Pokémon Breeding Guide

Chapter 216 Chengdu: Heartbeat, Want

It can be said that the venue was ablaze with war, and the people outside the venue were somewhat confused.

After the explosion, the alliance already knew that all its equipment was affected by electromagnetic interference.

When everyone was planning to send people to recover and release a new round of equipment, the battle had already begun.

The first group of staff approaching the battlefield were hit by a pink mushroom cloud and almost fell off their partners.

It can only be said that the color and sweet taste cannot represent the power. It belongs to the kind of person who knows that it is dangerous, but just wants to get closer to the pink mushroom cloud.

This is not about pain and happiness, but a dangerous contradiction that may involve playing into it.

It gets even more ruthless after that, with meteorites washing away the ground and wind and snow blowing, and the main theme is to turn the combat field into a restricted area and prevent you from entering.

Although they knew that everyone was in no danger, the spectators still felt scratching their heads.

They should have enjoyed a wonderful game, but now they were punished by various powerful tricks.

Not only can I not enjoy the game now, I also have to worry about whether there will be any problems inside the venue and whether the gym leaders inside are in danger.

After all, the scope of this unique move, which is infinitely close to a natural disaster, is really shocking.

Soon, the alliance staff saw the gym leaders skating forward not far away, and they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

At least everyone seemed to be in good spirits and nothing unexpected happened.

Oh, it seems that the owner of the Nazi Hall was carried here by Sister Mi Lun. Other than that, there is nothing unusual.

Suihan, you are really cruel.

A Bi gritted his teeth: I really almost got into trouble with your attacks and bombs.

Zhu Suihan glanced at Abi: Just tell me whether I helped you win.


There is no need to say this, Suihan did lead himself to victory.

After meeting up with the alliance staff who came to meet him, the others finally learned from the gym leaders how things were going inside.

The electromagnetic bomb disrupted the monitoring tool to detect Xiaogang's location, and then the others were defeated separately by Zhu Suihan's Pokémon.

How can I put it, it feels like this activity has completely become a behavior of some white-haired person having fun alone.

Nazi was almost autistic. After all, this time she failed without even seeing Bai Mao's face, and she failed because of a simple prop.

That's not a simple prop.

Sakaki looked solemn: If you guessed it correctly, that thing is specially designed to disrupt the bond energy link.

If your Hu Di cannot remember the feeling of Mega evolution and develop the ability to independently super evolve or strengthen connections, it will inevitably be affected.

This experience also opened the door to a new world for Sakaki. With Rocket Group's financial and technological capabilities, it is definitely not a problem to imitate similar props.

In other words, on the premise that the disruption power can be controlled, this prop can be used to train the stability of Mega evolution, whether it is against humans or Pokémon.

As we all know, when the bond is insufficient, the state is not good, or when Mega evolution is forced with the help of machine technology, there is a high probability that Pokémon will fall into a state of chaos and not obey commands.

This kind of thing is not uncommon in the super evolution circle. Newbies who have obtained key stones and super evolution stones often encounter this problem.

Sakaki said in praise: If this is the case, even trainers who have mastered Mega evolution will have to be careful when facing Suihan in the future.

As long as Suihan did not go to Viridian Forest, Sakaki felt that he was a very good young man based on his friendly attitude towards his son.

The source of danger is not what the other party has, but that you simply don't know when the other party will use such props.

If your own level is not solid enough, you will only be defeated when faced with that kind of props, which is quite dangerous.

Nazi managed to calm down: BOSS, I think a targeted development scientific research project should be arranged within the group, because we are not sure whether anyone else has mastered this technology.

The white-haired monkey can barely be regarded as a righteous person. The key person is Joey's family background, so it is naturally impossible for him to use this technology indiscriminately.

But this is not necessarily the case for some evil organizations, or even hunters who have established themselves on a large scale.

To put it more clearly, some old people and children who are still obsessed with the scenery of the Dark Ages are actually not so friendly to the concept of Pokémon.

At least according to Rocket Group's intelligence, there are such people hiding in some areas that have just established diplomatic relations with the Quartz Alliance.

To put it another way, since there is technology that can disrupt bond energy, is it possible to achieve reverse reinforcement or even forced Mega evolution?

This kind of unorthodox and evil technology will definitely be studied by some bastards who pursue power and ignore the wishes of Pokémon.

Well, I will pay attention to this matter. If it doesn't work, let Suihan come over and interfere.

Many people now know about the Dragon Gate Project of the Yulong Clan, and of course their eyes are red with envy.

Counting the bait module technology at the beginning, as long as he is willing to spend money, a certain Bai Mao can really come up with something exciting.

The gym leaders are exchanging experiences, while the Quartz Alliance is having a meeting.

After all, after the members of the team planned by the Chengdu Alliance knew what happened, their favorability increased so fast that they wanted to establish their identity with Zhu Suihan on the spot.

After tricking Liu Bo into becoming the champion of the Johto League, Kaji Gym asked Zhu Suihan to take over. After a year or two of settling down, he directly took over as the Four Heavenly Kings, waiting to take over from Liu Bo.

Not to mention that Uncle Liu had become a hard nut to crack in their eyes, they also encountered a small problem on Zhu Suihan's side.

Not graduated yet?!

The person in charge was furious: How is this possible? Dean Jing even said that boy graduated voluntarily!

Well, boss, at least that's according to the files retrieved by the alliance.

The subordinate looked helpless: In the files at Joy College, Mr. Zhu Suihan is still a first-year transfer student, and he must have never graduated.

The person in charge immediately became numb: Well, didn't Dean Jing say he would graduate early? The graduation certificate and Joey's medical qualification certificate have been issued.

The subordinate scratched his head: If we ask this formally, Dean Jing will probably only say that the teacher-student relationship is good and joking. He is really a free-spirited first-year student at the moment.

The person in charge thought thoughtfully: I guess Dean Jing is planning to add Zhu Suihan's name after the first-year batch of Joey graduates.

The reason for doing this is also very clear. Although Dean Jing can't stand the weird behavior of his students, he has indeed fulfilled his responsibility as a teacher.

She doesn't want some unnecessary favors to disturb her students' ability improvement. It seems that she is determined to fool people with some spring and autumn brushwork on time.

His subordinates made suggestions: How about we open a special scholarship for outstanding students or something like that and build a good relationship first.

The person in charge shook his head: I don't need this little money.

Everyone in the region gets a share of the sales of medicine bottles, and no amount of bonus can attract Zhu Suihan.

Not to mention that the Joeys are notoriously indifferent to fame and wealth, and the students they teach are definitely not interested in the qualifications represented by winning scholarships.

I even thought about the promotion path here, but you told me that boy is actually a pink and tender first grader?

If Liu Bo is classified as a hard nut to chew, then Zhu Suihan is a hard stone that has no place to bite, the kind that even Bankilas can't chew.

The person in charge sighed: Forget it, let's talk about how to defeat Liu Bo.

Compared to Zhu Suihan, who had no idea what to say, Liu Bo, an old man in the alliance, looked more hopeful.

On the other side, Zhu Suihan chatted with Liu Bo for a few words, and then Chenglong pushed him out with his head on his back.

The rebellious period has arrived and I am ready to leave immediately.

The reason happened to be quite legitimate. After all, besides this matter, they also had to listen to the dean and go to Zhanlan City.

Uncle Liu said: As for Zhanlan City, you and Ah Si will know what's going on.

After explaining his purpose, Ah Si patted his belly with a look of realization on his face.

Oh, yes, if you hadn't mentioned this matter, Brother Suihan, I would have almost forgotten it.

For Zhanlan City, it is a biannual wind and wave competition. It is somewhat similar to the special events at Sailing City in Hezhong District.

Ah Si explained: Due to changes in sea currents, there will be some huge waves in Zhanlan City during this period. It is considered a time when extreme sports enthusiasts gather.

Even I will wander around when there are not so many things going on. This is a good time to exercise.

Zhu Suihan understood: Well, that means the reason for going to Joey Academy this time is for people and their Pokémon partners.

Not only that, because there will also be a lot of Pokémon that follow the changes in the sea currents. It is roughly similar to the operation of other secret locations in the alliance.

Ah Si asked: Brother, with your ability, you should have been to the Silver Plains.

Seeing Zhu Suihan nodding, Ah Si also nodded, which made it easier to talk.

The Silver Plains and this current ocean current movement are essentially the same. They are both measures and policies carried out by the alliance to protect Pokémon.

Ah Si pointed to the location of Zhanlan City: The terrain over Huipi Town is fairly flat, so there won't be any problems when Pokémon pass by.

But Zhanlan City is equivalent to a huge depression. When the sea current passes by, it is easy to form some unsafe turbulence or even whirlpools.

If you are unlucky and get involved, even Gyarados, who is good at making trouble, won't be able to break free. This is the power of nature.

Oh, I roughly understand.

Zhu Suihan thought thoughtfully, if the trajectory of the sea current is like a highway, then the place in Zhanlan City is an accident-prone area, so the Joys need to provide assistance.

But, this is also an opportunity that many trainers want to participate in.

Ah Si grinned: There are many types of Pokémon that come with the sea currents, including a large number of Pokémon from other regions. It is considered a grand event held twice a year in Zhanlan City.

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