The second collision

! This time it was the little fire dragon that knocked the hot meow out directly!

However, although the hot meow in the bodybuilding state was flew, the damage suffered was not large, and it was in a completely acceptable range.

"Meow!" "Meow!"

the hot meow grinned, his eyes full of fighting intent, and his strengthened body erupted into flames.

The passive return of gratitude made the little fire dragon barely have the strength to fight with Hot Meow.

The dragon dance completely flattened the gap between bodybuilding, but there is still a difference between the strengthening of the two, the former strengthens the offensive direction, and the latter is the stump attack.

But the little fire dragon itself is very physical, and the hot meow is amazingly fast.

In this way, the two sides are once again back to the level of parity.

When encountering a hall master-level trainer, Li Feng's previous explosive methods were actually very conventional, and these were all the necessary abilities of the hall master-level trainers for their own elves.

Why do you rarely see Dandi in the battle in the animation, these bigwigs will choose to strengthen, compared to the explosive skills that both sides have, it is better to seize the flaws to defeat the opponent more realistically, so that you can not only retain more physical energy, but also better control yourself.

It's perfectly normal that explosive sexual abilities are not well controlled.

The ability to control perfectly, that's the ability to normalize.

Your dragon dance, my dragon dance, isn't it equivalent to no dragon dance, and it is a waste of physical energy, which is completely worth the loss.

Not to mention that for the champion-level elves, the first few dragon dances basically have no meaning.

For a bicycle, if you add a car engine down, it must be like an explosion.

But for aircraft carriers, if you add a stingy engine, are you funny?

But this does not mean that the explosive means are useless, and the powerful elves need more skills that can instantly reach the explosive state in a short time, such as dragon dance, sword dance, unless you focus on developing better combination skills, otherwise no one will use it after the strength is strong in the later stage.


fire! Both sides have chosen to continue to strengthen, and they have reached this point, so let's decide the winner with a direct blow

! The angry emotions of the hot meow combined with the fierce fire directly erupted into a momentum that shook the mountains and forests like

a tiger's roar! The little fire dragon roared, and the dragon's anger was the intermediate skill, and the alternative version of the anger also shook the battlefield

! The dragon roared and the tiger roared

! The two waves of anger and anger did not accept anyone!

"It turns out that Li Feng's little fire dragon will also be angry!"

"That's not the anger of our Fire God Gym, that's the anger brought out by the dragon's anger. "

The little fire dragon was used in the final of the Freshman Cup, but it wasn't so obvious at that time. The

disciples of the Gym in the audience were all looking forward to the next showdown, and everyone could see that this was definitely the final blow.

Who wins and who loses?

But just the elite-level little fire dragon can force the hot meow to explode with all its might, no matter how you look at it, if the little fire dragon was of the same level, it is estimated that it would have won a long time ago!



The dragon-shaped flames wrapped the little fire dragon and rushed forward violently.

Hot Meow's body is wrapped around a crimson galloping tiger.


entire ground of the battlefield was blown up by the bursting flames, and the little fire dragon's fist smashed into Hot Meow, and Hot Meow's cat's claw slapped at the little fire dragon.

The tail of the little fire dragon swept towards the hot meow with the flames, and the hot meow bit back with its sharp teeth

! You come and go, no one will obey anyone!

Lalu Lasi stayed in Li Feng's arms, looked at the cauldron and the little fire dragon was injured, and pulled Li Feng.

"Lalu~(Or, let the cauldron come back!)"

Li Feng touched Lalulasi, shook his head and didn't speak.

The little fire dragon doesn't know what Larulasi's luck is, but it can understand that luck is definitely not something that can be relied on for a long time, as Li Feng's only elf with the entire combat power, it must work hard even with Lalulasi's share

! Although Lalulasi is older than it, the backward team is the little sister

! It is a small fire dragon, and it must take on the responsibility of the cauldron

! Defeat this hot meow!

Strive to become stronger!!

This is the telepathy that the little fire dragon transmitted to Li Feng at this time.

In the case of soul binding, Li Feng was able to perceive the little fire dragon's thoughts without hindrance.

Although he wanted to say that luck was really controllable, since the little fire dragon worked so hard, why did he break its idea?

Although Li Feng's expression was serious, he was actually happy in his heart.

Ou La Ou La Ou La

!! Mu Damu Damu

Da Mu !! one person and one cat are frantically beating each other!

With explosive ability to beat each other, the two dark circles under the eyes of Hot Meow are more obvious, and there are also several cat paw prints on the chest of the little fire dragon.

I'll beat you

! I'll dig your ancestral grave!

Suddenly, the fierce fire on the two fire elves was completely extinguished.

Their characteristic is fierce fire, not a holy fire or a fire of life, and it is certainly impossible to endure.

"Tie?" the

audience was stunned.

Looking at the two panting elves, Li Feng suddenly looked at Xia Yiming and said, "Senior Xia, do you believe in bonds?" Xia

Yiming: "What

the hell is ??? chicken spot


But the next moment

, he understood! In particular, he forgot that Li Feng was still a shameless gifted supernatural powerhouse

!"Stand up! My most trusted partner!" Li Feng directly launched a rejuvenation roar!

This is Li Feng's response to the little fire dragon's efforts!

Your perseverance is the reason why I chose to launch the Rejuvenation Roar.

If the little fire dragon chooses not to stick to it and stick to the limit, he won't choose to use the Rejuvenation Roar.

After all, every time he used the Rejuvenation Roar, he would be very uncomfortable and weak for many days.

Obviously, I am very healthy, but I always look like I have kidney deficiency, how can I do

this? How can I have a girlfriend if I go on like this? How can

I say

that the height at which a man stands is not high, but the height at which he lies down is the real height.

So, stand up

, little fire dragon! The originally exhausted little fire dragon was like a battery that was instantly fully charged but quickly leaked, and the top-level metal claws instantly stretched out!

Six handles slashed towards the hot meow like a scimitar flickering in the cold moon.

The cold, bone-piercing, emotionless blade makes Hot Meow experience the biting cold that fire elves shouldn't experience.

It was a shiver from the bottom of my heart!


, which was originally the end of the strong crossbow, the hot meow trembled, and her legs finally couldn't hold on, and she couldn't hold on and couldn't stand on the ground.

Li Feng directly chose to take back the little fire dragon.

In fact, Li Feng can completely choose not to burst out of the rejuvenation roar, after all, he still has a Lalu Rasi who can return to the field after the little fire dragon is defeated, but since he chooses to take the invincible road, he must sweep all the way through the Eight Desolations and Liuhe, brave and invincible

! If you want to cultivate a dragon emperor, it is not so easy!

Not to mention that the fake dragon wants to become a real dragon, there is a long way to go!

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