Pokémon Chenyi

Chapter 129

"Squeak~~~" The door of the dormitory that had not been opened for a month was opened by Chenyi, and then Chenyi dragged his suitcase in a very smooth way, looking at the dormitory that had not been cleaned for a month, Chenyi knew that the first thing he would do after returning to the academy now was to clean his dormitory.

Put down the suitcase, Chenyi began to act, because a month is actually not long, plus Chenyi's dormitory is usually cleaning, it is a very clean dormitory, so Chenyi did not spend much time cleaning the dormitory, after cleaning the dormitory, placing his things neatly, Chenyi was lying on the bed.

Looking obliquely, through the floor-to-ceiling windows and balconies, looking at the sky, Chenyi thought about what he would do next.

After thinking for a while, Chen Yi knew that the most important thing was the so-called four-chamber assembly.

According to the content of Teacher Xiaohui's previous quarrel with him in the car, Chen Yi knew that he was now likely to have entered the waiting list of senior students in the Four Colleges Assembly, and the reason why he was a candidate was naturally because in the Four Colleges Assembly, whether it was a senior student or an elite student, there was a limited number of places.

Seven advanced students! Seven elite cadets!

The number of students who enter the waiting list of advanced students and enter the waiting list of elite students is quite large, and to select the best students from those who do this, it is natural to go through layers of selection, and these selections are only those who enter the waiting list can participate.

Chenyi is not nervous about the selection of high-level students, in fact, it is not Chenyi swelling, for now, some elite trainees are not necessarily his opponents, perhaps there is a disadvantage in quantity, but in the case that the Pokémon on both sides are elite level, there is no disadvantage in quality, the key to the rest is whether Chenyi and his Pokémon can win more with less, and for this, Chenyi is extremely confident.

"Duh! Duh! Duh! Suddenly, there was a knock on the door outside the dormitory.

"Chenyi, are you back?" A familiar voice sounded.

Chen Yi, who was lying on the bed, was stunned, got up from the bed, smiled and went over to open the door and open the door, and at this time standing outside the door was indeed a bright senior who had not been seen for a month.

"You're finally back!" Mingmei looked at Chenyi with a smile on her face and said in surprise.

"There was a little accident on the road!" Chen Yi said with a smile.

"Is Xiao Shu really not coming?" Bright asked.

"Yes, she has some important things and has already completed the formalities for suspension!" Chen Yi also said regretfully.

"Well! So be it! After all, this is Xiao Shu's own choice! Ming Mei shrugged, immediately looked at Chen Yi, and said with a smile, "How?" Don't invite me in and sit? Not seen for a month, why are you still like this! "

"What do you think I'm going to become?" Chen Yi smiled, but also let go, stretched out his hand, invited Mingmei into his dormitory, and when Mingmei walked into his dormitory, Chenyi also said helplessly behind him, "In other words, you came to my dormitory like this, doesn't the administrator of Thias know?" "

"What for? I got her permission! Mingmei didn't look at Chenyi and said with her back to him.

At this time, her gaze swept over Chenyi's dormitory, and a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes, Chenyi's dormitory was clean and tidy beyond her expectations, to this extent, even some girls' dormitories were not as clean as him.

"Do you have a cleanliness fetish?" Turning around, Mingmei asked.

"Whatever!" Chen Yi smiled and said, "Isn't it normal to make the place where you live tidy?" "

"Yes, too!" Bright smiled, and immediately said, "Okay, don't talk about these digressions!" I came to you for something! "

"What's going on?" The smile on Chenyi's face gradually converged and asked.

"One is to see if you have returned, and the second is to tell you about the selection meeting of the Four Houses Assembly in a month!" Ming Mei looked at Chen Yi and said with a solemn face, "I should have told you, the matter of the Fourth House Assembly!" "

"Well! I know! Chen Yi nodded and said.

"The conference of the four academies is very important to the North Court, so the North Academy will include many potential and powerful students in the waitlist, and this selection conference is to select seven senior students and seven elite cadets from these many candidate students, and they will represent the North Academy in this Four Academy Assembly!" Ming Mei explained to Chenyi, "The academy has notified all the students who have entered the waiting list, including me and you!" "

"I know! I will prepare carefully! Chenyi nodded and replied.

"That's good!" Mingmei nodded, but suddenly found that Chenyi at this time seemed to be different from a month ago, this is a very subtle change, if not Mingmei itself is very good at detecting this change, should not be able to find it, and after discovering it, Mingmei looked at Chenyi with a smile and said, "It seems that you have not wasted this month's time!" "

"Aren't you too?" Chen Yi asked with a smile.

"That's different, you're the one who beat me!" Bright said.

"Senior Sister Mingmei, this kind of joke is not funny! I already know it all! Chen Yi said with a wry smile.

"Huh?" Ming Mei was stunned, and seemed to have some doubts.

"As the top of the list of senior students of the North Academy, how can you only have a high-level head dragon?" Chen Yi said with a smile, "Someone explained to me the division of advanced students, then I think since you are the top of the list of advanced students in the North Academy, there should be elite-level Pokémon no matter how you say it!" "

"Hmm..." Ming Mei was a little stunned, but soon laughed and said, "Okay! I admit that I didn't use my strongest Pokémon when I fought you in the first place, and I apologize to you! "

After speaking, Ming Mei still bent towards Chen Yi in a similar manner, and Chen Yi quickly shook his head to stop it, and said: "I know what Ming Mei Senior Sister thinks, you don't need to apologize!" In fact, even without your help, when I knew about the four chambers, I would have chosen to participate! "

"Alright!" With a bright smile, she straightened her waist again and said, "However, there are still some differences!" "

"What?" Chen Yi was stunned, but at this time, Mingmei had already turned around and walked out of the room.

"I'm done with everything I have to say, then I'll go first!" Chenyi, good luck! Ming Mei smiled, raised his foot, and the figure quickly disappeared at the entrance of the stairs, and Chen Yi, who watched Ming Mei leave, shook his head, closed the door again, and recalled the selection meeting in a month after Ming Mei said before, and he also made a decision in his heart.

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