Mt. Spring Gym.

In the huge Gym, only Bai Lanxi and Dawn live. Staff, will go back after get off work.

Dawn is rarely in Gym.

I often wandered around Guilin with equipment. Wandering in the mountains and waters, it is dark, I am afraid that I will also set up a tent to act as an NPC in the wild.

Say no, return the task to the Player.

Now, there are only Ling Huang and Bai Lanxi.

Ling Huang couldn't help but think about it.

"She touched Lanxi's head before, but she didn't refuse. Maybe she could..." Thinking of this, Ling Huang almost got excited.

When he wanted to hug Bai Lanxi from behind, who was cooking, he was gently pushed away by Bai Lanxi.

"Don't make trouble!"

"I will hug you, how come you made trouble." Ling Huang explained.

So embarrassing.

I was pushed away.

Pushing away and pushing down are obviously two completely different concepts.

Ling Huang had no choice but to sit at the table and start browsing the forum boredly.

A certain player is promoted on the top four lists, a certain Player’s Pokémon shines, a certain Player becomes a Divine Grade Player, and a certain method of Pokémon appears, and a certain Pokémon appears somewhere.


Still this information.

Although it is repeated, it is very fresh. Even if it is the same kind of information, with a little difference, it will sum up a lot of experience.

The forum is the information circulation zone of the whole country and even the whole world Player.

Here, completely free.

Soon, Ling Huang switched to foreign forums and began to inquire about Beldum's acquisition posts in various forums.

"There is a Player in the United States who wants to shoot high grade Beldum? Let's look at it again." Ling Huang secretly thought.

In a few days, the forum will block the circulation of Pokémon, only through the exchange of friends in reality, and the wild conquer.

At the last time, Pokémon's circulation rate will definitely be higher.

Like Magikarp, it has been output crazy in the forum for a long time. The evolution of Magikarp is difficult after all.

Many players want to throw the pot and let other Pokémon train. Even if the Gyarados evolved by Magikarp is indeed powerful and violent, they can't afford it.

There are also the more common circulations of Catterpie, Weedle, Rattata and others, which are also very popular.

They will always find their master.

After all, there are almost no Players who have been bought for tens of millions and don't cherish.

"Neither are there in Russia or Japan." Ling Huang is slightly frowned.

Next, he opened the top grade Pokémon acquisition post on the forums of various countries, praying for a miracle.


No one.

"How is it possible? It should be the most peak period of Pokémon circulation. The entire world's economy will change due to the status of the forum. But my essence post, how can no one patronize it!"

Ling Huang lost his thoughts.

Suddenly, he noticed that the posts on the homepage were basically today's posts.

"My post from a long time ago, I’m afraid it’s been suppressed long ago. Even if a Player is searched in the boutique area occasionally, it doesn’t make much sense to click on it. The acquisition of posts is relatively small, and the replied Player is after all Less."

After finding the cause, Ling Huang set out to solve it.

Just repost the post.

Top grade acquisition posts, and targeted Larvesta and Beldum acquisition posts.

Ling Huang is quite confident about the acquisition of Larvesta.

Larvesta’s Flame Body Characteristic Trait can help hatch eggs, as everyone knows. But this is not enough to increase the value of Larvesta to the limit.

Limited by other shortcomings.

Larvesta, level 59 can evolve into Volcarona.

Even if the system is updated, the system produce transformation is upgraded, and the Pokémon at level 59 in the Player, there are almost none.

Unless, when you take over, you are level 59.

I’m afraid that many Players default Larvesta to Pokémon, which cannot evolve.

High grade, even top grade Pokémon, is only used as a hatching machine, which is a waste that Players absolutely cannot tolerate.

In terms of combat, Larvesta's flaws are even greater.

Up to 10 levels, you can learn 1 Ability.

Like Heracross, there are 7 abilities at Level 1. And Larvesta, level 50, only has 7 abilities!

The big gap can be imagined.

For leveling, Larvesta's capacity and formidable power are very restrictive.

Correspondingly, Player is more likely to shoot Larvesta.

"Larvesta usually only appears in the Volcano area. Players that can subdue this type of Pokémon are too rare. Most of the extreme sportsmen have a chance to subdue it." Ling Huang secretly thought.

Only at this peak period, the probability of Ling Huang's acquisition of Larvesta is huge enough.

The post is refined, and the table is full of dishes.

The aroma is tangy.

Even the rice is ready.

Ling Huang came back to his senses.

"It's so rich, it looks good." Ling Huang sandwiched a piece of meat and chewed it carefully.

"How does it taste?"

Bai Lanxi was a little nervous.

"It's delicious." Ling Huang didn't hesitate to praise him, "It seems that I don’t need to worry about the food when traveling."

Ling Huang noticed that the dishes on the table , The ingredients are very common.

I’m afraid, it’s the dishes that Bai Lanxi deliberately practiced for the rest of the journey.

"It's delicious." Bai Lanxi relaxed, "You seem to be posting a post just now. What is it?"

"Acquisition of the post, I reposted it." Ling Huang said .

"That's right, the acquisition posts are really effective in the initial period. However, I really can't see what Larvesta is so powerful." Bai Lanxi said.

Ling Huang shook his head.

"I have 3 Pokémon eggs, Larvesta can help me hatch. Otherwise, I don’t know when to wait. Larvesta is really not strong, but his evolution type Volcarona, at the same level as Aptitude, doesn’t Will be inferior to Charizard." Ling Huang said.

He didn't brag.

Volcarona's Species Strength is 550, which focuses on special attack, special defense and speed, just to make up for the shortcomings of Ling Huang's team.

There are more physical offensive and physical defense, but less special offensive and special defense.

It's completely a chopper team.

Ling Huang has a lot of Alliance points, and as challengers increase, there will be more Alliance points.

Want to buy all the TMs.

If it is top grade Volcarona, Ling Huang is impossible to be stingy, and he must invest a lot of Alliance points to improve Volcarona's strength.

"Is it really that strong?" Bai Lanxi was skeptical.

"Of course." Ling Huang said with a slight smile.

After eating a full meal, Ling Huang was not welcome, lying directly on Bai Lanxi’s bed and browsing the forum.

He opened several windows and waited for the truly valuable replies to appear.

Finally, it appeared.

"High grade Beldum, bid 1.5 million RMB."

Ling Huang skipped it directly, wasting emotions.

Finally, it is wasteful to buy high grade Beldum for 1.5 million. Especially during this peak period, the Player who intends to acquire, the chicken thief, Beldum can't sell it at all.

He ignored it.

Ling Huang didn't expect, this special acquisition thread did not move, but the top grade Pokémon acquisition thread appeared valuable replies.

"top grade Larvesta, bid 9 million RMB."

Ling Huang couldn't help being surprised.

It turned out to be top grade Larvesta!

After evolution, it will be top grade Volcarona! Comparable to the existence of Charizard!

Bug Type Pokémon, absolute boutique, even Totem.

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