Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 393, there is the sixth child

"Okay, you actually lost to my sister on purpose. What will you do when my sister comes back?" Ada decided to scare Ukai and test his strength. He was also shocked by the elf battle just now.

That mosquito-repellent frog is so strong, but he didn't show it at all when fighting against the water arrow turtle. He clearly lost to the elder sister on purpose.

"It's up to you, you can't beat me anyway," Yuhai had nothing to say to this little brat now, and even if he did, that was all he said.

"Ahhhh, damn it, this bastard," Ada was retorted by Yu Hai and choked. He hated this bastard so much. He suffered defeat at the hands of this bastard every time and couldn't defeat him. How could he fix it...

"Let the next challenger come in. If there is no challenger, just go aside and play. Don't bother me." Yuhai waved his hand and dismissed Ada. Next, he had to sort out the training direction of the mosquito-repellent frog and read a book. I was too lazy to pay attention to this little brat.

"Damn it," Ada saw that Ukai seemed to be swatting away flies, and angrily left the gym to find challengers outside the gym. When he called him, no one entered the gym to challenge.

These trainers have seen the previous battle and all know how powerful Ukai is. Whether it is a target shooting competition or an elf battle, they cannot defeat him.

Not to mention Yuhai, even the young man just now was a very powerful trainer in the circle of the elf center. They couldn't beat that young man's Gotha Duck, let alone beat the Gotha Duck's Mosquito-Repellent Frog.

In the end, no one challenged the gym, and there was no Elf battle to watch. Everyone dispersed and decided to wait for the experts to test how deep the water was for the acting gym leader. It would not be too late for them to challenge.

No one challenges the gym, so Ada can only return to the gym and train with Squirtle to hit the moving target with a water gun. If he wants to defeat Ukai's elves, he must master the technique of hitting the moving target.

Ada didn't disturb Ukai's reading, and Ukai didn't bother to watch Ada's training or supervise Ada to complete his homework. He had already forgotten about it.

As the afternoon passed slowly, Atsumi finally came back at almost six o'clock, and brought back some citrus.

"Are you all here?" Atsumi saw that everyone was training in the gym, and his brother was also training Squirtle. He finally looked like something. Copying what he had done before ten times, and ten more times were just to scare his brother. This little slick guy It would be good if you can copy it once or twice.

"Sister," Ada was excited for a moment when he saw his sister, but then fell silent again. Compared to that bastard Ukai, he found that his sister was not much better. She didn't bully him all the time before, so he didn't. Tell my elder sister about Yuhai’s hidden strength.

"Master Atsumi, I wonder if my newcomer certification has passed?" Ukai had no embarrassing thoughts. Anyway, the other party always wanted to retaliate against him, so he didn't need to be polite to Atsumi.

"This is your new trainer badge, as well as the elf illustration. Your identity information and elf information have been entered into the illustration. You can enjoy the free benefits of the alliance in the elf center. You can ask yourself what kind of benefits there are..."

As soon as Atsumi heard about the newcomer certification, she was immediately furious. She could only hold back her anger and threw the Elf Guide and the newcomer trainer badge she had just received to Ukai.

"Thank you, Master Atsumi. If you have anything to do in the future, just ask me and I'll make sure it's done properly." Ukai reached out to catch the newcomer's badge and the elf guide, looking at these two rare things curiously.

There is nothing unique about the new trainer badge. It is similar to the gym badge. This badge is white with a little red. The pattern is a two-dimensional plan of a poke ball, which is also the logo of the poke center.

There is nothing special about the Elf Illustrated Book. It should be the initial illustrated book of the first or second generation, which is specially used to record the elves encountered during the journey, or the newly conquered wild elves.

In addition, the Elf Illustrated Book can also query Elf information, distribution information, trainer's identity information, etc.

Just like the Elf Book APP on a smartphone, there is only the Elf Book APP on this illustrated book.

When smart phones come out in the future, the Pokédex can be eliminated and combined with the smartphone to become the mobile Rotom and the Rotom Pokédex.

Yuhai carefully kept these two treasures. The trainer ID card he had finally obtained was very difficult for him as an orphan.

The new trainer badge is no longer useful and can only be used when receiving the Elf Encyclopedia or when the new trainer badge is promoted.

The illustrated book is the most important thing for a trainer and cannot be lost. After all, it is the identity card of the trainer and the elf.

"I've got the illustrated book for you. It's six o'clock now. Let's get ready for dinner." Atsumi looked at her watch. At this time, the gym should be closed. Some gyms are still open at night. It's not necessary for Xagan Gym. It all depends on the gym owner. personal preference.

"No need, Master Atsumi, I want to rent a house outside," Ukai said after putting away the illustrated book, preparing to say goodbye to Atsumi, and used the elf ball to put away the elves in the swimming pool.

"Aren't you going to stay overnight?" Atsumi was a little surprised when she heard this. After all, this gym is quite big and has many rooms.

Apart from the two siblings, there was only one staff dormitory in the gym, and there was no one else.

There is only one gym apprentice, Yu Hai. If she didn't want to take revenge on Yu Hai, Xia Qian Gym would not have any intention of recruiting gym apprentices.

"No, I'll leave first if nothing happens," Yuhai put away the elves, hung the six main members of the mosquito-repellent frogs on his waist, put the rest in his backpack, put on the backpack and prepared to leave the gym.

"You won't have dinner either?" Atsumi also wanted to persuade Ukai to stay for dinner. After all, she had already gone to the kitchen just now and was going to fry some fresh bitter melon for him to try.

"No, it's getting dark, I'm in a hurry," Ukai rejected Atsumi again. There was no need to be polite to this girl.

I don’t know how Atsumi recognized him. As long as he doesn’t admit it, it’s not him. He is so shameless.

"Go to work at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, don't be late," Atsumi saw that Ukai insisted on leaving, so she had no choice but to give up. She didn't tease Ukai for dinner, so she could only wait until tomorrow.

"Understood," Yuhai wrote down the working hours, and it turned out to be eight hours. He was considered organized.

With the joy of obtaining the Elf Illustrated Book and the feeling that he was finally prepared, he happily left the Xia Gan Gym, released the Big-billed Gull, and headed for the seaside town on the Big-billed Gull.

When he came to the town, Yuhai did not go to the elf center. The free benefits of the elf illustration will be discussed later. The most important thing now is to find a place to live.

First, a walled compound is a must, and preferably a swimming pool.

Second, it must be deserted. Anyway, the fewer people there, the better. The Gengars cannot be discovered.

There was no small courtyard like this in the town. It was probably only found in the suburbs. He had to find a small town resident to find out. Otherwise, if he asked slowly, he would not be able to find it even after dark.

He had chatted with Sister Guo Nong before and learned that Sister Guo Nong was a resident of the town. She should know what houses were available for rent in the suburbs.

However, before he could find the fruit farmer's house, a young man recognized him.

"Acting library owner?"

"Who are you?" Yuhai heard someone shouting and looked up to see that it was the young man who came to challenge the gym during the day.

"I challenged the gym today, but the acting gym owner forgot?" The young man felt that this person was really forgetful. Maybe he was too good at it, and it was normal for others not to remember.

"The one with Gotha Duck?" How could Yuhai forget? He just thought it was too troublesome to get to know each other, and he had other things to do now.

"Your mosquito-repellent frog is very strong. After thinking about what you said today, my Gotha duck does still have many shortcomings." The young man did not expect to meet Yuhai in the town, so he talked about this afternoon The elf battle.

"Just call me Ah Hai. You don't need to call me acting gym leader. I'm just a gym trainer who just joined Xia Gan Gym." Ukai can't be called a gym leader. Even if he is an agent, it will bring him a lot of trouble. .

"It turns out that I am a gym apprentice." The young man was a little surprised when he heard this. This trainer is obviously so strong, why did he join a gym? "My name is Axiang, I am a bounty hunter, and I am traveling now..."

"Bounty hunter?" Yuhai didn't want to talk to the other party anymore, but suddenly heard a new title and looked at Xiang, a trainer who claimed to be a bounty hunter.

"Trainers who specialize in taking on missions from wanted criminals in the Elf Center are called bounty hunters..."

This is what makes Xiang surprised. A trainer as strong as Ukai doesn't become a bounty hunter, but instead joins a gym. Is the treatment in the gym higher than the bounty?

He had asked some gyms before, and the treatment was average. As long as he completed a bounty, it would be the salary of a gym apprentice for several years.

"So that's it," Yuhai also understood. These trainers are not only free mercenaries. They not only take on tasks from the elf center, but also have tasks in the underground black market. Black Ship will naturally hire these trainers.

Not only will you get alliance points and rewards for completing the mission, but the income from the mission will also be yours. As long as these people live to do one job, they will be rewarded with millions. It's a pity that he is not short of money, and it is too dangerous to be a mercenary.

This industry is a gray area, and the reason why the alliance tolerates it is that these trainers are needed to hunt down wanted criminals, and wanted criminals can also be used as mercenaries in the black market, which just allows them to fight each other, which can also be regarded as giving low-level trainers a way out.

"Ahai, you are very good at cultivating mosquito-repellent frogs. I would like to invite you to join my bounty team." Axiang finally got the idea and wanted to invite Yuhai to do the task together. His team only has three people, and he is the last one. Strong.

"No, those wanted criminals are too dangerous," Yuhai refused without hesitation. For a trainer of unknown origin, just reject him no matter what he said.

"Well, if you want to join, my bounty team is always welcome," Xiang said when Ukai refused, he could only force a smile and said it didn't matter.

In fact, he invited Ukai just as a test, and wanted to exchange training experiences with Ukai. After all, Ukai was better than him. If he joined the bounty team, the captain would definitely change his position. It would be better if Ukai refused!

In addition, there was another thing that forced him to test Yu Hai...

"I still have something to do, let's talk another day," Yuhai said goodbye to Axiang, turned around and entered the town, preparing to find the fruit farmer.

After Yuhai left, there were two more people around A Xiang, one on the left and one on the right guarding him. These two people were A Xiang's younger brothers.

"Brother Xiang, do you still want to take this private job?"

"What the hell, the three of us can't beat him together," Axiang sighed. Bounty hunting is a very dangerous business, and he must be careful.

Private jobs are different from the missions in the Elf Center. The bounty missions in the Elf Center are somewhat guaranteed. You must be cautious when accepting private jobs, otherwise you will end up overturning sooner or later.

"Is he really that strong?" The younger brother didn't believe it.

"You will know if you challenge the gym some other time. You will not be able to catch even one move from that mosquito-repellent frog..."

"Brother Xiang, are you serious?"

"Brother Xiang, your strongest Gotha Duck really only took three moves?"

"Nonsense, he is still lying in the Elf Center now. Don't pay attention to that person's private work. Even if the reward is a medium-quality evolution stone, don't take over this person's private work. Let the employer find someone else..."

"Brother Xiang, we know..."

Ukai didn't know it yet, but he just joined a gym and he was being targeted again.

He has found the fruit farmer's sister and is at her home at this time.

"Brother, I heard from the elder sister next door that you have become the acting gym leader of Xia Qian Gym." Sister Guonong was very enthusiastic. She was shocked when she saw Yu Hai's sudden arrival. It was so sudden that she was not prepared at all. nothing.

"It's only for a few days until the owner is finished with the orchard." Yuhai took out a box of high-quality insect energy cubes, which are sold here for 4,000 per box, and gave it to the fruit farmer's son. .

"I came in a hurry and didn't bring any gifts. This box of insect energy cubes is for my little brother to cultivate Heracross. I have to take good care of Heracross, you know..."

"Brother, this is too expensive," the fruit farmer said when she saw the high-quality energy cubes in the packaging box that exuded an emerald green luster under the light and had no impurities. She knew that these elf foods were not cheap, because her son's insect-type elf, She asked about it yesterday.

"They are all little things," Ukai saw the little boy timidly holding the energy cube, and he reached out and touched his head.

"That's so embarrassing, Xiao Wu, why don't you thank the trainer brother quickly," the fruit farmer said with embarrassment, but in her heart she thought that she had met a noble person and she must build a good relationship.

"Thank you, trainer brother, I will take good care of Heracross," the boy boldly shouted out when he saw that Ukai was not that scary.

"Sister, your son is so good," Yuhai smiled, feeling that there was just an outsider present. If he were not there, this little devil would probably be another wild boy, the kind who would go out to fight elves and not go home.

After giving the gift, he got down to business and talked about his purpose of finding the fruit farmer, "Sister, I want to rent a house with a courtyard around the town, near the monastery. Sister knows what houses are here." Is it for rent?”

"Oh, little brother, you really asked the right person," the fruit farmer clapped her hands heavily, indicating that the matter was very simple, and asked Yuhai to wait in the room while she went to find someone to ask for the phone number.

Watching Sister Guo Nong leave, Yu Hai waited quietly in the house. Sister Guo Nong's house is a two-story cement building with a front yard and a backyard. The furnishings in the house are very modern, including a TV, washing machine, refrigerator, and various furniture and appliances.

If the eldest sister's family does not train trainers, it can be considered a well-off family, which means that the living standards of ordinary people under the alliance are still very good.

Not long after waiting in the house, he chatted with the fruit farmer's sister's son about some interesting things about elves, and the fruit farmer's sister came back.

"Brother, there are two houses close to the gym. Let me take you to see the house." Behind the fruit farmer sister was a cleanly dressed young man with a key in his hand. He should be the client of the house.

"No, eldest sister, I will rent whichever house is closest to the gym." Yuhai looked at the sky outside the window. It had already turned dark, so there was no need to bother others to go there. It was just a house.

"Then let's take this one. I'm familiar with this wooden house. The environment is pretty good. There is grass in the backyard of the wooden house, and there is a small lake in the front yard of the house. There are some citrus trees. The house is often taken care of. If you live there for a long time, it may be a bit damp. The wooden house still needs money to maintain, and the rent is a bit expensive..."

"It doesn't matter, how much does it cost per month?" Yu Hai looked at the young man behind the fruit farmer, who had the key in his hand.

"This gentleman, if you want to rent the wooden house by the lake, you need to rent it together with the grass in the front yard and backyard, as well as the lake. The monthly rent is 150,000 yuan, and the monthly maintenance of the wooden house requires 50,000 yuan. Fees, environmental cleaning fees, the wooden house and the lake environment are all cleaned and maintained by dedicated personnel, so there is no need for the husband to worry..."

“Are water and electricity included?”

"Yes, sir, the original owner of the house is an old man. He was taken by his children to live in a big city on Jingan Island some time ago. The old man wants to keep the house and lake clean and can come back to live at any time. He has always paid the cleaning fee... "

"Rent for one month first," Yuhai took out 200,000 yuan to pay one month's rent first, and 50,000 yuan for cleaning fees, including water and electricity.

Calculated in this way, the monthly expenses are more than two thousand, which is really expensive. Fortunately, there is a small lake where his water elves can be stocked.

"Sir, this wooden house is on the road to the monastery from the town. There is a path to enter. There is a citrus tree in front of the door. This season is when the citrus is ripe. Sir, you can pick citrus there. There are also citrus trees under the citrus tree. A swing should be easy to identify..."

"You don't want to come with us," Yuhai said. After getting the key, he was a little surprised at the young man, who just gave him the key.

"Sir, if you need anything, call me anytime. I won't go there..."

"Brother, he is afraid of that forest. I went to clean it. In addition to the lake, there is a large wild forest in the front yard of the wooden house. I heard that there are ghosts running out of the wild forest." The fruit farmer sister must be an acquaintance with the young man, and Help the other person explain.

In fact, the fruit farmer sister was also reminding Yu Hai that the wooden house was a little unclean. After all, it was a wooden house in the old forest.

"Forget it, I'll go there myself..." What Yuhai wanted was that kind of remote place.

"Brother, you have to think about it," the fruit farmer didn't want to see Yu Hai step into a trap, so she couldn't help but remind Yu Hai again.

"Think about it," Yuhai nodded lightly and saw the client pulling the eldest sister's arm, probably because he was afraid that the house would not be rented out.

He laughed dumbly, and before taking the key and leaving, he told the client, "I will leave the cleaning of the wooden house and lake to my eldest sister, no problem!"

He had met the fruit farmer twice, and he knew where her home was. The fruit farmer also reminded him that he was repaying the fruit farmer, and he was a little worried if someone else did the hygiene.

"No problem, sir..."

"Sister, let's talk some other time, I'm leaving first," Yuhai waved goodbye to the fruit farmer sister, released the big-billed gull outside the door, and sat the big-billed gull to the lakeside wooden house, which he had seen when he returned to the town.

The town is by the sea, and the gym is also by the sea. There is a small road in the middle of the road connecting the two to the back mountain. This back mountain is not the back mountain behind the gym.

There is an orchard in the middle of the mountain behind the wooden house on the lakeside, away from where the old man from the gym is fishing. It is the orchard of Xia Qian Gymnasium, which spreads over several hills, until it reaches the hilltop on the wooden house by the lake. It is the orchard of Xia Gan Gym.

There are also citrus trees in the wooden house here. If you want to eat citrus, you don't need to steal them. There is a citrus tree at the door. He asked the big-billed gull to identify the terrain in the dark night. He quickly found the lakeside wooden house and let the big-billed gull land.

Except for the chirping of insects and birds, everything here is pitch black, without a trace of light. There is only a path outside the lake cabin, and there are large tracts of wild jungle outside.

There is a large piece of grass here, with a lonely two-story wooden house on the grass, a lake reflecting the bright moon, and a windless automatic swing under the citrus tree in front of the wooden house, but nothing else.

As soon as he landed here, Yuhai turned on his flashlight and looked around. It looked a bit crowded here, no wonder the client didn't dare to come over.

He immediately released Gengar and asked Gengar and Darkrai to check whether there were any other ghost elves in and around the wooden house.

"Jiejiejie, Jiejiejie..."

Good guy, when he heard Geng Gui's cry, Yu Hai almost couldn't hold his breath. As long as this glutton is here, there probably won't be many ghosts who dare to come here.

Watching Geng Gui's bright red eyes light up, he floated towards the wooden house. He also used the key to open the wooden door and entered the wooden house. He saw that the furniture and furnishings in the wooden house were pretty good. They were basically made of wood. The electric lights could also be used, and the furniture and electrical appliances were all in good condition. It was new and he was quite satisfied with the wooden house.

He looked out the window again at the sparkling lake under the moonlight. It was night now and there wasn't much scenery to see. He probably had to wait until tomorrow.

After Gengar and Darkrai came back and ensured that the surrounding environment was safe, he released all the elves. While giving the elves dinner, he also made his own dinner.

He was going to sleep here for one night. We would decide what furniture he needed tomorrow. Today was tiring enough. Some elves followed him to sleep on the bed. Some elves were lying on the ground, some were lying on the sofa, and some were hanging upside down in the room. Up top, there are still some elves who don’t sleep...

Gengar had just arrived in a new environment, and it was late at night. He was so excited that he couldn't sleep at all...

Seeing this, Yuhai had no choice but to ask Darkrai to help him keep an eye on it: "Darkrai, I'm going to rest. Please keep an eye on Gengar and don't let Gengar get into trouble..."

"Leave it to me," Darkrai nodded and looked at Gengar, who was floating in the air and passing through the walls. He held his forehead helplessly. This little guy was too playful.

"Jiejiejie, Jiejiejie..."

After today, the name of the haunted house will probably spread...

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