Pokémon Breeding Guide

Chapter 37 Might be a civilized monkey watcher

Tell me the truth, are you holding back your bad intentions here and waiting for me?

Zhu Suihan held Chenglong's face and stared with death in his eyes.


No way, Longlong just wants to carry the trainer!

But the erratic eyes had betrayed Chenglong's true inner thoughts. She really wanted to let Zhu Suihan feel her growth.

It's quite intuitive to use a wilder approach, right?

If Chenglong was in Kaji Gym, he only grew taller and didn't do much exercise.

So during the period of Zhu Suihan, the nutritional intake is only high but not low, but both the body and attribute energy are being exercised and strengthened.

From a fitness perspective, if a person who is too thin wants to build muscle, he must start by gaining weight.

Although some people also use this excuse to eat haese.

Chenglong has officially transitioned from the stage of gaining weight to the stage of muscle gain, and the amount of training is also increasing simultaneously. Although the improvement in strength is not rapid, it is definitely impressive.

Four or five small changes a day are definitely not a problem.

Then, Zhu Suihan was honored to be the first witness. The only drawback was that he was in a wet and seductive state, with his white hair sticking tightly to his clothes and skin.

The speedboat's engine may overheat if it is running at full speed all the time, so it is impossible to run at full power all the time during use, but Chenglong will not.

What’s coming this way is pure bioenergy!

Zhu Suihan shook his hair and glanced at the walking grass passing by his feet.

This small detail actually illustrates one thing, that is, there are often signs of human activities in this area, so wild Pokémon are not very afraid of people.

It's not far from Manjin City, or this area can be regarded as a novice village for trainers who are traveling.

Goal first, let's go to the Pokémon Center in Manjin City to restore your condition.


Chenglong obediently scored a goal. Although the wild ride along the way was very enjoyable, she also knew that her current state was not suitable for hanging out with the trainer.

Manjin City, by the way, where was the restaurant last time?

I have to say that the food in that restaurant is really good, but the first goal is to go to the Pokémon Center and ask.

I also met some strange newcomer NPCs on the way, that is, newcomers who had just gone on a trip and were ready to find a lucky audience to practice fighting with.

Zhu Suihan said that he had just returned from the wild and his partners were not in good condition, and the newcomers did not have that weird deadlift battle.

In short, everyone was quite friendly. There was even a big sister who kept staring at Zhu Suihan's face and asked if he needed any emergency medicine.

You're welcome, you're welcome.

Arriving at the Pokémon Center, Zhu Suihan handed the Dragon Riding Poké Ball to Miss Joy, and was almost mistaken for some strange villain special ball.

It's a type of ball I've never seen before, or in this era there aren't many young people who would choose handmade Poke Balls.

Miss Joy smiled slightly: It seems that you and you have a good partnership.

Of course.

Zhu Suihan nodded: Excuse me, Miss Joy. By the way, I would like to borrow some of the mechanical equipment in the Pokémon Center. We will pay the bill together later.

No, it's free this time.

Miss Joy's smile became more enthusiastic: Junior.

Zhu Suihan:?

Are you, teacher?

That's not true, it's just that this matter has spread now, and everyone is curious about your identity, and you can actually get Uncle Liu to ask for help.

Ms. Joy explained: Generally speaking, in addition to the students who are admitted regularly, there are also people who have paid a large amount of sponsorship fees to enroll temporarily.

But among them, you are one of the few who directly go through the back door, and the one who helped you open the door was 'Uncle Liu in Winter'.

It's okay. Although it is unlikely that he will become Uncle Liu in summer, it should be okay to become autumn.

Get acquainted, Joey Hua, this is my name, and you will be my junior from now on.

Qiao Hua shook hands with Zhu Suihan: What should I say after going to the academy? Don't be afraid.

There are very few boys. There are even fewer boys coming in like you. It is bound to attract attention, but no one will do anything strange. Just stay normal.

In short, it’s civilized monkey watching, right?

I have the illusion that I have entered a women's college. I hope that there will be a few more brothers to form a black team. Otherwise, the difficulty of this women's college copy may be a bit high.

Zhu Suihan asked: Sister Hua, will there be any preliminary examination or anything like that for my entrance? I really don't know much about your courses.

Yes, and you may be the only candidate.

Qiao Hua nodded: Because you are a transfer student, and you are also the kind of transfer student who has no clear previous academic qualifications. It is certain to know the basics. This will make it easier for the college to arrange grade classes for you.

Okay, illiterate people still have to take the exam.

Zhu Suihan nodded and thanked him. It seemed that even if he was not a certified trainer from the alliance, he would be able to use the Pokémon Center for free in the future.

The familiar healing sound sounded. In fact, in reality, it represented the end of treatment. In addition to Zhu Suihan, several trainers stood up.


Geely Egg came out with a trolley on which were neatly placed Poké Balls, but one of them had a mismatched color, which was not very friendly to obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Once the number of Pokémon that needs treatment is increased, the Pokémon will not be allowed to directly play the ball and sit on the car.

Zhu Suihan took his Beiming Ball and Chenglong shook it restlessly in it, thinking about it now.

Don't even think about it, just rest inside.

Zhu Suihan put the elf ball on his waist with his backhand, and then glanced at the trainers beside him.

There is a sense of wearing a forehead protector in a five-village battle, like Adek, the champion of Hezhong. He hangs the elf ball around his neck like Monk Sha, and the others are like the Eight Immortals crossing the sea to show their magical powers.

Holding Poké Balls around your waist was mainly influenced by Chiye back then. Before the Pokémon Transporter came out, Chiye’s appearance of hanging Poké Balls around his waist was impressive.

The same goes for badges. Xiaozhi likes to pin badges on the inside of his clothes, just like those people who used to wear neat suits and always liked to hang a pen on the inside.

Normally, badges and ribbon medals from gorgeous competitions can be purchased in special boxes.

In fact, there is only one problem with this kind of behavior, that is, a single badge is fine, but if eight badges are hung on it, won't it feel too heavy?

Zhu Suihan had already imagined Xiaozhi's answer.

[This is proof of our growth, right Pikachu! 】

Forget it, hang up for a while.

Zhu Suihan walked to the rest area and opened his notebook while observing the operation of the Pokémon Center.

In short, if it was a very common injury, or the exhaustion version, Miss Joy would not take action, and the problem could be solved with medical equipment alone.

I would like to commend the medical technology of the Pokémon Center by name, as it can directly provide unmanned medical treatment for minor injuries and illnesses.

When she encounters a more serious injury, Ms. Joy will leave the counter and start treatment.

However, since the trainers are all types who travel around various regions, Joey must also have a very rich knowledge of Pokémon.

Among other things, you can see Pokémon from many other regions in the Pokémon Centers in these metropolitan cities, and Ms. Joy in Kanto can also encounter Pokémon from Galar.

For example, if the frozen head of the ice goose is exploded during the battle, the local environment happens to be in a high temperature red alert.

What is very difficult to bear is that the face of the ice goose is very afraid of heat.

Conventional medical methods will definitely not work at this time.

what to do?

Stuffed into the refrigerator, of course. (cross out)

It must be cooled and deheated using artificial equipment at the Pokémon Center, and then a frozen head can be made for the Ice Goose.

If it's an emergency in the wild, it doesn't mean that I can't let the Ice Goose replenish its attribute energy for a snowy day, or simply give myself a blast of freezing wind.

However, counting the time, the scissor-hands advertising cloak monster of Dan Emperor should have started traveling now.

Wuji Tai Na, but in Zhu Suihan's senses, he is still quite handsome.

It has the beauty of a bone dragon summoned by a necromancer.

However, big cities are really busy, with your feet never touching the ground.

There must be more than one Pokémon Center in Manjin City, otherwise it might not be enough to satisfy the needs of trainers even if Joey's legs are broken due to exhaustion.

Zhu Suihan hung up the computer for a while to review what he had learned in the past few days. The amount of learning he had originally planned was destroyed after Chenglong's sudden surge, so he had to re-plan.

As soon as the meal was over, there were more and more trainers, and there were more levels of age. There were also many brothers in uniforms who brought their partners for treatment.

Some are running business and delivering couriers, and they carry flying Pokémon such as Pidgeot.

There were even more construction workers with small fist stones, wrists and other construction workers at the construction site. Zhu Suihan also saw that one of the wrists had some redness and swelling, which made the trainer feel very distressed.

Hey, junior fellow student, come here and help me!


Will your guild grab a priest and paladin from the roadside?

Zhu Suihan walked over and said, Sister Hua, what's the matter?

Joey said: Help hold down this wrist. This kid seems to be on his first day at work and has little experience.

Oh, I understand, so when it hurts, it’s easy to move around and it’s inconvenient for treatment, right?

Zhu Suihan nodded: Leave it to me.

The word Junior played a big role. At least the construction workers did not question Zhu Suihan's identity. When the latter took out a meatball from his arms and put it on Zhili's forehead, no one said anything.

Geely Egg, please cooperate with me.

Zhu Suihan: Use singing.


Beautiful notes surrounded Wanli. The little guy who was originally calmed by Niwan was still full of panic, but after hearing the comfort of the trainer next to him and the effect of the singing trick, he quickly fell asleep.

Okay, it's easy.

Zhu Suihan took a look at the injury on Zhili's hand and took the sticky pill back.

Asleep, you will stay with this uncle when he is being treated later. It is best to hold the wrist with the other hand.

Okay, okay.

The uncle grabbed Zhu Suihan's hand and waved it repeatedly: Thank you, thank you.

Thank you Sister Hua, she is the doctor.

Joey and Ji Lidan pushed this batch of patients into the treatment room. The uncle glanced at Zhu Suihan, and it was not that he blushed like an old man, but he was a little curious about the thing just now.

Brother, what was that that was placed on top of Wrist's head just now?

Oh, that one.

Zhu Suihan's expression remained unchanged: That's a soul-soothing stone. It can help Pokémon concentrate and ignore its pain.

Panic is also a kind of mental concentration, right? Just like when the tip of a knife is close to you, you will subconsciously stare at the tip of the knife to concentrate.

If Wan Li still has the kind of emotion affected by the injury, it is equivalent to an excited boy yelling before bedtime, and he will definitely not be able to sleep while lying in bed.

As soon as the sticky pill is released, the elder's roar of can't sleep yet can make him calm down a little.

At this time, Geely Egg takes advantage of the opportunity and sings to maximize the effect.

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