Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 431, Rainbow Feather

"Hey, human, wait a minute..." King Feng seemed to have seen something terrible. He had foreseen a terrifying scene in the future, and quickly stopped Ukai who was about to leave.

It is not worried that Ukai will hurt Xiaozhi below, or the wild elves in the forest below, but the darkness in Ukai's heart may cause greater disaster in the future.

It can slap the opponent to death, but there are too many trainers who have this idea. The same is true for the humans who burned the Bell Tower and the three elves to death. It can kill one or two, how can it kill them all? What...

If I had known better, I wouldn't have gone out wandering around. I didn't expect to encounter such troublesome things. It's really a headache!

"Hey," King Feng saw Yuhai stop, but ignored him, and he was too lazy to talk nonsense.

He directly used his mind power to control Xiao Ai's body, as well as the three clones of Yusanjia in the big-mouthed gull's mouth, and the four groups of soul consciousness in Darkrai's hands, slowly floating in the air.

Then the wings fluttered, and a brilliant rainbow halo fell from the sky, scattering on the clones of Xiao Ai and Yu Sanjia, covering the four groups of soul consciousness.

Xiao Ai's soul consciousness and body also slowly merged under this rainbow halo. A lot of starlight was sprinkled from the wings of Phoenix King in the sky, and scattered into the bodies of the three Yusanjia and Xiao Ai.


Seeing this dreamlike scene, with colorful lights everywhere, Ukai was fascinated. It wasn't until a cry woke him up from his sluggish state. He quickly looked up to look for Phoenix King, "Phoenix King …”

"Ho-O has gone," Darkrai was not hypnotized. It quickly reminded Yukai that Ho-O had disappeared long ago.

"What about Xiao Ai?" Yu Hai saw that Xiao Ai and Yu Sanjia were still floating in the sky. The rainbow and starlight had disappeared long ago.

He quickly let the big-billed gull fly over, stretched out his arms to hug Xiao Ai, and the big-billed gull used its big mouth to hold the other three Yu Sanjia.

"There is a heartbeat," Darkrai reminded the bewildered Ukai, and the four cold corpses came to life.

At this moment, it felt that the darkness in Ukai's heart was disappearing, and that Ukai was back again, and it couldn't help but feel relieved.

After all, it didn’t turn black. It was too terrifying. It was even richer than its dark energy. It was hard to imagine that it was the dark aura emanating from a human being...

"Is this? The Rainbow Feather," Yukai hugged Xiao Ai wrapped in a blanket and heard the heartbeat of Darkrai, indicating that Xiao Ai had been resurrected, resurrected by the Phoenix King, and the three Gosanjia. Also resurrected.

But he saw something that could only appear in animation, something that only trainers recognized by Ho-Oh would get, the Rainbow Feather.

But as soon as he took off the rainbow feather from Xiao Ai, the rainbow feather lost its colorful glow and turned into black, dyed black by his hands.

"When people with impure hearts and evil hearts touch the rainbow feathers, the rainbow feathers will lose their luster, lose their original color, and turn into black feathers..."

"Haha," Yuhai chuckled, and put the rainbow feather in Xiao Ai's arms again, and the rainbow feather turned into rainbow color again...

He knew the reason why Rainbow Feather turned black, and he also knew that he would never be recognized by the Phoenix King, but so what!

What he wanted from the beginning was to resurrect Little Ai, resurrect the three Yusanjia, and get the recognition of the Phoenix King, who cares!

He is a time traveler, a cheat with his own plug-ins. Even without the approval of the mythical beast, he can still make his way...

"Someone is coming," Darkrai sensed that several powerful auras were approaching. It should be Team Rocket, or it could be Sakaki himself.

"Big Mouthed Oull, let's leave first, Darkrai, you go wake up Kuailong and let Kuailong protect Xiaozhi." Just as Yuhai flew away with Xiao Ai, he saw the orange-haired girl rushing out of the woods and chasing him. , waking up Xiaozhi who was sleeping on the roadside.

"Is it Xiaoxia?" Yuhai just glanced at it and recognized the heroine of the first generation below. The girl with orange hair and a sideways braid. As long as an elf fan who is familiar with animation, it is difficult to recognize. The identity of the other party is not revealed.

But he can't control that much now. The people coming this time are probably the Rockets. He must get out of here as soon as possible. Once he hits the Rockets, he won't be able to run away.

There is also Dr. Oki's fast dragon, which at least has the strength of a king or even a champion. It can deal with Team Rocket's pursuers and help him buy time to escape.


After they left, Kuailong was also woken up by Darkrai. It had just been suddenly attacked. Kuailong was really angry. It was also in an angry state after waking up. It was relieved when it saw that Xiaozhi was fine.

However, the powerful aura coming from the direction of Joban Gym immediately attracted its attention, and it immediately went over to intercept the sudden arrival of humans, still coming in a helicopter.

"Kailong? Didn't the investigation team report that there is a Phoenix King?" Sakaki looked at Kuailong who stopped the helicopter and frowned. He heard his subordinates reported that there was a Phoenix King in Viridian Forest, and planned to bring Chaomeng over to test the Phoenix King's strength. Unexpectedly, what I saw was Kuailong.

"Boss, King Feng left a minute ago and disappeared without a trace. The investigation team arrived late," Zhentiao looked at the tablet in his hand, which contained the report of the investigation team.

"Since we're gone, forget it," Sakaki snapped his fingers, preparing to turn the helicopter around and go back.

"Boss, the clone culture tank that we disappeared in the new island had a signal here briefly." Shintori didn't expect Sakaki to come. They just wanted to track down the signal from the culture tank.

"Interesting, who stole our can?" Sakaki looked at Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia below through the helicopter's porthole.

He did not take the next step towards the two people below. Given the current state of the two people below, they were in such a miserable state that they basically had no resistance. They should not have done such a thing as stealing the jar.

"I don't know. The reconnaissance team didn't see the man's face. The man covered his face, but he was holding something in his arms. The reconnaissance team couldn't see clearly. The trainer was holding something in his arms. The thing was wrapped in a piece of black cloth. With..."

"Now I only know that the mount under the man is a big-billed gull. This kind of elf is very common, and many trainers will tame it. It can't be used as a reference object at all, and it is impossible to distinguish the identity of that trainer..."

"Forget it, just save the file and keep tracking. That person who dares to steal our cans and face King Phoenix is ​​definitely not an ordinary trainer. That person will show up sooner or later. Let me find out who the two people below are. And whose is the dragon in the sky..."

Sakaki didn't expect that there would be such changes in Chaomeng's plan, but these were innocuous. As long as the most important product of Chaomeng's plan, the powerful elf Chaomeng, was in his hands, it was enough. With Chaomeng, he There is the whole world.

"Boss, we found it. The boy below is Xiaozhi. He is the new trainer who just left Zhenxin Town today. He is the initial elf received from Dr. Oak's research institute..."

"The other girl is Xiaoxia, the fourth of the four sisters in Hualan Gym. That dragon should be Dr. Damu's dragon. There are dragons in this place, and the only dragon that is related to the boy below is Damu. The doctor's dragon is so fast..."

"It turned out to be the elf sent by the old guy to protect the newcomers. Ask the reconnaissance team to evacuate and don't contact them. Let's go back." Sakaki snapped his fingers again, asking the helicopter pilot to turn around and return to the Viridian Gym.

As for why Sakaki didn't kidnap Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia?

Don't be ridiculous, Sakaki is an adult, what do you want two children to do? Or the direct children of two alliances...

What's more, there is a fast dragon watching eagerly from the side. It is a completely thankless trouble. He is too lazy to care about the guardian elves prepared by the alliance for newcomers.

Ever since he had the powerful Mewtwo, Quasi-gods were no longer taken seriously by him, and even some secondary beasts were looked down upon by him.

After leaving the Viridian Forest, Ukai did not dare to look back and quickly bypassed Zhenxin Town and arrived at the beach on the outskirts of Binu City where he disembarked yesterday.

Landing on the beach, he asked Darkrai and Gengar to go to the city and steal some children's clothes and delicious food for Xiao Ai.

When Darkrai and Gengar came back, he got the children's clothes and put them on the naked little Ai. The other three Gosanjia also collected them with elf balls.

He also took the time to look at the proficiency panels of the three Yusanjia. He didn't know this, but he was shocked when he saw it.


[Attribute: Water]

[Gender: Female]

[Potential: 59.99%]



[Attribute: Fire]

[Gender: Male]

[Potential: 59.99%]



[Attribute: Grass + Poison]

[Gender: Female]

[Potential: 59.99%]


"Holy shit," Yuhai saw something. What he saw was that they were actually three top-end talented Yusanjia. They had the potential to become kings. This was too perverted.

Just a little gift of the divine beasts leaked out from the cracks of King Feng's toes, and he created three top-notch talented Yu Sanjia. No wonder Phoenix King can resurrect the three holy beasts and create secondary divine beasts like the three holy beasts. .

If King Feng gave more gifts, these three elves would be another version of the Three Holy Beasts. He almost witnessed the birth of the Three Holy Beasts.

To be honest, he was attracted by these three Yu Sanjia, but these three Yu Sanjia were Xiao Ai's elves, not his elves.

"Huh," Yukai took a deep breath and put the three Gosanjia into his backpack. Since they were Xiao Ai's elves, he would not move them until Xiao Ai woke up.

After dressing Xiao Ai, he still had to deal with the end of the matter, asking Gengar to spit out the four jars again, then break the jars, and ask Gengar to use ghost fire to turn the jars into ashes.

Then, the giant claw crabs were released, and the giant claw crabs were asked to turn over the sand. The scorched marks, the cans that were burned to ashes, and the mosquito-repellent frogs were washed into the sea with water cannons, completely destroying the corpses.

After taking care of everything, he put Xiao Ai in the mouth of the big-billed gull, took out a map to determine the direction of Red Lotus Island, collected all the elves, and flew towards Honglian Island on the big-billed gull.

Anyway, the culture tank has turned to ashes. Team Rocket can check it any way they want, as long as it doesn't get to his head, and it can't be found on his head anyway.

There is also Xiao Ai and the three cloned elves. Their characteristics are too obvious. He must find a way to cover them up, otherwise they will be discovered by Team Rocket.

Xiao Ai has been resurrected, and the Yusan family has also been resurrected, so it’s time to find Xiao Ai’s mother. Xiao Ai’s father is a scientist at Chaomeng Research Institute. He doesn’t know if he is still alive, so it would be easier to find his mother.

But he didn't have a clue, so he arrived at Honglian Town first, opened a hotel to stay, and waited for Xiao Ai to wake up...

After he left the beach, Team Rocket received the signal from the culture tank again, but when Team Rocket arrived at the beach, they were a step too late. There was nothing here except the sand that had been turned over.

At this time, Yuhai had already arrived in Honglian Town, and it was getting dark. He opened a room in the largest hotel in the town. When he got to the room, he let the big-billed gull fly in through the window.

The big-billed gull entered the room and vomited Xiao Ai on the soft big bed. He also covered Xiao Ai with a thin quilt. Since this is an island and there is an active volcano, the weather is very hot, so there is no need to cover Xiao Ai with too many quilts. …

After covering himself with the quilt, Yuhai looked at Little Ai sleeping quietly by the bedside, and asked Darkrai in the shadow: "Darkrai, when will Little Ai wake up..."

"You can do it at any time. Little Ai doesn't know that she has a body and is still in the nightmare world. She needs our guidance to wake up. The same is true for the three elves..."

"Forget it, let her sleep. I was under a lot of pressure when I intercepted Phoenix King today. I also want to have a good rest and wait until tomorrow." Ukai stretched and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Although he said it easily, the pressure he faced at that time was really great, especially when he threatened King Feng at the end, he didn't know where he got the courage to threaten a mythical beast that could kill him at any time. At that time, it almost turned black.

It was only afterwards that he realized that he almost turned black. If Feng Wang had not resurrected Xiao Ai, he might have turned black. But he was not angry. He knew that the anger at that time was useless. Only when he became stronger could the anger be turned away. for strength.

Now it's fine, there is no need to turn black, Xiao Ai has also been resurrected, but he offended the mythical beast Phoenix King in the Kanto area.

Forget it, he doesn't hang out in the Kanto area anyway. His base is in the Orange Islands, which is the territory of Poseidon Lugia. There is no need to look at Ho-oh's face.

"Phew," Darkrai saw Ukai go to the bathroom, and it also sank into the shadows again. After the series of thrilling events just now, it also breathed a long sigh of relief.

I have to say that this person is really brave. Not only did he intercept Phoenix King in the air, he actually dared to threaten Phoenix King. It was considered convinced.

Ukai, an ordinary human being, is really not that simple. He is much stronger than him in terms of courage and courage. This is the first time he has known Ukai like this. He dares to face the divine beasts directly, can threaten the divine beasts without changing his expression, and is not even afraid of life and death...

In the situation just now, if Ukai hadn't been holding it up in front, it would have run away long ago. Geng Gui was also extremely frightened. However, Gengar Ghost didn't show any fear because it was holding it up in front and Ukai was holding it up in front.

This was the first time that it felt that it was not a shame to be subdued by this human being. After all, it still felt scared when thinking about the extremely oppressive scene just now.

Facing the pressure of the divine beast, although it is a nightmare god and a divine beast, it admits that there is a gap between this divine beast and the terrifying existence of the Phoenix King. It cannot hold the scene at all.

In that situation, an ordinary human trainer was much braver than it. It finally gave in. There was nothing wrong with becoming the other person's elf. There was no shame at all. At least the other person had proven himself and it recognized the other person.

Yuhai still doesn't know that his unintentional act of resurrecting Xiao Ai has completely convinced this illusory elf, the nightmare god...

If they have bond proficiency, their bond has changed from helping each other and each taking what they need, to a deep friendship that shares weal and woe. Their bond is getting deeper and deeper...

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