"Then start the apprenticeship assessment." Xu Bian suddenly said, interrupting the conversation in everyone's mind.

Although he and Alakazam can't talk directly in their hearts like Li Yuan and Ralts, but after years of company, he can roughly guess what Alakazam's behavior means.

That's why he suddenly interrupted Alakazam's behavior.

He knows that the more secrets he knows, the faster it will only perish.

"There is no essential difference between apprenticeship assessment and Rookie assessment. Let's start directly." Xu Bian said, and took out a test paper to write to Li Yuan.

The question is similar to the previous Rookie assessment.

"Please write three kinds of Pokemon that can use Fire Stone evolution. One less one will deduct five points, and the more one will get the first three. (10 points)"

"Growlithe, Eevee, Vulpix."

"The birth conditions of Sharp Beak. (10 points)"

"The Attribute crystallization left behind after the death of bird Pokemon."

"Under what conditions, the weather capability used by Pokemon will be extended. (10 points)"

"Carry Icy Rock, Smooth Rock or Heat Rock."

.. ....

Li Yuan finished answering quickly and handed over the test paper to Xu Bian.

Xu Bian immediately began to correct.

The score is finally given, 90 points.

It is also a good result.

"Next, release your two Pokemons. Your opponent is my Alakazam. You don’t need to defeat it. Just make me think you have the ability to pass the Intern Trainer during the battle. Now." Xu Bian said.

Although it is easy to say, but if converted to Level, this Alakazam has at least 50 levels, while Li Yuan’s two Pokemon may only have more than ten levels. It is not easy to fight beautiful battles.

"Come out, Petilil, Ralts."

"I will not command Alakazam. After I say start, you can command the Pokemon to attack." Xu Bian explained Following the rules, "Go ahead."

"Petilil Magical Leaf, Ralts Calm Mind." Li Yuan ordered immediately.

In this kind of concrete ground, Petilil is basically impossible Ingrain, and the level gap between Petilil and Alakazam is even bigger. It is better to let Ralts be strengthened by Calm Mind to fight for those promises of hope.

In the spoon in Alakazam Assist's hand, an invisible shield appeared, blocking Magical Leaf's attack.

Ralts completed Calm Mind very quickly.

"Petilil continues to use Magical Leaf, Ralts, Psybeam."

Petilil continues to manipulate the leaves to attack Alakazam, and Ralts' eyes shoots out a purple light.

Alakazam was manipulating the spoon in his hand, and the same light radiated from its spoon, first dispelling the light from Ralts.

Suddenly, Alakazam's eyes became a little strange. The rays of light of light purple controlled all the leaves. Instead, the leaves cooperated with Psybeam to attack Ralts.

Ralts had no choice but to use Teleport to avoid Psybeam, but Magical Leaf possessed the must-have Characteristic Trait. After turning a corner, Ralts found the position of Ralts again.

The Magical Leaf with Alakazam Confusion bonus has some enhancements on the formidable power compared to Petilil’s first use.

Finally, Ralts flew behind Petilil. Petilil manipulated the new Magical Leaf, collided with the Magical Leaf manipulated by Alakazam, dissipated together, and turned into pure grass Attribute energy.

Alakazam saw his move, and any order Li Yuan issued was completely resolved by him.

"This won't work. If this goes on, you won't be able to pass the apprenticeship assessment." Xu Bian reminded him that he also wanted to take this opportunity to see what Li Yuan's strength is.

After all, he has been unable to figure out why Li Yuan was received by President Bai Ruoshuang, and what is special about Li Yuan.

"Ralts, can Alakazam hear the conversation between us." Li Yuan called Ralts in his heart.

"No, Trainer." Ralts responded.

"Well, Ralts, please pass my instructions to Petilil." Li Yuan said to Ralts.


Li Yuan is ready to assist Ralts' telepathic ability to command silently. This way, he may be able to make a surprise.

"Petilil Leech Seed."

After Ralts passed the instructions to Petilil, Petilil was a little confused at first, but quickly understood the situation, and a blade flew out of his head. Seeds.

Alakazam didn’t notice that Petilil made the move for a while. There was a blank period between Li Yuan’s command and Pokemon’s execution. Alakazam relied on this blank period to make the best answer.

And this time, using Ralts’ telepathic Characteristic Trait, Alakazam lost this advantage.

Alakazam didn't pay attention for a while. When it noticed, the spoon in its hand re-issued purple rays of light.

"Ralts, Disarming Voice."

Fairy Type’s Disarming Voice is the ability to directly attack the spirit.

Ralts made a weird Growl, the sound penetrated Alakazam's mind, and even affected Psybeam's accuracy, and Psybeam hit the wall directly.

Alakazam was hit by Leech Seed, Leech Seed immediately grew up and turned into a vine greedily absorbing Alakazam's physical strength.

Alakazam has a characteristic, high intelligence but low power, it cannot get rid of Leech Seed by its strength.

This is the first effective attack at the beginning of the battle.

Alakazam's spoon glowed again, and a strange symbol appeared and flew into Ralts' body.

Causing Ralts to fall to the ground.

"This is Imprison Ability. All the Psychic Type Ability I have are occupied by Imprison." Ralts said.

Imprison Ability.

If the target of Imprison and the user of Imprison have the same abilities, then the target of Imprison cannot use these abilities, and the level of Alakazam is very high, so the abilities of the Psychic Type you have mastered must be many. This Ability can be said to be Imprison's half strength of Ralts.

All Psychic Type abilities of Ralts are occupied by Imprison.

Ralts can Levitate leaning against in the air is Confusion, this time Confusion is also imprison, it can only fall on the ground, standing with Petilil.

"Ralts, the kiss of absorption. Petilil, absorption."

Petilil's absorption effect is not good, even with Leech Seed's cooperation, it only absorbs a little bit of Alakazam's Physical strength, after all, the gap in Level is still too big.

Ralts stood on the ground, a kiss from Fairy energy condense flew out of his mouth.

Alakazam didn't dare to touch this unfathomable mystery thing, so it was a Teleport dodge.

In this way, Petilil and Ralts can only consume Alakazam's physical strength little by little.

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