Pokémon Chenyi

Chapter 122

Between the trees, the big-jawed ant finally came to the side of this snow monster, he knew that it was impossible to make this snow monster awake now, and he directly bit the snow monster at the moment, and then flung her on his back, and now he planned to find Chenyi to converge.

Speaking of which, he also regrets it now, he should have been with Xiao Yi at that time, he knew that according to Xiao Yi's personality, he would never just watch this snow monster fall into danger like this, but at that time, he was in a hurry, and he rushed out by himself, but it should be too late to go back now!

The big jaw ant thought in his heart, subconsciously looked at the avalanche above, and his eyes froze, and he quickly ran in the direction of turning back.

At the same time, Chen Yi chased in the direction of the big-jawed ant, not noticing the danger approaching at all.

"Furah!" The black shadow shuttled through the staggered forest at this time, quickly approaching the boy in front.

"Qilu!!" Not far away, Chirulian felt Maruilla's approach for the first time, and she was extremely anxious in her heart, and she didn't even have time to use telepathy to remind Chenyi.

"Ma Qi!" A sinister flash flashed in Marula's eyes, he, got it!

The sharp claws suddenly burst out of the void and attacked towards Chenyi's back.

"What!" Chen Yi instinctively felt the danger, but when he saw Marula behind him, he was too late to adjust his body, gritting his teeth, he naturally recognized that this Marula was the previous Pokémon hunter's Marula, did not expect that the Pokémon hunter was so vicious, at this time would actually send Marula to fall into the well.

Looking at this Maruera's eyes, Chen Yi knew very well that he really didn't keep his hand, he really wanted to kill himself!

"It's over!" Although he was extremely angry in his heart, Chen Yi knew that he really couldn't do anything to protect himself. And at this time, what was the result of being suddenly attacked by Marula, Chen Yi was naturally very clear, but what about knowing? At this time, Chenyi, who was clenching his teeth, gradually closed his eyes.

"Abo!!" At this time, a somewhat familiar voice sounded.

"Auditory hallucinations?" Chen Yi muttered in his heart.

Bang!!! Rumble!!!

But the next moment, the impact of a collision of a unique move directly flew Chen Yi out.

fell several times on the ground, Chen Yi did not care about the injuries on his body at the first time he opened his eyes, but looked at the location where he was attacked by the Marula before, at this time, in that place, there was no longer the figure of Marula, some were just a snow-white figure, this figure, isn't it the Absolu he saw before?

Not far away, Marula, who was covered in severe pain, looked at the Absolu with great jealousy, and hurried away.

"Abo!" Absolu also looked at Chenyi at this time, his eyes were a little complicated, and he left here.

This Absolu was very fast, and within a few jumps, it disappeared from Chenyi's sight again.

"Did this Absolu save me... But I don't have time to hesitate here! Chen Yi remembered this kindness in his heart, stood up, and continued to run in the direction where the big jaw ant ran before, he did not forget what the current business was, the previous sneak attack and all kinds of grievances, Chen Yi also wrote it down, if he met in the future, Chen Yi firmly believed that he would personally defeat the two Pokémon hunters and bring them to justice!

Not far away, Qirulian was also relieved after seeing that Chen Yi was safe and sound, and now he also temporarily suppressed other things and continued to follow Chen Yi's steps.

Rumble!! Rumble!! Rumble!!

The avalanche became more and more powerful, and a large area of snow fell from the top of the mountain to the mountain below like a flood, and everything destroyed along the way was basically destroyed, and some Pokémon could be seen quickly starting to escape, but at the same time, there were some Pokémon that could not escape, buried under the thick snow.

The big-jawed ant carried the snow-kasa monster who was already unconscious at this time and fled with difficulty, but at this time, the falling snow was getting closer and closer to him, and the huge mouth of the large-jawed ant spit out extremely dense mist, and he raised his head, hoping that he could use something as a cover, but there was nothing.

The physical strength of the big jaw ant has long reached its limit, and he is really getting more and more tired.

"Big jaw ants!" Suddenly, at this moment, Chenyi's voice suddenly sounded.


An extremely resolute belief flashed in his heart, and the big jawed ant seemed to be full of power in an instant, and he bit the snow monster behind him again, and while running, he shook his head and threw the snow monster out with the last of his strength.

At the same time, Chirurian, who teleported and appeared in mid-air, caught the snow monster extremely smoothly.

The big jaw ant who saw this scene laughed, and immediately groaned, and his body fell out without support, at this time, he was really tired and tired, he really wanted to sleep like this...

"Big jaw ant!!" Chen Yi, who saw this scene, turned a little pale and shouted loudly.

"Qilu!" Chillulian, who caught the snow monster, was also shocked, and at that moment she wanted to mobilize her superpower to move the big jaw ant instantly, but as soon as she activated her superpower, her face instantly became extremely painful.

Although Chenyi's Chillulian is much stronger than the ordinary Chillulian, it is not infinite after all.

The previous battle with Marula and the giant pincer mantis basically consumed all her superpowers, and then rushed and helped Chenyi eliminate danger, her superpowers have long entered the point of running out of oil, not to mention Chirurian, Chenyi's superpowers are the same, otherwise, Chirulian can also borrow Chenyi's superpowers.

"Nope! No! Chen Yi looked at the avalanche falling downwards as if it was a demon with a huge mouth open to a blood basin, and at this time he focused his fangs at the big jaw ant that was completely unconscious at this time, and he didn't think so much about it when he was shouting madly in his heart, and directly jumped down and jumped towards the big jaw ant.

"Qilu!" And Chillulian, who saw this scene, couldn't stop it at all.

"Big jaw ants!" Chen Yi shouted loudly, when his body was falling, he reached out and held it tightly in his arms when he touched the big jawed ant that was rolling on the mountain, and immediately tumbled and fell into the mountain.

Stopping the tumbling trend, Chen Yi raised his head and saw that the snow had already come to his head, and the falling snow filled his entire line of sight at this time...

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