Pokémon Chenyi

Chapter 171

"Well?" At this time, the tent opened, and Chen Yi, who had finished the treatment measures, walked out a little tired, and even saw the scene that happened on the grass, when he saw Chilulian, when he saw the somewhat dignified Zhulan, he shook his head helplessly, and then walked over and clapped his hands.

The sound of Chenyi's clapping of hands made Chillulian, Zhulan and those wild Pokémon who were originally on the grass focus their attention, and then, those wild Pokémon all ran to Chenyi's side, chattering towards Chenyi and saying something, and Chenyi naturally knew what was happening now, so after calming those wild Pokémon, he also walked over.

"Chillulian, let her go!" Walking to Chillulian's side, Chenyi said with a smile.

"Qilu!" Qilulian smiled slightly at Chenyi, and then glanced at Zhulan indifferently, and the blue superpower in his eyes suddenly disappeared, and Zhulan felt that the pressure on his body seemed to disappear in an instant, extremely relaxed.

"Should you explain this to me?" Immediately, Chenyi looked at Zhulan and said lightly.

"Don't you tell me that this Flash Chillulian is also your Pokémon?" Zhulan snorted coldly and said.

"Yes!" Chen Yi said of course. At this time, Chen Yi felt that there was no need to hide it.

"You... Then why did you lie to me before? Zhulan was short of breath and said.

"Lie to you?" Chen Yi remembered his answer when Zhulan asked him about the whereabouts of Flash Chirulian before, but now he smiled, with a faint arc above the corner of his mouth, looked at Zhulan, and said, "I just don't want to cause too much trouble!" You think, if I told you the truth at that time..."

"You think I'm a Pokémon hunter scum?" Zhulan's eyes flashed a cold light, and said.

"It's not so serious, it's just proper vigilance!" Chenyi replied.

"Hmph!" Zhulan snorted a little depressed, but she was only depressed.

Zhulan is not that kind of bad person, so even if she knows the truth now, she can only be depressed.

She really didn't expect that the Flash Chillulian she was pursuing was already a Pokémon with a trainer. Therefore, she deliberately came to the northern part of the Tianguan Mountain Range without the slightest gain, all because of this guy, in Zhulan's heart, she felt that this teenager was full of malice towards her.

"So, what happened to the little flame monkey?" Zhulan changed the topic and said.

"It's almost there, if you're worried, you can take a look!" Chen Yi said with a smile.

"Yes!" Zhulan nodded, and immediately walked past Chenyi's side and walked into Chenyi's tent.

Chen Yi looked at Zhulan's back, with some trance in his eyes.

The current Zhulan is undoubtedly a big gap from the future iceberg snow champion, and the current Zhulan seems to be still attached to Pokémon and the powerful, but one thing Chenyi sees very clearly, that is, Zhulan's care and feelings for Pokémon are very sincere.

"Xiao Yi, this guy really controlled her instantly when she was distracted before, but if I really want to fight her, I shouldn't be an opponent!" After Zhulan walked into the tent, Chirulian's telepathy also sounded in Chenyi's mind.

"It doesn't matter! Although she is not on the right path with me, she will not be against me, and the previous thing was just a misunderstanding! Chillulian, don't go to your heart! Chenyi explained to Chirulian with a smile.

"Yes!" Chirulian nodded obediently, and then her telepathy sounded again, "I can see it too!" "

For distinguishing whether he is a good person or not, for Chenyi's Chillulian, it is all a small meaning.

Because Chirulian knew that Zhulan was not a bad person, he only controlled her to the extent.

Chenyi took back Chillulian, and then also walked into the tent and saw Zhulan sitting next to the little flame monkey.

"Thank you!" Zhulan also sensed Chenyi's arrival, raised her head, and although she was very uncomfortable in her heart, she still said.

"No need to thank me, I volunteered!" Chen Yi replied with some cold emotions.

"What's your name?" Zhulan looked at the teenager in front of her and asked this question for the first time.

This boy is about the same age as himself, but this kind of mind is extraordinary, and he looks extremely mature.

The Pokémon he has is not an ordinary Pokémon except for the electric shock monster he saw for the first time, whether it is the ultrasonic larva or the shining Chirulian is also not an ordinary Pokémon, the combat power exceeds its own strength, and the potential is full.

Maybe this teenager is not his opponent, but this kind of strength is also an extremely superior existence among his peers, even if it is placed in Zhulan's own cognition, this teenager's strength is enough to rank in the top ten.

So, for the first time, after calming down, Zhulan became curious about the teenager of the same age.

"Chenyi!" Chen Yi did not hide it and replied directly.

"You're wearing the uniform of Tianguan Academy!" Zhulan also noticed the clothes that Chen Yi was wearing.

"Well! I am a student of Tianguan Academy! Chen Yi replied.

After getting Chenyi's answer, Zhulan's heart was also cold.

She knows the existence of Tianguan Academy, knows the depth of Tianguan Academy's heritage and the background is not simple, but even if it is placed in Tianguan Academy, students like Chen Yi should belong to very few, how to say... I guess I can be called a real honor student! And the feeling that Chenyi gave her was actually very good except for some factors, so she also had some curiosity and expectations for the Tianguan Academy that cultivated Chenyi. Since it is an academy, there should be a lot of mentors there, and there should be many strong mentors...

By definition, the current Zhulan is extremely belligerent!

And Zhulan's gaze never focused on the trainees, but skipped the trainees and directly chose to think about the mentor...

"First of all, I won't fight you in Pokémon!" Chen Yi seemed to have sensed the fighting intent in Zhulan's eyes, and said directly at the moment. , there is no need to carry out a battle that must be lost at all, okay!

"Don't worry! I'm not interested in you either! Zhulan also replied coldly.

"That's best!" Chen Yi smiled and said. _

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