Pokémon Breeding Guide

Chapter 214 Let’s have some fun, everyone!

The battle between Sakaki and Akane was not unexpected, and Sakaki won the battle by a large margin.

If the Pokémon had not been changed during the battle to save face, although Nidoking is unlikely to be able to penetrate six in one, there should be no problem in adding an armored Tyrannosaurus in two.

It doesn't even take the Needle Bee to show up.

The subsequent battles were quite satisfactory compared to the first one. Of course, this evaluation is based on Sakaki's operation.

Except for monsters like Sakaki, the strength of other gym leaders is relatively average.

But in the Kanto region, there was an old man, Xia Bo, holding the battle, so only Ma Zhishi lost one standard match when he faced Matsuba.

As expected of you, Ma Zhishi.

Okay, now it's our business.

Zhu Suihan flexed his muscles: There are no rules for wild fighting. Mr. Ah Si, do we have any rules and regulations?

At this time, Ah Si, whose belly was already obvious, laughed.

It's already a wild fight without rules, so what kind of rules do we need? Of course, everyone can do it according to their abilities.

For them, unregulated wild fighting is basically linked to 6V6, and it is the kind of fight that starts in one go.

Damage to teammates in the game may be caused by an earthquake or a parabolic charge that takes away teammates.

But in reality, under the premise that both sides are elites within the alliance, cooperative and irregular wild fights without tacit understanding are likely to affect each other, and even their own combat systems and lineups will have major problems.

Zhu Suihan shook the bracelet on his wrist: It's time for us to show off, brothers.

The two pokeballs at his waist shook, correcting Zhu Suihan's speech in a concentric state.

They are obviously sisters! ×2

The irregular wild fighting field is located in the corner of the Quartz Plateau. Although there is no cockcrow for thousands of miles, it is at least a place where flying Pokémon can take a detour.

Zhu Suihan squatted in a big pit and picked up a handful of soil: Obviously, this place should be specially used for trainers to practice their partners' unique skills.

This is a high-end shooting range, and it is also a test firing range at the level of cannons and rockets. There should be some protective designs under the soil, otherwise it will not be able to withstand the indiscriminate bombings of the alliance bosses.

Nazi, Xiaogang, Lijia, and Aju, this lineup is really good.

There are supports, tanks, and output, and these four contestants all have the ability to end the game.

The only difference from Battle Royale is that everyone enters randomly in batches, and there are no resources for you to obtain in the overall environment.

What is simulated is a wild encounter. If you were in this place with a worse mentality, even if the first person you see is a teammate, the attack order may have already been issued.

However, if you want to kill the game, you have to 'survive' until then.

Zhu Suihan looked back at the big pit where he had buried a small bump. He had already buried a lot of small bumps like this.

He doesn't have a single partner by his side now, because he has sent them all to plant bombs.

A broken window, if it's broken a little more, it should be fine, right?

Zhu Suihan hid in a hidden location and waited for everyone to come back.


Chenglong and Jirachi were the first to return, indicating that their mission was completed.


Frost Milk Fairy and Chaomeng also successfully reunited, signaling that they had found Xiaogang's general location.

As expected, use the racial habits of the big rock snake to hide yourself.

Zhu Suihan grinned: But, this can only be useful when the opponent is a normal person.



A series of explosions resounded throughout the area, and the dust and smoke rising into the sky seemed like a fountain water dance show in a large body of water.

Underground, Xiaogang stood on the head of the big rock snake and hugged the sharp horns on the head of the big rock snake to ensure that he did not fall due to the shock.

The body of the big rock snake lit up with dark gray attribute energy, and only then did it stabilize the small tunnel that had been dug out recently.

He would definitely not be buried alive, but his trainer did not have the ability to breathe freely underground.

Here, whose Pokémon on both sides has a highly skilled Earthquake hidden in it?

If the proficiency level of moves could be quantified, someone like Sakaki would be at a superb level. Xiaogang felt that his proficiency just now was definitely not inferior to Sakaki's.

On Li Jia's side, she was holding on to the stone next to her. She had just passed through a large pit created by a move. If Bulbasaur hadn't tied herself up with a vine whip in time, she might have been blown away by the air wave.

Really, it actually made such a big noise.

Li Jia combed her hair. Unlike Xiao Gang, she naturally understood how this series of explosions was done due to the close distance.

Hey, Miss Lijia?

Zhu Suihan stood in the air and waved to Li Jia: What a coincidence, you are also walking here?


A flying leaf blade covered Zhu Suihan's sight, and Li Jia quickly retreated behind the bunker, and her friends who were ready to go automatically launched the ball and started the battle!

I like your directness.

Miao Frog Flower was not shaken by Zhu Suihan's words. Mysterious power spread out from his back, just like pollen spreading in all directions in the wind.

Green new shoots sprouted from the ground, and the refreshing grass energy filled Li Jia's side.

At the same time, the dance of beautiful flowers also ended successfully, and the sunshine became more dazzling and brighter.

Green grass field + sunny day!

Everyone, grow!

Except for Bulbasaur, all the other Pokémon used their growth skills to improve their status.

Li Jia looked at Zhu Suihan in the sky: Biao Frog Flower, the sun is blazing!


Thick flames of light gushed out from the flowers on the back of the Bulbasaur flower, hitting Zhu Suihan like a spotlight!


The sun's flames continued unabated after passing through Zhu Suihan, and Li Jia's expression suddenly changed.

A phantom created by superpowers?

Don't let down your guard, sweet aroma!

Just when Lijia was consolidating her positional warfare system, a icy blue light beam fell from the sky, directly freezing Lijia and her Pokémon in place!

Is it a trap?

The frozen state comes and goes quickly. Of course, this is obviously the result of someone's deliberate manipulation.

Freezing means you have lost your ability to fight, and the reason for thawing is very gentlemanly, focusing on first-hand love.

Li Jia smiled bitterly: Not many people know about Sui Han's fighting style. He was tricked.

The ice attribute attack falling from the sky woke her up immediately.

It can be said that from a tactical level, this is purely a mistake on my part.

The blazing sunlight and the shattering super power are the best coordinates, which is equivalent to exposing your position to the enemy.

What a hell of a game.

Rika cleaned the broken ice off the Pokémon.

If she guessed correctly, there would be a Suihan standing in the sky every certain distance, and then talking to them with a smile.

What a coincidence, you are also taking a walk here?

Unfortunately, very unfortunate!

Ah Ju wished he could surrender with his hands raised right now, but if he did so, not only would his daughter see him, but his salary might also be deducted by the boss.

Apart from Xiaogang being a bit dangerous, Ah Jue is the guy who sticks to the danger.

Because he tried to defuse a bomb.

Although he didn't know what Zhu Suihan planned to do with these bombs, as long as he dismantled the bomb and threw it aside, he would be able to ensure his advantage.

After all, no matter how strong his ninjutsu skills were, he would not be able to perfectly hide his whereabouts in the face of such a heavy series of explosions.

Thank you, Fritos.

A'jue touched his partner. If Fritos hadn't noticed something was wrong and directly used guard to resist the damage of the explosion, he might have been the first person to withdraw from the battlefield.

The geological detection bomb, this should be to capture Xiaogang's location, what a big move.

Ajie couldn't help but be speechless. After all, this is just a very ordinary activity. The alliance will indeed be responsible for the Pokémon's medical care, but other expenses will not be reimbursed to you.

It seems that in addition to the BOSS, there is also a guy in the Johto area who has a strong desire to win.


Ah Ju turned around suddenly and found a petite Frost Milk Fairy walking towards him. The pink mist spread in all directions with the footsteps of the other party.

Mist field, ready.

Is that so? I was discovered.

A'Ju held the shuriken elf ball tightly: However, in terms of attributes, I have the advantage.

Fritos, big impact!

Fritos ran towards Frost Milk Fairy without hesitation, while Ajie quickly pulled up his mask, hiding himself with Fritus' figure, and threw his shuriken before that.

Frosty Milk Fairy raised the baseball bat with a calm expression: Kemie.

Soul Palace, Frost Milk Fairy, please enlighten me.

The bright pink light was extremely dazzling. Layers of solid and thick cream quickly formed on Frosty Milk Fairy's body. The baseball bat in her hand also grew in size simultaneously, and the fighting energy was burning brightly!

I will attack in Gundam form!

Absorb punch!

The enlarged Frost Milk Fairy really hit Fritos like a baseball, and the expression on her face did not change at all due to the damage caused by the heavy collision.

That's it?

Cannon light cannon!

Aju's voice came from nowhere, but Freitos in the air had obviously received the order, and an iron-gray shock wave blasted towards the Frost Milk Fairy!

At the same time, the shuriken elf ball that Aju threw not long ago finally came into play. Smelly Mud jumped out of it, with the purple poisonous energy on his body shining brightly!

The poisonous sludge was controlled by the stinky mud into a wave, and it hit the huge target with ferocity!

Not only that, the smelly mud itself also merged into the sludge wave, condensing projectiles one after another and throwing them at the Frost Milk Fairy, leaving deep purple pits on the huge cream body!

Sludge Wave + Sludge Bomb!

A thread of spider thread hit the elbow of Frosty Milk Fairy. Alidos transformed into Spider-Man and floated over, using Frosty Milk Fairy's huge body as a leverage point to wrap around it and restrict Frosty Milk Fairy's movements!

After regaining consciousness, Fritos did not become a timid lizard, but continued to use cannon light cannons from the outside to weaken the health bar of Frost Milk Fairy.


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