Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 439, Crimson Badge

"Hey," the armored tyrannosaurus showed the anger of being provoked by the mosquito-repellent frog. He gently raised his feet and fell down with a thud. Many rock pillars were created from the ground. They rose from the ground under the mosquito-repellent frog and formed a stone pillar array to strike. opponent.

"Hey," the mosquito-repellent frog felt the vibration under its feet, and quickly jumped away by climbing the waterfall. It stepped on a stone pillar with its feet. When the rock blockade stopped, it rubbed its fists.

"Iron-armored Tyrannosaurus, Thunder Fist," the reason why Xia Bo used rocks to block the area was to block the site and limit the mosquito-repellent frog's jumping ability.

He was not mistaken. The mosquito-repellent frog had a very strong jumping ability. If the venue was not restricted, the armored tyrannosaurus would not be able to catch up with the mosquito-repellent frog.

"Whoosh, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle)

"Yobo," the mosquito-repellent frog used the waterfall to jump to another stone pillar, until it found the blind spot of the perspective, then raised its fist and rushed towards the armored tyrannosaurus. The makeshift stone pillar under its feet was directly trampled by the mosquito-repellent frog.

"How is it possible?" After seeing this scene, Xia Bo finally realized where the mosquito-repellent frog's outbreak came from. It turned out that the outbreak was caused by his legs.

"Hey," the armored tyrannosaurus felt that there was danger behind it, and also felt that its physical strength was being sucked away. The armored tyrannosaurus wanted to turn around and punch the mosquito-repellent frog, but the mosquito-repellent frog had already jumped away by climbing a waterfall.

"You can't hit it. The armored tyrannosaurus' reaction is not as fast as that of the mosquito-repellent frog." Xia Bo saw the mosquito-repellent frog ducking away and also saw the mosquito-repellent frog's chest rising and falling, indicating that it was panting.

"Iron-armored Tyrannosaurus, rock blasting..."

Xia Bo changed his tactics. The armored Tyrannosaurus rex stepped hard on the ground with its big feet, shaking the rocks on the ground in front of him. He raised his hand to grab the rocks and hit them at the mosquito-repellent frog.

The mosquito-repellent frog can only dodge in the rock cannonballs, which is exactly the opposite of the water cannon just now, but the rock shells of the armored tyrannosaurus can also shatter stone pillars. The gravel scattered by the stone pillars will interfere with the mosquito-repellent frog, and even the water cannon. Hit the Mosquito Frog.

"Yo, hoo, boo, hoo, hoo," the mosquito-repellent frog was finally knocked to the ground by the rock, and kept panting on the ground. Before it could get up, the armored tyrannosaurus's rock shells came again.

"Hey, hoo, hoo," the mosquito-repellent frog managed to prop up its body and hid behind the stone pillar, but the rock shell directly blew the stone pillar where the frog was hiding into pieces, and the mosquito-repellent frog was knocked unconscious by the falling stones.

"Hey," before the mosquito-repellent frog fainted, it wanted to avoid the gravel, but it had no strength anymore. The battle just now was already very reluctant. It was able to hold on until now because of its fighting spirit of not wanting to lose.

The mosquito-repellent frog just ate an energy cube and barely managed to get punched by the armored tyrannosaurus. Then it was chased and smashed by rock blasters. In the end, it couldn't even climb the waterfall. It wanted to hide behind the stone pillars to catch its breath, but the armor exploded. Long didn't give this chance.

"Come back, mosquito-repellent incense frog, it seems that it has reached its limit a long time ago," Yuhai already knew that the mosquito-repellent incense frog had reached its limit. If it weren't for the mosquito-repellent incense frog that wanted to fight, he would have refused.

However, he also knew the limit of the mosquito-repellent incense frog. The full burst of the mosquito-repellent incense frog could only exchange for one arm of the heavenly king. As expected, the heavenly king was just an ant before he reached it. The gap between the quasi-celestial king and the heavenly king was so big that there really wasn’t much to be gained. operating space.

I really don’t know how big the gap is between the king and the champion...

"Come out, armored rhinoceros," Yuhai had the last elf left, and he felt that it didn't matter who he sent.

Although the armored tyrannosaurus is panting, the special meow is a king-level elf. The panting of a king-level is different from the panting of a mosquito-repellent frog, just because the opponent is a king-level elf.

After the mosquito-repellent frog panted, it was good to be able to hold on until now. He had already experienced the physical strength of the king-level elves on Dachen Island. He had not counted on the eagle that chased the elf hunter for days and nights without sleeping. The elves in it can defeat the armored tyrannosaurus.

Even if they all come together, they can't beat the panting King-level armored tyrannosaurus. The elf hunter is a lesson learned from the past.

The reason why he chose Hanhan, the armored rhinoceros, was because Hanhan's father was a king-level overlord and an armored tyrannosaurus. Hanhan was somewhat immune to the pressure of a king-level tyrannosaurus. After all, he was beaten by that desert island tyrannosaurus. If you fight too much, the pressure of the King will be gone.

At least a little better than the other three little guys, which is why he chose Hanhan to fight in the third game...

"Hoo ho, ho ho," the armored rhinoceros just came out and wanted to run around for fun when it saw the grass. However, after running two steps, Hanhan saw the collapsed stone pillars on the battlefield and the scattered gravels everywhere, and it realized that Something is wrong.

"Iron-armored rhinoceros, this is your unevolved form, are you still okay?" Xia Bo naturally didn't want to admit defeat, so he gave the badge to Yu Hai so cheaply. That was impossible. No matter he lost or won in the end, he We also have to finish the last game.

"Hey," the armored Tyrannosaurus beat his chest with his hands, indicating that he could still fight, not to mention that it was just his unevolved form.

"Huhu?" Hanhan felt that the armored tyrannosaurus was so fierce, and he had already run behind Yuhai and hid.

"Iron-armored Rhino, this is the third battle. Both Gyarados and Mosquito-repellent Frog have lost. It's up to you..."

"Huhu, what? Did that violent tadpole lose? Are you mistaken? How could I defeat an opponent that even a violent tadpole couldn't defeat..."

Hanhan shook his head crazily, not wanting to fight at all. He felt that the fierce big guy was like his father, just as fierce and violent.

If it hadn't heard that the mosquito-repellent frogs were defeated, it might have given it a try, but since all the mosquito-repellent-repellent frogs had been defeated, it would be useless to go up.

"Iron-armored rhinoceros, think about your father, do you really want to eat for nothing and get fat and get spanked by your dad? If you don't get stronger here, you will definitely get spanked by your dad when you go back... "

"Huh?" The armored rhinoceros' eyes widened when it heard the spanking, because it recalled bad memories. When it was on the desert island, it was often spanked by its tail by its father.

"Huhu," the armored rhinoceros realized that it couldn't retreat and didn't want to be spanked. It began to dig the ground with its forelimbs. It wanted to charge and become stronger, starting from here.

In order to avoid being spanked by dad, it becomes stronger than dad, and then spanks dad while dad is sleeping...

"Roar," the armored rhinoceros roared angrily after accumulating power, and rushed directly towards the armored tyrannosaurus.

In fact, the armored tyrannosaurus did not take his little brother of the same race seriously. After all, the armored rhinoceros had just retreated to avoid fighting. It looked down on cowards the most.

"Roar," the armored tyrannosaurus also roared, reaching out to grab the horn on Hanhan's head, but it underestimated Hanhan's strength and was pushed back by Hanhan.

"Hey," the armored tyrannosaurus couldn't catch Hanhan's charge with one hand. It wasn't that Hanhan was very strong. It found that it had become weaker because it only used one hand, and the other hand was injured just now. It hurts.

"Roar," Hanhan felt that it was too hard to walk on his head, and his forelimbs kept digging at the ground, directly pushing the armored tyrannosaurus to the ground.

"Iron-armored rhinoceros, frozen teeth," Yuhai saw Hanhan push the armored tyrannosaurus over, and immediately asked Hanhan to use a move to restrain himself.

"Roar," Hanhan opened his big mouth for chewing ore, and cold air instantly appeared on his sharp teeth. It was frost that covered Hanhan's teeth. Make Hanhan's teeth longer.

"Iron-armored Tyrannosaurus, Freeze Fist," Xia Bo saw the frozen teeth coming, and quickly asked the Armored Tyrannosaurus on the ground to counterattack with the Ice Fist, just as they were all restrained by the ice attribute.

Then... Hanhan's frozen teeth bit on the armored tyrannosaurus's frozen fist.

Kaka, kaka——

The collision between the frozen teeth and the frozen fist caused the frost to spread continuously. Hanhan's entire mouth was wrapped in frost, and the armored tyrannosaurus' entire arm was frozen in frost.

"Roar," the two elves roared at the same time, each broke away from the ice and took two steps back.

"Crack, click," Hanhan just chewed it twice. The ice cubes on his mouth were bitten into pieces and swallowed into his belly. Hanhan felt ice-cold and cool. It was best to eat it mixed with ore.

"Kaka," the armored Tyrannosaurus punched the stone pillar, and the ice wrapped around his arm was shattered.

"Iron-armored rhinoceros, one more frozen tooth..."

"Iron-armored Tyrannosaurus, use the flame fist to knock it away..."

As the two elves separated, Yuhai and Xia Bo shouted to the two elves again, and the two elves collided together again.

However, the armored tyrannosaurus with arms and legs is generally much more flexible and convenient than Hanhan. After Hanhan pounced on him, the armored tyrannosaurus punched Hanhan directly in the face, knocking out all his frozen teeth.

Suddenly, there was a punch that was so powerful that it shattered the ice on Hanhan's frozen teeth and knocked out Hanhan's teeth, which were capable of breaking mountains and cracking rocks.

"Roar," Hanhan looked at the knocked out teeth on the ground. He was completely angry and dared to knock out his teeth.

As Hanhan roared, a bright light burst out from Hanhan's body instantly. That was the light of evolution, and Hanhan was about to evolve.

Seeing that Hanhan was about to evolve, Yuhai quickly took out the hard rocks and soft sand from his backpack, which were both senior-level props. Fortunately, they were already prepared.

These two props correspond to Hanhan's rock type and ground type, and can be absorbed by Hanhan when he evolves, but Hanhan's evolution is too sudden.

After taking out the props, he ran towards Hanhan as fast as possible and stuffed the two props into Hanhan's big mouth. However, Hanhan was missing a tooth and the hard stone rolled out again.

"Iron-armored rhinoceros, bite it and eat it," Yuhai had to remind Hanhan, asking Hanhan to bite down on two senior-level props and eat them.

"Roar," After Hanhan ate the prop, the light of evolution became brighter and brighter, and Hanhan also changed from lying on the ground on all fours to a white light standing on two feet.

When the white light faded, Hanhan evolved into an armored tyrannosaurus, turning into an armored tyrannosaurus that was taller and stronger than Xia Bo's armored tyrannosaurus.

"Evolve? After fighting, he actually evolved," Xia Bo came over and looked at the evolved armored tyrannosaurus. Unexpectedly, the armored rhinoceros actually evolved. It's really... It's really...

Xia Bo murmured to himself for a long time, and Yu Hai didn't hear what Xia Bo said clearly. When he saw the evolution of the armored rhinoceros, he stepped forward and patted the armored tyrannosaurus on the belly. It's so hard!

"Roar," the armored tyrannosaurus was not in the mood to pay attention to Yuhai. It wanted to seek revenge from another armored tyrannosaurus. Its teeth were all knocked out. Its teeth! It wants revenge...

"Roar," Xia Bo's armored tyrannosaurus roared not to be outdone. Isn't it just a tooth?

"Come back, armored tyrannosaurus," Xia Bo saw that Yuhai's armored tyrannosaurus still wanted to fight, so he immediately took back his armored tyrannosaurus. His armored tyrannosaurus was seriously injured, and it had been consumed for so long. If he continued to fight, he would win or lose. Unpredictable.


"That's right, I'll give you the badge," Xia Bo said even if he was thick-skinned, he couldn't say anything else. Who asked him to take back the armored tyrannosaurus first!

Yu Hai caught the crimson badge thrown by Xia Bo. It was the first badge he got. This badge seemed to be burning with fire. The badge also had a red flame pattern, which was quite in line with Xia Bo's trainer characteristics, the passionate Xia Bo.

"Haha, I got the crimson badge," Yu Hai ignored Xia Bo's words, because he was the one who won the gym battle and got the crimson badge.

If Xia Bo, the old man, was not so bad that he actually used the King-level Tyrannosaurus to fight the gym battle, he would have won the gym battle long ago. If the Rhinoceros had not evolved during the fight, he would have almost lost.

"Everyone come out, Tyrannosaurus has evolved," Yu Hai released Gyarados and Frog, and they both woke up.

"Yo Bo," Frog was only slightly injured, and the main reason was that he was exhausted and fainted.

"Roar," Gyarados was simply knocked unconscious, but the injury to its tail needed to be treated, and it would be sent to the Pokémon Center for treatment later.

"Beili, beili," the big-billed gull flew down from the roof. It witnessed the whole gym battle. The Tyrannosaurus Rex almost defeated three people in a row. It was too strong.

"Ku Ke, congratulations, you evolved too," the giant crab did not see the previous battle, but when it heard that the big brother of the mosquito frog lost, it knew how dangerous the previous battle was. After all, in its heart, the big brother of the mosquito frog is the strongest.

"Yo," Scyther also wanted to play. It just wanted to challenge the strong enemy, but when it learned that the mosquito frog was defeated, it subconsciously turned its head to look at Xia Bo who was leaving. It didn't expect that the old man was so strong.

"Zuiwei zuiwei," the little snail found that after the evolution of the armored rhinoceros, it became the shortest one. No, it's not the shortest. There is also a chicken as short as itself. It can't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Jiejie," the lightning bird was held in Yu Hai's hand. It didn't understand what everyone was talking about. It also flapped its wings happily.

"Hey, oh," after the armored Tyrannosaurus grew arms, he immediately touched his teeth and found that he really had one missing. Looking at the tooth on the ground, he felt like crying.

"Iron-armored Tyrannosaurus, eat more and it will grow back. Look at this black tooth, it has cavities, it's just the right time to change a new tooth," Yu Hai patted the shoulder of the armored Tyrannosaurus, and he found that the armored Tyrannosaurus was much taller than him.

The average height of the armored Tyrannosaurus is 1.9 meters. Although his armored Tyrannosaurus was not measured, it was definitely more than two meters. The two armored Tyrannosaurus were compared just now, and his armored Tyrannosaurus was a little taller than Xia Bo's armored Tyrannosaurus.

"Hey, oh," the armored Tyrannosaurus looked carefully and found that there was really something black on the teeth, so he accepted Yu Hai's comfort.

Yu Hai put away the armored Tyrannosaurus's teeth. He could make a necklace as a souvenir for them in the future, which could also be regarded as the black history of the armored Tyrannosaurus!

As for the cavities on the teeth, it was just a trick to fool Han Han. In fact, he didn't wash it clean and it was stained with mud.

"Okay, everyone come back. Frog, Gyarados, and Tyrannosaurus all need to go to the Pokémon Center for treatment. We'll meet again when we take a hot spring bath later..."

Yu Hai let everyone chat for a while, then took back all the Pokémons, leaving only the Otter. He took the Otter to the Pokémon Center at the foot of the mountain and handed Frog, Gyarados, and Tyrannosaurus to Miss Joy.

Then in the rest area of ​​the Pokémon Center, quietly waiting for Frog's treatment, he quietly opened the panel of Tyrannosaurus...

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