In this independent space, you can occasionally see Larvitar, Pupitar, and even Tyranitar eating soil.

Well, eating stones.

Of course, as Quasi-Legendary, the Pokémon of the Tyranitar series is not often seen. They are mixed in various Rock and Ground Pokémon, and their strong imposing manner makes them look like the lord of the plateau.

Very conspicuous.

"High grade, high grade, high grade..." Ling Huang shook his head, "Basically all are high grade."

"Don't worry." Su Qiqi said: " This is probably the largest settlement of the Tyranitar ethnic group in the world. Other Ground Rock Type Pokémon, like Onix and Golem, are just subordinate ethnic groups of Tyranitar."

"en. "Ling Huang nodded, despite the vision It's a bit, but he can also guess that there are definitely a lot of Larvitar, Pupitar, and Tyranitar here.

Of course, it does not mean that the subordinate groups do not have powerful Pokémon. Ling Huang found a lot of top grades on the way, but they are all hidden in the many Pokémon, it is not easy to start.

"Professor level can be seen through, high grade top grade can be distinguished, but it is much more convenient." Ling Huang secretly thought.

"Be careful." Su Qiqi reminded, "The Pokémon here is not simple."

Ling Huang shrugged and released Milotic.

Even if it is not simple, as long as it is Pokémon, it will not escape Ling Huang's eyes.


Ling Huang gently touched Milotic's head and let her follow her, which would be much safer.

Su Qiqi also released Pokémon.

Flygon: lv.75

Different from Ling Huang's restraint, Su Qiqi probably chose to integrate here.

However, the Pokémon released by Shirona completely failed Su Qiqi's low-key ideas.

Milotic: lv.89

The Metagross with the highest level in Ling Huang's team is only 7Level 4, and it is impossible to see Milotic's Level. The reason why I can see it is because of the Professor-level observation technique and the ability to see through.

"Milotic of level 89." Ling Huang said inwardly, "I am afraid that even the Dragonite of Professor Oak is not an opponent."

I have to say, Shirona, as a trainer, really It is an invincible existence. Even among the many champions, her strength is considered strong.

"You can't use the inconspicuous Pokémon?" Su Qiqi helplessly said, "Two Milotic, those Pokémon's eyes are straight."

Her tone is not No envy.

This is the most beautiful Pokémon Milotic, who doesn’t want it?

In fact, Shirona can also choose to train high grade Feebas, but the sample phase and BP are not as top grade, and they have to be considerate of the Olympic team, so they can only give up. But even so, the Pokémon Su Qiqi wanted most was Milotic.

"There is no way." Ling Huang shrugged, "Only Milotic is the most suitable."

He smiled at the reunion of the two Milotics, remembering the last time they met, Ling Huang, this Milotic is just an ugly Feebas.

Now, the beauty is no less than Shirona. Relatively speaking, Ling Huang is more prone to plain beauty, which is not amazing at first glance, but the more it looks, the more flavor it gets. After watching for a long time, I only feel that there is only the silhouette of Milotic left in the world.

The Shirona is a bit noble, and in other respects it is not inferior to Ling Huang. In terms of body size, it is slightly larger.

"Good training." Shirona praised.

"hehe." Ling Huang scratched his head and looked all around. He was concentrated attention completely searching for different Pokémon in the Pokémon pile.

Baltoy: lv.20

Baltoy is the original form of Claydol, and the Attribute is Ground + Psychic Type. Of course, this is not the point. The point is that the data of this Pokémon seems to be constantly floating. Ling Huang's gaze has swept Baltoy many times, and the data displayed by this Pokémon is different each time.

And now, it is finally stable.

This kind of data change is very strange, different from any Baltoy that Ling Huang has seen, but more special. Even the essence is different, which makes Ling Huang very strange.

Why is there such a weird Pokémon?

It just so happened that this Baltoy was isolated from the Pokémon group, and Ling Huang happened to be approached.

Baltoy is only a middle grade. Ling Huang couldn't find a good destination for him, so Ling Huang didn't intend to accept Baltoy. He just wanted to measure Baltoy's data and let Oak study it.


Baltoy glanced at Ling Huang, but didn't pay much attention to it, still wandering in place.

Ling Huang strives to make himself friendly.

"Don't be afraid, I don't have Malice." He whispered.

Seeing getting closer, I'm about to touch Baltoy. But this Baltoy, as if offending Outrage, suddenly flared up and rammed Ling Huang directly.

Ling Huang's expression froze, Milotic also wanted to help stop, but Ling Huang made a blocking gesture later, beckoning Milotic not to act rashly.

It's just the pain of Rapid Spin, he can bear it.

After all, it's only the 20-point formidable power Ability.


Baltoy was mounted on the helmet of Ling Huang's protective suit and made a not-so-light noise. Ling Huang was caught off guard because of Baltoy's rotation, and was directly knocked away.

He sat on the ground, unable to return to his senses for a long time.

"Didn’t I make you be more careful!" Su Qiqi hurried over to help Ling Huang when he saw it.

"Wait, don't touch me." Ling Huang frowns, "Shirona Gym Leader, come and push me."

Shirona glanced at Su Qiqi, Su Qiqi nodded Later, she squatted halfway in front of Ling Huang and put her hands on Ling Huang's shoulders seriously.

Push hard, Ling Huang can feel the force, but as long as he holds his breath, Shirona is impossible to shake herself.

"Okay, it's alright." Ling Huang said: "No need to push."

"en." Shirona stood up directly, without disturbing Ling Huang's thinking.

Ling Huang shook his leg gently in the same place, looking a little cramped.

“Baltoy’s Ability is Rapid Spin, with low proficiency, almost full of weak spots. The Rapid Spin’s formidable power is 20, and the pain when hitting the protective clothing is very suitable and there is no abnormality. So Ability The reason was directly ruled out. The strangest thing was that the moment Baltoy hit me, I was knocked away. I didn’t use any force myself, but my feet were already off the ground, and I flew up in the air."

Ling Huang analyzed the phenomenon just now. He knew that his guess was very bold, so he was not sure, and even asked Shirona to do an experiment to prove the theorem "the role of the game character cannot exert force on the Player".

This theorem is as strong as the two-dimensional element cannot touch the three-dimensional element, which makes people feel desperate.

Since this is a theorem, why can this Baltoy let itself rise in the air?

Ling Huang is a little confused.

So he decided to test this Baltoy again.


Ling Huang was knocked into the air again, and his whole body was three feet above the ground. If he fell on the ground, if he was not wearing protective clothing, he would have his butt blooming.

He approaches again.


But it was directly lifted to in midair by Baltoy's Confusion.

So far, Ling Huang has no doubts.

In the air, he only feels that the surrounding scenery has become higher and farther, and the sentence of standing tall and looking far is fully reflected in Ling Huang.


Baltoy had no good feelings for the offending Ling Huang, and even used Confusion to gently shake the Ling Huang play in the air. If it weren't for the fact that he was still relatively weak, Ling Huang was afraid that he would be shaken to faint.

Ling Huang looked up at the spinning sky slightly.

"Wow, is it so terrifying!"

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