Pokémon Chenyi

Chapter 124

"Luca!" Lucario seemed to have sensed something, and his gaze jerked to a certain location in the snow below.

"What's wrong? Lucario? Xiaohui asked suspiciously, "Did you find anything?" "

"Luca!" Lucario responded to Xiaohui with a few words, and quickly jumped down, quickly running towards the position sensed by his waveguide.

Xiaohui also did not hesitate and hurried to follow Lu Kallio.

When passing by Chillulian's location, Lucario also said a few words to Chillulian, and at that moment, Chillulian raised his head, looked at Lucario's back, and immediately gritted his teeth and followed Lucario's direction.

On the vast snow, it is snow-white, and in this place, a little blue light flashes out.

The snow was shaking, as if something was about to break out from below, and when Lucario came here, the azure glow was already very rich, as if some new life was about to break free from the eggshell, and the snow was undulating, accompanied by bursts of ultrasound.

"What's going on here?" Xiaohui came here, saw the snow shaking more and more strongly, and asked.

"Luca!" Lucario shook his head, indicating that he didn't know. He felt that there seemed to be some particularly strong aura in this area, so he would come over, in order not to make Chillulian too desperate, he also said to Chillulian before that Chenyi might be here.

"Qilu!" Suddenly, at this moment, Xiaohui and Lucario did not expect that Chirulian who had just arrived here was actually extremely excited and ran to the glorious concentration.

"Yaku!!" On the blank snow, it seemed that the voice of a Pokémon sounded, but it was extremely low.

And after hearing this voice, Chillulian's speed slowly slowed down, she looked at the place where the light in front of her gradually dissipated, the originally stiff and unchanged complexion finally changed, he gradually approached the place, and his steps slowly stopped.

"Luca!" At this time, Lucario seemed to feel something, and subconsciously stood in front of Xiaohui.

"Is something coming out from below?" Xiaohui muttered.

"Boom!!" The snow suddenly exploded, but Chirulian didn't care, her eyes were glued to the green figure rushing out from under the snow at this time, and when she saw the boy lying on the back of the green figure, she finally cried.

When Chen Yi jumped down to save the big-jawed ant, she didn't cry!

When Chen Yi and the big jaw ant were unknown in life and death, she did not cry!

When she couldn't find Chenyi and the big-jawed ant no matter how she searched, she still didn't cry!

But now, when she saw this person being petted, she finally couldn't contain her emotions.

"That is..." The broken snow fell, looking at the green figure half floating in the sky, Xiaohui was a little surprised, and at the same time burst into extremely contained joy, because she also saw that the boy on the back of the green figure was not Chen Yi?

The green figure also quickly fell in front of them when he saw Chirulian and Xiaohui, and swirled his green wings, shaking down those snowflakes.

"Qilu! Qilu... Qilu..." Qilulian slowly approached the comatose Chenyi, feeling the breath of life that still existed, but the tears in her eyes could not be stopped.

"Yaku!" The green figure seemed to be comforting Chillulian, whispering softly.

"So that's it, has it evolved? Big jaw ants! No, you should be called an ultrasonic larva now! Xiaohui looked at this green figure and said with great emotion.

Immediately, Xiaohui looked at the crying Chillulian, the comatose Chenyi, and the ultrasound larvae who were comforting Chillulian, and she suddenly felt how good it would be if the relationship between Pokémon and humans could really all become like this! Now that she thinks about it, this teenager named Chenyi is really completely beyond her expectations, originally she would have thought that Chenyi would not be able to get to this point in a year, but he really did it! Originally, she would think that he might be affected by the cold environment of the Heavenly Crown Academy and change his heart for Pokémon, but in fact, this teenager never seemed to change, even for the safety of Pokémon, he could not want his own life, this love for Pokémon, Xiaohui felt that more than eighty percent of the trainers in this world would be unable to ask themselves, and among the eighty percent of the trainers, it naturally included herself.

"Chen Yi, he is really a magical teenager!" Xiao Hui muttered, "But now is not the time to continue this kind of thing..."

"There's a Pokémon center nearby, let's go there first!" Taking Lucario back, Chenyi's rescue finally made Xiaohui breathe a sigh of relief, but obviously there are still many things going on at present, and she is now saying to Chirulian and the ultrasound larvae.

"Yaku~~" "Qilu..." The ultrasound larvae and Qilulian did not hear it for the first time, but when Xiaohui repeated the words a second time, they also nodded, especially Qilulian, who seemed to know that she seemed to have done something more excessive to Xiaohui before, and at this time, she apologized to Xiaohui after finally stopping her tears.

"Okay, okay, I'm okay!" Xiaohui looked at Chillulian, who apologized to herself at this time, and also smiled helplessly. Before Chen Yi's accident, Chirulian was definitely the most painful one, so she didn't care about the previous things at all, but in comparison, she was very interested in the superpowers that Chirulian burst out of at that time, but now is obviously not the time to understand this kind of thing.

Subsequently, by the ultrasonic larva carrying Chenyi, Chirulian on the side to take care of, Xiaohui didn't want to, at this time, Chenyi's two Pokémon are estimated to not listen to their words into their Pokéballs, she knows that the relationship between Chenyi and his Pokémon is deep, and did not stop it, just drive the jeep towards the direction of the nearest Pokémon center here.

Logically speaking, Chenyi coma should not go to the Pokémon Center, but there is really only a Pokémon Center nearby, and there are also retreat facilities in the Pokémon Center, so for now, the only thing they can go to is the Pokémon Center.

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