After the concert, Li Feng was thoughtful along the way.

Since concerts can be done like this, can't the special effects in the filming drama also be done like this?

It seems that having a team of powerful elves is really important, no matter what you do, it is as convenient as opening a hanging.

The next few days were completely on the right track, except for running back to school halfway through for the final exam, Li Feng basically focused on training elves.

The little fire dragon's anger skills are learned and mastered on a sunny day.

Larulath searched everywhere for spirits related to melee combat techniques to consult and copy traits training.

Of course, multitasking, which is very important for all elves, must not be left behind.

And what made Li Feng feel most excited was that not long after the start of the winter vacation, after more than ten days of fermentation of the video of the New Year's Day party, the number of his real fans finally reached one million!

[System: Congratulations to the host for reaching the million level of fans, and the existing skill host skills have been comprehensively improved.] As

soon as the sound of the system fell, Li Feng, who was sitting on the bed, suddenly felt that it was dark in front of him, and then a tidal wave of memories emerged from the void!

Li Feng's consciousness was clear, but he watched his body float as clearly as a bystander's perspective, and then he didn't know how long it took before he gradually lay back on the bed.

And the moment he lay back on the bed, he was instantly pulled back into his body by the feeling of pulling!

There was no discomfort, but it was as if nothing had changed.

Opening his system panel, Li Feng was instantly stunned.

Without exception, all of his skills have been given advanced prefixes!Trainer

Skills: Advanced Telepathy

!Advanced Skill Development

!Advanced Rejuvenation Roar

!Advanced Empathy

!Advanced Fighting Skills Mastery!



Advanced Music Knowledge

!Advanced Singing Skills!

Advanced acoustic guitar skills

!Advanced electric guitar

skills!Advanced piano skills!

Star skills aside, trainer skills are the focus of Li Feng's attention.

The first is high-level empathy, this is a skill that Li Feng and the little fire dragon have soul-bound, it seems to be useless, but the eternal extreme intimacy makes it impossible for the elf to betray Li Feng.

And it is precisely because of this that the little fire dragon can achieve the ability to repay the favor passively.

Now the level of empathy has increased, and the most obvious point is that the number of soul bindings

has increased! From the original one, it has increased to three!

Li Feng didn't even think about it, and directly let himself be soul bound to Lalu Rasi in the Elf Illustrated Book.

At this time, Lalu Lasi, who was training in the training room, suddenly felt that she missed Li Feng a little.

Li Feng, who completed this matter, was satisfied, but just increasing the number of places, he must be sorry for the skill upgrade, and his empathy at this time was clearly written that the soul strength of the elf would gradually increase the soul strength of the host.

This alone is not what satisfies Li Feng.

Isn't this the kind of immortal cultivator novels, cultivating the primordial gods?

I don't need to cultivate yet, as long as the fruits of the labor of the white prostitute elves are just perfect, okay!

The next rejuvenation roar is to increase the upper limit of use, and the ability that would have been neutralized at the professional level has been raised to still be effective.

In fact, Li Feng has a lot of ideas for this skill, such as the use of extreme blood locking and resurrection, but the current elves can't master it, if the rejuvenation roar can't continue to improve, it's actually a pity.

But being able to be promoted to advanced now doesn't mean that as long as your popularity continues to increase in the future, this skill will most likely not be eliminated, and it is still very powerful.

The only pity is that this skill can almost only be bound to residual blood and used to turn the tables, which is not quite in line with Li Feng's own concept.

What Li Feng likes is to burst out with all his strength and kill in one hit, so that he will not let the elves suffer too serious damage.

This kind of tiring and tiring fight, and finally relying on his own natural and magical powers, and fighting together to turn the tables around, Li Feng felt that it was still avoidable.

However, what made Li Feng happy was that every time he used up his talent and supernatural powers, the little fire dragon would be very active in training, and he didn't know why.

Now even Larulath is doing the same.

I think it is my basic education that I have done well, so that the little fire dragon realizes the role of hard work.

And advanced fighting skills, to be honest, Li Feng feels that they are actually the most useless.

After swinging twice, he found that he knew a lot of fighting skills, such as traditional martial arts such as Taijiquan, Youshen Baguazhang, and Hongquan, as well as modern fighting skills such as fighting and sanda.

But if you really want to say that the advanced fighting skills are much stronger than the original, maybe from the previous three or five fights to the current ten fights, right

? Does this make sense?

If it is an urban world without elves, it makes sense.

Now, ......

Can you resist jet flames or can resist destroying the dead light

? But Li Feng is still quite satisfied with his skills, maybe one day he will obtain a super new human physique, and then with this fighting skill, punch fast boxer Lang and kick Ballang?

And the most surprising thing for Li Feng is that telepathy has been upgraded!

There is an additional skill called emotional explosion!

The emotional link between the host and the elf forms a super burst of emotional energy! The essence of

this skill is to borrow the trainer's emotions to increase the power of the elf's own skills, so it consumes the host's mental power very much.

It just so happened that the soul binding carried out by empathy could subtly enhance the host's soul, and the combination of the two skills gave Li Feng the ability to use emotional outbursts.

In addition to the back-up skill of rejuvenation roar, Li Feng finally has the ability to directly make elves explode like a superpower, but unlike the superpower's continuous amplification effect, his emotional outburst can only explode in a short time because of the lack of soul strength, which is essentially equivalent to a helping move!

Compared with superpowers, Li Feng can be regarded as a closer distance again.

And finally, and most importantly, the surprise that skill development brought to Li Feng is that the upper limit of skill proficiency has been raised

to the top level! What does this mean?

The little fire dragon who is fully proficient in level skills, under the suppression of the atavistic bloodline, has a growth rate comparable to those gifted elves, and now if it is blessed with all the top skill proficiency, will the little fire dragon finally soar to the sky?

In addition, the days when Lalulasi broke free from the suppression of talent are becoming more and more obvious

! All top-level skills!

Xiao Dongying, your Grandpa Li and I are here to !!

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