Pokémon Chenyi

Chapter 110

Although Chen Yi said that he was the representative of the Ice Pine Taoist Hall, he did not have any malice towards the other two candidate halls of Cut Feng City, and naturally would not continue to use Chilulian to suppress their representatives, if not for Tianxiang saying too quickly, Chen Yi planned to directly choose to change people to rest.

But this is also okay, because of evolution, Chirulian is much more than the big-jawed ants that are still at the high level in terms of its own strength, and the opportunity to fight like this is not bad in Chenyi's opinion.

Although the big jaw ant is said to be the reason for the disadvantage of the attribute, with Chenyi's command and Chenyi's big jaw ant itself, it is not afraid of the cold, and it is also the two snow boys who defeated the second opponent of the Ice Field Dojo.

This is what makes the people of the Icefield Dojo very helpless, before Chirulian crushed Gao Ze with elite-level combat power, now in the face of this big-jawed ant, the second representative of the Icefield Dojo is actually defeated, which is really the reality that there is too much a gap in strength.

After defeating the second representative of the Icefield Dojo, Chenyi withdrew the big-jawed ant that also looked extremely tired at this time, and turned his head to look at Tianxiang, and Tianxiang also understood what Chenyi meant after seeing Chenyi's sight, smiled, and submitted a substitution application to the referee, and Ai Gu exchanged Chenyi.

"I thought today was your solo show?" Ai Gu said to Chenyi with a smile when he walked onto the field.

"Isn't that enough?" Chen Yi shook his head and replied.

Through the training of the big jaw ant in the previous half month, as well as the previous battle, Chen Yi seems to understand the price that the big jaw ant has to pay for not being afraid of the cold, and the damage still exists, but this injury is supported by the spiritual will of the big jaw ant itself, and the price paid seems to have changed from physical exhaustion to mental exhaustion, and this exhaustion is not something that can be solved by restoring physical strength.

"No wonder the big jaw ant is often sleeping..." muttered Chenyi, "No wonder he likes my massage so much!" "

"Xiao Yi, I have a suggestion!" Suddenly, Chirurian's telepathy came.

"What advice?" Chen Yi asked curiously.

"Do you want to use superpowers to massage?" Maybe it will work wonders? Chillulian continued.

"Is this so...," Chenyi thought.

Now, with the improvement of Chillulian's superpower, Chenyi's current superpower has also been upgraded to a level that is enough to cooperate with himself while massaging Pokémon while using superpower assistance, and in other aspects, Chenyi's current superpower can finally make a certain contribution to self-preservation, and even in terms of control, for dead objects that are not too heavy, Chenyi can also be controlled, but for living things, the control ability is much lower.

In the end, the Ice Pavilion defeated the Ice Plain Dojo very easily with the evolution of Chenyi Lass in the home of the Ice Plain Dojo, and although Ai Gu's battle was somewhat reluctant, he finally defeated his opponent, and after saying goodbye to the plaintiff, Tianxiang also left the Ice Plain Dojo with a smile on his face and took Chenyi and the others.

Because of the proximity of the Pokémon Center, Chen Yi went directly to the Pokémon Center to restore the physical strength of the big jaw ant and Chillulian, because this day is over, tomorrow is the ice sculpture hall to challenge the ice pavilion, and the current separation can be regarded as a temporary farewell to Xiao Siang and others.

After a while, Chenyi received the high-grade ball and friendship ball containing the big-jawed ant and Chillulian from Miss Joy.

Looking around, there were not many people in the Pokémon Center at this time, and even those trainers who were there were doing things on their own, and did not notice their appearance at all.

"How about you try it here now?" Chenyi muttered.

"Come out, big-jawed ant!" Chen Yi made a decision in his heart, and immediately released the big jaw ant.

"Ah roar..." The big jaw ant looked at Chenyi, his expression was also a little excited, between the high-level ball, the next door Chillulian had told him that Chenyi planned to help him adjust his mental exhaustion, and it was through massage, which made the big jaw ant who completely liked Chenyi's massage after experiencing the comfort of Chenyi's massage naturally extremely excited, listening to Chillulian said, this time there will be new additives?

"Okay, big jaw ant, don't be so excited, if you are so excited, you yourself will not be able to calm down, in that case, the massage will have no effect!" Chen Yi said to the big jaw ant with a smile.

"Ahhhhhh The big jaw ant was a little embarrassed, and the big head nodded quickly at this time.

Soon, the big-jawed ant quieted down, and the originally excited gaze was calmed down at this time.

"So, let's get started!" Chenyi sat on the sofa, lying on the table in front of him listening to Chenyi's words and closing his eyes with a big jaw ant, Chenyi's voice sounded softly, at this time, his hands drove a dreamy rhythm, slowly placed on the body of the big jaw ant, and then gradually moved, while adjusting the position and massaging, from Chenyi's hands, the superpower that seemed to have a hint of hypnotic effect was also slowly spreading.

This kind of massage is undoubtedly more tiring than pure massage in the past, but Chen Yi still plans to do this, naturally because it is to help the big jaw ant better relieve his mental exhaustion.

Chen Yi is very clear that the big jaw ant has learned to be fearless of cold for himself, and the effort in this is far more than his current physical and mental exhaustion, and the time of this effort is far more than the time he is now giving him a massage, and the difficulty is even more than the difficulty of giving him a massage now.

The big jaw ant persisted for himself, why couldn't he insist!

This can be understood as a return, or it can be understood as a mutual gift from both sides, but Chenyi prefers that this is a dedication.

Just like the dedication of a big-jawed ant, you can also give yourself.

This is a new type of massage, but the effect is undoubtedly better than before...

Looking at the brows of the big jaw ant that gradually eased, Chen Yi also smiled slightly, which felt very good.

However, at this time, Chen Yi did not notice that not far from his location, a young girl sitting there was supporting the table with one hand at this time and looking at him who was seriously massaging the big jaw ant, and also showed a smile in disbelief. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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