Pokémon Chenyi

Chapter 174

Tears are like a broken embankment, once it starts, it is difficult to stop, a drop of tears falls on the grass, the body of the little flame monkey is also trembling slightly, and the sobs of the little flame monkey can be faintly heard.

"Okay!" Chen Yi looked at the little flame monkey's crying, he did not stop it, but walked to him and squatted down, holding the little flame monkey slightly with both hands, and then leaned on the little flame monkey's ear and whispered, "Cry!" No matter what hardships you have encountered before, your life will get better and better in the future, rest assured, just make this your home..."

Under Chenyi's voice, the little flame monkey's deliberately suppressed emotions erupted at this time, tears wet his clothes, and Chenyi didn't care, the surrounding Pokémon, including Chirulian, the ultrasound larvae are all looking at the little flame monkey crying like a tearful man at this time, but the corners of his mouth are happy to show a smile, crying out is considered emotional liberation, isn't it?

In the evening, on the grass after the meal, there was silence.

The little flame monkey looked up at the starry sky above, surrounded by Chenyi's tent, silent for a long time.

In the tent, Chen Yi recalled what Chillulian said to himself about the little flame monkey, and when he was emotionally out, the little flame monkey said his own things, although Chen Yi had some feelings at that time, but after all, he couldn't understand it all, and later let Chillulian say it again to himself through telepathy.

This little flame monkey, in fact, can not be said to be a wild Pokémon, he began to travel with his trainer as one of the three families of the Sinnoh region, but for some reason, the little flame monkey was abandoned by his trainer, not only that, the trainer in order to force the little flame monkey to leave, but also let his other Pokémon beat the little flame monkey into incapacitation, since then the little flame monkey has had an extremely strong anger and resentment towards humans.

The place where the little flame monkey was abandoned happened to be in the northern part of the Tianguan Mountain Range.

"Haga..." On the grass, an extremely complex emotion appeared in the eyes of the little flame monkey.

After he came here, because of the weakness of his strength, even surviving is very problematic, but he will not give up his life so much, so long, he has suffered, but today, because of accidentally breaking into the territory of a powerful Pokémon, he was chased and killed by that Pokémon for a long time, and then he met the teenager...

Little Flame Monkey actually feels that his life is over!

The most hated thing in his life is probably also humans, but at this time, it was humans who saved themselves, not only that, but that person came to be so good to himself, this kind of treatment, the little flame monkey recalled it, he had no memory... So, why should that teenager be so nice to himself?

Can such human beings also exist?

The little flame monkey didn't know, but he had, he didn't have the hatred he had for humans before!

The next day, when the sky was dark.

The little flame monkey habitually woke up and saw the four figures that had been training on the grass for a long time.

Three of them are Chillian, Ultrasonic Larvae, and Electroshock Warcraft, while the last one is a human, the boy who saved him.

"Did you wake up so quickly?" Chen Yi sensed the little flame monkey's awakening, looked over at the moment, and said with a smile.

"Haga..." The little flame monkey got up and walked over to Chenyi's body, calling softly, seemingly a little embarrassed.

Chen Yi probably knew that the little flame monkey was apologizing to himself because of the previous attack on him, and he didn't mind.

"The food is over there! If you're hungry, eat it! Chen Yi said with a smile.

"Haga!" The little flame monkey smiled at Chenyi and walked in the direction of the food.

Chen Yi was stunned because of the little flame monkey's smile, did the little flame monkey smile? It's really rare...

When the little flame monkey was eating food, his eyes looked at Qilulian and other figures who were undergoing basic training on the side, and also looked at Chenyi who was training with Qilulian and them, he did not hesitate, and now after eating a slight fullness, he ran towards Chenyi, and did not say anything to Chenyi and Qilulian, and directly joined their training.

"Oh?" Chen Yi naturally noticed that the little flame monkey who was actually training with Chirulian at this time, and while smiling in his heart, he didn't mind, since seeing the eyes of this little flame monkey, Chen Yi was very clear, this little flame monkey's personality is definitely not the kind of self-willing depravity, otherwise, with the low-level strength of this little flame monkey, how could he live in the northern part of this Tianguan Mountain Range for so long.

After joining Chillulian's training, the little flame monkey did not last long and was exhausted, after all, it was only a low level, and Chillulian, ultrasonic larvae and electric shock monsters their elite level gap was still very large, but even so, the little flame monkey had been gritting his teeth and insisting, until Chen Yi stopped it, the little flame monkey collapsed on the grass tiredly, breathing air in large gulps, but on his butt, the flame representing life force was burning more and more vigorously.

"It's nice to say that you can stick to it, but you have to do what you can!" Chen Yi said with a smile.

The little flame monkey stood up from the grass, looked at Chen Yi, there was a touch of color in his eyes, and he nodded.

As a result, Chenyi's training team undoubtedly changed from three Pokémon to four Pokémon. Respectively, the middle-elite class Chirulian and the ultrasound larvae; Low-level elite-level electric shock Warcraft and low-level Little Flame Monkey.

After the early morning training, Chirulian and the ultrasonic larvae did not leave here as usual, but followed Chen Yi to the forest where the little flame monkey was found before with the electric shock monster and the little flame monkey, training did need training, but before that, Chen Yi knew very well that he still had one more thing to do.

"Little Flame Monkey, is the Pokémon that hunted you down before sure it was a mongoose slash?" Chen Yi looked at the little flame monkey and said.

"Haga!" The little flame monkey nodded.

"It seems that in this area, the number of mongoose chops is really quite a lot!" Chen Yi muttered, his eyes flickering slightly.

Before those meerkat chops three times and twice to find their own trouble, Chen Yi is undoubtedly not good impression of the meerkata chop, and now, the little flame monkey is also chased and killed by the mongoose chop to become the same as before, this kind of grudge, Chen Yi feels that it is indeed necessary to settle it well. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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