Pokémon Breeding Guide

Chapter 59 Abi: Bad, making friends accidentally!

I've heard everything. As expected of you.

At Kaji Gym, Liu Bo was talking on the phone with a smile on his face.

Don't worry, Joey will definitely package you as a genius technician to the outside world. At most, he will just add a label of accidental discovery of materials.

Liu Bo also believed that these were things in Zhu Suihan's memory fragments.

At least until Zhu Suihan and Chenglong can deal with most people, it is better to keep the identity of Living Antique a secret for the time being.

Some people are naturally more attracted to Pokémon, and the same is true for some identities and items, but it's a pity that they attract strange villains.

As for the energy cube made from high-quality tree fruits, your idea is correct.

Uncle Liu touched the little wild boar next to the phone: Based on Chenglong's current physical fitness, one pill a day is the limit. You can't eat more.

When she was still in the gym, her physical fitness was not up to standard, so she was never given a share.

You can wake up refreshed in one night. The standard quota you set is very scientific.

Listening to Chenglong's furious and angry whine coming from the microphone, the Chenglong couple behind Uncle Liu showed a relieved smile.

The children are good, so they are satisfied.

Okay, you go ahead and work hard to improve your strength so you can eat more.

Zhu Suihan pushed Chenglong's big head away, not bothering to think about whether there were any treacherous words like hateful old man in the other's whining just now.

Uncle Liu, how much do you know about other areas?

In other areas, in fact, in my opinion, except for the different Pokémon, there is no difference.

Liu Bo said: You participated in that event, but don't be confused by the so-called different regions.

The ones who will always be with you are the partners by your side.

Liu Bo smiled: When Joey Jing contacted me, I planned to ask the messenger bird to help you put some pressure on you. I was so angry that Joey Jing almost flew over to play against me.

She said that Joey and the alliance don't have that kind of complacency. Even if there are evil people, she, the dean, is not a decoration.

Zhu Suihan couldn't help but chuckle. If a villain came to cause trouble, the dean would probably be happier.

Uncle Liu touched Chenglong beside him: After all, everyone's way of thinking is different. Maybe my thinking is too dark.

If you are short of those tree fruits, I can express them to you.

No, as far as Chenglong's appetite is concerned, there is no shortage for the time being.

Zhu Suihan smiled and said: Besides, besides the technology of opening medicine bottles, I have other business deals that I'm talking about, but I haven't received the money yet.

Nazi, her figure is not as good as that of Little Lance and the two Poké Balls, and her skin quality is not as good as the other sister Nazi!

Let’s do something!

Uncle Liu nodded, and after hanging up the phone, he moved his arms, revealing his strong forearm muscles.

Life is no longer gloomy and hopeless, and Liu Bo also maintains the habit of exercising.

Although he can't compare with a muscular monster like Xuecheng, maintaining a high-intensity battle is definitely not a problem.

Although there is a saying that the black character is ten times stronger than the white character and the weak character is three points more powerful, but Liu Bo is definitely not a simple character who can fight with high intensity.

Dark Team, if you were in Kanto, I wouldn't have the time to intervene with you. I didn't expect you to reach out to Johto.

Uncle Liu opened the door to the guest room of the gymnasium, and a thin, half-masked man wearing a ninja uniform was drinking tea.

Aju, what did you find out?

The hometown of ninjas, I didn't expect that the current inheritance method would become like this.

Ah Jue raised his eyes and looked at Liu Bo: Integrating ninja actions into daily life, is this Kaji's inheritance?

To be honest, Ah Jue was shocked when he saw an aunt casually tie a rope to a tree and jump down to the depths of the valley to collect herbs.

It would be a pity not to have this skill to become a real ninja.

The ninja inheritance of Kaji Town is a decision made by the ancestors. I am talking about the guys from the Dark Team. What did you find out?

Uncle Liu said: Or are you planning to try the weight of my old bones?


When the messenger bird hidden outside the door heard this, he immediately reached into the small package.

Not only did the gift contain bombs, but there were also some real mysterious materials inside the package.

For example, someone delivered sticky pills by express delivery.

A'jue was suddenly startled. He felt a rather bad aura coming towards him from outside the door.


No, no, you misunderstood.

Ah Ju put down the tea cup gracefully: I just wanted to come to the legendary ninja land to see it, but the result was beyond my expectation.

My silly daughter may be able to come to Kaji Town and live for a while to improve her skills.

The messenger bird had already squeezed the sticky pills and prepared a trick. He was just waiting for Uncle Liu to give the order and then let Ah Jue experience what a double gift was.

Okay, okay, Master Liu Bo, I'm not here as the leader of the Light Red Gym this time.

Aju said: I came here as the head of the Rocket Group's security department because I found the whereabouts of the Dark Team in the north of Kaji Town.

North, the Lake of Anger.

Uncle Liu spoke calmly: According to legend, the Gyarados clan brought heavy rain there to calm down the volcanic eruption, which is more in line with their behavior.

You know their whereabouts, deep in the maze of trees, right?

Yes, there are their strongholds in the Sea of ​​Trees Labyrinth, but they have mastered a certain secret route, and I don't.

Aju said: So I want to come to Kaji Town to find a map of the maze, even if it is an ancient map.

“There’s no map, and I don’t think maps are useful.”

Liu Bo said: According to the Dark Team's style, they will definitely open a new way out of the maze.

Ah Jue was delighted: You want to go with me to deal with the Dark Team's stronghold?

Try your luck, Jingji is thinking about moving.

Liu Bo put away the two dragon-riding Pokémon balls: Compared to maps that can't talk, Pokémon's ones are more reliable.

Making Kaji Town prosperous is Liu Bo's current goal.

We need to let those idiots know that Kaji Town and the surrounding areas are not places where you can just come.

Uncle Liu turned around and led the way: Follow me and try to reach the Lake of Anger this afternoon.

Aju glanced at the messenger bird that flew up to lead the way, and suddenly felt that the boss was worried.

I feel that even this time, it would be okay for the young master to follow me to gain knowledge.

He felt tremendous pressure from Liu Bo.

But that's right. Who knew I could meet the winter museum owner this time.

Aju took out his cell phone and sent the information to the real bird. The secretary would then hand the information to the boss.

[Act together with the Kaji Gym Leader and try to preserve the whereabouts of the Dark Team]

The information was sent back to the Rocket Group headquarters through the Internet. Naturally, the message sent back by Ah Jue had high priority, and was soon handed over to Sakaki by a girl with watermelon head and glasses.

On the other side of Rocket Group, a strange bullying was taking place in the corridor.


Abi, male, is the gym leader of the Huipi Gym.

A Bi looked at Na Zi who was full of momentum in front of him, feeling a little at a loss and even wanting to cry.

What happened? Why did he come to attend an academic seminar and get Nazi's attention? She almost dragged him into a small dark room and tortured him to extract a confession.

Although Abi is the dominant player in terms of attributes, this is not the case personally.

If Nazi is the kind of cold-faced lady and queen, Abi is the kind of simple boy with a clear and silly style.

Nazi Gym Leader, we met during the Quartz Alliance gym meeting.

Well, that's why I asked you to come here, and you happen to be in Jupi Town, and you have information I want to know.

I don't know why, but in the past two days, the effect of my super prediction on Zhu Suihan has become worse, as if the other party has installed some kind of signal jammer on his body.

Nazi narrowed her eyes: You know the white-haired monkey with the dragon, and we have a pretty good relationship with him, right?

With a white-haired monkey riding a dragon, and still in Huipi Town?

Doesn't it translate to the white-haired trainer who travels with Chenglong?

A Bi was stunned.

Suihan? !

It's been you for a long time!

Miss Nazi, Suihan is my friend. Is there any conflict between you two?

Emotional disputes?

It's not like Suihan, a person who just puts on his face the idea that there are no women in scientific research on nature.

Economic disputes?

This is somewhat possible. Suihan always gives people the feeling that he is going crazy because of poverty.

Just when Abi was thinking about whether it was an emotional dispute or a financial dispute, a generous voice sounded from the other side of the corridor.

Nazi, the owner of Abi Museum is an important figure invited by our group to participate in the research. What are you doing?

A man with a big R letter embroidered on the chest of his suit came over and nodded and smiled at A Bi in a very friendly manner.


Nazi pursed her lips: BOSS.

Master Abi, long time no see.

Master Sakaki, you are here.

Abi breathed a sigh of relief: Can you tell me what you want to do with Suihan? As a friend, I'm quite curious.

It's nothing, just a little personal matter. Nazi's superpower doesn't seem to have any effect on that young man. He's just a little too curious.

Sakaki shook hands with Abi: But you probably don't know yet, but your friend has caused another big incident.


What did he do again.

Haha, I'm really looking forward to meeting him. With such a young scientific research talent, I really want to communicate with him.

Sakaki made no secret of his admiration for Zhu Suihan, or perhaps he was simply changing the subject.

After some compliments and an invitation to participate in the ecological survey of Viridian Forest, Sakaki's combination of skills successfully made Abi forget what had just happened.

This is not like your style. The Ether Foundation has already sent a vanguard team to investigate, and they have confirmed the authenticity of the information with us.

Sakaki's tone was calm: At least in terms of establishing diplomatic relations with the Alola region, we are already far ahead. Are people with unpredictable superpowers so attractive to you?

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