Pokémon Breeding Guide

Chapter 6: Hillbilly Enters the City

Although he didn't say it explicitly, Zhu Suihan probably knew what he was worried about.

Are the families about to separate? It seems that the time is relatively normal.

Well, this is a rare opportunity.

Dr. Omu clapped his hands and said: Gather everyone together and take this opportunity to go to Manjin City.

Zhu Suihan was stunned: If you want to have a party, why not just go to Kaji Town?

The doctor was silent for a while: Um, Suihan, have you forgotten something very important?

We still have to go to Manjin City to get you a new ID card. If we go directly from Manjin City, Lao Liu and I can contact our friends.

Oh, come to think of it, I should still be considered a gangster now.

Even though the Pokémon Center opened its doors like a Buddhist, it was definitely not within the scope of the other party's reception.

Very good, it's decided!

Dr. Omu was in high spirits: I will contact them now, and tell Lao Liu by the way, we will go to Manjin City together then!

By the way

Zhu Suihan smiled, but he was still looking forward to going to Manjin City.

For the Chengdu region, Manjin City is a top-notch metropolis, with all industries very developed.

There is also the Gym Leader of Manjin City holding a regular badge.

Come back, Manjin Xiaoqian, my most feared nightmare is still vivid in my mind, tears are flowing inexplicably, I vaguely remember the big milk jug, and the awesome Pippi, who is best at gym battles.

It is better to consult Xiaoqian on how to cultivate a big milk tank in the gym. After all, the nutritional value of moo milk will be different depending on the level of cultivation.

It's time for me to get ready.

Zhu Suihan touched Chenglong, who was still feasting, and walked into the computer room again.

The blueprint design of the full ecological large-capacity electric storage device cannot be used by myself, but it does not mean that there are no generous and wealthy buyers in Manjin City.

After changing hands, whether it is travel funds or some cultivation expenses, it should be able to cover the bottom line.

If that doesn't work, then find an arcade with a special sign and sell it to the Rockets.

At Dr. Omu's incidental invitation, Liu Bo simply asked for leave. Anyway, there were no challenge appointments within a week. Report the leave information to the alliance, and the alliance would naturally issue a notice.

Then, Zhu Suihan sat on an armored bird with a confused look on his face, and started his first and extremely hasty flight with Uncle Liu and others.

He also asked why the gathering of old friends didn’t go to a nearby big city. After spending a long time, there was such a high-speed flying unit!

Fortunately, I am not afraid of heights.

After experiencing the initial anxiety, Zhu Suihan stood up from the back of the armored bird and looked at the sea of ​​clouds and the landscape below with excitement.

The world is at your feet.

Zhu Suihan opened his arms to embrace Pokémon Sky.

By the way, Zhu Suihan discovered that by standing up while riding a flying Pokémon, humans don't have to worry about being blown down by the wind, as long as they don't seek death.

Because during flight, Pokémon already has a breaking wind effect similar to that seen when riding and running, which is a flowing version of a weak barrier.

Of course, if you plan to do some difficult gymnastics while flying at high speed, it is recommended that you take care of your insurance first and see if there is any energy drink group in the Pokémon World willing to sponsor you.

The kind where you sacrifice your life and they pay for it will make your death glorious enough.

Zhu Suihan stroked the armored bird's hard back: Thank you for your hard work, armored bird.


The armored bird flapped its wings and screamed, speeding up again.

He felt Zhu Suihan's agitated mood and decided to respond to this excitement with even greater speed.

Of course, he somewhat wanted to see Zhu Suihan hugging himself tremblingly.

I was obviously a novice when I first started riding, but now I am completely proficient. This is unscientific!

Green caterpillars can’t evolve as fast as you!

In Manjin City, in the landing area of ​​flying Pokémon, Uncle Liu was still holding his cane, standing next to Dr. Oak who was holding his waist while shouting I'm old, I'm old with a grimace.

Zhu Suihan straightened the hard feathers of the armored bird, then took two steps back and observed the armored bird's wings.

Lie Ao?

The armored bird tilted its head and almost pecked the bamboo Suihan.

What's going on with your kid? Why do you look at me like a doctor?

It's nothing, I just think your rental company has trained you very well.

Does Kanto actually have this kind of didi dreaming service? It should only be faced by trainers above the level, otherwise safety cannot be guaranteed at all.

Or maybe this armored bird is simply a regular employee with a system within the alliance.

The wings are flush, and each hard feather is beautifully trimmed, with obvious pruning marks, which can definitely satisfy the most extreme obsessive-compulsive disorder.

In other words, if this armored bird participates in a flying competition, it will definitely take the lead among its kind, and it will already have a considerable advantage in terms of cultivation.

Thank you for your hard work, come and have some fruit.

Zhu Suihan took out a few orange fruits from his incense burner. There was a lot of food in the inner space of the incense burner, or in other words, only food was placed in it.

Originally, Dr. Oki and the others wanted to prepare a backpack for Zhu Suihan, the kind of space backpack that can fit any table, chair, bench, or tent into when the protagonist travels as a group.

But when they saw Zhu Suihan taking out an incense burner from somewhere, the two old men gave up the idea, except for Dr. Omu who took a few photos and planned to study the history.


The armored bird chirped loudly, then approached Zhu Suihan with a smile, accurately poked the orange fruit with the inner edge of its wings, packed it away, and enjoyed it slowly after the preparations were completed.

Oh Suihan, you are so popular among Pokémon.

Dr. Omu and Uncle Liu came over: The armored bird has a somewhat ferocious temperament. If it is not recognized, it will not accept gifts from others casually.


The armored bird is not happy, you old man actually said bad things about me!

Isn’t it just that he looks a bit fierce? This is obviously what makes him handsome in the wild, isn’t it?

Kuailong behind Dr. Omu glanced at this little brother calmly.

The armored bird lowered its head and took a bite of the orange fruit, then swept Zhu Suihan with its wings and then took off.

It's time to get off work!

I moisten!

There is nothing special about applying for a new identity certificate, which means that you have to go through all the procedures. The people in the alliance are the ones who feel uncomfortable.

Even with Dr. Omu and Uncle Liu as guarantees, the head of the department over there couldn't figure out how this gangster managed to grow up to be so old without getting an identity certificate.

The Pokémon world's population policy has always been very tolerant, as long as you don't break the law.

Even if you live with Pokémon all year round, you will definitely not be missing the certificates and rights you deserve.

Faced with the question from the person in charge, Is he really eighteen years old?, Liu Bo remained silent.


The fractions may be more than eighteen years old, what a joke.

After receiving his identification, Zhu Suihan was given a map of Manjin City. Dr. Omu even thoughtfully marked the location of the party, which seemed to be a very high-end high-rise open-air restaurant.

Then, Zhu Suihan was let go, on the grounds that he needed to adapt an ancient popsicle to a modern city and an independent life.

Chenglong in the city was not in good condition and was released. With Zhu Suihan's last insurance, he became a bird with a small bag in his hand.


The messenger bird raised his little hand to Zhu Suihan, indicating that he could play and wander around as he pleased. Even if he got lost, he could take Zhu Suihan and fly directly to the gathering place.

Zhu Suihan glanced at the messenger bird behind him. He was walking leisurely on the street, giving him the feeling of an old cadre going to the mountains and countryside to give guidance on work.

The main thing is to be reserved but with a little bit of relaxation.

Ten minutes later, Zhu Suihan, carrying the messenger bird on his shoulder and holding a soda drink in his hand, fell into silence while looking at the huge electronic advertising screen in front of him.

He didn't care about the beautiful host on the advertising screen. What he cared about was the big letter R next to it and the familiar face with a friendly smile.


Rocket Group?!

After drinking a sip of soda to calm down his shock, Zhu Suihan decided to look at the advertisement from a normal person's perspective.

In short, in today's Kanto region, in addition to the well-known Silver Company, the ancestor of the old wealthy family, there is also a rising star that competes with it and occasionally enters into business cooperation.

The boss of Rocket Group is the gym leader of Joban City, the ground-based expert in charge of the Joban badge, Sakaki, who is famous for his difficult challenges and his kindness to trainers.

After all, being difficult and being friendly to trainers are two different things, at least that's what trainers who have succeeded in the challenge say.

There are many rewards after beating difficult dungeons.

In addition to badges, Sakaki will also give out some move learning tools and the like from time to time based on the opponent's fighting style, or give some substantial tactical guidance.

Among ordinary people, Boss Sakaki is also an enthusiastic person who invests a lot of real money in the ecological protection of Viridian Forest every year.

Today's Viridian Forest, under the protection of the wealthy, has even gradually developed towards the level of Silver Mountain.

In game terms, the Novice Village area has gradually turned into an advanced dungeon, where even the insect-catching boys dare not go deeper.

Zhu Suihan estimated that Sakaki was still relying on his own strength to kill the poacher group behind the scenes. As for whether he was taking advantage of others or protecting Viridian Forest, he didn't know.

All in all, he is very popular and has many fans. He has been awarded titles such as Jiwan City Star Trainer and Honorary Citizen many times.

As for official awards, they have become a level where as long as Sakaki's name is on the award list, the public will recognize its value.

business circle, trainer circle

Zhu Suihan continued to buy snacks to calm himself down, and also bought one for Messenger Bird.

The plot line of Uncle Liu has been completely cut off by me. Boss Sakaki, you can still eat two dishes!

Moreover, this two-course meal is much more stable than the black-and-white take-all in the original time and space. The business tycoons and the powerful gym leaders have an extremely high level of external affinity.

Anyone who wants to touch Sakaki may have to consider whether he will be targeted to death by the public.

Forget it, just right.

Zhu Suihan decisively unfolded the map. There must be an iconic commercial building like the Rocket Building on the map. After all, it has to be picked up from the hands of tourists.

The Rocket Group building is yours!

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