Pokémon Chenyi

Chapter 149

"Is it really over?" Thai Tie was a little afraid to blink at this time, and his heart was drawn because of this battle.

"The distance we looked at just now is really over!" Okko muttered, shaking his head and said helplessly.

"Chuck didn't snack and didn't speak.

"Well..." and Perry clenched his fists, staring closely at the smoke-shrouded field below, and there was an extremely unwilling friction between his teeth.

On the battle site, smoke fell like a raging wave, rolling incessantly.

A figure fell and appeared in everyone's sight, and it was the wind ball that had lost its ability to fight.

The big explosion has been successfully used, then the loss of the combat ability of the wind ball is also expected by everyone, what they care about is not the situation of the wind ball, but the ultrasonic larva, whether it has lost the ability to fight because of the big explosion, they all know that the physical strength of the ultrasonic larvae is gradually consumed, in the heyday, they will not worry, but the current ultrasound larvae are not in their heyday!

The referee's gaze was also tightly fixed in the smoke, as if he wanted to find a figure in the billowing smoke.

The elite trainee who was Chenyi's opponent nodded in satisfaction, in his opinion, even if the ultrasound larva did not completely lose its combat ability, it was not far away.

"Oh!!" Vaguely, a sound sounded in the smoke, which made this elite trainee's face stiffen.

Immediately, a figure broke through the smoke, flew out of the smoke, its wings vibrate, and the smoke on the body was thrown away, and the figure of the ultrasound larvae appeared in everyone's sight intact, floating in the air, with a flash of light in his eyes, and then a long roar came out.

"How is it possible!" The elite trainee muttered as his eyes widened and he looked at the ultrasound larvae in disbelief.

He couldn't believe why this ultrasound larva was intact? It is clear that the previous big bang has already been used!

Many students in the audience were also extremely surprised, and after the surprise, there was a strong doubt.

"The ultrasound larvae are fine! It seems that some method was used to avoid the big bang! Thai Tie smiled and said happily.

"There's nothing wrong with that! In this case, Chen Yi can be regarded as defeating the first elite trainee! And again a string of three ways! Okko muttered, his eyes also hard to hide the excitement.

"Yes, yes!" Kak quickly nodded and said.

"Phew!" Piri breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately looked at the calm figure of the young man above the battle field below, as if everything was in his heart, there was some complexity in his eyes, even if it was the previous situation, this boy who was only one year older than them did not have the slightest nervousness and panic, was this because he completely believed in ultrasound larvae?

On the battle site, the smoke gradually dispersed, and when they saw a cave on the field, everyone present suddenly realized that at the most critical time, the ultrasound larvae used the digging trick to avoid the attack of the big explosion, indeed, with this method, it is indeed possible to perfectly avoid the damage of the big explosion.

The face of the elite trainee, who was also aware of the last movements of the ultrasound larvae, became even more ugly.

"With the wind ball loses the ability to fight, the ultrasonic larvae win! So the winner of this game is Chenyi! At this time, the referee's voice also sounded directly, not giving this elite trainee any time to put any verbal cannons at all.

Glancing at the referee who was looking at him seriously, this elite trainee snorted coldly, retracted the wind ball that had lost its ability to fight, and turned around and left here.

"Well done!" Chen Yi walked to the ultrasound larva at this time, stretched out his hand to touch his head, and said with a smile.

Chen Yi knew very well that such a battle was exactly what the ultrasound larvae himself was pursuing, and this was his heart!

And as his trainer, what Chenyi has to do is to help him complete these battles, and then encourage and motivate him!

"Chahh!" The ultrasound larvae still seem to be the same as when they were large jawed ants before, and they like to arch Chenyi with his head when they are excited, and this time, Chenyi directly picked him up.

"Rest well, there will be your battle after that!" Chen Yi said with a smile.

"Oh!!" The ultrasound larvae roared excitedly, and the whirlwind turned into red light and entered Chenyi's high-level ball.

After a battle, there will be a break of about ten minutes, and all Chenyi has to do is race against time to give the ultrasound larvae a break. And because the next battle was still his, he did not leave the battle field here, but directly sat down in the rest area on the side, and closed his eyes to rest under the sight of many trainees.

Ten minutes later, when a new figure came out of the opposite passage of Chenyi, Chenyi's eyes also opened.

Under the signaling of the staff, Chen Yi stood on the battle field again.

At this time, the elite trainee who appeared opposite Chenyi was a girl, about twenty years old, average-looking, wearing the uniform of an elite trainee, and looked at Chenyi with a hint of a smile.

Chen Yi did not go to talk to her, but looked at the referee and indicated that he was ready.

"What to pretend, even if you haven't been affected by the big explosion before, I'm afraid your ultrasound larvae's physical strength is not much!" After seeing Chen Yi indifferently ignoring herself, this female elite trainee snorted coldly and muttered.

"The battle begins!" The referee shouted directly after knowing that both trainees were ready.

"Ready to fight! Ultrasound larvae! Chen Yi's eyes narrowed, and the high-grade ball on his waist was directly thrown, and the light bloomed immediately, and the figure of the ultrasound larva appeared in everyone's sight again.

"Hmph! Go on! Sakura! This female elite trainee did not have ink at the moment, and also sent her first Pokémon, the blue light fell to the ground, and the Pokémon that appeared were like a blooming flower, which looked a little cute.

Sakura, a grass-based Pokémon first discovered in the Sinnoh region, evolved from the Sakura Blossom Treasure, and changes its form according to cloudy and sunny days, and the characteristic flower gift is also a unique characteristic of Pokémon such as Sakura!

Because today's weather is good, the sun is exceptionally sunny, so the cherry blossoms at this time are also in bloom on a sunny day, so they look like a blooming flower.

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