Pokémon Breeding Guide

Chapter 78 Venom Extraction Test

After driving the two noisy guys to bed, Zhu Suihan opened the dormitory door and took a look at the moonlight.

Well, it's beautiful, but I didn't see Cresselia or Darkrai.

There is no devilish requirement to start classes immediately after coming back.

Zhu Suihan trotted all the way to the big lake: Big guy, big guy, come out.


The huge body surfaced, and Gyarados looked at Zhu Suihan with an expression of You'd better give me a reasonable explanation.

Do you know what time it is now?

Don't look at me like that, there's something good going on.

Zhu Suihan sat on the lawn, brought up the pictures on his phone, and turned the brightness to the maximum.

Look at the pictures inside and see if there are any special insights.


Gyarados just leaned over and took a look, his ferocious expression suddenly froze, and then his whole big face was almost in close contact with the phone screen.

You really understand.

Zhu Suihan was a little surprised. After all, he seemed to think that the previous Gyarados was bigger, and he only had the idea of ​​whether it was valuable or not.

Judging from Gyarados's expression, it's obvious that people can understand what's inside.

Now Zhu Suihan really believed it.

Not only is there reproductive isolation among species, it seems that a similar situation exists when it comes to passing on knowledge.


Gyarados nodded, indicating to Zhu Suihan that he had finished reading.

Don't worry, there will be more later. The first one is just the whole picture, and there will be a clearer version later.

As he flipped through the pictures one by one, Gyarados gradually began to twist left and right, causing ripples to ripple in the water beneath him.

It looks like a child who started to imitate the dance for the first time, but because he missed the point, the overall posture looked strange.

For a child, this kind of behavior can be called cute.

But when you put it on a Gyarados with a ferocious face, it's a bit scary. It always feels like this is a sign that it is controlled by the villain and is about to fly out and kill everyone.

Don't just look at it, think about how you usually dance and use Dragon's Fury. Don't tell me that you can't do these two moves.


How is it possible? I just didn’t think of this problem!

Gyarados slowly dived into the water, and then rushed into the sky like a discharged cannonball, its body glowing with red light as its abilities improved.

Zhu Suihan hid behind to avoid the lake water from getting his hair wet.

Gara, Gala.

It's really useful!

Gyarados was very excited, and after seeing the pictures, he felt that he could further control his inner power and integrate that violent power into his unique moves.

To put it simply, Gyarados felt that the bottleneck of his strength was loosened.

As for how to integrate the violent power from the heart into a unique move, for a Pokémon like Gyarados that has a wide range of strikes, it is basically like a brick with so much power.

Your flamethrower is a small manual flamethrower. I will give you a war-grade hell flamethrower directly!

Firepower, right? Let me see your caliber!

It's really useful, okay, okay.

Zhu Suihan clapped his hands: The advanced technique of Dragon Dance should be to replace your daily activities with fixed movements. Have you understood this step?


Gyarados nodded. His action of diving into the water and then rushing upward was the dance of the dragon.

After hearing the reason, Zhu Suihan clicked his tongue.

I can only say thank you to the Pokémon flying over the big lake every day.

Gyarados' strong territorial awareness allows him to fly upward every day to provide strength to other Pokémon. When it comes to the most familiar movements, this set of upward flying movements definitely ranks at the top.

And another important point is that this behavior contains the violent heart of Gyarados.

Okay, the fish leaping over the dragon gate is known to the whole world. This is quite suitable.

Jumping out of the sea to increase one's ability level is much more normal than Dr. Oak's speedy fighting dragon dance.

At least we can see the solution to the advanced move of Gyarados, Dragon Dance.

You can develop this idea next.

Zhu Suihan said: Use your own body to set off a tidal wave, and then you are in the tidal wave to further stir and increase the power of the tidal wave, and incorporate the movements of the dragon dance into it.

Tidal dragon dance?

No, this is the washing machine dragon dance.

Gyarados looked back at the big lake, thought for a while and then nodded, saying that he would find a chance to try it.

Using the tidal whirlpool to practice the dragon dance on his own territory, Gyarados felt that he was not so beastly.

When there is a lot of movement, it will not be fun to hurt your younger brothers.

Okay, go to sleep. Goodbye.

One person and one dragon said goodbye. Zhu Suihan glanced at the brightly lit laboratory building and suddenly wanted to open a laboratory for research.

Forget it, let's go back to bed and give myself a little vacation today.

Early the next morning, Zhu Suihan went to the canteen to eat ready-made food while riding a dragon with fairy milk on his head.


The roar of Gyarados resounded throughout the entire lake, and the huge blue figure moved faster than before. It scared the birds passing by in the sky to tremble, and then ran away in panic.

In the past, Gyarados might not be able to keep up with its speed, but it was different after Dragon Dance was strengthened.

And who said that guy only strengthened one paragraph.

Gyarados must have been thinking about these guys flying in the sky and not paying him tolls for a long time. He must have strengthened them several times and then specially caught two lucky ones to establish their power.


Chenglong glanced back at Zhu Suihan.

Look what you have taught others!

This is because Gyarados himself is very powerful, right?

Mi Lu.

Xiao Xian Nai nodded in approval.

That’s money, and it can be turned into so many delicious energy cubes!

She is now training her control over cream. She strengthens her control over cream by rolling cream balls with her hands. The next step is to try to use attribute energy to combine with it.

It doesn't matter if you fail, the eldest sister and the trainer will get rid of the cream without wasting any.

After breakfast, both players tacitly abandoned their trainers and ran to the big lake to play with Gyarados.

Chenglong can learn the regular usage of water-based tricks from Gyarados, and Fairy Milk can also gain a lot of useful knowledge on attribute energy control.

Apart from anything else, Gyarados, who has mastered his own violence and can freely control the power of his angry heart, is definitely a good hand at control.

Otherwise, Joey Academy wouldn't be able to let such a big guy live in the big lake.

There are many students and teachers coming and going on the lake every day.

This morning’s class was rather strange, commonly known as milking cows.

That's right, it's the moo milk in the big milk jug.

But Zhu Suihan felt that the name of this course should be changed to Milking Cows.

The full name of the course is How to safely obtain extracts from Pokémon.

Moo Milk is only the most basic version. In addition, there are many versions such as sap, venom and oil.

Oh yes, there is a simpler one, which is to pick tree fruits from the back of the turtle. It can only be said that you have hands.

It was only after taking this course that Zhu Suihan learned that coconut milk existed in the Pokémon world.

The source is just as Zhu Suihan thought, it is obtained from the coconut egg tree.

In a sense, that thing is more like tree sap and body fluids, and cannot be considered coconut water at all.

However, this coconut milk is of high value. After being extracted and further extracted and refined, it can become nutritious coconut milk.

It is a pity that the coconut egg tree has noble super properties, so the cost of cultivation is higher than that of a large milk can, otherwise it would become another popular product.

Although this extraction method will not help Pokémon grow, at least it will not harm them.

In other words, most of the Pokémon cultivated within the alliance usually need to use these things to repay the loan. The main theme is a love between you and me.

This is also one of the things Joey needs to learn. After all, he may also work in the league in the future.

In addition to research and daily use, this is also a very partial treatment method. It usually occurs after the Pokémon comes into contact with something strange, and the foreign objects need to be extracted.

The most typical case is that Pikachu absorbs too much electricity and cannot control it, which can easily cause harm to itself and its trainer, and even endanger the surrounding environment.

Not everyone is like Xiaozhi and nothing happens after being electrocuted.

The model that Zhu Suihan randomly received this time looked very impressive. It was an Abo monster with its lower body curled up and its mouth wide open.

In addition to opening their mouths wide, generally snakes coiling up are basically equivalent to accumulating power.

With Abo Kai's size and bite strength, the power of one mouthful is definitely full.

Zhu Suihan's goal is to extract venom from the mouth of the Abo monster. If there is a slight problem with his strength, the Abo monster's wide mouth will close.

It's kind of like playing with that little tooth-pressing toy.

But this is much more dangerous than that little toy.

Zhu Suihan put on his mask and pulled on his sterile gloves. Although personally he was not too afraid of being hurt by the Abo monster, for the sake of performance, these actions still had to be included.

He also hoped that his grades would be better and that the college would take him to one of the fun things like Lake of Wrath next time.

Apart from anything else, the feeling of defeating a Pokémon with one ball, and then defeating the villain's villain with a pan is really great, and Zhu Suihan likes it very much.

Zhu Suihan held a pressing plate covered with wound medicine paste in his left hand, and a thin needle in the other hand. There was a long rubber tube behind it, and at the end was a small standard bottle.

To put it simply, it is to poke a thin needle into the roof of the mouth of the Arbor monster, and also to poke it into the place where the venom is transported.

For this reason, the model was accompanied by a position identification map. Zhu Suihan also spent some effort to understand the above content, otherwise he would have to experience the bite force of the Abo monster.

Normally, the Arbo monster only needs to cooperate, just put the container under the opponent's teeth and slowly accumulate the venom.

But the main focus of the academy is excellence. As a Pokémon doctor, all situations need to be taken into consideration.

After all, it was not the doctor's turn to take the venom from the Abo monster.

Zhu Suihan used his strength and gently poked the Abo monster's upper jaw with a thin needle, succeeding in one attempt.

Watching the bright purple liquid flow out of it, when the container was almost full, Zhu Suihan put away the fine needle, seamlessly connected the pressing plate of his left hand, and pressed the wound medicine paste against the mouth of the needle for three to five minutes.

If it is a real Arbor monster, you can also add feeding energy cubes to this step, as well as touching the opponent's head and saying a few words of encouragement such as You are great.

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