"What's your purpose?" Xia Bo glanced at Xiao Ai. It was already obvious. What was Yu Hai's purpose for doing this? There couldn't be no purpose. He would not think that the other party just wanted to help. He was so naive. idea.

"Purpose?" Yuhai just smiled and said nothing. How could he tell Uncle Xia his true purpose? It would only take effect later, and it was impossible for him to tell it.

As for the obvious demands, the best water stone, the three royal Squirtles, quasi-gods, etc...

He believed that as long as he asked, Xia Bo could afford it, but his favor was for free, and it was impossible for a Squirtle to get rid of him.

The Island of the Blastoise is near Red Lotus Island. He might as well ask Uncle Xia for an address to catch Squirtle himself. The remaining favor will be useful in the future. It's a free favor anyway, so he doesn't lose anything.

And this is a life-saving favor, and he hasn't figured out how to use it yet...

In this incident, his biggest gain is the bond between him and Xiao Ai, which is more valuable than anything else. It is something that cannot be bought with money. And he can fight for the above things by himself, but if Xiao Ai misses it, he will lose it. , and Mewtwo.

"Good boy," Xia Bo didn't understand what that smile meant, but he could tell that the other party's purpose was not simple, or there was no purpose at all. It was unknown whether he was overly concerned, but he was more inclined to Yu Hai. Purposeful.

But for such a young man who dared to steal Team Rocket's wool and dare to face the mythical beast, he really didn't know what the opponent's purpose was or what he needed. Even if he wanted the mythical beast, he couldn't get it himself.

The other party saved Xiao Ai, and at least he was a capable trainer. If he really had any purpose, he would definitely be able to get it himself.

"By the way, if you want to talk about the purpose, I really have a purpose in coming to you." Yuhai thought for a while, and he had two purposes for coming here: "First..."

Let's talk, let's talk. Uncle Xia was sitting upright. He thought that Yu Hai had no purpose. He really wanted to listen carefully to what Yu Hai's purpose was.

"First of all, you also know about Xiao Ai's situation. Once you know about Xiao Ai's existence, you have to share the pressure from Team Rocket. When the time comes when Team Rocket is hunting down you, you will also have a share..."

"Second, help Xiao Ai find her mother. Xiao Ai cannot be handed over to Team Rocket's Fuji. Putting Xiao Ai in the Rockets would be a sheep in the tiger's mouth. You should be able to predict the result..."

"This?" Xia Bo thought for a while. If these two requests are really the purpose, then these two purposes are to help Xiao Ai instead of helping Yu Hai. What benefits can the other party get?

He stared at Yu Hai, trying to tell whether Yu Hai was lying in his eyes, but just like before, facing the resurrection of Xiao Ai, the other party also looked at him without hesitation.

This time he also took the initiative to avert his gaze because of a guilty conscience. He did not expect that every word of the other party was true and that the other party did not lie to him.

On the contrary, he has never trusted the other party. Even if the other party presents the facts and makes sense, he will always have a skeptical attitude.

Only now did he feel that he had wronged the other person, and that the other person was really a young man who just wanted to save Xiao Ai.

"Even if you don't tell me these two things, I will do it," Xia Bo temporarily ruled out Yu Hai's suspicion, and did not intend to continue asking, because the other party would not tell him, as long as he knew that this young man was trustworthy for the time being. Can.

Yes, it's just temporary trust. He still needs to observe this young man. No matter what the young man's purpose is, he can't confuse him.

As for Fuji, who is in the Rockets, he has no news at all, but even if the other party is still alive, as long as the other party is in the Rockets for one day, he will not hand over Xiao Ai to the other party. This old friend is not capable of protecting Xiao Ai.

Team Rocket, Team Rocket, this matter is very difficult to handle. They can only try their best to hide Xiao Ai, and help Xiao Ai improve her strength. When Xiao Ai has the power to protect herself in the future, she will no longer have to be afraid of Team Rocket.

He now wants to give all the good things to Xiao Ai, but Xiao Ai is too young and still needs time to grow. He will give Xiao Ai all the best things on the road of growth. He wants to make up for Xiao Ai...

"It's up to you," Yuhai waved his hand to show that it didn't matter, not bothering to talk to this suspicious old man who had returned from his past.

"Let's go have lunch," Xia Bo opened the wooden door, took Xiao Ai on the Wind Speed ​​Dog, and headed to the hall for dinner together.

Before the meal, he had dismissed all the maids. From today on, any employee recruited into the gym would be informed.

He had discovered a few unimportant undercover agents before, and he wanted to clean them up, but he couldn't let them see Xiao Ai.

"Big dog, big dog," Xiao Ai sat on the big dog and grabbed the two big fluffy ears of the wind speed dog. She had played with the wind speed dog like this before.

"Ouch," the wind speed dog stuck out its tongue helplessly. It knew that although the smell was different, the little ancestor was back. It had always suffered, and its ears hurt so much that this little ancestor didn't know how to be gentler.

To think that this majestic wind-speed dog has become a child's mount. Doesn't this big fire-breathing dog have no face?

"Be honest, if little Ai falls, I will beat you up," Xia Bo glared at Fengsu Dog fiercely and warned Fengsu Dog to take good care of little Ai. Little Ai is now his most precious baby, and he is afraid of knocking it. Touched.

"Ouch," Wind Speed ​​Dog looked at the trainer whose face changed instantly. How could it have become Mrs. Cow? It was clearly a little sweet before. What went wrong? "Ouch, I am your elf. Hey, is there a mistake?"

When they arrived at the hall, there was already a table full of food, which was still steaming. On the contrary, there was no one in the empty hall.

"Master Xia Bo, do you have any food prepared for the elves?" Yuhai sat on the dining table and released his elves.

Large-billed gull, mosquito-repellent frog, giant claw crab, armored rhinoceros, flying mantis, Gyarados, small-billed snail, lightning bird...

There were a total of eight elves, and all the elves that could see people were released. He placed Gyarados outside the hall. As big as Gyarados, if released in the hall, it could lift off the roof in an instant.

"Ho, ho, ho," Gyarados finally came out and roared to the sky subconsciously. It had been holding it in the elf ball for a long time. It wanted to fight and roar.

"Quiet, big man," Ukai patted Gyarados's strong body. Did this guy's scars heal and forget the pain? Did he feel like he was okay again after not fighting for three days?

"Roar," Gyarados looked at Yukai, as if he had forgotten the pain again. The injuries on his body were almost healed, and Gyarados felt that he was okay again.

"Hey, loach, what are you looking at?" The mosquito-repellent frog stood next to Yu Hai and showed off his biceps.

"Hoo, boss, don't hit," Gyarados quickly bowed, not daring to raise its head higher than the mosquito-repellent frog. It didn't want to be beaten again, and it had just recovered from the injury a week ago.

"Are these your elves?" Xia Bo looked at the elves in Yuhai. Most of them were of water type, which was in line with the characteristics of the Orange Islands.

"You ask them to wait outside the door with my elves. Someone will prepare food for them..."

"Okay," Yuhai only left the lightning bird, and the remaining seven elves went outside the door to wait for dinner with Xia Bo's elves.

"Is your bird a little strange?" Xia Bo looked at the chick in Yuhai's arms. It was a gray bird elf. Even he couldn't tell the species.

"This is the heterochromatic Spearow. It was born prematurely." Yuhai put some grains in the bowl, which was regarded as the lightning bird's lunch. After all, he couldn't take out the electric energy cube, otherwise the scientist Xia Bo would become suspicious.

"Come here for dinner," Xia Bo heard this explanation and no longer struggled with the matter. He had studied elves for so many years and he had seen many different-colored elves. It was not surprising that he only had a different-colored Spearow.

He had just arranged for Xiao Ai to sit down, and quickly asked Yu Hai to sit down too so that they could have lunch.

"It's delicious, Grandpa Xia. Xiao Ai hasn't had such a delicious meal in a long time." Xiao Ai's mouth was full of oil. She really hadn't eaten such a delicious meal in a long time. The world has no concept of time.

"If it tastes good, eat more." Uncle Xia looked at Xiao Ai with doting eyes. He would never let the mistake happen a second time. He would never let the regret happen again. He vowed to protect Xiao Ai. , even if the enemy is Team Rocket, he will not let anyone take away his little love.

During lunch, they could all see that Xiao Ai was very happy, the kind of happiness that comes from having family members and not being alone anymore.

"Master Xia Bo, do you have any idea about Xiao Ai's mother?" Yuhai took advantage of the meal time to ask about this matter. If Xiao Ai's mother can be found as soon as possible, someone can take care of Xiao Ai.

As for them, forget it, the family love that Xiao Ai needs most now is Xiao Ai's mother.

"I have asked someone to ask, but after so many years, who knows where Ami will be?" Xia Bo sighed softly and talked about what happened that year: "After Xiao Ai's accident, Fuji couldn't accept it. Things, extracting Xiao Ai’s soul consciousness..."

"After Ami learned about Fuji's crazy behavior, she didn't want to be bound by the past anymore, so she left Fuji, leaving only a farewell letter and a key. We have never contacted each other since then..."

Good guy, Yu Hai said in his heart, but Xia Bo almost said that they were divorced. Where can he find Xiao Ai's mother in this case? Who knows if Xiao Ai’s mother has remarried.

"Grandpa Xia, what about my mother?" Xiao Ai also heard it, and her mother seemed to have disappeared.

"Xiao Ai, don't worry. Grandpa Xia will help Xiao Ai find her mother. Xiao Ai still has her grandpa!" Uncle Xia gently pinched Xiao Ai's face and smiled to comfort Xiao Ai not to worry.

"Xiao Ai, don't worry, Master Xia Bo is more capable than me," Yu Hai secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, someone took over. The pressure he was under alone was too great, so he did not hesitate to give Xia Bo a thumbs up. .

"Hey, you brat, if you can speak, speak more," how could Uncle Xia not understand the meaning of Yu Hai's words? If Yu Hai and the others were alone to secretly search for Xiao Ai's mother, they would not know how to find her in the Year of the Monkey.

They made the right choice to come to them. They could find people through the gym's connections, which would undoubtedly be much faster.

"Hey, look what you said, you are the gym leader of the alliance, how can a new trainer compare to you," Yu Hai started to quarrel with Xia Bo.

There was nothing he could do about it. He felt light and relaxed. He felt so relaxed and so happy.

"By the way, aren't you going to challenge the gym and participate in the Quartz Conference? How many badges have you got?" Xia Bo stopped arguing. While watching Xiao Ai eat, he also asked Yu Hai about the purpose of coming here in the first place. , he then remembered that Yuhai still wanted to get the badge.

"I haven't won any yet, and I don't have any badges now. I still want to come to you to get the first badge, and then go to the Elf Center to register for the Quartz Conference. Otherwise, you can give it to me cheaply," Yukai smiled. , intending to prostitute Xia Bo's crimson badge for free.

He knows his strength well. It doesn't matter whether he fights in the gym or not. Unless Xia Bo deliberately makes things difficult for him and uses his king-level strength to suppress him, he will definitely not be able to beat him.

"Hey, you have a great idea. Since you want to challenge the gym and participate in the Quartz Conference, I naturally want to test your strength. If you are too weak, you will not get the crimson badge..."

"Old man, I feel like you have bad intentions," Yuhai curled his lips. This old guy was so mean. He grinned from the corner of his mouth to his ears. He must be thinking of some bad idea.

"Hahaha, brat, let's rest in the store first, we will have a gym battle tomorrow," Xia Bo couldn't help but laugh. This boy saw such an embarrassing side of himself and even teased him as an old man. Of course he had to teach him a lesson. A brat who doesn't respect the old and loves the young.

In fact, he also wanted to try to see what kind of strength a trainer who dared to face the Phoenix King could do such a crazy move.

"Old man, you can't use those elves outside the door, I can't beat them," Yuhai said, naturally they were Xia Bo's first-tier elves...

They are, Nine Tails, Armored Tyrannosaurus, Duck-billed Fire Dragon, Wind Speed ​​Dog, Flame Horse, Charizard...

As the leader of the fire-type gym, Xia Bo has a lot of fire-type elves. It’s not like there are no other fire-type elves.

But the nine-tailed, duck-billed fire dragon, and wind speed dog are the elves that Xia Bo often uses, and they are also Xia Bo's main elves, especially the duck-billed fire dragon that bathes in lava, which is Xia Bo's strongest elf.

In addition to the above elves, Xia Bo also has other elves, such as Fire Eevee, Heiluga, Lava Snail, Fire-breathing Camel and other fire elves...

There are also elves from the Red Lotus Research Institute, including Fiery Monkey, Electric Shock Beast, Flying Leg Man, Kuai Fist Man, Haoli and other elves, all of whom are cooperating with researchers in the research institute...

"Hahaha," Xia Bo laughed and did not argue with Yu Hai anymore. He had not discovered before that this boy turned out to be so interesting.

He now believes more and more that this brat who appeared out of nowhere and brought him surprises has no ill intentions towards Xiao Ai, Honglian Gym, or them.

As for why the other party did all this at the risk of being slapped to death by King Feng, the other party didn't want to say it and he didn't force it, as long as the result was good.

This man likes to think about messy things when he gets old. He is really old...

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