Pokémon Breeding Guide

Chapter 51 Replicating Dragon Ball Technology in the Pokémon World

Life Drops, a recovery skill.

At least judging from the basic game panel data, the healing ability of Life Drops is not as powerful as the Healing Wave, but it is group recovery that cannot withstand others.

Well, it's a reality here.

In addition to the side effects, the damage of various special moves is actually more like a bottom line, which is the lowest damage value that this special move can produce.

In short, you can add points through your own training, which is no different from the skill tree of online games.

The same goes for the recovery trick.

It's like two priests using the same healing spell. If the former's equipment is better than the latter's, the recovery amount will definitely be higher than that of the former.

The strength of Pokémon and their proficiency in moves are the equipment bonuses they wear.

As for animations and comics, when fighting, you learn new moves and use them against the enemy, and you can still win.

All I can say is just take a look.

Not everyone is a child of luck like the protagonist group.

Not everyone can use the health lock that comes with evolution during battle.

Moreover, Zhu Suihan chose to use drops of life water for research, which does not mean that Chenglong knew this trick.

But compared to skills such as healing fluctuations, life drops are tangible after all.

Zhu Suihan believed that he did not have the power to feel fluctuations like a stainless steel basin, and he did not intend to poke his eyes to make himself happy to exercise this ability.

So it’s better to pick something with normal difficulty and study it, don’t make yourself unhappy.

However, if you are a psychic of Nazi's level, you might have the ability to forcibly retain the fluctuations.

Don't worry about the drop of life water. Zhu Suihan plans to solve the problem of the potion bottle first.

If you want to successfully make reusable potions, you need to solve the problem of retention.

The move of Life Drop cannot be allowed to gradually evaporate and disappear over time.

Zhu Suihan frowned: Maybe it doesn't necessarily mean that it will never disappear. You can change your mind.

The aspect of never disappearing and extending the shelf life is too difficult, and it is not something I can figure out now.

Treat the machine containing potion bottles as a shared power bank, and each bottle containing a drop of life water is a power bank.

When the life water drops are consumed, they are replenished. After the replenishment is completed, they are placed on the machine to conservate to ensure the activity of the move and extend the shelf life.

It seems that this metaphor is not quite accurate.

Whose shared power bank machine cannot automatically charge the power bank?

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, as long as it can be used, the worst thing is to give more subsidies to those Pokémon that are filled with water.

The attribute energy extraction device on the side stopped working, and the finished product was stored in the machine waiting for the next instruction.

It's a pity. If this extraction device had supporting equipment, I wouldn't have to think about how to make the potion bottle.

The reason why this kind of extraction device is placed in the laboratory is simple, because the energy leakage will gradually dissipate.

Normally, it will only be circulated within various machines for research. It seems that no one has thought about this storage issue.

Because scientific researchers have no need for this.

Zhu Suihan considered using the corresponding attribute resources themselves as raw materials, but the drained attribute resources had turned into ashes, so this method would not work.

Is the insulation material sealed?

Insulation material, the record in the special chapter is to store 100,000 volts in his hands and stab the boss Ma Zhishi in the back.

In fact, the so-called insulating material processing appears more often in animations.

Insulation technology was widely used when Team Rocket captured Pikachu. Every time the trio would confidently say that they had done anti-electricity and fire protection to make attacks such as one hundred thousand volts ineffective.

But every time, due to financial problems or carelessness, Xiaozhi's friends would send him flying travel packages.

Zhu Suihan exported a portion of the attribute energy and bottled it, but the final retention time was less than five minutes.

Insulation is feasible, but if we continue to increase investment in materials, regardless of cost issues, portability will not be achieved.

Direct cheating?

It is indeed a way, but there is no sense of accomplishment in doing so.

At least wait until I have my thoughts straightened out. As for the specific follow-up process, just leave it to the plug-in.

Energy cube itself is a process of purification and shaping, but this is also related to the raw materials, and the proportion of entities is relatively high.

Moves made from condensed attribute energy have no advantage in this regard.

Zhu Suihan shook his head. It was impossible to make a bottle and then go find various lucky eggs and happy eggs to consecrate it.

This is research, not metaphysics, and it may not be useful.

I always feel that retaining energy is more difficult than trying to retain a goddess by being a dog licker.

Energy cubes, retain attribute energy and increase shelf life, huh?

Zhu Suihan maintained his current posture and entered a state of silence, trying to find a fleeting inspiration.

Has he done anything similar recently, and he has done it many times.

Keep things that are difficult to preserve, and use a method of changing the state through external forces.

Liquor chocolate?

This is it!

Zhu Suihan's eyes lit up, and inspiration came to his heart.

If one layer of material doesn't work, use two layers.

A bile bottle is a prop widely used for poisoning in movies and TV dramas.

In reality, this is the reason magicians find when showing magic to Muggles.

A layer of attribute resources preserves energy, and a layer of insulation material is attached to the outermost layer to isolate environmental influences.

Zhu Suihan said: According to this idea, we can combine water-based resources and insulation technology to create a material that can be reproduced with technology and directly achieve mass production.

Polymer materials?

Back then, Goku was beaten violently by the prince on Namek. After successfully defeating Ginyu, he was seriously injured. He was at the level where Frieza could wipe them all out with just one finger when Frieza arrived.

Then Goku was stuffed into the liquid healing device by Vegeta and fell asleep.

If that kind of polymer material can be successfully developed using science and technology, large-scale treatment instruments can also be realized.

At that time, whether you put on a respirator and sink completely, or simply soak in the hot spring, as long as the amount of life water drops is enough, it will be no problem.

It seems okay.

Zhu Suihan thought about it for a while, and found that there is a second advanced plan, which is to create a polymer material that can capture wave energy, and even cure the wave.

If the injury is too serious, it will be stuffed in to hang on, and treated through remote control of some specially developed precision surgical machinery.

This is it!

Zhu Suihan nodded with satisfaction and cheated on the spot.

As long as the idea is correct, you can become a linking dog, just like a search engine. You must write the keywords and fuzzy words correctly, otherwise you will not be able to find the correct answer.

I have it, and I got it with the blessings I accumulated in my previous life!

Dark blue, add some!

I want a polymer material synthesis method that can preserve attribute energy, as long as it has water attributes.

[The research points reached the standard and the redemption was successful]

Another large amount of knowledge poured into his mind. Zhu Suihan simply sat on the ground and digested it silently. At the same time, he took out his mobile phone and started recording simultaneously.

Let the dean give me a laptop another day. It must be a well-configured one.

Apart from anything else, the running speed and keyboard quality must keep up. Otherwise, problems will occur if the keyboard is typed for a period of time.

After standing up from the ground, Zhu Suihan felt top-heavy and performed a real-life version of walking on the wall.

No, we shouldn't be able to continue today's research.

Zhu Suihan shook his head, forced himself to wake up, and introduced the attribute energy in the extraction device into the incense burner to preserve it.

This will be Chenglong’s food for some time to come, so we can’t forget it.

Why isn't there a Pokémon riding service in the academy?

After taking back the Beiming Ball, turning off the lights and closing the door, Zhu Suihan staggered toward the dormitory, yawning several times on the way.

There is too much information this time, which is a bit overwhelming.


Chenglong automatically played the ball, bit Zhu Suihan's collar with his mouth, and threw Zhu Suihan directly onto his back.

Chenglong speedboat, start!

Sorry, it seems I woke you up.


Longlong is very strong!

I can help too, okay?

I underestimated you.

Zhu Suihan leaned against Chenglong's neck, looking at the bright moon and stars in the sky. He stretched out his hand to stir the water in the lake below, and looked at the spreading waves with a comfortable smile.

Thanks, Chenglong.


Longlong, I am the only designated contestant of Big Sister!

Yes, yes, you are the eldest sister.

After returning to the dormitory and watching the lights in Zhu Suihan's room go out, Chenglong returned to his own pool to sleep peacefully.

I'm going, I can't play like this next time.

When he woke up in the morning, Zhu Suihan realized for the first time in the Pokémon world what it felt like not to have enough sleep.

Let's put it this way, even if he dreamed of posting with the little sister when he was sleeping and dreaming, the little sister Zhu Suihan saw was also composed of formulas and symbols of attribute energy.

With the little sister's smile, the formulas and various symbols are still being arranged and combined, and after further reaction, a brand new formula is synthesized.

It's really like entering the hell of trypophobia, and it's the eighteenth floor of supreme VIP service.

He woke up with a fright this morning.

I didn't expect it to be so strong this time. I have to continue to exercise more intensity in the future.

Zhu Suihan yawned, and after finishing Chenglong's energy cube, he took out a few more pieces of fruit.

The fruit's skin and flesh are hard and astringent, and there is nothing delicious about them. They are usually placed in greasy ingredients as supplementary ingredients to remove the oil and dissolve the greasiness.

Zhu Suihan ground it into powder, and finally used an instrument to condense it into small sticks.

The kind of happy cup of cookie sticks, jam and chocolate sauce that you can never have enough of.

This is the nature of Lingyu Guo itself, otherwise it would not be easy to make such a biscuit stick.

Picking one up, the strong astringency made Zhu Suihan feel refreshed.

Come on guys!

It seems that I need to prepare some incense in the future.

Others' incense is used to help you sleep and calm your mind, but your own incense is used to refresh your mind.

Today's energy cubes are more perfect, their colors are more crystal clear, and their cloud-like and sea-like textures add a different kind of beauty.

The purity has increased, and the impurities originally in the attribute materials have been removed.

This extraction device is really easy to use. I'll see if I can upgrade my incense burner another day.

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