Crunch In the Ability table of Mega Gyarados, formidable power can only be ranked second.

second only to Aqua Tail.

The only disadvantage of Pokémon like Gyarados is that its ability is not compatible with its own abilities. This situation has not changed after Mega Evolution. But even so, the Aqua Tail with 90-point formidable power, Crunch with 80-point formidable power, and Waterfall with 80-point formidable power, combined with the increase of Attribute, plus Gyarados’s Species Strength of 155 points, are definitely not weak.

The output capacity is no less than that of the lightly loaded Hawlucha. At the same time, because the double defense is too much higher, Hawlucha really fights Mega Gyarados, even if Fighting Type restrains Dark Type, the odds of winning are not high.

See the terrifying of Mega Gyarados.

He roared wildly and attacked Zebstrika.

Even Shirona couldn't help Ling Huang showing a look of wonder. She couldn't think of how lucky Ling Huang was to have such a good-looking Gyarados.

This kind of Gyarados can be seen by individuals, either high grade or top grade. If it is top grade, there is even a slight possibility of becoming Legendary!

Even Shirona is a little envious.

"Zebstrika, use Thunder." Shirona said.

Thunder's hit rate is only 70%, which is why Thunder usually needs Rain Dance to assist. But Zebstrika's Thunder is beyond the scope of ordinary lightning, and it will hardly fail in the face of Pokémon below level 80.

Although Zebstrika's Thunder will definitely paralyze Gyarados, Ling Huang has nothing to do.

They are not at the same level, so they cannot be resisted.

Ling Huang can only pin his hopes on Gyarados' rage and Guts.

Mega Gyarados's blood basin opens slightly, and he almost wants to eat Zebstrika. But at this time, the lightning that landed in the sky energized Mega Gyarados not lightly, and under Zebstrika's control, the lightning did not escape to the ground, but stayed in Mega Gyarados.

The state of paralysis.

This state is very troublesome. Ling Huang once did not know how many people were infected with paralysis.

It worked on me one after another, now that I think about it, there is a wonderful feeling of unhappy retribution.

Although Mega Gyarados's movement has become very difficult, Ling Huang is also impossible to give up allowing Mega Gyarados to attack.

If Gyarados does not fight, he will be angry.

This kind of character became more obvious after Mega Evolution. The power of swelling makes Gyarados not afraid of any opponent.

He feels invincible.

Ling Huang doesn't think this is something wrong.

If possible, Ling Huang will try his best to make Gyarados invincible.

"Mega Gyarados, use Aqua Tail!" Ling Huang said.

Water Type will not be discounted for Electric Type. Aqua Tail and Crunch’s formidable power are two more concepts.


When Mega Gyarados' huge tail hit Zebstrika, it made a huge explosion-like sound.

Also, Zebstrika was blown away in an instant, and his eyes were full of incredible.

His power, in front of Mega Gyarados, is so not worth mentioning!

"Zebstrika, use charging, then use Discharge." Shirona said.

Ling Huang slightly frowned, the combo of charge + Discharge, is equivalent to double the formidable power of Ability out of thin air.

It's a bit troublesome.

But even so, Ling Huang has no means to stop him, he can only let Zebstrika impudent.

Since I can’t manage it, Ling Huang ignores it. Mega Gyarados only needs to output.

As for who will win?

Just look at strength.

"Mega Gyarados's special attack is still very low, so the special defense boosted by Discharge does not need to be concerned at all. So no matter how many times Zebstrika uses Discharge, it will not affect the battle too much." Ling Huang secretly thought.

He calculated the HP of Pokémon on both sides. At present, Mega Gyarados has the greater advantage.

"Gyarados, use Crunch!" Ling Huang said.

His current tactic is, if you want to directly confront Zebstrika, try not to use Water Type Aqua Tail.

Because water conducts electricity, Ling Huang is worried that Flash Fire will burn his body.

Anyway, Crunch is the Ability of Dark Type, and it fits well with the Attribute of Mega Gyarados, and the formidable power is not bad.

Don't underestimate these details. It is all these details that are piled up to make Ling Huang's current super personal strength.

Those who do not pay attention to details, no matter what Pokémon they have, they are impossible to enter the Godly Players List.

System does not recognize his own strength at all!

“roar! !”

Gyarados is constantly advancing with Zebstrika’s formidable power doubled Discharge Ability. Unlike Cinccino, Gyarados is moving very steadily, and he can’t even see that he is moving. In a state of paralysis.

He approached Zebstrika continuously like this, and his fierce eyes made Zebstrika very panicked.

Huge body, with fierce eyes, Zebstrika said that it is fake not to be afraid. Especially when Gyarados is approaching, this feeling is even stronger.

I wanted to go back, but Zebstrika knew that he had nowhere to go.


Gyarados swiftly crushed Zebstrika's half body, Bite, with the force as if to crush Zebstrika into pieces, Gyarados began to chew.

When Zebstrika was vomited, it was already scarred.

Adding the previous scars, it seems very embarrassing.

Mega Gyarados is not much better. The body is full of burn marks, and Spark flickers from time to time, which are the root of the paralyzed state.

The reason why Mega Gyarados failed to use the move is probably because it was suppressed by Gyarados' violent and stubbornness.

Ling Huang looked at the HP of both parties.

"It's almost over." He secretly thought.

He just wanted to talk, but Shirona was faster than him.

"Zebstrika, use Wild Charge!" Shirona said.

Electric Type has very few powerful Physical Ability, and Wild Charge counts as one. 90 formidable power, but it has to withstand 14 rebound damage.

It's not worth it.

Ling Huang doesn't know why Shirona will let Zebstrika use this Ability now, but he knows Shirona must have a reason.

When Zebstrika rushed in wearing thunder and lightning battle clothes, even Mega Gyarados was restrained by that terrifying imposing manner.


Mega Gyarados only had this idea in his heart, and he was stunned by the madness in Zebstrika's eyes.

Although it was only a moment, it made Mega Gyarados feel extremely humiliated.

"Mega Gyarados, use Crunch!"


Gyarados wanted to make a move, but found his body impossible to move even a little bit, Not to mention using Ability.

The state of paralysis.

At this time, Zebstrika was already close at hand.


All the lightning on Zebstrika's body was passed on to Mega Gyarados, and the damage was extremely terrifying.

But Zebstrika did not see any rebound damage.

"I'm afraid, this is Zebstrika's fourth Ability beyond common sense......"

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