Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 400, Hanhan and the Flying Mantis

In Xia Gan Gym, Yu Hai did not return to the lakeside cabin at noon. He also left plenty of food for Badadie and the others. He had just chatted with that person for more than half an hour.

It was time to go to work in the afternoon, and he was too lazy to go back. When he returned to the gym, he had to face the challenge of the trainer.

As the gym battle started in the afternoon, many trainers came to challenge the gym one after another. They knew that they could not beat the acting gym leader, but they just liked to challenge the strong, and Yuhai also convinced these brats.

This time he sent an armored rhinoceros to the field. This idiot had eaten so many of his good things and had not grown any flesh. It was time to give it a try.

【Iron Armored Rhino】

[Attribute: Ground + Rock]

[Gender: Male]

[Potential: 59.13%]

[Level: 39.38%]

[Characteristic: Hard Head/35.15%] [Hidden Characteristic: Sacrifice/31.17%]

[Mastery moves: (Double Return/22.22%) (Rocket Head Hammer/24.31%) (Rock Grinding/30.26%) (Crushing/33.82%) (Thunder Fang/21.45%) (Frozen Fang/32.94%) (Fire Teeth/22.91%) (Rockslide/9.21%) (Stomping/19.99%) (Sacrifice/37.14%) (Knockdown/11.37%) (Stomp/17.17%) (Corner Crash/38.53%) (Sleeping/35.81% ) (Crash/38.21%) (Digging/20.73%) (Rock climbing/33.27%) (One hundred thousand horsepower/23.28%) (Sunny day/3.63%) (Pray for rain/3.34%) (Sandstorm/5.54%)】

He hadn't looked at Hanhan's dashboard for a long time. Hanhan's potential had actually increased a little. Hanhan had eaten a lot of the ground gems and rock gems he got in Big City.

Hanhan's level is almost level 40, and he still has three levels to go before he can evolve into an armored tyrannosaurus. It is estimated that Hanhan will be able to evolve in less than 1.99.

Don't look at the fact that there are only three levels left. These three levels are not that simple. If you can still achieve one level a day before level 20, it is hard to say that you can reach level three. You may not be able to rise in ten days and a half.

With this last bit of potential, Hanhan doesn't have the ability to evolve and degenerate Gengar. If he wants to reach sixty, he estimates that it will take at least half a year to a year, and he will have to eat gems every day.

Thinking about how many gems Gengar has eaten to break through the Heavenly King barrier, you will know how many gems Hanhan has to eat. They are not fuel-efficient lamps. They can only evolve first and slowly build up their potential.

He couldn't stick to Hanhan's level and prevent Hanhan from evolving. Just like the mosquito-repellent frog, evolve early if you can. The elves have accumulated enough. This period of time is just the right time to consolidate the foundation, and then evolve to the king first. He It’s not like a trainer can’t afford to raise elves.

Levels down are characteristics...

The hard head characteristic increased by 14%, but Hanhan is still as strong as ever. Even if there is any back injury, the head iron can offset it.

The self-sacrifice characteristic has been increased by 15%, and the power of moves can be increased by 20% when using moves that can cause damage.

However, according to the hardness of Hanhan's head, this kind of back injury is nothing at all, not to mention that a hard head can avoid back injury.

In other words, Hanhan can use a big move like Sacrifice Crash casually without worrying about retaliation. He has a strong head!

In addition to characteristics and levels, Hanhan's moves also change quite a bit...

The double reward increased by 12%. Hanhan often hit trees and sometimes used this move. I don’t know if the big tree was damaged in return.

The rocket head hammer has increased by 9%. This is also a move of hitting the tree with the head. Hanhan often uses it to hit the tree, but the move is too long.

Rock grinding has increased by 15%. I train during my morning runs and have integrated it into my running.

The crushing capacity increased by 18%. When eating, it is often used to crush some hard ores.

The Thunder Fang has increased by 15%, and is only used when eating. Hanhan will numb himself if he wants to eat spicy ore.

Frozen teeth have increased by 20%. Since the weather in the Orange Islands is relatively hot, Hanhan eats more cold drinks and minerals.

Flame Fang has grown by 11%, and Hanhan eats less hot food. After all, the weather is too hot.

Rockslide has increased by 3%, Rockslide has not increased much, it is just a move that uses rocks to hit the enemy.

Stomping has increased by 11%. Hanhan uses it often. Hanhan stomps his feet when he is angry. He also uses it when he wants to eat tree fruits. He always goes to Huohuo Xiaocao. I don’t know where he learned it. Stinky problem.

The body-sacrifice charge has increased by 19%. This is the move he uses to hit trees. Hanhan also relies on his fear of retaliation and often knocks down big trees, so he has mosquito-repellent frogs drag them back and use them as firewood.

Knockdown has increased by 4%. It is also a stone-throwing move. Hanhan likes to use it to beat honeycombs. Because it is too rough, Bada Die does not take Hanhan to steal honey.

The heavy tread increased by 8%. It was probably due to the increased weight of the running belt or because he asked Hanhan to run harder. After all, Hanhan's horn, limbs, and fangs were all the best offensive weapons.

The horn bump increased by 15%. Hanhan often rubbed the horn on his head. This was also the move he used to torture the big tree.

The sleepiness increased by 13%, and Hanhan snored while sleeping. It was so noisy that everyone couldn't sleep several times.

Impact increased by 15%. It was a move that Hanhan often used to hit trees. Hanhan would change his moves to hit trees. This move was also the move that Hanhan had the highest proficiency with.

Digging has increased by 12%. Hanhan rarely uses the digging move unless his nose smells something delicious underground. Many wild elves like to hide food underground.

Rock climbing increased by 12%, training Hanhan's grip when running, and techniques to run on cliffs.

One hundred thousand horsepower increased by 22%. When Hanhan sprinted towards the big tree, he used this move to explode, otherwise the big tree would not be broken.

In addition to the above moves, Hanhan also learned to control the weather, and there are three different weathers, sunny, rainy, sandstorm...

He also missed the mark and threw all the messy stones at Hanhan, who actually took the weather out of him.

Apart from being extremely talented, what else can he say? He can only be glad that Hanhan is his elf. If it were his opponent's elf, it would definitely be a headache.

In addition to the new moves, he was very satisfied with Hanhan's training during this period. Although he was lazy occasionally, Hanhan was also running seriously.

Hanhan's running is not just a simple running, it is a running that combines many moves, such as corner collisions for impact, rock grinding for running, rock climbing to train the grip of the limbs, and ten techniques to increase explosive power. Ten thousand horsepower.

It can be said that Hanhan's running involves many moves, and the collision with the opponent is not just a collision. After all, who can withstand the impact after Hanhan explodes.

There is no arrangement for Hanhan. Before he evolves, everything can be business as usual. Since Hanhan likes to hit trees, he can continue to hit trees. It can train Hanhan's characteristics and moves and hone Hanhan's hardness. head.

It was impossible for him to deprive Hanhan of his preference, Dashu's lifelong enemy, Hanhan's attacks were still so simple and unpretentious, he only needed to keep charging and hitting.

He will not forcefully change Hanhan's fighting habits. Hanhan is the child of the overlord of a deserted island, so just let nature take its course. The indomitable charge is also very suitable for Hanhan who is too lazy to use his brain, otherwise he wouldn't be called Hanhan.

He would only correct some of Hanhan's bad habits during the nurturing process. He would just let Hanhan go with something as innocuous as snoring. Hanhan was already good enough and he didn't need to interfere too much.

For those trainers who came to challenge the gym, none of the elves could withstand Hanhan's impact, and they were basically knocked away or knocked over.

After all, the iron head that often hits trees is no joke. If it hits a child, if it can't even withstand an ordinary impact, let alone the ultimate move of risking one's life, those little brats can't withstand it even more.

The trainers who came to challenge were secretly happy when they saw that Yuhai did not use mosquito-repellent frogs and giant claw crabs. They knew that those two elves were very strong, but they did not expect that the armored rhino was also so strong.

Whether it was a water gun or a flying blade, hitting the armored rhinoceros on its hard head, the armored rhinoceros acted as if nothing happened. It was ridiculously strong to withstand these restrained attacks and push all their elves away.

"Iron-armored rhinoceros, you performed well. I'll reward you with a gem to restore your physical strength." Yuhai touched Hanhan's head, still squirming a little. Hanhan's skin was too thick and his head was too hard. It didn't feel very good, but he was very good. like.

This is the result of Hanhan's training, and it is also the armor that Hanhan wears on his body, just like the crab shell of a giant crab. With these things, many ordinary moves cannot break through the defense. Even if he stands there and lets the opponent attack, the opponent will Even the elves can't be beaten.

"Hululu," the armored rhinoceros swallowed the gems thrown by Yukai in one gulp. During this period, he often ate these stones. One kind was very hot, one kind was very cold, and another kind of stone was like eating porridge.

By eating these stones, it learned several moves respectively. Yuhai told it that those are the moves that control the weather, such as sunny days, rain, sandstorms...

There is also a very delicious ore that Yuhai only gave it to eat once. Yuhai told it that those stones are props, and it should eat the weather-enhancing stones first, and then eat the prop stones.

"Okay, don't lick me. There's saliva everywhere. You need to rest for a while until the Flying Mantis comes on the scene." Yuhai was really helpless about Hanhan's big tongue, and couldn't push it away even with his hands.

He could only wait for Hanhan to lick enough, or throw another stone to divert Hanhan's attention, then wiped his face with a towel. He looked up and saw the flying mantis grinding its two scythes, obviously impatient.

"Huhu," the armored rhinoceros was obedient. He put away his big tongue and squatted at Yuhai's feet to lick the gem. It had just fought several battles and was quite tired. Now it was time for the Flying Mantis to perform.

"Hey," when the flying mantis saw Yu Hai's gesture, he knew it was time for him to take the field. The Han Han killed everyone in the past, and he didn't know how many elves flew up. He was eager to fight, and he was really envious.

"Flying Mantis, be gentle when dealing with these children," Yuhai had to remind Feitian Mantis, after all, swords have no eyes.

Hanhan was knocked away, which is a blunt force injury. It is only an internal injury and cannot be seen on the outside. He can be cured by going to the elf center for treatment and rest.

The scythe of the Flying Mantis is very sharp. It would be bad if it hurts the children's elves. If any parents say that he bullies children, he, the acting museum owner, will be complained.

"Hey," Flying Mantis nodded. It could see that these trainers were not strong. It just liked fighting and had no interest in torturing vegetables.

If you encounter an evenly matched opponent, you can have a good fight. If you encounter an opponent who is too weak, just knock him out.

As the battle between Flying Mantis began, Yuhai also delegated command authority and let Flying Mantis fight on his behalf. That is, he fought on his own, which was enough to deal with these newcomers.

He sat on the edge of the battlefield, his eyes focused on the Flying Mantis panel...

【Flying Mantis】

[Attribute: Insect + Flying]

[Gender: Male]

[Potential: 54.47%]

[Level: 43.12%]

[Characteristic: Insect Premonition/32.23%] [Hidden Characteristic: Unyielding Heart/33.33%]

[Mastery of moves: (clear fog/11.33%) (secret attack/28.64%) (steel wing/26.81%) (air blade/33.61%) (acrobatics/31.22%) (insect bite/31.16%) (cross Cut/34.82%) (Continuous Slash/38.45%) (Split Tile/26.68%) (Split/25.84%) (Flash of Lightning/41.91%) (Shadow Clone/13.24%) (Tailwind/34.35%) (High-speed Movement /40.73%) (Sword Dance/34.88%) (Gathering Qi/36.95%) (Hold/32.83%)】

I haven’t looked at the panel of Flying Mantis for more than a month. The potential has also increased, only a few tenths, not a lot...

Since he determined that gems are effective for potential, he gave gems to every elf. When nothing happened, the elf would lick the gems, hang them on his body and slowly absorb the energy of the gems, slowly increasing the elf's potential.

The level of the Flying Mantis is only one level higher than that of the Giant Claw Crab. After all, the Flying Mantis has a very high starting point. When it was conquered, it almost reached the senior level. Now that it has been cultivated for so long, it has easily reached the senior level.

This is also the reason why some trainers are obsessed with powerful elves. As long as they conquer stronger elves, they can quickly become senior trainers or even quasi-king trainers.

But the elves conquered in this way have no bonds at all. There are more cases of betrayal, backstabbing, and the second and fifth sons...

If the trainer is at a disadvantage during a field battle, the powerful elves that have been temporarily conquered will basically run away...

He would not conquer the elves like this. For a trainer, the bond with the elves is very important, and the talents of the elves are also very important.

He looked at the potential of the Flying Mantis, which was higher than that of the Mosquito-Repellent Frog, and felt that it would not be long before the Flying Mantis would fall into a dilemma of being unable to improve.

Absorbing gem energy treats the symptoms but not the root cause. The main reason is that it is too slow. If you want to quickly increase your potential, elves can only rely on evolution.

Before the Flying Mantis evolves, he still needs to obtain the method of cultivating pumice. He can go to the Chengdu area to see it later. He will start preparing for the evolution of the Flying Mantis in half a year at the latest.

There was no way he could let the flying mantis, who had a strong will to fight, fall into a dilemma where he could not grow...

After seeing the potential and level of the Flying Mantis, he then looked at the characteristics of the Flying Mantis...

The insect premonition characteristic increased by 16%, which was the result of sparring with the mosquito-repellent frog. Otherwise, it would not have been so easy to dodge the rattling bone club attack of the Liuli Hall master.

The unyielding heart has increased by 6%. This characteristic is not the focus of training, and there is no need to doubt the fighting spirit of the Flying Mantis. After all, he is the Flying Mantis who can bravely face the fierce flames of the Charizard...

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