Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 449: It’s better to make money faster by cheating.

"Alureduo, hypnosis..."

After realizing this, Eluredo's trainers immediately changed their tactics. They could not fight the Poison Skeleton Frog in close combat. Melee combat would only accelerate the explosion of poison. They had to fight quickly.

"Leido," Elle Duo stared at the Poison Skull Frog, preparing to release hypnotic waves with his eyes to hypnotize the Poison Skull Frog.

But it's not like the Poison Skull Frog has no countermeasures. All he needs to do is close his eyes. The hypnotic wave is different from the dark hole.

As long as you block the hypnotic waves of hypnosis, you will not be hypnotized.

As long as you come into contact with the dark hole, you will be forcibly hypnotized, which is very unsolvable.

"Damn it, Alureduo, eat the fruit to detoxify..."

Eluredo's trainer originally didn't plan to use it. After all, there was only one fruit and it would be gone if eaten. He also knew that the Poison Skull Frog was very poisonous, so he let Eluredo bring the fruit to fight.

"Fuck you, are there any more fruits?" Ukai was numb, but he didn't expect that the opponent would be poisoned as he hit him. He also saw a chance to win, but the opponent took out a fruit with his backhand to detoxify.

"Poison Skeleton Frog, charge forward and attack with poison," Yukai would not let the opponent detoxify, and continued to use poison to turn the poisoned state into a highly poisonous state.

"Quack, quack," the Poison Skull Frog saw that Elledo was about to eat the fruit, and rushed forward and gave Elledo a fatal blow. Unexpectedly, Elledo threw the fruit into his mouth and ran away with teleportation.

"Damn it, I almost forgot about teleportation," Yuhai cursed in a low voice. He had no choice but to make the Poison Skull Frog stop, "Poison Skull Frog, mud shot..."

When Ukai saw that the opponent had eaten the fruit, he used teleportation to escape. He could only let the Poison Skull Frog interfere with the opponent, but he couldn't catch up anyway.

"Quack, quack," the Poison Skeleton Frog looked around the battlefield, and soon found the missing Eluredo. He immediately opened his mouth and spit out mud and shot, but all the mud was split open.

"Poison skull frog, venom impact," Yuhai saw that the mud shot was ineffective and decided to change his tactics.

"Puff, puff, puff," the Poison Skeleton Frog heard the impact of the venom, and immediately opened its mouth and spit out purple cannonballs to hit Elureduo.

Faced with the impact of venom sprayed by the Poison Skull Frog, Elleduo did not dare to take a hard hit, nor did he dare to chop, so he could only avoid it...

As Elledo avoided, the Poison Skeleton Frog spit out venom continuously until the entire battle ground was covered with venom, and the opponent did not realize the seriousness of the matter.

It wasn't until Eluredo noticed pain coming from its feet that it stopped running and looked at its feet that had turned purple and black.

"Elledo? Can this also be poisoned?" Elledo's trainer was puzzled as to why he was still poisoned even though he didn't encounter the Poison Skeleton Frog.

"Leido," Elle Duo quickly left the venom-filled ground and ran to the four corners of the battle field that were not contaminated by venom. It was the only place that was not contaminated by venom.

"How is that possible?" Allredo's trainer suddenly realized something when he saw the black mud on Allredo's feet. He looked at the entire battle field. There was black venom everywhere, and it was still making a gurgling sound. the sound of.

"Made is actually a corrosive venom. If Elledo steps on it, his feet will be slowly eroded. The poison that was just released is now poisoned again..."

When the trainer of Eluredo saw this, he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood. He wanted to yell at the other person for being shameless, but after thinking about it, he decided not to do it. Swearing is not good-looking at all. He had to pay attention to his image, as many people were watching!

Alluredo has no fruit to detoxify, but sleeping can detoxify it, but after sleeping to detoxify, Alluredo will also lose.

According to the speed of the Poison Skeleton Frog, it only takes a split second to come over. The sleeping Eluredo simply cannot last two rounds and will be defeated before he wakes up.

However, even if he didn't have to sleep, Eluredo didn't have to fight. This time the poisoning started from his feet...

"Poison Skeleton Frog, give it the final blow, poisonous blow..."

"Quack, quack," the Poison Skeleton Frog rushed forward again, raising its spikes to send Aluredor away.

But Eluredo's trainer still wanted to struggle, "Eluredor, the spiritual blade..."

"Leido," Elle Duo looked at the charging Poison Skull Frog, and kept throwing out sharp blades from his hands. The arc-shaped spiritual blades that materialized came towards the Poison Skeleton Frog, but were all avoided by the Poison Skeleton Frog...

But attacking the Poison Skull Frog is not the opponent's purpose, but destroying the venom in the field is the opponent's purpose.

"Now, teleport..."

"Poison Skeleton Frog, catch up..."

Yuhai didn't believe it. Now is the time to fight for exhaustion. Whoever can last longer will win. It doesn't matter if Alureduo destroys the venue. As long as he is still poisoned, he will lose sooner or later.

Sure enough, when the Poison Skull Frog was catching his breath, Elledo couldn't hold on any longer and fell to the ground from exhaustion. The Poison Skull Frog did not continue to chase because the outcome was already decided.

Hua Hua Hua——

"Won, won again..."

"Ah ah ah, I can win this, but that's Elle Duo..."

"Yes, even though I was restrained four times, I was able to win..."

"It's just a bit reluctant to win, but I still won by exerting physical strength..."

"Haha, haven't you won yet..."

The spectators outside the field screamed excitedly when they saw the Poison Skull Frog take down Elledo. They didn't expect that the Poison Skull Frog still won despite being at such a disadvantage. It was really not easy.

"Huh," Yuhai secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Elureduo fall. This game was so grueling that he almost lost his patience.

It seems that the flying-type move Yan Hui and the ghost-type move Shadow Claw must be learned by Poison Skull Frog, otherwise there will be no embarrassing situation of no moves available.

As for the shadow ball?

In fact, it doesn't have much effect. The hit rate is too low at the beginning, and there is no need to use it later. It is just a test of physical strength.

When poisoned, Eluredo can't outrun the Poison Skull Frog no matter what. There is no need for the Poison Skeleton Frog to use a shadow ball. It can just stand there and spit mud to drive Eluredo away.

After Eluredo was taken back, the other party left without saying anything and took Eluredo away.

Yuhai also took back the Poison Skull Frog and released it again to feed the Poison Skeleton Frog energy cubes to restore its strength. He did not notice that a person was walking towards him.

"Hey, little brother, your Poison Skeleton Frog is doing well. Our young master invites you..."

As soon as Yuhai ate the energy cube for the Poison Skull Frog, he saw an unmasked young man. He remembered that this person was the follower behind the bad boy that day: "Not interested..."

"Little brother, don't be so shameless..." Seeing that Yuhai didn't appreciate it, the young man didn't even fake a smile. His face instantly turned cold, and a fierce look immediately appeared on his face.

"Not interested," Yuhai would not spoil the other party. This is a lawless place, and if the other party wants to die, he will do it.

"Boy, you are shameless, aren't you!" The young man threatened openly, without any concealment.

Ukai didn't bother to pay attention to this, he was just a loser, he turned around and went to the referee to get the money.

"Boy, if you don't give me face, you won't even think about fighting in the future..."

Yuhai still ignored the dog's barking, and the referee did not embarrass him. He gave him his principal of 100,000 yuan and his winnings of 200,000 yuan, and he turned around and left the black market.

At the same time, on the second floor of the battlefield, in a luxurious auditorium, the trainer of Aluredo just came here and was laughed at by the evil young man.

"Haha, you can't do it. Such a huge advantage has been lost..."

"It was the Poison Skeleton Frog that was too poisonous, it wasn't me who failed..." Eluredo's trainer sat sullenly on the sofa. Even if there was a beautiful fruit plate in front of him, he was not interested in eating it.

However, when he saw the bad boy's lack of integrity and failed to invite Yu Hai who defeated him, he also smiled and said: "Haha, you can't do it either, I won't give you face at all..."

Reminded by Aluredo's trainer, the bad boy looked down. Ukai ignored his men, took the money and left the black market.

The bad boy quickly ran upstairs and reported the incident to the bad boy. He didn't dare to look at the bad boy's face, it was just ugly.

"Trash," the evil young man smoked and pressed the cigarette butt hard on Goujizi's palm. Even if it hurt, he could only endure it.

After giving his subordinates minor punishments and severe punishments, the villain stepped on the jade coffee table with his polished leather shoes, and with just a wave of his hand, he decided the end of someone else's career.

"Tell two good guys to follow him and kill him..."

"Yes, Master," Hearing this, the dogleg didn't dare to say another word, nor did he dare to look up at the bad boy. He had to be grateful that the bad boy wasn't angry, otherwise he would have been thrown into the sea to feed the sharks.

After the loser left, he quickly called two of his accomplices to follow him. They were going to destroy the arrogant boy and vent his anger on the young master, otherwise the young master would take it out on them.

"Your useless subordinates can't take down that kind of person. Don't be killed by him then..." Eluredo's trainer smiled and ate the fruit happily. There is nothing better than seeing The brother is deflated and is even happier.

"It seems so. The strength shown by that guy is already at the senior level, especially that Poison Skeleton Frog. Even your Elledo is no match for it," the evil young man analyzed carefully and secretly poked at the same time. He touched the sore spot of his good brother.

"Hey," Eluredo's trainer didn't bother to argue with the evil boy. He pretended not to hear and ate the fruit.

"If you ask two more people to follow him, I don't believe that five good hands can't stop him." The evil young man waved his hand behind him again, and the loser behind him immediately left the two of them and followed the footsteps of the three people just now.

As soon as Ukai left the black market and came to the bar outside, he realized that he was being followed. After all, when he went up the stairs, the bright footsteps behind him were not a decoration.

As soon as he arrived at the bar, he saw three men in black coming out of the back kitchen. When they saw him, they raised their fingers and pointed at him and rushed towards him.

He turned around and ran away with the Orb Silk Spider, entering a men's toilet cubicle. Why would he choose a public toilet? Of course he would catch them all.

"That kid is in the toilet..."

"You actually ran into the toilet, you are really good at hiding..."

"Let me find where this little cutie is hiding..."

Yuhai heard footsteps coming from outside the cubicle, including the footsteps of three people chasing after him, and the footsteps of people leaving in a panic.

Not long after, the entire bathroom fell silent, leaving only three men in black laughing strangely.

"Darkrai, sneak attack," Ukai was hiding in the toilet cubicle, whispering to Darkrai.

"Understood," Darkrai left from the shadow at Ukai's feet, quietly emerged from the shadow behind the three people, looked at the three wretched people who were opening the compartment door, rubbed a dark hole in his hand, and pointed towards The three of them were thrown over.

The dark hole instantly enveloped the three of them. When the dark hole dissipated, the three of them fell asleep in the toilet. Some were lying on the urinal, while others were lying on a pool of mysterious liquid, sleeping like dead pigs.

"Orb Silk Spider, search me," Yuhai opened the compartment door and saw the mysterious liquid on the ground. He didn't know who got angry and split his legs. The floor was covered with mysterious liquid.

The three dead pigs were still lying on it, so he stopped taking action himself and let the Orb Silk Spider search them. Darkrai also returned to the shadow.

"Gengar, pick it up quickly with telekinesis," Yuhai saw the elf ball found on the ground and immediately called Gengar to use telekinesis.

Gengar emerged from the shadow, quickly controlled the things on the ground with his telekinesis, and flew into the bag that Yuhai opened. In just a few breaths, they completed the division of labor and cooperation in licking the bag.

Then, he asked Gengar and the Orb Silk Spider to come back outside the toilet and let the Orb Silk Spider spin out a web to seal the entrance to the toilet, and then he left the public toilet.

As soon as he left the public toilet of the bar, two more people came here. If these two people had come earlier, they would definitely be like the three dead pigs inside who had been stripped naked.

It was said to be a dead pig, but in fact Yuhai did not kill anyone. After all, he was on a cruise ship and the space for movement was limited. If a murder occurred, he would be arrested, so he let the three people in the toilet go and just searched for everything on them.

After getting rid of his pursuers, he came to an unoccupied corner on the deck and looked over his harvest. The three of them scraped out ten elves in total, which was a pretty good harvest.

Except for the elves, all the personal belongings of the three people were thrown into the sea and let them find it slowly...

At the end of the day, there was still some cash left, and it wasn't much, just half a million. As expected, they were all poor, and they didn't earn as much as he did by winning five games in a row.

However, there are four props on the ten elves, all of which are elite-level props and ordinary props, not valuable items.

He packed up his belongings, went into the public toilet again, changed his outfit, returned to the top-floor ocean view room, and went to Xia Bo's personal training room.

It was still morning, and he had nothing to do but come here to train the elves, training with the mosquito-repellent frogs.

As for the ten trophy elves, they were teleported to the old drunkard after getting off the ship. Forget about the teleportation on the cruise ship. Each elf's teleportation was recorded. It would be bad if they were found out.

After getting off the boat, he was looking for a place to teleport. Who would know who he was with his face covered?

Don't worry about the old man, that old vixen is very clever and won't live that long if he is found out.

These ten elves are more of the water type, followed by the grass type, most of which are ordinary elves. The only unusual elf is a sea thorn dragon, which has no dragon scales and is also an ordinary elf.

He remembered that this sea thorn dragon was taken from the body of the young man whose dog barked. It should be the elf rewarded by the evil young man.

It's a pity that the potential is not very good. The potential of these ten elves is not very good. Their strength is generally from elite level to senior level, and their potential is forty to fifty. Their potential has been exhausted, and there is nothing to see.

When the time comes, let the old drunkard deal with it, and the four elite props, which don't cost much. They have been dealt with for several million, and the small profit is nearly 10 million. The harvest this time is not bad...

After calming down his excitement, he trained with the elves until noon, when Uncle Xia's maid called him to have lunch. After lunch, he played with Xiao Ai for a while, and then went to train the elves again.

However, it was not mosquito-repellent frogs, but poisonous skull frogs. He rented a training room to train the second-tier elves in the vest.

This time, the Flying Mantis was taken away and asked to teach the Big Mouth Bat how to use steel wings and move at high speed.

Poison Skull Frog needs to learn Shadow Claw. This move, Gengar Hui, originally wanted to learn Thunder Fist first, but Hanhan didn't have time, so he had to learn Shadow Claw first.

Now that he was being targeted, he didn't bother to go underground to play games, and instead came to the training room to train the elves.

There are still two days until they arrive at Ziyuan Town. The training time will pass quickly and they will arrive at Ziyuan Town soon.

According to the original plan, he wanted to test the water with a water leaping fish, but now that he was being targeted, there was nothing he could do.

As for whether to go back for revenge?

Of course not, he's not a child anymore, so it's not like he killed the dog owner just because someone else's dog barked a few times.

Anyway, he has already received more than ten million, and accepting this compensation is enough. He will not go to the black market again. As long as those thugs don't come to provoke him, he will let them go...

At the same time, the three people who were stripped naked in the toilet went back, still naked, wearing only a pair of white underpants.

"Master, we saw the man hiding in the toilet, so we followed him in. We didn't see anything, and we don't know why he fainted. When he woke up, he was like this..."

"Lock them up," the evil young man didn't bother to look at these three people. It was so irritating to the eyes. They didn't tell anyone until they were caught, and they didn't even know they were stripped naked. It was really embarrassing.

"Master, spare your life, spare your life..."

"Palm mouth..."

Bang bang bang——

Upon hearing the slap, the strong man who suppressed the three people immediately slapped each of them with more than ten slaps, all the teeth were pulled out, and there was blood foam at the corners of the mouth.

Then, the three of them were taken away...

"Let's forget it, doesn't it look like you?" Alluredo's trainer teased Young Master with a smile.

"How could it be possible? Forget it. The other party must still be on the ship. As long as he comes here again, he will not be able to escape." The evil young man was not worried about not being able to catch Yu Hai, unless Yu Hai stopped hanging around here.

Otherwise, he will be his people both above and below the ground, and the other party will not be able to escape...

Day 12 of heading to the Kanto region...

Nothing happened, training elves...

The thirteenth day of traveling to the Kanto region...

Nothing happened, training elves...

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