Pokémon Chenyi

Chapter 143

However, this scene does not seem like this to others!

The little deer was surprised to look at Roseleiduo, who retreated in front of him because of the impact of the previous trick, and his own Roseredor actually did not crush the ultrasonic larva on the opposite side on the collision of the trick? How is this possible!

The many elite cadets who were watching the battle in the lounge also stared at the screen in amazement.

The four Oko people in the viewing table also sat back on their seats, feeling the noise of the students around them full of surprise, Oke and the others also looked at each other and smiled, really as they thought, this Chenyi is really strong!

"Earthquake trick!" At this time, Chen Yi would not give his opponent a chance to react, and the moment the ultrasound larva stabilized his body, his command fell.

The next moment, as his voice fell, the ultrasound larvae hidden behind the smoke used an earthquake trick, and his body seemed to be crawling on the ground, and from under his body, with the spread of sound waves, the battlefield was also violently shaken.

This kind of vibration dispersed all the smoke that shrouded the battle field, and at the same time, Roseleido not far away also clenched his teeth, his face showed an extremely painful look, for Roseleido, the powerful earthquake trick undoubtedly caused serious damage.

"Roseredor, don't panic, use Super Suction!" At this time, Xiaolu has long understood that the strength of the high-level trainee she is facing at this time is not bad, and the strength of the ultrasound larva is even above her own Roseleiduo, at this time, she no longer has the idea of underestimating the teenager in front of her, and is shouting out instructions at the moment.

"Dig a hole!" Looking at the green pillar of light spreading from Roseredo's body, Chenyi continued to give instructions.

At this point, the earthquake is over! At this time, the ultrasound larvae instantly burrowed under the ground, and the subsequent green pillars of light that wanted to hit the ultrasound larvae disappeared after hitting the ground.

"Cut! Be careful, Roseredo! The little deer saw that the ultrasound larvae used the trick of digging holes to avoid Roseleido's super suction, and gradually threatened Roseleido, and now also gritted his teeth and said to Roseleido in front of him.

It's just that it's too late to remind me now!

The ultrasonic larvae are not slow, and they seem to be like fish under the ground, when the sound of the deer falls, the ground under Roseredor's feet is loose, and it is violently shattered, and the next moment, the ultrasonic larvae directly hit Roseleido's body, and after knocking it off, the ultrasonic larvae also took off.

"Use the Rock Avalanche Trick!" Chen Yi waved out with one hand, and the order was given again.

"Oh!!" The body of the ultrasound larvae floated in mid-air, and the moment the low roar sounded, dense rocks appeared beside him, and with his order, these rocks slammed towards Roseleido below.

"Bang!! Bang!! Rumble!!! At this time, Rose Leidor, who was affected by the previous ultrasonic larvae digging holes, could not do the slightest reaction, that is, was directly hit by the rock collapse trick of the ultrasonic larvae, and the next moment, the explosion sounded again, and Roseleido's body was directly blown out, fell out of the battle field, hit the tempered wall on the side, lost the ability to fight, and then slid down weakly.

"Rose Redor loses the ability to fight! Ultrasonic larvae win! When the referee saw this scene, he also directly pronounced the judgment.

"Come back, Roseredo! Good work on you! The little deer withdrew the lost combat ability of Roseleido with a bitter face, and swirled deeply at the ultrasound larva that seemed to return to his half with an expressionless face, and looked deeply at the teenager wearing the uniform of the high cadet, from the beginning, he underestimated him, and did not expect that this high student would actually have such a powerful Pokémon.

"Ultrasonic larvae, you have been fighting for a long time, do you want to rest first!" On the other side, Chen Yi also looked at the ultrasound larvae in front of him and asked softly.

Indeed, the selection conference of senior students, Chenyi is relying on ultrasound larvae all the way over, although it is crushed, but it will always consume some physical strength, and continuous battles are to expand the consumed physical strength, now is the battle with elite trainees, Chenyi believes that the ultrasound larvae have that strength, but for the sake of the ultrasound larvae themselves, Chenyi still asked like this.

However, to say that, how could Chenyi, who knew the ultrasound larvae very well, not know the thoughts of the ultrasound larvae, in this kind of thing, the ultrasound larvae are like a cow.

"Oh!!" As Chenyi expected, the ultrasound larva shook his head and said that he could still fight.

"Ultrasound larvae, he has always wanted to help Xiao Yi more!" In his mind, the extremely crisp girl's voice from Chillulian also sounded, which was Chillulian's telepathy.

"Why don't I know..." Chen Yi muttered helplessly, and immediately looked at the insistent back of the ultrasonic larva in front of him, and smiled, forget it, since the ultrasound larva wants to fight, then let him continue to fight, as far as the opponent he meets now, Chirulian probably can't raise any desire to fight at all.

In the lounge, looking at Roseleiduo, who was taken back by the deer, many elite trainees here were stunned.

"Did you really win? Fawn's Roseleido actually lost! "

"This advanced student is not simple! The strength of that ultrasound larva is definitely at the elite level! "

Immediately, there was a loud discussion in the lounge, which was originally quiet.

"Xiaoqing, it turns out that what you said is true!" At this time, walking to Yueqing, who was now sitting on a sofa in a corner, the female elite trainee before said in surprise, "I thought..."

"Of course!" Yue Qing smiled, but then asked with some doubt, "Why do you think you think?" "

"Haha! I thought... I thought you liked that advanced student! The female elite trainee said with a smile.

"Eh!" Yueqing's face turned red, and she immediately glanced at her friend fiercely and said, "He is an employee of my breeding house!" "

"So what? Xiaoqing, if you really like it, then hurry up! Otherwise, I'll be the first to get the lead!" The female elite trainee said with a smile.

"Hmph!" Yue Qing snorted coldly and said, "Chen Yi is only eleven years old!" "

"What's wrong with the old cow eating tender grass?" The female elite trainee replied with a smile.

She and Yueqing are both beautiful girls around eighteen years old, and for Chenyi, who is only eleven years old, she is indeed an old cow eating tender grass!

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