Pokémon Chenyi

Chapter 168

"I don't know!" Chen Yi shook his head and replied with a calm face.

At this time, Chenyi naturally won't say anything to Zhu Lanming, the flash Chillulian you are looking for is likely to be my Pokémon, even if Chenyi knows very well that Zhulan will not do anything to himself even after knowing this, no matter what, it is a woman who will become the champion of the Shennoh region in the future, and Chenyi is still very relieved, but even so, Chenyi does not want to add more trouble to himself.

And not afraid of 10,000, just in case? In the end, now Chenyi's strength is not as good as Zhulan, or can only endure.

The most important thing is that for the girl who appeared in front of him at this time, Chen Yi actually did not trust, even if this woman was the future champion of the Shinnoh Alliance, Zhulan!

“...... All right! Zhulan's bright eyes flashed with disappointment, she didn't have much doubt about what Chen Yi said, after all, she didn't know the relationship between Chen Yi and the flash Chillulian she was looking for, since this was the case, it was normal for ordinary trainers not to touch that flash Chillulian, even if the teenager seemed to have some strength.

Few trainers will not be shocked when they see their fierce bite land shark, and this teenager, only when he sees himself and the fierce bite land shark, his eyes fluctuate, the calmness of his mind makes Zhulan feel a little surprised, but it's a pity that the electric shock beast next to the teenager does not seem to be suitable for this teenager, when he saw his own fierce bite land shark before, the appearance of the electric shock monster has already fallen into Zhulan's sight, that kind of fear, that kind of trembling, comes from the truth of the heart, It is also doomed that this electric shock beast cannot really become powerful.

And now Zhulan, for this kind of Pokémon, will not have the slightest interest at all!

At this point, Zhulan felt that there was no need for her to stay here, so she turned and left.

And Chen Yi also did not obstruct, looking at Zhulan and her fierce biting land shark turned away, watching these two figures getting farther and farther away, gradually disappearing into the forest in front of him, he only retracted his gaze, and then slowly exhaled.

"Should this guy really be said to be the future champion of the Shennoh Alliance?" Chen Yi muttered, when facing Zhulan and the fierce bite land shark before, the pressure in his heart was also very large, from the powerful aura suppression of the fierce bite land shark and from the strong breath that came out of that girl, so that now Chen Yi understood very clearly that she was powerful!

"Now Zhulan is really sharp!" Chen Yi sighed.

For the sudden appearance of Zhulan, Chen Yi changed his emotions quickly from the shock at the beginning to his current emotion.

Speaking of which, Chenyi knew Zhulan very well before, and at most knew that Zhulan was actually like a normal trainer at the beginning before becoming a champion, strong, pursuing powerful Pokémon, and putting effort and action into achieving this goal! Maybe it's just the girl's psychology, maybe there are other reasons... As for what caused it, Chenyi was not clear.

Shaking his head, Chen Yi put Zhulan's sudden appearance behind him, looked at the electric shock monster next to him who seemed to have just slowed down, and shook his head helplessly, he was ready to take him to continue training, but suddenly at this time, not far from this forest, an explosion sounded.

"Boom !!!!"

"That direction is ... It's not good, it's an ultrasonic larva! Chen Yi was a little worried, and immediately withdrew the electric shock monster, and ignored the mongoose slashes that were fleeing at this time, and ran directly towards the direction where the previous explosion occurred.

At the same time, not far from the forest where Chenyi is located.

"Aa The ultrasound larvae vibrated their wings, their eyes solemnly looked at the girl who suddenly appeared in front of him not far away and the fierce bite land shark, this person was petted, and the pressure on him was great, the fierce bite land shark was greater than the threat that Chi Lulian gave the ultrasound larvae, looking at this person's pet looking at his eyes, it seemed to treat himself as a wild Pokémon.

At this time, Zhulan was in a much better mood, although she did not get the news of the flash Chillulian from Chenyi, but after just walking out of this forest, she found this extremely powerful ultrasonic larva with the help of the fierce biting land shark, with her eyes and feelings, the strength of this ultrasonic larva is at least medium elite level, and the real combat power is above the medium elite level, ultrasonic larvae are already few in the Shen'ao region, let alone this kind of ultrasonic larvae with good strength! There is no doubt that the current Zhulan intends to subdue this good ultrasonic larva, and she believes that under her own cultivation, this ultrasound larva will become stronger and stronger, and in the future, it will not even be inferior to the fierce biting land shark around her.

The same ground system has both dragon system, and the fierce bite land shark and desert dragonfly are really very suitable to be honest!

"Aa The ultrasound larvae knew Zhulan's thoughts very well, but at the same time, he felt as if he was gathered by the sight of the fierce biting land shark, and the powerful coercion was exerted on him, which suddenly made him extremely uncomfortable, but how could the ultrasound larva retreat, its wings kept vibrating, and the big eyes were also staring at the fierce biting land shark not far away without fear.

And this eye made Zhulan very satisfied.

"Aa At this time, what surprised Zhulan even more was that the ultrasonic larva was actually the first to attack his fierce biting land shark, and the rich purple aura in his mouth surged out, which was the dragon's breath trick.

"The power is very good, bite the land shark, block it!" After being surprised, she was even more satisfied, and the actions of this ultrasound larva at this moment also made her more and more convinced of the excellence of this ultrasound larva.

"Ahhhh!!" The fierce biting land shark beside Zhulan let out a low roar, and then stepped forward.

At this time, the dragon breath trick from the ultrasonic larvae was already attacking the fierce biting land shark.

The dragon system restrains the dragon system, and this move of the ultrasonic larvae should logically bring harm to the fierce biting land shark, but at this time, I saw that the fierce biting land shark of Zhulan just raised his huge arm, and then the scythe under the fierce biting land shark's arm directly blocked this dragon breath, and did not let the fierce bite land shark back a little.

At this time, the gap in strength is vividly reflected! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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