Training ground No. 3 in Tokyo.

Today is the day when the sixteen top high schools in Dongying compete for the extra places in the Evolution Secret Realm.

Li Feng, who was unfamiliar with the place, sat alone in the corner and quietly waited for the battle to start after checking his identity.

What made Li Feng sigh was that there were several pure girls' high schools in the other fifteen high schools, with small skirts and long legs ......

Tsk tsk.

It can only be said that some of Dongying's civilization is still quite good, at least it is eye-catching, isn't it?

But Li Feng can obviously see that there is a girl who is very starry, and several contestants from other schools are circling around the girl.

"Hey, big brother, don't you like to see Endo Sakura too?"

a young man with a hedgehog head came to Li Feng's side and complained.

That girl is Endo Sakura?

About the Endo family, Li Feng still knows about it from Shen Lingluo.

Donghuang has three superpower families, and Dongying also has a superpower family, that is, the Endo family.

In fact, Li Feng was quite curious at the time, how did the superpower family come about, shouldn't the formation of a family take hundreds of years and generations to accumulate?

But the elf has only been here for more than twenty years, this is unreasonable, right?

Shen Lingluo's expression at that time was directly rolling.

"Who told you that superpowers only appeared after the elves came?"

Li Feng suddenly understood.

This blue star is different from the earth in the previous life, the blue star itself has a hidden supernatural power, but in the past, it was afraid of causing panic among the people, and in recent decades, this supernatural creature has come to the front of the stage through the arrival of elves, and sure enough, the people's ability to accept it is much stronger.

This is also the reason why the external superpower family is called a family instead of a family, which is actually a play on words, the family only needs a large number of people to accumulate basically the same, and it does not need time to accumulate so much, and the family is a century-old family and a thousand-year-old family, which is not the same thing at all.

But in any case, Blue Star's superpowers are just a general term, and each superpower family is good at different directions, which seems to be related to bloodline.

As for the natural supernatural powers outside the family system, they are basically not replicable, but there are exceptions to everything, just like the dragon clan is to go to the elves after the arrival of the elves, the patriarch of the dragon clan will continue to develop the talent supernatural powers, and finally reach the level that can affect the bloodline, so the dragon clan was formed.

As for Dongying's dragon training clan, this is a scandal for the dragon clan.

Specifically, Li Feng didn't know, after all, Shen Lingluo didn't say it in detail at the time.

Sakura Endo, the leader of the new generation of superpowers in Toei.

Li Feng used to hate fighting against these guys who could hang up, especially the battle with Shen Lingluo, who was completely bullying people with superpowers.

As for now, he can only say that it is really fragrant.

After all, he also has the superpower of emotional outbursts.

However, Endo Sakura's strength is not only her own superpower, but also the strength of her partner elf is also terrifying.

"Are you?" Li Feng looked at the hedgehog-headed man.


variety of two-dimensional hairstyles, at a glance, you are very good at playing cards.

"My name is Naoki glans. "The hedgehog head looks like it's self-cooked.

Li Feng: (⊙o⊙)

What the hell?

Is your name serious?"

"Hello glans-kun, I'm Li Feng. Li Feng didn't smile seriously.

He's professional, unless he can't help it.

The glans Naoki sat directly next to Li Feng, and he didn't know where to take out two lollipops, one of which was durian-flavored and handed it to Li Feng, and said, "Do you want to eat it?"

Li Feng: ......

Durian-flavored lollipops ......

Can you have this kind of fantasy candy

?Why don't you make a herring lollipop?

"Excuse me, what's the matter with you?" Li Feng couldn't understand what this guy was trying to do when he sat down.

Naoki glans took apart a durian-flavored lollipop, put it in his mouth with an intoxicated face, and said at the same time: "We are all the rising stars of Dongying, why don't we exchange feelings and promote friendship between the two sides?"

Li Feng said lightly: "I am from Donghuang.

The glans Naoki was stunned for a moment, and said in surprise: "Are you a Donghuang trainer?" "

Oh ~ Oh my god ~ My father always told me that Donghuang is powerful and beautiful, but I have never had a chance to see it, worthy of being a Donghuang person, the instrument is lofty, and the pretentious!"

Li Feng: ......

I admit the first one, and you can take the latter back yourself.

Don't take out your half-baked Donghuang language.

"What are you here for?" Li Feng didn't understand this guy.

The glans Naoki took out a bunch of cards from his pocket again, shook them in front of Li Feng and said, "I have other people's intelligence cards, do you want to buy them?"

Li Feng smiled and said, "What about my card?"

glans Naoki smiled slightly, took out one of the cards and handed it to Li Feng.

Li Feng took it in his hand and looked at it, and found that there was really a little something.

[Kaisei High School].

[Li Feng, Donghuang people].

[Elves: Little Fire Dragon and Larulas.] 】。

[Record: Defeated Kazuro Fujita, Yoji Tozuka, Osamu and the first person in Hara Kaisei High School, Ryumei Denji].

[The little fire dragon is powerful, with comprehensive melee long-range attack methods, and endless tactical means.

[Lalu Rasi is very weird, with a high probability of being able to control the finger swing moves, so as to use the finger swing moves to create a variety of whimsical combat opportunities, and at the same time, Lalu Lasi's melee combat ability is extremely terrifying, and it is suspected that it will be Donghuang ancient martial arts. Li

Feng has to say that there is still something about this card, and his only two shots have almost been included in it.

"How much. Li Feng thought that although he didn't need it very much, he should buy one in case the car overturned.

The glans Naoki's eyes lit up and said, "One hundred thousand Dongying yuan." "

The exchange rate between Donghuang and Dongying is about 20 times, which means 5,000 yuan a card?

However, Li Feng, who has a lot of money, still bought fourteen of them, as for why it is not fifteen, this glans Naoki himself is also a contestant, and it is definitely impossible to sell his own information.

"Something. Li Feng looked at the glans Naoki who Mei Zizi left, using his opponent to make money, this kind of all-out approach, is a character.

【Endo Sakura】.

[The first person in Chanomizu Girls' High School].

[Partner Elf Snow Demon Girl, Fire Fox].

[Currently undefeated, the first contemporary Dongying high school trainer].

[The most terrifying thing about the Snow Demon Maiden is that she is elusive in hail weather, coupled with Endo Sakura's Onmyoji Amplification Ghost System ability, which is almost incomprehensible.


, can you still make a great séance, a super séance?

Or draw a spell to summon the cow ghost, the Ibaraki boy and those things?

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