Pokémon Chenyi

Chapter 112

The next day, Chenyi came to the Ice Pavilion early to help the big jaw ant and Qilulian with warm-up training.

"The representative of the Ice Sculpture Taoist Hall is coming soon, let's go out and greet you!" At this time, Tianxiang came over and said.

"Hmm!" Chen Yi nodded, and then took back the big jaw ant and Qilulian, and walked behind Tianxiang with Xiao Shu Aigu, and walked out of the Ice Pine Dao Hall at the same time, waiting at the door.

Chen Yi's line of sight could see several figures not far away who were walking towards here.

"The Taoist trainer of the Ice Sculpture Taoist Hall, Snow Snapper is the only female among the three alternate Taoist Hall trainers, but her strength is also not to be underestimated!" Xiao Shu said softly beside Chen Yi.

"Hmm!" Chen Yi nodded, in the line of sight, the middle-aged woman named Snow Snapper that Xiao Xiang said before also came to them, and saw that she was relatively friendly to Tianxiang, Chen Yi seemed to notice something, and he looked at it

Behind the snow bream, he found that the girl he met yesterday was smiling and waving at him.

Chen Yi smiled, and also nodded towards Shirley, which was regarded as a greeting.

And this scene was seen by Tianxiang, who was greeting the snow bream at this time, and there was a touch of surprise in his eyes.

When did Chenyi meet Shirley from the Ice Sculpture Dojo? Looks like a good relationship?

After saying hello, the snow bream walked into the Ice Hop Hall with Tianxiang, and the two sides were ready, and at the same time, on the battle field in the Ice Pine Gym, Uncle Pulang was also in place early as the referee.

This time, Tianxiang is planning to let Chen Yi come to the finale, and first go to Ai Gu and Xiao Shu to fight.

Chen Yi won't say anything either, isn't it the best?

According to Shirley's thoughts yesterday, isn't this the same battle she was looking forward to?

So, Ai Gu was the first to play, and Chen Yi and Xiao Xiang sat next to Tianxiang. At this time, Chen Yi's gaze found that the first representative of the Ice Sculpture Hall was not Shirley, and it seemed that since Shirley's target was not herself, and it was not Aigu, it was Xiao Shu who was sitting next to him at this time.

"Xiao Shu, you are ready to prepare, then your opponent may be Shirley!" Tianxiang's voice sounded.

"Okay!" Xiao Shu was also not much surprised, nodded, and responded.

"Xiao Jun, what kind of story did you and Shirley seem to have before?" When Chen Yi noticed Xiao Shu's expression at this time, he asked with some curiosity.

"Story? It's not a story! It was originally a good department, but because of the matter between the dojo and the dojo, it became complicated, and it can't be said that the relationship was completely severed, and the relationship from the original relationship became a strong rival and the like! Chenyi, Shirley, just hand it over to deal with! Xiao Xiang said seriously.

"Good!" Chen Yi nodded, and his heart was relieved, no wonder Shirley said this yesterday.

"Xiao Yi, do you know Shirley?" , Tianxiang suddenly asked.

At this time, Xiao Shu also looked at Chen Yi with some surprise, and she didn't know about this matter.

"I met yesterday at the Pokémon Center! Today is the second meeting! Chen Yi smiled and did not hide anything.

"So it is!" Tianxiang smiled and said nothing more.

At this time, on the battle field, with the sound of Uncle Grand's voice, the second day of the tour battle also began, Aigu's Pokémon are still Snow Boy and Snow Monster, the opposite Pokémon is exactly the same as Aigu, are Snow Boy and Snow Monster, not only that, even the combat effectiveness of the Pokémon on both sides is similar, so the battle went on for a long time, and finally Ai Gu caught one of his opponents accidentally, and his Snow Boy defeated the opposite Snow Boy, But even so, after defeating his opponent, Aigu did not have much combat power left.

Therefore, at the beginning of the second battle, Tianxiang also very directly replaced Ai Gu with Xiao Shu, and as expected, the next representative of the Ice Sculpture Hall happened to be Shirley.

Ai Gu did not sit next to Tianxiang, but found a viewing seat that was very close to the battle venue and sat down, so only Chenyi sat next to Tianxiang at this time.

"Xiao Yi, in the Tianguan Academy, Xiao Shu thanks to your care!" Tianxiang looked at Chen Yi and said.

"No, I didn't take care of her or anything!" Chen Yi smiled awkwardly, how did he feel that there was something wrong with Tianxiang's eyes when he looked at him from before.

"So what do you think of my daughter?" Tianxiang leaned over and said with a smile.

"Eh!" Chen Yi looked at Tianxiang's smiling face, he was not really only eleven years old, how could he not know what Tianxiang was thinking now, it may be because of yesterday's relationship with Chirurian, or because the eleven-year-old himself already has an elite-level Pokémon relationship. , Maybe it's because Tianxiang really values himself. All in all, Chen Yi knew that his Uncle Tianxiang was selling his daughter to himself.

In fact, Tianxiang is not such a anxious person, he can see that his daughter has a good impression of Chenyi, but it takes longer for this good feeling to become the relationship between men and women, if there are no other factors that affect him to wait, but Shirley's appearance makes Tianxiang's heart have some sense of crisis, especially the picture of Chenyi and Shirley looking at each other and smiling at that time, to be honest, Tianxiang is still a little unconfident in his heart.

To talk about good-looking appearance, this point Tianxiang feels that her daughter will not lose to Shirley, but when it comes to personality problems, then... Sometimes, even Tianxiang himself wondered if he had given birth to a boy, which was obviously not a grade compared to the lady on the other side.

Therefore, he also had to make things clear first.

"Uncle Tianxiang, I don't have that kind of thought, I just consider Xiaoxiang as my good friend! Shirley too! I say that, you know? Now I want to improve my strength! Become a better trainer! "Chen Yi doesn't know what Tianxiang thinks, since the other party has said it, then he can only make everything clear, what he said is really from the heart, now in his world, there is no tolerance for the so-called male and female emotions, maybe it can be tolerated, after all, it is too absolutely to hit the face, but at least that feeling Chen Yi really did not feel, not to mention that he is only eleven years old, and the grade reason does not allow him to mess around, the most important thing is that Chen Yi is not that kind of person.

As if choosing his own Pokémon, Chenyi is very serious when it comes to his feelings! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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