Pokémon also has the limit of physical strength. If you squeeze infinitely, the intimacy will drop, and Pokémon’s Aptitude will drop, that’s a major event.

There was an incident on the forum. A certain ordinary Player wanted to hit the Top Rank Player and practice level overnight. As a result, people could still hold it, and Pokémon was the first to be unable to hold it.

The Starter Pokemon Parasect was too tired and exhausted its potential. Aptitude dropped from high grade to middle grade. When the intimacy system was turned on, the Player checked and found that the intimacy of Starter Pokemon was only a pitiful 90 points!

Just command the Level without delay, let alone tacit understanding.

After that incident, many leveling madmen stopped to study tactics more and exercise their Ability proficiency.

"I sealed my Rollout." Ling Huang was a little excited when she finally saw Sabrina deflated.

Sabrina frowned.

"Alakazam, use Recover."

"Heracross, rush over, use Pin Missile against Alakazam's face!" Ling Huang said.

Heracross does not actually master Pin Missile completely. How can such an ability be easily mastered in a short time.

Now it can be stable 3 times, occasionally 4 times, which is the result of Heracross's hard practice. It even broke out 4 times occasionally, which was realized during the civil war with Lairon last night.


Heracross slammed forward and used Recover's Alakazam to cross his legs. In this state, there was no way to hide. Only by seizing the best opportunity can Alakazam spit out his recovered physical strength again.

When Alakazam opened his eyes, he saw Heracross's blue-gray face and the Pin Missile condensed with the big horns on Heracross's head shooting towards his face.

peng~ peng~ peng~ peng~!

Pin Missile four times in a row, not only the formidable power is not small, but also the effect is outstanding!

Sabrina can't figure out Alakazam's current state a bit. After communicating with Alakazam's spirit, she discovered that Alakazam at this time is almost an arrow at the end of its flight.

"Alakazam, use Recover again." Sabrina said.

Alakazam is too crispy. If you can't take advantage of speed, you don't want to beat Heracross at all.

But Sabrina has determined that the previous Bullet Seed should be a coincidence. After all, Pin Missile of the same nature has only played 4 times, which is still a bit strange.

"Use Pin Missile once more." Ling Huang said quickly.

Sabrina was very calm and waited for Pin Missile to shoot out, and then said to Alakazam: "Alakazam dodge, immediately change the move, use Disable."

Ling Huang I know, I was pitted by Sabrina too. But his mentality is still peaceful, victory or defeat is commonplace in battles, even more how he hasn't lost yet, just a slight loss.

When Alakazam's speed is brought into play, it is almost come and go without a shadow or trace. Pokémon of Psychic Type has a moving method that other Pokémon can't predict.

"Heracross, catch up." Ling Huang said.

At this moment, the remaining HP of Alakazam is not much, Ling Huang pondered, if you come to Bullet Seed twice, or Pin Missile once, Alakazam will have to fall.

Greengrace Badge is here, elated.

Alakazam tossed around.

"Alakazam, use Psychic for expansion speed!" Although Alakazam was targeted, Sabrina didn't think she would lose.

"Heracross, use Protect!" Ling Huang said.

This Psychic trick cannot be dodged. Instead of taking it, Ling Huang chooses to use Protect Ability.

Sabrina is hesitant to use Rest Ability. But after all, there is no risk, and Rest is not invincible, especially for Pokémon with low blood. Ling Huang can even take advantage of Alakazam Rest to harvest it with two Bullet Seed tricks.

"Alakazam, use Psyshock!"

Psyshock is different from Psychic, it is more materialized and easier to offset.

"Use Bullet Seed." Ling Huang said.

Heracross directly sprays the seeds of its debut, which offsets the strong fluctuation of Psyshock. The air seems to be shaken by the impact, showing the strong formidable power.

Ling Huang thought about how to solve Alakazam.

As long as Alakazam expands quickly, it will be difficult to hit. However, Alakazam is good at long-range. Ling Huang rushed over stupidly, but he could only be a target, even being kite-flyed.

"Rush over and use Night Slash Ability." Ling Huang said.

As Heracross gradually approached Alakazam, Sabrina slowly said: "Alakazam, use Ally Switch Ability."


In an instant, the positions of Alakazam and Heracross changed. Heracross, who wanted to assassinate Alakazam, faced the audience and slashed out. Not to mention the critical point, not even a big tree was cut down.


Heracross was a little embarrassed, but still fully guarded.

"Use Bullet Seed Ability." Ling Huang said.

"Use Kinesis Ability." Sabrina said.

When Bullet Seed lased at Alakazam, Alakazam suddenly put the spoon in his hand to the side.

The spoon is bent.

That kind of scene is really weird and magical. Suddenly Heracross's eyes tilted outwards, and Bullet Seed didn't accidentally make a hit.

The two of you come and go, you chase me, you attack me and defend, fighting hard. It seems that no one can do anything about it.

Mainly at the beginning, Ling Huang took the lead. Now Sabrina didn't dare to let go of the fight, and didn't want Ling Huang to catch the weak spot of the moment, and used Pin Missile to kill Alakazam.

4 rounds have passed.

Ling Huang can use the only Bug Type Ability to restrain Alakazam.

In general, the current situation is that, in order to find the best time to attack, Sabrina slowly consumes Ling Huang to death. On the other hand, Ling Huang relied on high blood and defense, chasing Sabrina like a rogue.

To blame, it’s Sabrina who is too confident, and Ling Huang seizes the break to get an advantage and even win.

The scene is deadlocked.

Sabrina looked indifferent, but she was already slightly anxious.

"In this situation, we can only deliberately sell a weak spot." Sabrina secretly thought.

"Alakazam, use Recover." Sabrina said.

"Rush over and continue to shine on Alakazam's face...Use Toxic Ability!" Ling Huang pinched the time and said.

When Heracross sprinkled the poison mist on Alakazam's face and made Alakazam's eyes hot, Sabrina was surprised that her weak spot was completely creating opportunities for Ling Huang!

She thought, if Ling Huang dared to use Pin Missile, she would let Alakazam dodge use Psyshock. The Ability burst at such a short distance, with Alakazam's speed, will definitely be able to dodge the center of the explosion. Heracross is not necessarily.

But the poison mist splashed on her face, Sabrina wanted to change her trick, but it was too late. Can't you still use Offensive Ability?

I am afraid that the loss of the chance to regain the blood is not enough for Toxic to poison for a few rounds. But if you don't do it quickly, Toxic is added, and the form becomes more severe.

"Heracross, go up and stick your face again..." Ling Huang said.

"Alakazam, use Psyshock." Sabrina said.

"Use Substitute Ability to stick to your face." Ling Huang smiled at the corner of his mouth, somewhat mocking.

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