However, Li Feng also discovered the weakness of the giant gold monster.

Because of the explosive reaction force of the jet flames, the fire dinosaur that was still suspended in the air raised its head to the sky and roared angrily, as if it had transformed into a Super Saiyan, and its body erupted with strong fire energy.

Although it is said that the remnant blood fierce fire is stronger, the meaning of the fierce fire is more to draw out a further form.

"Roar !!!!!"

The dark blue eyes of the fire dinosaur seemed to be covered by flames at this time, and the strong anger fused with the flames and erupted, and the originally burning flame energy suddenly soared, and the airflow generated by the high temperature of the flames made the fire dinosaur float in the air for a short time!

The seventh master squinted at the explosion of the fire dinosaur and did not choose to stop it, isn't the assessment just to see where the other party's limit is?

If it is only to this extent, then in the eyes of the seventh master, it is completely insufficient.

However, in the next second, the eyes that Qi Ye had been squinting opened directly, and he could even see a flash of light in them

! The sacred fire in his body erupted!

Under the triple flame eruption, the fire dinosaur was like an ordinary Saiyan directly transforming into a Super Saiyan three, just like the flame of self-ideology wrapped the fire dinosaur in the form of an immortal bird!

The terrifying flame energy was completely uncontrollable even by the fire dinosaur, constantly dissipating terrifying energy fluctuations.


form! This time, the Yanlong form is much stronger than that of the Little Fire Dragon period, not only because of the increase in the Great Sunny Day, but also because the control ability and the upper limit of the withstand after evolution are far exceeded

! If the Yanlong form of the Little Fire Dragon period is the strength of the first entry into the hall master, then the Yanlong form fire dinosaur at this time is stable at the strength of the hall master level!

All this outbreak combined with the physical fitness of the fire dinosaur, under the flow of energy visible to the naked eye, the normal slender arm muscles of the fire dinosaur swelled several times, and the tendon flesh of the whole body made it directly incarnate into a heavy tank!

The fork-shaped metal in front of the body burst into a metallic luster, and the fork-shaped steel beam slammed into the fire dinosaur with a dazzling light.

Like a stone carrying a huge force impacting the water, the cannon was splashed with energy from the impact of the fire dinosaur in the form of a dragon!


This is the first time that the giant gold monster has fallen head-on into the downwind.

The giant gold monster that flew out upside down had red eyes and round eyes, looking obviously in pain, and there was a very obvious fist mark on its body that was still emitting black smoke!,

"Is this the power of the legendary resource of the Fire God Heavenly King?" The Seventh Master was also envious at this time.

Legendary resources are not available at the king level, which requires chance or merit to exchange, and even if you have merit, you may not be able to exchange for legendary resources that suit you,

not to mention the legendary resources that can be used by elite-level elves.

Because the quality of ordinary legendary resources is too high, the energy contained in them is too strong, and non-king-level elves are not even qualified to use them.

Like the fire sacred fire used by the fire dinosaur, it not only has the right attributes, but also is gentle and can be used directly, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a great shit luck! This is also

the reason why even a king-level trainer like the Seventh Master is so envious.

"However, this is not enough......"

The Seventh Master glanced at the giant gold monster that had stood up again, and his expression was fearless.

Legendary resources, their own giant gold monster is not unused, but the giant gold monster has long been turned into an invisible heritage, which is equivalent to acting on itself all the time.

His giant gold monster had once used a steel legendary resource that was hard and unparalleled and could be printed with the Seven Origins to strengthen itself, and even if it was sealed in its body, its sturdiness was definitely the top of the professional level.

The fire dinosaur's blow can be regarded as breaking the defense at most, but there is still a lot of gap to defeat the giant gold monster.

In fact, from this time period, as long as the fire dinosaur can maintain the Yanlong form and fight for a few minutes, then the six-star assessment is completed, after all, the fire dinosaur in the Yanlong form

fights a normal professional-level elf, and there is really no difference between killing chickens.

It's just that the giant gold monster of the Seventh Master is such a scoundrel.

"Sure enough, Seventh Master, your giant gold monster doesn't have explosive skills. Li Feng smiled slightly.

The Seventh Master looked at Li Feng with some surprise, and then said with a look of admiration: "What a keen observation and analytical ability.

"Indeed, because my giant monster has lost its superpowers, all explosive abilities have also disappeared.

Looking at the Seventh Master's generous admission, Li Feng was not happy, because this proved that the Seventh Master was confident that there was no fire dinosaur in the form of a giant gold monster in an explosive state.

This is very terrifying

! You must know that the fire dinosaur has always been passive in repaying the favor, which is equivalent to the fire dinosaur under the quadruple outbreak has not yet won the giant gold monster, and this is an exaggeration of the gap between the background and the race!

"It is worthy of the Seventh Master, is this a king-level trainer......"

Li Feng's somewhat frivolous mentality was also regained because of the strength of the fire dinosaur.


a king-level elf who suppresses strength can't be easily defeated, what qualifications does he have to be proud of?

After all, there is an absolute ceiling in the trainer's family, and at the age of ten, he defeated the legendary elf with his combat power!

He is still ......far behind

Li Feng's eyes, who opened his eyes again, became firm

again! The original lazy demeanor and slack mood also changed instantly, and his

emotions exploded

! Li Feng's second superpower that can act on the increase of battles

! Anger erupted again like a burning substance by Li Feng's emotional outburst with an accelerant!

The Seventh Master knew that Li Feng had a natural supernatural power, but didn't that natural supernatural power lock up his physical strength with residual blood and continue to fight?

What was going on with this in

front of him?! But before the Seventh Master was shocked, the giant golden monster had already felt that the fire dinosaur in front of him made it feel extremely threatened!

At this moment, the fire dinosaur didn't look like it had changed much, but the flame phantom of the immortal bird that was constantly compressing and condensing suddenly let out a birdsong like a living thing

! In an !!!!!instant of tweeting

, the fire dinosaur disappeared again

! "Flame Fist!"

"Dragon's body and crested head

!" The exploding flames continued to amplify in the pupil map of the giant golden monster

!"Kang Jin!! (Break the seal!)".

But the fact is that the Seventh Master is an ordinary person after all, although his physical fitness is comparable to that of a world-class athlete in his previous life, he is still an ordinary person.

In this kind of battle that is close to the explosive power of the top hall master, it is obvious that he is thinking too much!

Under the sound of the violent metal knocking of the bell !!, the giant golden monster ran out like a broken kite and flew out !!

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