Pokémon Breeding Guide

Chapter 91 Research successful!

It's done, but the color is a little off.

Putting the bottles and jars containing nutritional medicine aside, Zhu Suihan looked at the gray meatballs on the experimental table and felt a little confused for a moment.

As for the external version, you only need to reduce the potency and grind it into a paste. The process is similar to applying plaster.

Because the purchased nutritional medicines have different ingredients and need to be mixed according to the proportion, he cannot guarantee the appearance of the final product.

As for the shape of the meatballs, I can only say that habit is a terrible force.

What is this, a genetic potion?

Anyway, the process of making this meatball is indeed a bit cybernetic and a bit alchemical.

Zhu Suihan only gets bedtime stories from the hook every night. It can only be said that this kind of motivation to be involved in the dream is not nothing.

At least I can be a qualified alchemist.

Putting the meatballs into the instrument to detect the ingredients, Zhu Suihan took advantage of this time to make a few more samples and put them under different temperature conditions for measurement.

In addition, there are some standard procedures such as hazard identification. After all, Joy College is a serious school and it is impossible to directly conduct in vivo experiments.

Bixias would like that kind of talent very much.

Oh, the first batch of data is out.

Import the data into the computer's data model of Magikarp and wait for the secondary inspection data to be released.

The process is the same for several other samples, except that a label needs to be added during the process.

Zhu Suihan stretched out. Chenglong and Xiaoxian Nai were playing on the other side of the lake. Moreover, the bottle made for Chenglong was filled with enough energy cubes, so he didn't worry about them being hungry.

Not to mention the energy cubes, he gave Chenglong his meal card. The advantage of having a Pokémon chef in the cafeteria of Joey Academy was that he didn't have to worry about the language barrier at all.

He made a furnace of energy cubes to take with him, and he could eat them after the data here are calculated.

There are no abnormal alarms in the data, and the effect is not bad. Even the simulated growth data is not accurate.

Zhu Suihan input the data of Gyarados and calculated it again.

The medicine is not powerful enough, so it is of no use?

This is easy to solve, just add more raw materials, and then add some additional attribute resources.

Zhu Suihan left the laboratory, poured the energy cube he brought into his mouth, and finally moistened his throat with soda water. A simple lunch was instantly settled.

[The production of new drugs has been detected, which can revive the physical activity of the Magikarp race]

[Research points increased to: 250]

[Ask the host to name the new drug]

Zhu Suihan:?

The system determined that this meant that all the data running in the laboratory had been processed, and no serious harmful problems had occurred.

And, it does work!

Oh no, there may be a small problem after taking this medicine, that is hunger, and adequate nutritional intake is needed to ensure the growth of the body.

But this value is very abstract.

I suspect you are a 250-year-old on the inside.

Zhu Suihan breathed a long sigh of relief: Let's not name it for the time being. Use the drug data I made as a prototype to deduce a more perfect version of the simulation.

Develop new functions of the plug-in. If you have to do everything yourself, then what is the use of this thing.

My dear Fu Bao plug-in, it’s time for you to show off your power!

[The research points have reached the standard, and the drug prototype meets the deduction standards and is in progress.]

Familiar knowledge has entered his brain, but now Zhu Suihan is able to learn simultaneously without changing his expression, and his mental resistance has been significantly improved through repeated torture.

Some medicines can be replaced and strengthened. In addition, the ratio of tree fruits needs to be fine-tuned. It would be better to add some Gyarados scale powder?

After clarifying his thoughts, Zhu Suihan directly called the department responsible for the logistics of the research building and asked the teacher to send the corresponding materials.

This is not the time to show off your skills, this is the time to cheat and copy answers.

Five days later——

In the dean's office, Joey, who was working on documents, glanced at his mobile phone with an ecstatic expression.

It's not because the caller is Zhu Suihan, but because as long as a call comes in, you can find any reason to ignore these documents.


That should be what the dean’s secretary and deputy dean should do!

Hey, Suihan, are you ready to give up on that research?

If there was no progress, Joey Jing felt that he could give him a week's leave and let him go to Manjin City to relax for a while before returning to class.

It's normal for young people to encounter some setbacks. What's difficult is getting out of them.

Yes, I'm ready to give up.

Zhu Suihan held his mobile phone between his legs and broke the freshly baked tree fruit jam pie for Xiaoxian Nai, while Chenglong next to him was devouring it.

Because I have already completed that research, I am going to contact the people of the Yulong family and ask them to quickly deliver the fruit I want.

Joey Jing:?

Has that research been completed?!

Doesn’t the study of this kind of thing usually have to be calculated in years? You can solve it in less than a week?

Yes, it has been solved. The result is in the lake.

Zhu Suihan wiped the crumbs in his hands: Dean, please tell the Yulong family and ask them to come over quickly to inspect the goods and try to ensure that the payment is completed during the holiday.

Joey subconsciously moved the phone away from his ear.

Well, the number and note are correct, so it’s not a scam call.

In other words, is it true?

I'm going to the big lake and I'll hang up first.

Joey hung up the phone, opened the window, and jumped out with a vigor that was not befitting his age. After a flash of white light, an elegant Chinese Valentine's Day bluebird held its trainer firmly and flew towards the lake.

Judging from this level of proficiency, Joey Jing can be regarded as a habitual offender who skips work.

But the reason is very good. For the sake of the credibility of the student's research, she must see the changes in the Great Lakes with her own eyes.

This is the dean’s selfless love for the students on campus!

After coming back, Joy Jing sat back on his big chair with an attitude of I saw something.

The Happy Egg automatically dispenses the ball and thoughtfully hands over a glass of Moo Milk at just the right temperature.

How did that kid do it?

Could it be that some mythical beast taught him in a dream and told him all the secrets of this world?

It is indeed a living antique.

Sure enough, when you get older you can do whatever you want.

Joey took a sip of milk, Xingfudan took the phone and made a call.

Sister Jing? I don't seem to have any plans recently. Are you coming to our Yanmo City as a guest?

No, I asked you to prepare money and tree fruits.

Joey looked at his phone and said, My student has completed your commission.

Bring what he wants, and then you can come to the academy. If you don't bring anything, I will beat you up for my students.

Very good, very good, at least in terms of the reserves of tree fruits, the countdown to the Yulong family's bankruptcy has begun, and Joey is looking forward to that day.

It was so much fun.

The bearded old man who was tickling the mini dragon:?

Research, what research?

Wait, the Magikarp one?

The bearded old man was also dumbfounded. Wasn't that just a polite comment? He just made a big deal out of it just to build a good relationship with that kind of genius researcher.

Be serious!

The bearded old man's hands were trembling, not because he had to spend money, but because he was excited.

Sister Jing, is this true?

I've gone to see it, you'd better bring enough things, you know what I mean.

Joey suppressed the gloating in his heart: By the way, he has a close relationship with Gu Liu. You don't want me to visit your Yanmo City at the same time as him.

OK, OK, another achievement has been recorded.

For the sake of the students, Joey Jing promised to arrange for Zhu Suihan to have the strongest legal department in the Chengdu area, and he would definitely give Yulong some blood!

She doesn't care about the Yulong family's wealth, where is the confidence of the Joy family.

But knowledge is different. Everyone has different areas of expertise. The knowledge and historical records of the Yulong clan are still very attractive.

Instead of asking you to open up everything, it should be okay to ask you to bring something to share with our college, right?

You just want to cheat my students from Yidian Shuguo, what are you thinking!

Hahaha, I'm not afraid of anyone, I'm just afraid that the child will be so scared after seeing so many things that he won't be able to walk!

The old man with a long beard was extremely excited: Sister Jing, please wait for me. My family can make a decision in half a day at most. That technology must not be sold to others first!

I'm not a technical person. It's my students who control the technology. You'd better hurry up.

Let me give you some tension, and then teach the students how the lion opens its mouth. It depends on whether your dragon can catch the trap or not.

Happy Egg has already gone to arrange follow-up matters, and a large number of legal elites are on their way to Joey College.

They are all experts in the legal field, and their partners are all super-powered elves, who directly increase the strength of Yulong.

Zhu Suihan’s mobile phone number?

Sorry, no.

I am the dean and I have the responsibility to protect students’ information security.

Another day passed, and Zhu Suihan, who was sitting on the sofa watching a comedy show, raised his eyes.

Chenglong, do me a favor.


It's time for you to show off your learning achievements, little fairy milk!

Mi Lu!

Look at me, sister!

Xiaoxian Nai confidently stretched out her short hand, turned the cream into an outstretched arm, grabbed the phone, and placed it accurately next to Zhu Suihan.

There is only a faint fragrance on the phone without even a trace of cream, which shows the control ability of Xiaoxian Milk.


Zhu Suihan couldn't help but admire, he could only say that Xiao Xian Nai was indeed a bit talented in the development of cream fruit.

Mi Lu!

Hey, Dean, is the person who controls the dragon here?

Well, they are coming. You don't have to worry about other things. The legal team I called is already in place. I guarantee that your pocket will be bulging in one breath.

Joey Jing said: However, there is a rather special person in the envoy over at Yulong. A few old guys over there want to arrange for you to meet.

Zhu Suihan raised his eyebrows: Let me guess, Du?

That's right, I've also heard about that kid, a complete militant.

Joey Jing thought about his words.

You should have something in common, but there is an 80% chance that he will invite you to fight. This is a way for their aggressive trainers to quickly make friends.

I only have one request for you, that is, don't fight with others in the wild, just fight in standard battles.

If there was a wild fight, nearby buildings and other matters would already be a small problem. His own student was a monster, and the boy from the Yulong family also mastered a very powerful system of tactics.

If the two of them fight, who will lose?

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