Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 427: Big fool Sakaki

Now Xiao Ai is in Darkrai's nightmare world. He let Xiao Ai live in the nightmare world temporarily. There are several mosquito-repellent frogs to accompany Xiao Ai and more than ten new friends, which is enough for Xiao Ai to play for a while. .

However, Darkrai has told him that the nightmare world can only keep Xiao Ai for about half a month. After half a month, Xiao Ai will still disappear, including the three transferred Yu Sanjia.

He must find the mythical beast within half a month and completely resurrect the current Xiao Ai. He also needs a body of Xiao Ai. Only the soul and flesh are unified, plus the ability of the mythical beast, especially the mythical beast with the ability to resurrect, and maybe A glimmer of possibility to save Xiao Ai.

Xiao Ai's real body may be gone, but there should be many clones of Xiao Ai and Yu Sanjia, but they are all in the hands of Team Rocket, and they are still on the new island. He doesn't dare to go there now.

In this situation, the hurricane is raging and the sea is rough. On the new island, besides Team Rocket, there is Mewtwo. It is not too much to say that it is a dragon in a tiger's den. How can he go there? What's more, Mewtwo has gone berserk. Now he is simply looking for death. .

Tap tap tap——

Suddenly, there was a rush of footsteps outside the room, as well as the noise and screams of many people. His room was very well soundproofed, and he could only hear the messy noises. He could not hear what the people outside the door were arguing about. .

When he opened the floor-to-ceiling windows of the room, he could only hear the whistling of the wind. He could only quietly open the crack of the room door and listen quietly to the movement outside the door with his ears. Then he heard someone shouting...

"Run, run, the pirates are coming, the pirates are coming..."

"Run away, there are pirates, the pirates are on board..."

"Pirates, how can there be pirates now? These pirates are so bad at choosing the right time. Seeing that the hurricane is coming, they don't run for their lives quickly. Instead, they are busy robbing. They really want money at the expense of their lives. This matter has eccentric……"

Ukai closed the door of the room again, muttering for a long time, realizing that this matter was not simple, and immediately shouted to Darkrai: "Darkrai, go to the captain's room to see if there is anything abnormal..."

As Darkrai left in the shadow, he also used the Poké Ball to take back the elves, leaving only the Orb Silk Spider, Variety Monster, Big-billed Owl, and Gengar. He also took out a full set of stab-proof clothing and put them on. , prepare to take advantage of the chaos and run away.

In just a moment, he put on all the equipment, with the backpack on his back, the Poké Ball on his waist, and the dagger on the belt around his waist.

The Variety Monster has jumped on his face and changed his face, the Orb Silk Spider has come to lie down on his shoulder, Gengar has also sunk into the shadows, and the Big-billed Gull is on standby. They can open the window and run away at any time, just waiting for Darklay Yi came back to investigate the situation.

During this period, it was not that he had never encountered knocks on the door, but he did not open the door at all. Even if the person outside the door was calling for help, he did not open the door.

Who knew if the sixth man was squatting on him outside the door, he wouldn't be fooled. No matter the person outside the door was calling for help one second, or yelling angrily the next, he didn't make a single sound in the room.

Not long after, Darkrai returned and brought the news he wanted to know.

"I went to the captain's room. There was also Team Rocket there. I heard the conversation between the captain and others. These pirates were pretended to be Team Rocket. The captain was also a member of Team Rocket. The captain was cooperating with Team Rocket to arrest the passengers on the ship..."

"The passengers are all gathered in the hall in the middle of the ship. Many sailors are in the hall. There are many pirates around to guard the passengers. There are also pirates who are collecting the passengers' belongings. All the electronic devices have been picked out by the pirates..."

"Good guy, I really guessed it right. This is indeed a pirate ship." Ukai saw Darkrai return to the shadow and fell into deep thought again.

It seems that the Rockets want to block the news about the new island, so they confiscated the electronic devices of the passengers on the ship, especially the mobile phone cameras that can take pictures. Then the lives of the passengers on the ship should not be in danger, as long as they do not resist.

The purpose of Team Rocket's disguise as a pirate attack is probably to divert the attention of passengers or the outside news media, and cover up the cause of this extreme weather change.

Prepare to turn the public's attention to the pirates' hijacking of the passenger ship, so that no one pays attention to the extreme weather, and no one explores the truth behind the extreme weather, and can cover up the incident of Chaomeng's out-of-control rampage. It's really a fight. What a good idea.

Ukai, who was deep in thought, didn't hear the hurried footsteps coming from the corridor, and was still thinking about Team Rocket behind this incident.

Tap tap tap——

"Boss, there are still some tough bones to crack in the first class cabin. No matter how hard you knock, no one responds. Should we break down the door?"

"There's no time, break down the door as soon as possible and find out who's inside..."

"They are coming and they want to break down the door," Darkrai heard footsteps and voices outside the door, and had to remind the pensive Ukai that they had no time.

"Orb silk spider, spin silk to seal the door." Ukai asked the orb silk spider to seal the door and at the same time turned around and opened the floor-to-ceiling window. Suddenly a large gust of wind blew into the room, picking up his messy hair and flying in the air.

"Hey," the orb silk spider reinforced the door, leaving a lot of spider silk, and quickly returned to Ukai's shoulder, reminding him that it's okay.

"Big-billed Gull, let's go," Yuhai sat on the Big-billed Gull and let the Big-billed Gull take off in the hurricane. There are at least eleven level 11 hurricanes in the sea now. If he doesn't hold on to the handrail, he will be blown away. hurricane.

Bang bang——

Just when he and the big-billed gull were about to fly, the door was knocked open by a powerful bird.

"No, he wants to escape." The pirates who opened the door saw that Ukai had already sat on the big-mouthed gull, but there were still spider webs in front of them, which could not stop him from leaving.

"Haoli, flame fist..." The pirate planned to use fire to burn away the cobwebs in front of him and catch Ukai on the balcony.

"Ha," when Yuhai saw the two people who broke the door, he sneered from the corner of his mouth behind the scarf. He released his grip on the armrest, grabbed the big-mouthed gull tightly with both hands, and followed the big-mouthed gull into the wind.

In just an instant, a Category 12 hurricane blew Ukai and Big-billed Gull hundreds of meters away. The pirates who had just broken through the cobwebs came to the balcony and could only see a black dot flying into the distance.

"Hurry up and report to the captain, there is a trainer who has escaped in a big-mouthed gull," the pirates yelled angrily and immediately used their walkie-talkies to contact the captain of Team Rocket. The captain was currently in the captain's room, discussing with the captain how to deal with this hurricane.

"Captain, captain, this is the Haoli team. There is a trainer who escaped on a big-mouthed gull..."

"I've seen it, you continue," the captain and Team Rocket captain standing in the captain's cabin had already seen the trainers escaping from the ship, but Ukai was not the only trainer.

They don't have to hold back on these escaped trainers, "Let the Bi Diao team go out and kill these trainers..."

As Team Rocket's order was conveyed, each eagle flew out of the ship one after another, chasing the black spot that had escaped from the ship. According to the cruising speed of the eagle at Mach 2, no elves could escape the sharp claws of the eagle.

Not long after flying out, before Yuhai could calibrate his direction, he was overtaken by Bi Diao. Flying in a hurricane was not an easy task, and with the pursuers pressing behind him, he was quickly chased. Up, luckily no trainer came.

"Here it comes, it's a eagle," Darkrai hid in the shadow and saw the pursuers behind him.

"Darkrai, use the Dark Hole, and the pursuers will be left to you." Yukai couldn't turn back at all. It was already difficult for him to hold on to the big-billed gull and not be blown away. It was impossible to turn back and fight, and the big-billed gull couldn't fight either. Unable to fight, the pursuers could only be handed over to Darkrai.

"Don't worry, wait until it gets closer," Darkrai was already preparing to rub the black hole, just waiting for BiDiao to get closer to them.

"Beep, beep," Bi Diao's sharp gaze has been locked on Yuhai's back, and the wings are glowing with metallic luster. It is the steel wing move, and it is ready to split Yuhai in two.

But after Bi Diao got closer, before he could use his steel wings, his vision suddenly went dark, and then nothing happened.

Bi Diao was wrapped in a dark hole and fell completely into hypnosis. His eyes rolled up and he fell straight towards the waves below. The big waves disappeared into the sea.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Big Eagle falling into the sea. Yuhai subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief. It was difficult to deal with this hurricane alone, and it would only be even harder to deal with the pursuers.

However, as long as he gets through it, and leaves this stormy sea, he can find his direction again and head to the Kanto region.

But the more he flew, the more frightened he became. The sky became darker and darker as he flew. He suddenly realized something serious. He seemed to be flying in the wrong direction.

"There are people, there are many submarines on the sea salvaging things," Darkrai noticed something unusual on the sea and quickly reminded Yukai to be careful.

"Submarine? Salvage something?" Yuhai looked at the sea. Due to the dim light, he couldn't see what was on the sea. He had to unzip his backpack, take out the telescope in his backpack, and look at the sea below.

Slowly adjusting the focus of the telescope, he saw clearly that there was a big red R letter on the black submarine, and he cursed secretly, "Damn Team Rocket..."

After seeing Team Rocket's submarine, he took a closer look at the things Team Rocket was carrying. They were cylindrical transparent jars with many elves in them.

"Is it an elf? Squirtle? Charmander? Why are there so many Yusanjia soaking in jars? Are they clones from Niijima's failed cloning research?"

Ukai thought of the cloning research on Niijima. Those jars contained not only the elves of the three families, but also many other types of elves, even human clones.

"Darkrai, take Gengar down and find the jars of Squirtle, Charmander, and Bulbasaur, and let Gengar swallow them. An elf only needs one body. I'm looking for a little love." Let Geng Gui swallow his body..."

"Okay, I'll take Gengar to have a look," Darkrai led Gengar, like a black shadow, rushing down to the undulating sea to search for a few jars that Yukai needed.

Because the sky was completely covered by dark clouds, it was still raining heavily, and strong winds were blowing. In such a chaotic environment, Team Rocket, who was salvaging cans below, did not notice Ukai in the sky, nor Darkrai and Gengar below.

Because there are too many cans below, at least thousands of cans, and there are cans everywhere in this sea area. It seems that Team Rocket's cloning research has failed many times. With only the three submarines below, at least several of them have to be busy. hours to salvage all the jars.

Fortunately, there are red lights flashing on each can, otherwise Team Rocket wouldn't be able to pinpoint the location of each can.

Wearing a hood, Ukai braved the rain and waited quietly in the air with the big-mouthed gull. It didn't take long for Darkrai and Gengar to come back.

"We found it. There are many jars from Yusanjia. It's just Xiao Ai's jar. We only found one..."

"Only one is enough," Ukai breathed a sigh of relief while letting the big-billed gull fly in the opposite direction, getting away from these submarines as quickly as possible. It would be terrible if Team Rocket discovered them.

As for the clones of Xiao Ai and Yu Sanjia, they only need to find one. Divine beasts can repair their bodies. The three sacred beasts that were burned to death can be resurrected, not to mention their bodies are intact.

The key to resurrecting Xiao Ai still lies in whether the mythical beast is willing. No one can force the mythical beast to do something it does not want to do, unless forceful means are used...

After accidentally hitting Xiao Ai's body, he was relieved. Not long after flying in the opposite direction, he saw the passenger ship that had escaped from the center of the storm and was still sailing on the sea.

Seeing this passenger ship, Yuhai suddenly had another idea. He was going to play under the lights and wanted to see how the alliance would deal with this passenger ship. If the alliance sent people to rescue, he could just continue to follow him to Kanto. If the alliance If he doesn't send someone to rescue him, it won't be too late for him to run away.

But he couldn't fly over in a big-billed gull. The light here was much better. It was not like the darkness over Team Rocket's side. Flying here would be noticed by the pirates on the ship.

He asked the big-billed gull to lower its height, and first sent Darkrai to get information. When Darkrai came back, he brought the news that the passenger ship was still under the control of pirates.

After receiving this news, he released the mosquito-repellent frog, retrieved the big-billed gull, and let the mosquito-repellent frog take him to swim across the sea.

When they came near the ship, he took back the mosquito-repellent frog and let the orb silk spider spin silk to bring him up. He took advantage of the gap in the pirate patrol and quietly rolled onto the deck and hid in the messy room that the pirates had searched without closing the door.

The door to the room that had been searched was originally open. If he closed the door, wouldn't he be telling the pirates that there was still someone here?

Leaving the door open, he let the orb silk spider eliminate the traces of water he dripped on the deck. He hid in a corner of the room and heard footsteps walking down the corridor many times. He carefully held his breath for fear of Discovered by passing pirates and sailors.

For an elf with sensitive hearing, certain breathing and heartbeat sounds can also reveal his whereabouts, so he must be careful.

Now the pirates and sailors on the ship are colluding, and they are all members of Team Rocket. He is really being attacked from both sides, with enemies everywhere, and no one can be trusted.

The most important thing is that he used his real identity to buy the ticket. If the Rockets want to investigate him, they can find out his real identity, the ticket he bought, and the room he lived in in minutes.

It's really troublesome. The current troubles haven't been solved, and there will only be more troubles later. Those jars that Gengar swallowed should have Team Rocket's positioning signals, but they were hidden in Gengar's dimensional pocket. The signals are temporarily Disappeared.

However, Team Rocket should know by now that the signals from several canisters have disappeared, maybe not just a few, but many.

After all, in such a big storm, it is normal for the can to be swept away by the big waves and sink into the sea. I hope the Rockets will not think of him. Never think of him. He really doesn't want to be chased by the Rockets!

In this way, he hid in the room for a long time, at least two or three hours. During these hours, he did not dare to relax at all. The footsteps outside the door did not appear for a long time. It was not until cheers broke out outside that he felt Something is wrong.

He asked Darkrai to check again. Darkrai went as quickly as he came, and he also brought good news.

"The trainers from the alliance are here, and the pirates are all gone..."

"Who led the team? Have you heard about it?" Yuhai finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that the alliance was coming, and collapsed on the bed. The pirates may be the Rockets, the captain and the sailors may be the Rockets, and the alliance cannot be the Rockets. Team.

"I don't know, it's a human with super power fluctuations. I heard someone thanking this human and calling this human Kazuki..."

"Kazuki? Kazuki?" When Ukai heard the name, he jumped up from the bed in an instant. The feeling of being lucky to be saved suddenly turned cold from the top of his head to the soles of his feet.

This guy is also a member of the Rockets. He is also an undercover agent of the Rockets in the league. Kazuki, the king of superpowers, how could this person come to the rescue?

"Yes, that's right. Team Rocket's ship and Team Rocket's pirates naturally need to find a Team Rocket undercover to come to the rescue. Not only can they gain a good reputation, but they can also accumulate political achievements to be promoted to the Four Heavenly Kings..."

"Damn it, damn it, Team Rocket," Yuhai finally understood, how could such a thing happen in the world? He must be so unlucky.

I took a ride on Team Rocket's ship, was chased by Team Rocket's disguised pirates, encountered Team Rocket when I was escaping, and now I was rescued by Team Rocket's undercover agent.

No, there was no telling whether he had been rescued or not. He had better not go out and hide on the ship for the past two days. The ship would arrive at the Seven Islands in the evening and the Kanto area tomorrow morning. He endured it and passed.

"Is that Kazuki also from Team Rocket?" Darkrai asked curiously when he saw that Ukai was not happy about surviving the disaster, but instead planned to hide in the room.

"That person may be an undercover Rocket. The alliance trainer he brought this time must also be an undercover Rocket. Let's not go out during this period. It's four o'clock in the afternoon. We can disembark tomorrow morning..."

Yuhai sighed helplessly, closed the door to the room, and lay on the bed, too lazy to care about things outside the door. He just wanted to lie quietly for a while. The soaked clothes had been changed, but he was still salty, so he could only Let’s wait until we get off the boat later.

He asked the Orb Silk Spider to keep watch and planned to take a good rest. When he came to the nightmare world, Xiao Ai was playing with the small mouth snail and the bog jumper. He didn't even notice his appearance. He could only shout softly, "Little Love……"

"Brother, are you okay outside? I saw all the mosquito-repellent frogs went out," Xiao Ai came over and hugged Yu Hai, worried about the mosquito-repellent frogs that had just left.

"It's okay, it's been solved. It's all caused by Chaomeng." Yuhai gently rubbed Xiao Ai's blue hair. Unfortunately, there was no delicious food here for Xiao Ai to try. Xiao Ai probably hasn't had it for a long time. Have tasted human food.

Since this is a nightmare world, everything will deteriorate, and Xiao Ai can't leave now, so he can only do this for now.

"Chaomeng? Is he okay?" Xiao Ai heard Chaomeng and began to worry about Chaomeng again.

"It's okay, Mewtwo is very powerful. No one can hurt Mewtwo," Yuhai smiled. Mewtwo who can create such extreme weather deserves the name of a mythical beast.

The current Mewtwo is just born, and will only get stronger and stronger in the future. After all, it is a divine beast that can rival the first-level gods.

Fortunately, Xiao Ai formed a deep friendship with Chaomeng during his growth stage. If anyone can conquer Chaomeng in the future, it can only be Xiao Ai, Chaomeng's childhood playmate.

As for the time traveler?

Let's forget it, he doesn't have the mouth dodge as powerful as Master Zhi, nor does he have the immortality as powerful as Master Zhi.

He was not sure about convincing Chaomeng. Chaomeng might not even give him a chance to communicate, so he didn't waste his words.

It's better to let Xiao Ai influence Chaomeng. The two of them are friends in the first place. Chaomeng should listen to Xiao Ai instead of listening to him, a stranger, but he can influence Xiao Ai.

When Zapdos and Darkrai grow up, and his Gengar and other elves grow up, Mewtwo will only be like that. If he can't beat him, why can't he run away? It's really funny...

At the same time, the dark clouds over New Island gradually dispersed and the sky became clear again.

A black helicopter with a red R letter on it came over the new island.

"This is my power..."

"I am the strongest elf in the world..."

"But...who am I? Where is this place? I seem to have forgotten something very important..."

As the helicopter landed behind Mewtwo, Sakaki stepped out of the helicopter wearing a brown suit and spoke to the confused Mewtwo.

"You may be the strongest elf in the world, but there is another powerful creature in the world..."

"Human?" Chaomeng asked in confusion.

"As long as we combine the power of humans and you, the whole world will belong to us..." Sakaki nodded slightly, confirming Chaomeng's doubts.

"The world belongs to us..." Chaomeng didn't understand what the world was, let alone that he was about to be deceived by Sakaki.

"However, if you let your power go, the world will eventually be destroyed. You should limit your power as much as possible," Sakaki said with a smile. He found that Chaomeng had taken the bait and was easier to fool than he expected.

"Restrictions?" Chaomeng didn't understand restrictions, but it was also afraid of its terrifying power.

"Are you going to indulge your own power and turn the world into ruins like this island?" Sakaki couldn't hide the pride on his face. As long as he has this powerful elf, his Rockets can dominate the world. .

"Then what should I do?" Chaomeng actually listened to Sakaki's words and asked him what he should do.

"Ha, come with me..." Sakaki chuckled, turned around and returned to the plane. He had already said this, and he was not afraid that Chaomeng would not follow...

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