Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 412, Aman’s secret

The seventh day after joining the gym, it was cloudy.

After seven o'clock in the morning, Yu Hai woke up very early, and Luo Yan and A Xiang, who were sleeping in the guest room, also woke up.

Axiang was quite honest last night and released all the elves. Except for the Gotha Duck, this person is also a trainer of the water system.

Yu Hai took a look at the potential of A Xiang's elf last night and could only say that it is hard to describe in one word. This man's elf potential has reached its limit and is still in an evolved state. There is no hope of becoming a king in the future.

Slowly waste time, use gems to increase your potential, and you can become a king in your thirties or forties. But without a proficiency panel, no one will spend more than ten or twenty years and spend hundreds of millions to fight for an unknown future. It is better to directly Use money to buy a quasi-god.

If he hadn't had the panel, if he hadn't been able to see the slow growth of potential, he wouldn't have spent hundreds of millions and spared no effort to build potential for the elves.

Sometimes tens of millions of dollars would be thrown at him without even a splash appearing. Even if he had a panel, the point ninety-nine would get stuck and almost cause him to collapse, let alone other trainers.

Either accumulate enough and soar into the sky, or pile up resources and slowly endure the time, you will eventually get through it.

After breakfast, Luo Yan is leaving and will take A Xiang with him to find a living on Jingan Island.

Axiang has a big-billed gull, so he doesn't need to worry about traffic, it can keep up with the speed of falling rocks.

During breakfast, Axiang also mentioned the meditation method. Yuhai said that he could just keep it for himself. If Luoyan wanted it, he would give Luoyan a copy.

"Boss, this meditation method?" Luo Yan took the copy of the meditation method, saw the content on it, and asked Yu Hai with surprise. He didn't expect the boss to have such a good thing.

"Team Rocket's stuff," Yuhai told the origin of the meditation method in an understatement. Luoyan and Axiang looked at each other in shock, their mouths twitching, and they didn't dare to speak.

Both of them had heard of Team Rocket, and Luo Yan was beaten like a dog by Team Rocket. They all knew how cruel and powerful Team Rocket was, but they didn't expect that the boss would dare to steal Team Rocket's things.

"Now you all have a share," Yuhai smiled. This is called a pirate ship. It's too late to get off now.

"Haha," Luo Yan smiled awkwardly. He and Yu Hai were friends on the same boat. Only Axiang...

"Cough," Axiang covered his mouth with his hand and coughed twice to hide his embarrassment. He found that the boss's tricks were too deep and he couldn't get off the boat now.

"I still have to go to work, so you guys should do whatever you're supposed to do," Yuhai didn't expose the two people's little thoughts. He put away the dishes after breakfast and went to work after washing the dishes.

When he came out, Luo Yan and A Xiang stood on the grass, each released their own flying elves, said goodbye to Yu Hai and left.

"Boss, let's go," Luo Yan sat on the back of the desert dragonfly and waved to Yu Hai.

"Let's go, let's go," Yuhai sat on the bench, waving the same way and watching the two of them take off into the air.

After Luo Yan and the others left, he looked at the time on his watch. It was only half past eight, and there was still some time. He immediately took out his small notebook and recorded what he had learned last night.

He remembered that before joining the gym, he still had more than ten million in cash, and now he had earned more than ten million in cash.

However, this period of time was not without expenses. The food and drinks on the boat cost 5,000 yuan. The accommodation fee at the elf center on Xiagan Island was 5,000 yuan. There were also 30,000 yuan for the examination and treatment fee for several mosquito-repellent frogs. Renting the lake It cost 200,000 yuan to build a wooden house, and another 50,000 yuan to buy daily necessities and food...

And the cost of learning new moves has not yet been calculated. We will wait until the elves learn new moves.

The total cost during this period was 290,000.

On the last day on the ship, he played three more battles and made a small profit of 100,000. He made another 20,000 when he came to the orchard, and made another 100,000 as the acting museum owner. In total, he made 220,000.

In addition to the eighteen million from last night, there is also the previous balance...

Previous balance: 10,056,000 (more than 10 million)

Cash balance remaining, 27,986,000 (more than twenty-seven million)

There is also the bank card balance of the boss of the poaching group, which is 130 million. He is still a rich man who will return to poverty at any time...

In addition to cash, he also had a box of calcium tablets, which was enough for several giant crabs to eat for a long time. He also got a capworm with good potential, which he captured last night.

The snail was starving last night and wanted to eat the snail. Then he was taught a lesson by the snail. He couldn't take care of himself after being electrocuted. He was still a baby snail. How could he beat an elite snail? Mouth snail.

In addition to the cover worm, there are also one million tasks that can be promoted to elite trainers, which is one hundred thousand points. There are also mid-quality water stones and elite-level props silver powder given by the young man, which are also a few million gains.

Therefore, the dead salary at the gym is not enough to cultivate elves. It is the fastest way to make extra money.

Seeing so much money, Yuhai contentedly put the notebook back into his backpack, released the remaining elves, left the food for today, and went to work in the big-mouthed gull.

Shui Yueyu was still the same, and he quietly left him behind, just in time to let that lazy little Badadie take care of the baby. Hanhan didn't take him with him either, so he couldn't bump into trees near the gym.

It was almost nine o'clock, and Ukai and Big Mouth Ou arrived at the gym just in time. Atsumi, Ada, their young cousins, were already training elves in the gym.

After saying hello to the Ada siblings, he quickly went to the kitchen and slipped away quietly without giving Atsumi a chance to speak.

Anyway, you can deduct whatever you want from your salary, which is only 280,000 yuan a month, which is only 14,000 yuan in currency in the previous life. With this salary, some people are already working hard.

After all, 14,000 is not a small amount, and there are also five insurances and one fund. If it is only 2,500, then just lie down neatly. Why are you spending two thousand a month for your life?

After getting breakfast, Yuhai came to the training room and saw that the five-person teaching team was on standby. He immediately released five mosquito-repellent frogs and learned new moves from these five trainers.

After the other elves left with the trainer who was teaching, the trainer of the giant crab stayed behind. He looked at the giant crab that Ukai had grown in size and couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.

"Brother Ahai, your giant crab is too big. It was the same size as my giant crab before, but now it is a full circle bigger than my giant crab," the trainer of the giant crab looked at the station. The height difference between the two giant crabs together is too obvious.

The average height of giant claw crabs is one meter three.

The giant crab that teaches the giant claw crab is 1.37 meters tall, which is considered a well-developed giant crab.

The height of Ukai's Giant Claw Crab is 1.45 meters. The data measured on Hasa Island is 1.4 meters. This time, the overall molt has become five centimeters larger, including the giant claw crab's large claws, which are very shocking to look at. force.

"Give the giant crab more good food, and the giant crab will grow up after it sheds its shell." Yuhai smiled awkwardly. He had doubted before that his giant crab was a special individual, otherwise it would not have become Larger than similar.

Other people's giant claw crabs should also be able to shed their shells. I don't know if they can get bigger. Anyway, the claws of giant claw crabs are always the largest, almost as much as the entire body.

After chatting with the giant crab trainer for a few words, the other party took the giant crab to the corner to study. Yuhai turned to look at Aman who was still staying, not knowing what Aman was going to say.

"Brother Ah Hai, I want to ask you something," Ah Man said coquettishly, a little embarrassed, and a little embarrassed to ask.

"Ask," Yuhai didn't know what this honest man would say.

"Brother Ah Hai, do you have to ask for a price when buying something?" Ah Man looked around and found that no one was looking here, so no one heard him, so he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

"If it's a small store, you can negotiate the price, but in a place like a supermarket where the price is clearly marked, you can't negotiate the price." Yuhai often negotiates the price when buying things, but when he goes to the supermarket to buy things, the price is the same, and there is no room for negotiation.

"Then it's not too expensive for me," Ah Man said with hatred. He finally got 50,000 alliance coins, 50,000 that he could use freely. He just went to buy some things and didn't know the market price, so he was ripped off several times. knife.

"Haha, it's just small money. Don't worry about it. If you buy more, you will gain experience. Be bolder and bargain with the boss in the future." Yuhai patted Aman and felt that it was funny. It was normal for this young man to suffer a loss. After all, he was too honest.

"If you really don't know how, just go shopping for vegetables and fruits. Watch how those old ladies and old men negotiate the prices, and you will understand..."

"I understand, thank you Brother Hai," Ah Man rubbed the back of his head. He bought it too expensive and when he got home, he was scolded by his mother. Unexpectedly, Brother Hai comforted her. He is such a good person...

"You're welcome, aren't you from the seaside? You can't be a trainer with only one elf. You can tame more water elves at the beach. A trainer can carry six elves at the same time. I am also a breeder and can help you. Look at the development of the elf..."

"Really? Thank you so much, Brother Ah Hai." When Ah Man heard this, he felt as if he had been hit by a fragrant cake, and his whole body became dizzy.

He was previously unwilling to tame the second elf and the third elf purely because it was unnecessary, and also because it was too troublesome to raise and he had no money.

Since finding his way to become a trainer, he has also been thinking about which elf to choose.

Despite his honest appearance, he is actually not stupid at all. He often hears his father sigh and already knows many things about adults.

Sometimes when watching TV, there would be elf battles. He would often hear his father and the others talking about where they had been when they were young, what mythical beasts they had encountered, and just all kinds of bragging.

Later, my father and the others also talked about the Yusan Family and their ideals when they were young. In the end, because there were no elves with good talents, they woke up from the dream and returned to real life.

For these fishermen, the most pragmatic thing is to fish honestly, find a wife, get married and have children. The old people in the fishing village often warn them like this.

Competing with many trainers in the regional competition is unrealistic in the eyes of many old people. It is just a sweet dream and a childhood ideal. When you grow up, you should wake up from the dream and eventually return. Yu plain.

From then on, he knew that there was a difference between elves and elves, otherwise his father would not always emphasize the Yusan family.

His big-billed gull was not an elf that he could conquer casually. Over time, he also wanted an elf with good talent.

In fact, the origin of the big-billed gull has always been a secret in his heart. He told his parents and playmates about this secret, but no one believed him, and he never told anyone else again.

The fact that he got the big-billed gull was not a big secret, but no one believed him if he told it, so over time he stopped telling it.

He is a fisherman who lives by the sea, and he has encountered all sorts of strange things. One day when he got up to go to the beach to pee, he vaguely saw a burst of white light that came on and then disappeared quickly.

When he rushed over, he found a white egg on the beach, and there was a white feather next to the elf egg. He couldn't find who put it on the beach, so he carried the elf egg back home.

This is how he got the big-billed gull. Fishermen living on the seaside know that the big-billed gull cannot lay its eggs on the beach, but on the cliffs.

Later, the long-winged gull hatched from the elf egg, and the feather was still under his pillow. From time to time, he would take it out and look at it, staring at the moon with the feather in a daze.

After so many years, he didn't know what kind of elf feather it was, but the big-billed gull liked that feather very much and often slept with him in his arms. This was the origin of the big-billed gull.

He had a vague feeling that the Big-billed Gull was something extraordinary, but he couldn't understand it. Even if he looked for various related information, he found that his Big-billed Gull was just an ordinary Big-billed Gull, with nothing special about it.

If Brother Ahai is a breeder, he should be able to understand the difference between the big-billed gull and the extraordinary white feather.

"Brother Ah Hai, can you help me see the big-billed gull?" Ah Man didn't know what to look at. Maybe only a professional trainer can see the difference between the big-billed gull.

"Your big-billed gull is very healthy," Yuhai didn't understand why Ah Man asked. He looked at the big-billed gull carefully and found nothing wrong with it. It was just that it was stronger than his big-billed gull, so he probably ate too much seafood.

"Brother Ah Hai, I'm asking if there is anything special." Ah Man still didn't tell Yu Hai about the feather. He was afraid that Yu Hai would snatch it away. Their status was too different and he had no power to fight back.

He grew up in a fishing village and has seen too many fights between you and me. Those fishermen would be beaten into pieces just for a fish. He is still wary of outsiders and does not trust others easily.

"Put the big-billed gull away and give it to me," Yuhai thought that the other party wanted to say something, wasn't it just to see the potential.

"Here," Aman immediately put away the big-mouthed gull and placed it in Yuhai's hand.

Yuhai saw the proficiency panel of the big-billed gull. He found that this big-billed gull was indeed very special and had high potential. It actually had a potential of sixty-nine and had dual characteristics...

The most important thing is that this big-mouthed gull actually has dragon blood, and has the dragon-type inherited move Tornado, which is even better than his big-mouthed gull talent, and there are many moves in the move pool.

No wonder the opponent would ask if there is anything special about the Big-billed Gull. No wonder the opponent's Big-billed Gull has so many great moves.

It turns out that this big-billed gull is so special. I don’t know how the other party got the big-billed gull. This stupid boy is really lucky!

"Your big-billed gull is very good, you have to nurture it well," Yuhai knew that the boy had secrets, and he would not explore the other person's secrets. The boy seemed stupid and honest, but in fact he was also a smart man, at least not trusting strangers easily. very nice.

If the other party was really stupid, he would probably have told the secret instead of implying that the big-billed gull was special and wanted to ask him to help him see the elf's talent.

"I know how. I'm going to teach the big-mouthed gull first," Ah Man was speechless. He really wanted to know what was special about the big-mouthed gull, but when he only heard the words "very good", he couldn't ask Yuhai any more. Unless all the secrets of feathers are revealed.

After sending Aman away, Yuhai fell into deep thought, but after thinking about it, he found that he had thought too much. Even if the big-mouthed gull was very talented, it was not his, so it was useless to think too much.

He released Lightning Bird and Magikarp to develop a relationship with the two elves and train together.

In less than half a month, he will embark on a journey, and Magikarp will evolve by then. Without a bond, he will not be able to conquer the great beast...

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