Pokémon Chenyi

Chapter 141

After a pause, Chen Yi looked behind him, and there was a fluctuation in his eyes.

These guys... Isn't it the four freshmen I met at the school gate a month?

"Hello!" Okor walked in front of Chen Yi first and said with a smile.

"Hello!" Chen Yi looked at the four teenagers who came to him at this time, nodded and said, "Is there something wrong?" "

"Your strength is very strong! I'd like to fight you against Pokémon if I have the chance! Napili said unceremoniously and directly.

"Yes, yes!" The little fat man named Kak nodded and echoed.

"If you have the opportunity in the future... But for now, I can't fight you, you know, I'll still fight after that! A glint flashed in Chen Yi's eyes, and he said quickly.

"Your ultrasonic larvae are undoubtedly elite-level Pokémon, and those high-level Pokémon are simply crushed, and they don't consume much physical strength at all, I hope you can fight me in Pokémon battles right now!" However, Piri still did not retreat, and stepped forward and said.

"Snap!" But at this moment, the door of the Group A lounge not far from where Chen Yi and the four people were were opened, and a girl came out of it, and when she saw Chen Yi not far away, she was also surprised and said, "Chenyi, it turns out that you are here!" "

Everyone looked at it, and at this moment, the eyes of the boy named Thai Tie, were instantly occupied by love.

"Little sister!!" With a very loud shout in his mouth, the Thai Railway ran towards Yueqing extremely quickly.

And Chen Yi, who saw this scene, was also a little stunned, this person turned out to be more than just a royal sister!

Pi Li and the others beside Chen Yi were already extremely helpless to cover their faces, which was really humiliating!

"Who are you?" Yueqing looked at the boy who rushed towards her, and immediately frowned, and the next moment at her waist, the high-level ball automatically opened at the same time, the figure of the two-tailed monster hand appeared in front of her, the flexible two tails were clenched into fists at this time, and a punch smashed the rushing Thai iron to the ground.

Thai Tie instantly lost its ability to fight, and the speed was so fast that Yueqing himself could not stop it.

"You're hitting too hard! Two-tailed monster hand! Yueqing touched the two-tailed monster hand beside him a little helplessly and said.

"Quack!!" The two-tailed monster hand looked at Tai Tie, who had lost his ability to fight at this time, with contempt, and chanted in his mouth.

"Sorry! I'm sorry! My friend makes you feel uncomfortable! This guy is like that, don't you mind! At this time, Oke, who reacted, hurriedly walked in front of Yueqing, dragged the Thai Tie, who had lost the ability to fight, and said to Yueqing apologetically.

"When something like this happens, it seems that I can't fight you now!" Piri was also extremely helpless.

After that, he turned around and left here, the little fat man quickly followed, and finally Oko looked at Chenyi with an apologetic look in his eyes when he dragged the Thai iron away.

"Chenyi, what kind of guys are these?" Yueqing walked to Chen Yi's side and asked suspiciously.

"Someone who has dealt with it!" Chen Yi said helplessly, and even told Yueqing about himself and the four people, and in the process, Chen Yi also walked towards the lounge with Yueqing.

"It's pretty interesting!" Yueqing smiled and said.

"Indeed! These guys are different from ordinary noble children! Chen Yi nodded and said.

"Forget about these things, I also watched your battle in the lounge, it's very powerful!" It seems that the battle after that should be no problem! Yueqing said with a smile.

"Yes!" Chen Yi nodded, his eyes extremely firm.

Just like the conversation between Chenyi and Yueqing, in the subsequent battle, Chenyi still used the ultrasonic larvae, Chenyi's command, coupled with the combat power of the elite level of the ultrasound larva, made the ultrasound larva defeat the opponent with a string of two without much pressure at all, and Chenyi also became one of the seven senior students who represented the North Academy in the Four Courtyard Assembly after more than half a year.

The continuous crushing battle made many students in the audience notice the existence of Chenyi.

For a time, Chenyi's fame completely spread in the North Courtyard.

Of course, Chenyi naturally also noticed that Mingmei, who also easily defeated his opponent all the way to become the representative of the seven senior students, for the strength of the latter, Chenyi is very clear, maybe not his opponent now, but it is still very easy to solve those high-level students, and in addition to Chenyi and Mingmei, what surprised Chenyi a little was that Miki actually appeared among the remaining five senior students who represented the North Academy to participate in the conference of the four academies.

As Xiao Shu said at the beginning, the current Miki has really undergone a lot of changes, and he can't find the appearance of going against Chenyi before, and he puts all his energy on improving his strength, but it is also somewhat similar to Chenyi. Moreover, his dark crow has now evolved into a gentleman crow, and his strength has also reached the elite level, so it is not surprising that he can become one of the seven high students.

For Miki, the current Chenyi has long lost his previous disgust and rejection! Not only because he had already settled the grudge with Miki at that time, but also because the current Miki had a diametrically opposed attitude to the previous Miki. Now Chenyi's attitude towards Miki is a kind of relationship that is biased towards acquaintances.

Of course, this is Chenyi's attitude, what is Miki's attitude, Chenyi doesn't know and doesn't care!

And after the battle between the advanced cadets is over, it is a battle belonging to the elite cadets.

Compared to the advanced students, the number of elite students is relatively small, but it is also far more than seven.

"Speaking of this elite-level battle, the formalities for participating in this are surprisingly simple, I thought it would be more difficult! After all, I am a senior student! Chen Yi held the group number of the elite trainee in his hand, looked at Yueqing beside him and said with a smile.

"My grandfather must have informed the academy! There has never been a cadet participating in a two-level battle in the North Academy, and you who participate in a two-level battle with a senior cadet has indeed set a precedent! Yueqing said with a smile.

"Let's work together!" Chenyi smiled and said.

"Yes!" Yueqing also nodded and smiled, "Come on!" "

"The next battle in Group A will be fought against the trainees are Chenyi and Xiaolu, please prepare the two trainees!" At this time, the door of the lounge was opened again, and the familiar volunteer trainees also shouted towards the lounge.

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