"Remember to report back to school tomorrow. Yan Emperor Ye Yan patted Li Feng's shoulder and admonished.

Before Li Feng could speak, he heard Yan Emperor Ye Yan talking with his mobile phone.

"Hey, it's coming soon, don't rush! Look at me killing all sides today! Leave you without leaving a piece of armor!"

Li Feng: ......

Li Feng, who sighed, could only choose to leave the airport and take a taxi home.

The two-hour drive made Li Feng sit extremely tired, and the fatigue of many days could not be completely eliminated by sleeping for more than ten hours.

This also made Li Feng determined to have a mount-type elf as soon as possible, and it was very troublesome to go anywhere.

As soon as he got home, Li Feng saw the housekeeper pinching his nose instantly, and then pushed him into the bathroom with his other hand to wash.

I was disgusted~

Li Feng took off all his clothes, grabbed the little fire dragon and took a bath together, as for Lalu Lasi, ......

He doesn't feel like he's a pervert.

However, there was a soul question, that is, whether Lalu Lasi was a Fury or a beast-eared girl,

and after a while, Li Feng finally felt like a person coming out of the bathroom.

I have to say that Li Feng's body that resonates with the elf body after training looks full of strength and smooth lines.

In just half a year, he has changed from a sick seedling body to a sunny boy now, and the changes are very big.


Li Feng returned to Ji Zhong and went straight to Teacher Shen Xiaoting's office.

"You went to Dongying this time, but you almost couldn't come back. Shen Xiaoting quipped.

"Let you do as much as you want, I didn't expect you to even dare to steal back the legendary resources of the title Heavenly King.

Li Feng touched the back of his head and smiled but didn't speak.

"Okay, it's good to come back safe and sound, are you sure of next week's doubles match?" asked Shen Xiaoting.

Li Feng replied, "I plan to go and get my vocational trainer's license back first." "

Professional-level trainer license permissions and benefits are much better, at least the elf centers across the country can use it for free.

This is also one of the country's biggest basic benefits for vocational trainers, and the most important basic medical facilities are to allow trainers to explore and become stronger without worries.

Take a look at the private medical treatment of the US imperialists, which perfectly interprets whether you can die or not get sick.

Even people are like this, not to mention elves,

and the rest of the money left over from the trainer's visit to the elf center to treat elves is a huge drain for a year.

The state invests much more money in the Elven Center every year than it does in top trainers.

Without state support, civilians would not be able to afford the post-war consumption even if they kept the elves as pets.

The reality is so cruel, the way out for civilians is basically planned by the upper echelons, and there is no point in incompetent rage.

However, of course, Li Feng didn't care about the benefits of the Elf Center, what he cared about was that professional-level trainers could apply for various secret realms to explore.

It's like playing the game level and turning on the secret realm function, applying for the corresponding copy, full of online game visual sense.

After all, it is not difficult for you to get a good score in the doubles competition, and in this case, there is no need to stay in school if you are escorted.

Taking Lalu Lasi to dojos all over the country to learn the corresponding characteristics was a plan that Li Feng had already set.

The journey to Dongying has successfully evolved the little fire dragon into a fire dinosaur, and the next goal must be to evolve Charizard.

But if you want to buy better cultivation cheats, a professional-level license is also a must.

In this way, Li Feng can buy better cultivation cheats.

The Fury Heavenly King only has the secret book for cultivating the little fire dragon at the Heavenly King level, and what Li Feng wants to buy next is the secret book for the champion-level direct cultivation to the Charizard level!

Moreover, with a professional-level license, Li Feng can also consult the owners of various gyms across the country more conveniently.

Because after the professional level, the Gym Badge Challenge will be opened, which is a necessary condition for those who want to compete for the Four Heavenly Kings place in the future.

Star trainers, and stars with greater traffic than the contemporary

Four Heavenly Kings and Champions? The Champions and the Four Heavenly Kings are veritable top performers in this world.

With the qualification of the Gym Challenge, Li Feng can learn regardless of whether he wins or loses, instead of having to go in and pay for learning in the way of an apprentice.

It is equivalent to verifying whether the other party is suitable for Lalu Lasi's learning object, and if it is suitable, Li Feng will point to sparring for deep learning.

Anyway, the professional qualification certificate is very important, and it can be regarded as a pass to the official entry trainer industry.

"Sure?" Shen Xiaoting's impression was still before going abroad, whether it was Xiao Huolong or Lalulasi's strength, it was explosive professional.

But the professional-level assessment, just the explosive strength reaches the professional level, which is basically unpassable.

As an examiner, there is no doubt that it will be comprehensive.

If you want to rely on explosive ability to defeat a high-level elf with self-sealing strength, I'm afraid it's not too much.

Li Feng smiled and said, "It's not a big problem, it should be no problem to get a six-star test."

"Oh......" Shen Xiaoting nodded, suddenly felt that something was wrong, and looked at Li Feng with wide eyes: "What did you just say?


Vocational trainers are divided into star ratings, from low to high are one star to six stars, and the higher the star rating, the higher the benefits and permissions they can receive.

And the average six-star trainer is assessed by six professional-level elves, but this is not absolute.

That is, when a certain trainer breeds an elf who can defeat six professional elves in a row at the professional level, in this case, it can also be called a six-star professional trainer.

After all, the Trainers Guild won't limit you to taking the group to become stronger or the single elf to become invincible, but both routes have their pros and cons.

In other words, the Trainers' Association is also watching to see which of the two routes is stronger.

Shen Xiaoting was able to confirm that Li Feng definitely did not subdue the six elves, nor could he subdue the six elves, in this case, Li Feng's little fire dragon or Lalu Rasi had the strength of one against six?!

The last elf assessed by the six-star trainer was the absolute peak of the professional

level, that is, the existence of the twenty-ninth level of the elven power! If you want to complete this kind of challenge, it is simply unrealistic without the explosive power and super patience of the hall master level.

And if there really is such a strength......

What will become of the doubles match?

Shen Xiaoting couldn't imagine it at all.

"You're not kidding?" Shen Xiaoting confirmed again.

Li Feng: "Teacher Shen, am I the kind of person who is unreliable?"

Shen Xiaoting's face flushed, and she said excitedly: "Okay

! Good! "Okay!" Li Feng is really a super lucky star in Jizhong

! Not only has he won the newcomer king at the provincial capital

level! According to Li Feng, this national-level championship honor will fall on Ji Zhong's head!

This is a historical precedent!!

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