"It's useless for me to hold this thing, I wonder if your elf isn't a little fire dragon? According to my friend, this thing should be useful to you. Father

Li yawned and motioned to Li Feng to study it himself, he was going to sleep.

"Oh, by the way, there's a small gift underneath that gift box. Pulling

open the bottom layer of the gift box, Li Feng found a thin skill cheat.


Dad's circle of friends is really extensive enough, can this thing be brought back?" Li Feng looked at the Great Sunny Day cheats, and then looked at the blazing rocks, a complete set of resources for learning the skills of the Great Sunny Day were neatly placed in front of him, if he didn't hurry up and master it, it would really be a tyrannical thing.

On a sunny day, it can be said that it is the strongest environmental amplification skill of the fire elf, which can not only enhance the power of the fire move but also reduce the power of the water move, which is very suitable for the fire elf.

However, in reality, the weather and environment skill of the Great Sunny Day is relatively difficult for elves who are not born with talent to master, but fortunately, the little fire dragon clan basically has such a talent, and the researchers are also puzzled why an elf with the characteristics of fierce fire or the power of the sun can be comparable to the six-tailed clan and the coal turtle clan in terms of weather manipulation talent.

There are

thousands of elves, and there are only four kinds of elves that can stir up the weather to form sunlight with their talents, and one of them is the legendary elf Groudoh!

As for the more terrifying end place or crimson pulse beyond the sunshine, it is not a perverted thing that ordinary elves can involve.

In any case, the little fire dragon must master this sunny day, and the next task is to learn the great sunny day and the anger technique.

Jingle bell~

"Brother Feng, do we want to pick up the airport?" Fat Six's voice came from the other end of the phone.

Pick up the plane?

What kind of machine?

Li Feng was stunned.

"After day, she landed in Guangdu today, and tomorrow night is her concert, didn't you let me buy tickets together?" Fat Liu reminded.


I remember!

"Forget about the pick-up or something, I'm just going to listen to the songs, and not do so many bells and whistles." Li Feng decisively refused, he is not a fan, he took a hairy opportunity, and going to the concert was purely his own star-chasing brain little fire dragon.

Is there a concert tomorrow night?

Li Feng didn't pay special attention to this, this year's Chinese New Year is indeed very early, and it is not surprising that the concert is a little earlier.

However, is there no Spring Festival Gala in this world? If there is, don't you actually

participate in the Spring Festival Gala after daytime? As far as Li Feng knows, the stars who participate in the Spring Festival Gala are estimated to start preparing a month or two or even a few months before the Spring Festival, right?

However, after this

year, it seems that there are really no new songs released after the day, and they are all eating their old books.

And Bai Mengqi's development focus seems to have gradually changed from a singer to an actor.

"No, then?

"Brother Feng, remember to come to my house tomorrow, the one I asked you about before." Fat Six suddenly lowered his voice and said.

Li Feng: "Okay, see you tomorrow." "



As soon as Li Feng, who was driving an AMG GT, arrived at his destination, he saw Fan Liuliu already waiting on the side of the road.

Although Fat Liu's family has money, it is not the kind of family that can drive a supercar for the children in high school.

After picking up Fat Liu, Li Feng asked, "Where are you going now

?" "Why don't you go and solve the incident you said first?"

Fat Six suddenly hesitated, but still said: "They are waiting for me in the shopping mall not far away, let's go first."

Li Feng didn't think much about it, and as soon as he stepped on the accelerator, the car erupted into a strong roar and left.

Coastal City.

This is a comprehensive shopping mall with all kinds of facilities for eating, drinking, and fighting.

However, the battle facility only accepts free battles for trainers below the professional level, and if you want to use it at the professional level or above, you need to apply for a fee.

There is no way, the combat movement and destructive power above the professional level are too great, and the energy barrier must be activated to protect the building from being affected and not harming the audience.

The car was parked in the surface parking lot, and in order to avoid unnecessary trouble after being recognized, Li Feng chose to wear a mask and follow Fat Six into Coastal City.

There are still quite a few people on the battlefield in Coastal City, but most of them are freshman trainers who play entertainment battles here.

"Yo, Fan Liuliu, you're here.

At this time, Li Feng also saw a man and a woman sitting on a stool outside the beverage shop.

The man's name is Chen Feng, and he looks a little handsome, but he looks thin and thin, which belongs to the normal figure of most young people.

The other girl has short hair. is named Qiu Ying, with an average appearance and big eyes, she is a little beauty who surpasses ordinary people.

Li Feng also knew what Fat Six wanted to do by knocking on the side, this little beauty Qiu Ying has always been Fat Liu's favorite object, but the problem is that what this Chen Feng does is quite scum.

Fat Six, Chen Feng and Qiu Ying can be regarded as having played since childhood, Chen Feng's family conditions are the best, and Qiu Ying's family conditions are the worst.

Chen Feng and Qiu Ying have a good relationship, but the problem is that Chen Feng is a prodigal scumbag character, entangled with Qiu Ying here, and mixed with a bunch of messy girls over there.

Anyway, in Li Feng's opinion, it is a bloody drama that starts and ends, and uses Qiu Ying as a long-term fixed cannon.

No, Chen Feng just came back from abroad and found Qiu Ying again.

When you come back, don't do anything else, first find a good place for your younger brother to settle down, this is what Chen Feng did.

Love blinds people.

Li Feng has always known this sentence, because the fat six are against Qiu Ying, and Qiu Ying can actually see it against Chen Feng.

It is useless to persuade others, you can only see through it yourself.

Fat Liu, who was angry for a while, thought about asking Li Feng to relieve his anger by beating this Chen Feng in the battle, although Fat Six also knew that this practice actually didn't make any sense, but Li Feng didn't care.

Anyway, this kind of triangular drama has nothing to do with him, he just gives the fat six platform.

After all, Fat Six helped himself get a scalper ticket, and it was natural for him to help him go back.

"Come on, hurry up and fight, I'm going to go to the movies with Qiu Ying later, and I'm going to see a concert tonight!" Chen Feng said impatiently.

"Xiao Fan, the helper you shouted won't be the guy next to you, right?"

"I'm a member of the varsity team of St. Paul's High School in the United States, so don't be embarrassed by ordinary novice trainers."

Li Feng looked at Fat Six and asked, "If you win the battle, it's okay for you to invite me to a big meal, right?"

Chen Feng saw that the other party directly discussed where to eat after the victory, and directly disdainful: "What a big breath." "

Wait for the defeat!"

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