Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 350, the reflux begins

The twenty-eighth day of the journey north was cloudy.

Hua Hua Hua, Hua Hua Hua——

The next morning, Ukai was woken up by the sound of water flowing. If he had known better, he would have camped farther away. It was okay to sleep listening to the sound of water flowing, and it could also help him sleep.

When he slept until this morning, he felt a little irritable, and his ears were filled with rushing noises every moment. It was so noisy that he couldn't suppress it even when he got up.

He had to pack up the tent again before moving, and he was too lazy to bother with it. He got up and made breakfast for the elves, who also had to do their morning exercises this morning.

After everyone had breakfast, they started their training step by step. He also started jogging on the grass by the river.

As he ran, he felt something was wrong. He saw Magikarp in the river. Although there were few silly things, they were indeed Magikarp. These Magikarp were swimming upstream.

Seeing these Magikarp, he didn't know whether it was the Magikarp's spawning period that caused the Magikarp to return to Sweet Orange Island.

If so, he will also start preparing to conquer the stupid thing. If he seizes this opportunity to conquer a high-potential stupid thing, he will go to the gym and choose a gym to join.

Regardless of whether these Magikarp were returning or not, he couldn't let them go. He quickly returned to the camp from the river, took out hundreds of empty ordinary Poké Balls from his backpack, placed them all on the grass, and threw them at the Magikarp in the river. .

Elves like Magikarp don't need to be conquered at all. They can be conquered by just throwing the ball. The success rate is 90%, so there is no need to bother.

After subduing King Magikarp, the Poké Ball was still in the water, and he still needed to fish it out. However, he had a lot of water elves, and a few mosquito-repellent frogs would not disturb their training.

"Ba Da Die, Slowpoke, and Starfish, use your telekinesis to fish the Poké Ball out of the water." Ukai asked the three Bad Dies to help him pick up the Poke Balls in the river, which happened to be a good exercise for these three. Guy's telekinesis.

"Bah, bah, bah," Badadie flew to Yuhai's side and rubbed his cheek against Yuhai's, indicating that this was not easy.

"Okay, hurry up and pick up the elf balls for me, otherwise they will be washed away by the current." Yuhai gently touched Ba Dadie's head. This little guy's life is very comfortable now.

Basing on the fact that she is the eldest sister, Ba Dadie tells other elves to do this and that. No one can cure this little devil. If the mosquito-repellent frogs dare to say a few words, Ba Dadie will come to him again to act coquettishly and hold him in his arms. He doesn't let go.

"Hey, hey, hey," Baddie said coquettishly, knowing that he had to do business, so he stopped rubbing Yuhai's cheek and quickly used his telekinesis to control the elf ball in the river.

But with a small wave, the elf ball sank to the bottom of the river again, and Baddie's telepathy instantly lost control of the elf ball.

"Haixingxing, go to the water and push the elf ball out of the water." Seeing this, Ukai asked the three elves to divide the work and cooperate. Haixingxing knocked the elf ball out of the water.

"Bada Die, you use your mind to control the elf balls and place them on the grass in front of me. Slowpoke, there are a bunch of empty elf balls here. Use your mind to control these elf balls and throw them to the Carp King in the river to conquer the carp. king……"

"Hey Qia," Haixingxing heard Yukai's words and quickly came downstream to intercept the pokeballs and beat them out of the water one by one.

"Bah, bah, bah," Badadie's eyes lit up with blue light, and he quickly used his mind power to control the elf balls, and placed them one by one on the grass.

"Ah dong," Slowmon's eyes also glowed blue, and he controlled the empty pokeball to hit the Magikarp that jumped out of the water one after another, and put the Magikarp into the pokeball.

With the three elves working together, Ukai only needed to check out the potential of Magikarp on the grass, but he also noticed that these Magikarp had marks on their tails.

It was probably the old observer who marked these Magikarp. It was a red, blue, and yellow plastic ring that almost every Magikarp had on its tail.

But these are not important. He only looks at the potential of Magikarp. All Magikarp swimming here will pass through his panel. If the Magikarp's potential is not up to standard, he will put it back into the river.

The empty Poke Ball will be given back to Slowmon, who will use his telekinesis to throw the ball. Starfish will shoot the Poke Ball out of the river. Baddie will put the Poke Ball next to him and he can check it. Stupid thing's proficiency panel.

He had been checking Magikarp's potential panel all morning, and he didn't even have time to make lunch for the elves, but Green Onion Duck took over his work and made everyone's lunch.

Considering that it was time to have lunch, the carp kings in the river were still swimming towards the waterfall. He didn't want to miss these carp kings, so he could only let the elves take turns to take over the work of the three Bada Dies.

He didn't need to rest. He just ate some instant noodles and continued to check Magikarp's proficiency panel. Even so, there were still many Magikarp who had not checked the panel piled up at his feet.

Until now, he has seen thousands of Magikarp panels, but he has never seen the top-level talent Magikarp. He also knows that it is difficult to catch stupid things with top-level talent, so he can only take his time.

The matter of subduing the Magikarp King continued like this until someone arrived and interrupted his frenzied capture.

"Boy over there, how could you catch Magikarp?"

The person who came was wearing a pair of round-rimmed glasses and a gray mustache. He was very similar to the observer Green River in the animation. He must be Green River himself.

"Old man, do these Carp Kings belong to your family?"

"Uh... no," Green River thought that this young man would argue with him about subduing the Carp King, but he didn't expect that the first question stumped him.

"It's not from your family, so why can't I conquer it?" Yuhai asked the old man again. After all, the alliance's control is not that lenient, but this little old man's control is quite lenient.

"Even if it's not from my family, you can't catch Magikarp like this. At this time every autumn, it is very important for Magikarp. They will flow back here, go through all kinds of painstaking efforts to cross the waterfall, and spawn in the lake above. leave……"

"Uh... what does it have to do with me conquering a Carp King?" Ukai scratched his hair. The old man was baffled. He had planned to take advantage of this opportunity to conquer a Carp King who was quite talented.

He is not an observer, he is a trainer, and Magikarp's living habits are not his main direction of attack.

"In short, I can't conquer the Magikarp. This is a very interesting thing. I can't let you destroy the return flow of these Magikarp." Green River knew that this matter was not negotiable, and he also knew that he was in the wrong, but he just did not agree with the other party's capture. Magikarp.

"Old man, you're being unreasonable, aren't you?" Yuhai looked at the old man with unkind eyes and motioned for the mosquito-repellent frogs to gather around him. Is this old man really stupid or pretending to be stupid? He still can't see the situation clearly?

This is the wilderness, there are no other people at all, and it is normal to expose corpses in the wilderness. No one cares about what happens here.

"What are you going to do?" Green River saw the elves surrounding him and realized the seriousness of the matter. He was not one of those teenagers who went out at the age of ten. He was already at an age where he could hardly walk.

He is an old man who has come from that chaotic era. He knows how chaotic the alliance was before, and the wilderness is a lawless place. Countless poaching gangs are so rampant that even the alliance's rangers dare to kill.

Not to mention the past, there were still many poaching gangs that would appear on the island from time to time. When hunting the wild elves on the island, he had to be careful in the wild.

He just saw Ukai dressed up, and he didn't look like a bad guy. He was probably a new trainer certified by the alliance, so he wanted to come over and give him some advice, but he didn't expect this person to be that kind of trainer.

The so-called trainers are actually elf hunters among trainers. Such people are not uncommon. He narrowly escaped death at the hands of these elf hunters several times.

"What do I want to do? Old man, why don't you think about what you are doing? I just want to tame a Carp King, what are you doing there?"

Yuhai still stared at the old man unkindly, intending to scare the old man. After all, the old man was notoriously stubborn, and he wouldn't know how to remember it if he didn't scare him.

"Even if you want to subdue the Carp King, you don't have to catch every one of them!" Seeing that Ukai could talk, Midoriya was aggressive at first. Forced by force, he sat cross-legged on the grass and planned to have a good time with Ukai. Said, said.

"Each elf has a different talent. I can't just tame one and cultivate it. I must choose a carp king with good talent to cultivate." Seeing that the old man had softened, Yukai waved his hand and asked the mosquito-repellent frogs to train.

While he was chatting with the old man, he also asked Bada Die to subdue King Carp. He was also checking the potential of King Carp.

As the number of searches increased, the number of Magikarp with a potential of over 40 and a potential of over 50 began to gradually increase, but there was not a single Magikarp with a potential of 59. This type of Magikarp would not be worth picking out even one in a million. Pass.

"Elf talent? Do you know about elf talent?" Green River was a little surprised. He didn't expect that this young man was also a breeder. Could it be that he wanted to see the development of Carp King and then tame a strong Carp King...

"Okay, old man, go get it yourself if you haven't eaten yet. Don't bother me to subdue Carp King." Ukai waved his hand and asked the old man to get the instant food by himself. He had to seize the time to subdue Carp King. He didn't know about Carp King. How long is the return period?

If I missed this time, I don’t know when I will encounter this grand event next time, when a large number of Magikarp return to Sweet Orange Island.

Seeing this, Green River stopped trying to persuade him. The most important thing was that he couldn't beat him, so he had to give in. His stomach growled, so he didn't have the energy to continue arguing.

He went out in a hurry today and didn't prepare lunch. He had to go to Yuhai's camp first to get a box of instant food to fill his stomach. However, the green onion duck stretched out its wings and stopped him.

"Quack," the green onion duck did not let the old man take the food directly, nor did it object to the old man taking the food. After all, the trainer agreed and it was impossible to stop it.

Under the old man's gaze, the green onion duck first went to boil the hot water, and then gave the old man the instant food and hot water, so that the old man could make instant noodles by himself.

Seeing that this scallion duck could actually cook, Midorika looked back at Ukai who was subduing the Carp King by the river. He felt that this young man wasn't that bad after all. He had indeed gone a little too far just now.

The Magikarp that the other party was dissatisfied with were also put back into the river. He was really not an elf hunter like he thought, he was just a trainer passing by while traveling, but he was also a very powerful trainer.

It can be seen from these elves. After all, more than ten elves are cultivated at the same time. How can this trainer be awesome? He doesn't know how much cultivation resources are consumed just by eating.

Taking the instant noodles, Midorika came back to the river and sat down cross-legged. He did not disturb Ukai's subjugation of Carp King. He sipped the instant noodles while observing Ukai's every move.

He did not leave until he finished eating the instant noodles. He was still watching Ukai subdue the Carp King by the river until the sky gradually darkened and it even started to rain lightly.

Ukai stopped subduing the Magikarp and passed the last Magikarp through the panel, but there was no high-potential Magikarp. He took the elf back to the camping tent under the tree, and the old man followed him to hide from the rain.

The talented Magikarp was not conquered today. He can continue tomorrow. However, in order to avoid Darkrai being discovered, Ukai asked Darkrai and Gengar not to appear after Darkrai returned to his feet. The remaining The elves don't need to be hidden.

As the elves came back one after another, he also set up a fire under the tent, took out a barbecue grill, meat and vegetables, and some small wine, and prepared to have a drink with the old man.

"Hey, young man, life is good," Green River was a little greedy when he saw the camping equipment that Yuhai took out. After all, he was observing elves in the wilderness alone, and he usually didn't have a companion to talk to, let alone drink. .

"Old man, if you had spoken nicely from the beginning, you might have drunk at noon," Ukai first prepared dinner for the elves, and the elves could rest after dinner.

However, the mosquito-repellent frog chose to practice more and had already gone running with weights in the rain. Some elves were sleeping in the tent, while some elves were lying on the trees on guard, and some elves were staring blankly at the light rain outside the tent...

Yuhai and the old man also drank some wine and chatted on this rainy night.

"This wine is good, young man. I'm really sorry just now. I was a little impulsive." After Midori drank the wine, he blushed a little when he thought about what happened just now. He also misunderstood Ukai as a bad guy.

However, the old man did not misunderstand. Yuhai was not a good person.

"Hahaha, if you had been unreasonable just now, I almost beat you up," Yuhai also laughed. As long as he drinks this glass of wine, what just happened will not matter.

"My old bones can't stand your torment," the old man also smiled awkwardly. Fortunately, he didn't anger the young man at that time, and he was also easy to talk to.

If I were still young and met someone with a bad temper, the two of them would probably start fighting.

"I saw you have a wooden house by the lake. How are you going to get back later?" Yuhai looked at the light rain outside the tent. It had a tendency to turn into heavy rain. He would definitely get wet if he walked back.

"I don't know if the rain will stop." The old man also turned to look at the rainy night outside the tent. Although he brought an umbrella, he would probably get wet again when he went back. It was better not to catch a cold then. If he got sick and caught a cold, he would Missed the return period of Magikarp.

"Come on, come on, let's drink two cups to warm up first, and I'll let the big-mouthed gull take you back later." Yuhai used chopsticks to flip the meat slices on the grill, and then I'll let the big-mouthed gull take the old man back with his big mouth. It's not that difficult.

"You didn't tell me about the big-billed gull earlier, and you worried me for a long time." The old man felt that this young man liked him very much. It was obviously the first time that the two met, but they seemed like old friends who hadn't seen each other for many years. Got drunk.

"I will stay here for a long time until I conquer the satisfied Magikarp King. We will be neighbors from now on," Ukai clinked the wine glasses with the old man. It was natural for the neighbors to get acquainted with each other.

After all, he wants to catch Magikarp. If he encounters a crazy Gyarados, it's still a Gyarados that he can't handle. This old man can also calm these Gyarados.

After all, the other party is a Magikarp observer and the person who knows the living habits of Magikarp and Gyarados best.

"Haha, I haven't been a neighbor for a long time. My name is Lu He. What's your name, young man?" Lu He also smiled and drank the warm wine in the glass.

It would be nice to have a young man to chat with to relieve his boredom in the future. He does not reject this young man, not to mention he is a drinking buddy.

"Just call me Ahai," Ukai also reported his name, secretly saying that the other party was really Midorika, a Carp King observer.

"If you want to conquer Magikarp, don't be so anxious. The return period of Magikarp will last for more than a month. There is no need to rush, you can slowly conquer..."

"More than a month?" Yukai thought for a moment. For more than a month, he screened tens of thousands of Magikarp every day. Thirty days was hundreds of thousands, which was enough for him to screen a high-potential Magikarp.

"I have been observing here for three years. The Magikarp returns twice a year, in spring and autumn, at the same time each time." Midorika was surprised to see Ukai, and quickly told him about his research results over the years.

Ukai ate and drank, listening to Midoriya's observation report, which was very helpful for his subsequent conquest plan.

At the same time, he was also surprised by the change in the old man's attitude. Before, he looked like he had met his enemy, but now he has learned to help him think about it. Could this be the legendary wine table culture, where drinking makes things easier...

No wonder the old drunkard always wants to drink with him, it turns out they are all trying to trick him!

The meal lasted until late at night, making Green River dizzy. Ukai took advantage of the rain to lighten up and asked the big-billed gull to escort Green River back to the cabin.

He fell into bed and fell asleep. He also drank a lot tonight, but there was no need to worry about it. The reflux period lasted for more than a month, and he had plenty of time to conquer the stupid things...

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