
Half past seven in the evening.

At this time, the entire gymnasium was already overcrowded.

Many students are looking forward to this New Year's Day party, especially the senior high school students, and the large number of exercises every day has already made their spirits tense.

This time I was able to relax.

In order to maintain a sense of mystery, the program list will not be announced in advance, but Li Feng's "Ma Said" let many people know that Li Feng seems to have a program.

A trainer still has time to run to perform, and many people are curious about what Li Feng can do.

"Weiwei, where are we sitting?" asked Lin Xiyan.

Olga said dissatisfiedly: "Why don't you just find the boss, it shouldn't be difficult for the boss to arrange a place in the front row for us, right?"

Gu Weiwei rolled her eyes and said angrily: "This is a school, and it's not a place that can be solved casually with money."

Asuka said, "Our seats are here."

"The location at the top of the mountain. Olga pouted in displeasure.

How can you see the heroism of the boss in this way!

" These shows are still passable. Olga commented after watching a few shows.

Lin Xiyan nodded, for the third year of high school, it is actually very good to be able to find time to rehearse, although it is still full of flaws in their eyes, but the attitude and atmosphere are indeed very good.

"This song ......"

Gu Weiwei and the four of them glanced at each other directly.

Next is the group chorus of the 29th class of the 3rd year of high school, which is an original song written and composed by Li Feng, which contains the spirit of chasing dreams and working hard.

"Let's enjoy this dream song!" the

male host enthusiastically introduced.

At the same time, the students of Class 29 quickly took their seats, and several elves followed.

"Did I hear it right??The chorus of a class uses the original songs of

the students?" "What's even more outrageous is that the original songs were written by

Li Feng?" Many of the students in the middle school were a little confused, Li Feng's elf battle strength was very strong, and they admitted, but does this have anything to do with writing songs? However, the

doubts were quickly broken.

[Speed 70 miles

......] [The mood is free......] [I hope the focus is on the ...... of the Aegean Sea

] [Run with all your might, dream on the other side

......] [We want to roam the world

......] [See the miracle is in front of us

......] [Wait for the sunset to dye the ......sky red] [Shoulder

to shoulder and make a wish......

]. The light tunes and the lyrics are very easy to remember, all of which make people full of fantasies about dreams and the future.


with the wind, freedom is the direction...... [Chasing the power of thunder and lightning......

] [Carrying the vast ocean into my chest

......] [Even the smallest sail can sail far......]

Run, boy!

Chasing dreams requires courage to move forward

! Fearless of wind and rain! Fearless

of difficulties!

[Flying with the wind and dreaming of wings ......].

[Dare to love, dare to do, bravely break ......through]

[No matter how big the risk is, no matter how big the ......wave is] [

There will be tacit understanding...... the audience

is excited, especially the senior high school students, isn't the college entrance examination the road to their dreams in the future?

At this time, the whole audience sings along!

The catchy lyrics are almost easy to remember just by the first paragraph.

Not to mention that Li Feng suggested that the lyrics be directly typed on the big screen behind the stage at that time.

Looking at the chorus of lyrics, this is something that many teachers in a row did not expect.

Gu Weiwei and the four of them looked at each other.

"Does this song have such a strong sense of resonance on special occasions?" Olga looked stupid.

Lin Xiyan was silent.

Gu Weiwei replied, "This is the boss's song." "

Sister Weiwei, the boss is not here. Asuka whispered.

The meaning is obvious, the boss is not here, there is no need to lick it, right?

At this time, Li Feng and Yuan Ming, who were preparing in the background, also heard the chorus of the audience.

"Brother Feng, are you so fierce in this song?" Yuan Ming was a little frightened.

Li Feng smiled: "Some songs do have a sense of resonance on specific occasions, but when I listen to them usually, that's actually the case."

Mu Li nodded in agreement: "It's true, so next time it's just like this, Brother Feng, you can throw it to me, I don't mind." Yuan

Ming and the others didn't

expect to be able to invite songs like this.

Li Feng also ignored the four people who were fighting, but silently watched the performance on the stage.

However, he suddenly noticed that there seemed to be some noisy movement in the background.

If you don't read any gossip, this is not a normal person.

Li Feng, who was idle and bored, also came over.

Soon, Li Feng figured out the reason for the commotion.

In the last program, I heard that the modern poem that I was dozing off actually collided with the modern poem that my class was about to go

to the poem recitation! Or rather, the guy who performed last time deliberately changed the modern poem and then caused the classmates in his class to sit on wax directly.

"What's wrong, is there something wrong with that guy in Central China!" Yang

Yayan's boyfriend was scolding frantically on the side at this time.

And Yang Yayan is also a little at a loss, the program she prepared is just like this, and she can't memorize the modern poems temporarily

! Could it be that she will do it again on the hard top?

But this will be a performance accident!

Teacher Lin Fei hurriedly ran in from outside at this time, and said with an unsightly expression: "No way, Yang Yayan, you can only go up first and read it again."

"Huazhong's behavior has been solemnly protested by Jizhong, and Huazhong has also promised to punish the student who made trouble without permission.

Yang Yayan's boyfriend shouted: "What's the use of this! Isn't this still throwing the problem back to us?" "Yang Yayan

is embarrassed, Ji Zhong's face is going to be gone

!" Just when Lin Fei was at a loss, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he shouted directly: "Li Feng! You come here!" Li Feng:

??? "You know everything, right? Wait a minute, you go up and recite a poem and article." Lin Fei said directly as if he had found a life-saving straw.

Li Feng decisively refused, shook his head and said, "Yang Yayan's program and my program are connected

!" "Doesn't this make me unable to make even a little preparation?"

Lin Fei looked at Li Feng and said with a firm gaze: "The teacher believes that you will definitely be able to!"

Li Feng did not back down and asked, "There is no other way?"

Lin Fei shook his head.

There is no way, Yang Yayan's poetry recitation poems and modern poems, under the recitation containing feelings, there are at least several minutes of performance time, such a large number of words, it is completely unrealistic to change articles temporarily.

With only 10 minutes left, I can't memorize it!

As for making do with ancient poems, it is even more impossible.

The general ancient poems are too short, and they are completely inconsistent with the time of the performance!"

Yang Yayan looked at Li Feng.

"Li Feng. Yang Yayan's boyfriend also looked at Li Feng.

"Li Feng. Teacher Lin Fei also looked at Li Feng.

"Li Feng. Many people who knew Li Feng's literary literacy looked at Li Feng.

Ji Zhongren, Ji Zhong's soul, Ji Zhong's face can't be easily thrown away!

Li Feng gritted his teeth and said, "Don't blame me for messing up!"

Okay yes!!

looking at the cheering people, Li Feng's face hurt.

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