer response, indicating his Oddish breed program has been successful in half.

up quietly looking at the side than Uncle, look at these because it will be their competition for nutrients Berry expelled Oddish, sighed slowly, so much fertilizer, enough orchard use for a long time, he some feel wasted.

Even these Oddish some action, that time does not necessarily protect the Berry down the value of the value of these fertilizers.

Soon, Aiwen on the side of the fertilizer ran out, and these Oddish who at this time are also buried in the earth has to get together, comfortably absorb the energy into fertilizer contains.

looked at the empty barrel, Aiwen also mouth twitched silently comforted myself, "It is necessary to pay."

However, according to this consumption, he formulated Growth fertilizer will soon run out, and then must find a way to get more rotten Berry source job.


Time flies.

These two days, Aiwen like usual training with Pokémon.

Sleep Powder James took the drug effect is very good, just two days there is a clear effect.

Petilil and Oddish this time have been able to gather the energy inherent Grass Type hypnotic power of the powder.

the other side of Rhyhorn agent compensation after this period of time, is completely consumed supplement physical back, and began training the next step.

Rhyhorn of Ground Type innate talent is very good, Aiwen going to start with this step, let Rhyhorn breed earth Pharmacy, began to study Earth Power moves.

Earth Power moves is a special class moves one kind Ground Type, although innate talent kamikaze approach Rhyhorn very poor, but the Earth Power moves is capable Help Rhyhorn better grasp Ground Type energy.

this move for Ground Type of Pokémon, is a recruit will learn the moves, but this move is very much essential Ground Type of moves can be developed very high.

In a past life, when, Aiwen in the breed Ground Type Pokémon, is to start from Earth Power moves, is now training hundreds of times since Rhyhorn.

apart from this, Cherrim training will be much simpler, before it was learned that Sunny Day weather, Aiwen Cherrim did not allow any other training, such a long time off, Cherrim's progress is very large.

As for the other two Cherubi, moisture Growth in fertilizer, in which case the body of the fruit is plump up more and more, for a long time to go, still very hopeful of evolution.

Of course, the biggest change this time or Oddish them.

In moist Growth fertilizer, which has been completely Oddish the farm as his home, and during this time, there are five Oddish joined the farm, reaching 30 in number.

However, Aiwen also a great price to pay, a vat of Growth fertilizer has been consumed these Oddish finished, now among the orchards only three buckets of fertilizer Growth. After

In view of these fertilizer diluted to Berry also need to fertilize, he was able to freely dispose of Growth only a vat of chemical fertilizers.

But after paying so much Growth fertilizer, Oddish are also fully endorsed the Aiwen, this time Aiwen has been able to command these Oddish be the most basic training.

"Aiwen, how you want to breed these Oddish?"

Darby Uncle looked into the pasture constantly running back and forth with the Oddish who could not help but ask.

Oddish, while a demonic beast, but their power is very small, even in the case of a human unarmed, you can easily deal with.

Aiwen glanced at Darby Uncle, gently shaking his head said with a smile: ". Now is not the official breed when, before they must first understand the discipline"


recall experienced during this time, Oddish No. 7 felt like a dream.

From childhood, it lived in the patch Black Forest, all day, facing the other demonic beast of the chase.

into an accident, it accidentally got separated and their own ethnic group, came to the human lands.

timid they are hiding it all the way, but accidentally came to a human farm.

The life here is really too rich, which makes Oddish thought came to heaven, thinking about it if we can stay here forever just fine.

However, those of humans armed with sticks, than those demonic beast that is not good, they used wooden sticks, flame, use all means to expel with them.

all the way to escape, Oddish saw a fall in the hands of a lot of fellow humans, or were killed sticks, burned to death or flame, making it full of fear of humans.

Although again lucky dodge human attack, but he was eventually caught by humans, is loaded into a cage inside.

It was originally thought he would be killed or burned to death like this, but who become like it is now being sent to this farm, they are now experiencing owners.

God, here really are like paradise, then come here, it did not want to leave here.

its owner and other humans are not the same, he was really very gentle, in addition to the place they inhabit, and he will give them to absorb the kind of thing called Growth fertilizer, it swear it's own absorption had the most delicious thing.

In this Growth fertilizer nourishing energy, it felt more and more stronger, if we met the last time that humans catch it, it certainly can run faster, the enemy far thrown far behind.

Originally, Oddish think they can sit safely live like this forever.

But the pegasus winter is coming, the time demonic beast in the forest will come to the human lands, the destruction of homes they managed to find.

It knows that its owner said is not wrong, it is a personally experienced the winter, those nasty guys into the human orchards, even it almost have become each other's food.

how to do this time? Are we going to abandon its hard to find this home, we continue to stray?

it at this time, it suddenly found a Oddish in the master training, should learn a trick moves, called the Sleep Powder!

God, this is the first time I saw it in addition to their own ethnic group Boss Gloom, there are similar able to cast so powerful!

It then heard something?

So powerful moves, he was also able to learn?

After hearing his master's words, it really think they got it wrong.

However, since the owner said so, it is certainly not wrong, now have the opportunity to learn, that it naturally impossible to refuse!

learned that trick moves, called Sleep Powder, then together with his companions to stop the invasion of those demonic beast here, to protect their homes!

Hey, those nasty guy, this time it will not run again!

Today is 3rd day they receive master training,

But they are not trained Sleep Powder, the owner just let them listen to the command, stand, turn left together with the turn right, then turned together with the walk.

Oh, really masters of their own is a devil.

a nasty guy accidentally went to the wrong pace, we actually have no kind of delicious fertilizer today.

Oh, really is too bad, the guy do not know the direction the sun rises you, it did not harm fertilizer enjoyed.

Fortunately, in the next period of time, they have skilled obey the command of the owner, delicious fertilizer really great.

However, when it moves it can learn Sleep Powder, but it is looking forward to for a long time.


"training restless Oddish really was too hard."

On the grass, watching seems pretty neat Oddish who, Aiwen slowly sigh of relief.

Trainer of Pokémon training, in which discipline is the most important part.

Pokémon Trainer obey the command, the two cooperate with each other to be able to exhibit the strongest battle strength.

So for Trainer, a tame their Pokémon, so that they obey the command, Trainer is a required course.

In addition, because he was to the formation of a Pokémon squad, for the discipline required Pokémon even higher.

Now training only Oddish, he was quite a feeling to students of military training, is really too difficult.

Fortunately, the moves by Captivate Sleep Powder, Growth incentives and the threat of winter demonic beast of fertilizer, Oddish who is also very fit, barely reached his request.

"can train the next moves of the Sleep Powder." Slowly put out a breath, Aiwen decided tomorrow to begin the next training.

2nd day time, Oddish are neat grass, his face with a look forward to, starting today they can finally learn the moves Sleep Powder.

Sleep Powder training moves, these Oddish compared to the discipline of training, is really relaxed too much.

He just need to stick the anthers Sleep Powder applied to these Oddish body, so that they absorb energy in the drug contains the line.

During this time, Petilil has been completely learned to Sleep Powder moves, little fellow is also active on the role of the teachings of the work, teach them how Oddish the use Sleep Powder moves.

At the same time, the Sleep Powder stick anthers are all Petilil also prepared, Aiwen feel Oddish Sleep Powder training mission already full power to Petilil up!

ps: Taking into account the continuity of the story, it is a big chapter together.

ask about the collection, recovery and recommended reading.

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